B03 Thomas Hoare b1649 Chilham, Kent, England

Thomas Hoare
b.1649 Chilham, Kent, England

Researchers and Descendants (current)

Bonny Cook *YAH600 William Hoare6, Henry Hoare5, William Hoare4, Thomas Hoare3, Thomas Hoare2, Thomas Hoare1
L Tomlinson *YAFTDNA Internal Thomas Hoare6, Thomas Hoare5, James Hoare4, Thomas Hoare3, Thomas Hoare2, Thomas Hoare1

* Family member DNA tested; placed in group (YDNA-STR and/or Autosomal SNP aka FamilyFinder)
** DNA test results pending; believed group based on genealogical work only

Leslie had a cousin test. Her family (cousins included) are not an Autosomal match to Bonny's. A match could occur but it is unlikely as the common ancestors are born in the 170x time frame. More importantly, the yDNA STR tests are not a match. Neither has done (deep) SNP testing. So either an NPE in one of the two lines or the genealogy is incorrect on one or the other. Bonny has uploaded her genealogical tree work to the GEN site here. Leslie's is only view-able in FTDNA for her male tester. Need to find more (distant) cousins on the patriline to help push the yDNA result farther back in time.

Books and Articles

  • Hill, Hamilton Donovan; Hoare family records, 1975 (FHL)