B01 Hezekiah Hoar b1608 Sidmouth, Devon England

Hezekiah Hoar
b.1608 Sidmouth, Devon, England
m. Rebekah unknown,
d. 1693 Taunton, MA
Thomas Hore, b1477 Axminster, Devon, EnglandEKA
See the related DNA Groupings page for more information on latest discoveries with DNA.

An early New World family from Southwest England. Hezekiah Hoar arrived on the ship Recovery in 1633 from Plymouth, England to the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a Puritan emigrant. He went back one or more times to help fight the King's repression; it has been reported but not fully verified. At some point he brought Rebekah back over and they settled, permanently, in New England; starting in the early 1640's we believe.

Based on the published work, this line should be identified with the Earliest Known Ancestor (EKA) of Thomas Hore of Axminster, b.14xx — five generations before Hezekiah. But most recognize and identify the family with Hezekiah, the immigrant and his colonial family made known by Norton Horr's book of the line in 1907. Due to discoveries with DNA matches with a MRCA earlier than Hezekiah, we have pushed the Devon research into a new encompassing B10 group and page. Along with renaming the B01DNA page to B10DNA to reflect this wider scope of strong matches.

This family is in stark contrast to the other early New World (Charles Hoare) line which has many notable, learned people of the time. This line has few notable persons through the years. Mostly hardworking, likely uneducated farmers who move west for better opportunity as the frontier opens up.


The Sub-Branches identified to the right are linked into Hezekiah by the following lineages. These sub-branches represent active autosomal study projects to link more recent, non-patriline descendants into the patriline. Match up below with the corresponding researcher to understand who may be running the study. Only publicly available sub-branches are detailed below. Private sub-branches are explained on their page directly.
CodeDescendantLineage from Hezekiah
B18John Horr b1767 Massachusetts, d1856 MaineJohn Horr5, Philip Horr4, Isaac Hoar3Nathaniel Hoar2, Hezekiah Hoar1
B19Peter Horr b1819 OhioPeter Horr 7, Robert Hoar6, Robert Hoar5, Robert Hoar4, Samuel Hoar3, Nathaniel Hoar2, Hezekiah Hoar1
B24Shadrach Hanson (Hoar) b1743 MA Shadrach (Hoar) Hanson4, Jonathan Hoar3, Nathaniel Hoar2, Hezekiah Hoar1
B20William "Piri Hoa" Hoar(d), b1801 Chester Vermont, USAWilliam "Piri Hoa" Hoar(d)6, Hezekiah Hoar5William Hoar4, Hezekiah Hoar3, Hezekiah Hoar2, Hezekiah Hoar1

Background on Research

Much known of this old, large family of the America's is due to the research by Norton Horr printed in his self-published book in 1907. In the 1980's we see an expansion of the knowledge presented by Norton. Especially down lines Norton had not yet found or incorrectly listed. At this time and later, Roz Edson, Joyce Selix, Jack Hoard, Sandra Hoard and others expanded the family lines to the present. There is a desire to create an update of Norton's book to include the later generations, expanded family lines and include corrections since found. Norton was descended from son Nathaniel. Jack Hoard from son Hezekiah.

Lyon Jackson "Jack" Hoard's personal research, along with work he funded with Genealogists Hugh Peskett and Ken Smallbone, indicates that Hezekiah is 5 generations removed from the Rishford Manor, Chagford family.  Robert Hore, b.1440 is the supposed last of Hezekiah's ancestors to be born at Risford Manor.  After that, oldest son William stays at the manor and younger son Thomas moves to Axminster to start Hezekiah's line.  This connection was investigated thoroughly; although not enough proof demonstrated to get the College of Heraldry to register this branch of the family by Jack.  DNA testing may become the only evidence available to resolve this. Even the document with a seal that Ken Smallbone found has since been lost.

Many originally identified Hezekiah as being directly from Chagford, Devon, England; thinking he came from the Risford Manor family directly and was the non-inheriting sibling of the final Hore family owner of the manor. We now know that to be incorrect. Norton Horr, Sir Richard Colt Hoare, and others found records of the Risford Manor Hore line and they, along with others, surmised it could be where their line (i.e. Hezekiah born 1608) came from. But none had any real documentary proof of a link. Similarly, today, many of the family lines in this surname project have linked to this Risford Manor Hore line. Most because they hit a dead end and it was easy to simply surmise a connection. Hopefully DNA testing will help sort this all out.

yDNA STR testing has:
  • found three definitive "cousins" of Hezekiah in neighboring towns (B08, B11 and B21).  We are working to find the genealogical records that figure out how to tie these lines together. (see more at B10)
  • found that Tim Peterman was correct in his detailed research that placed James Horr, b.xxxx Ohio into the Charles Hoare line instead of here under Robert 3rd and Lavina Hamm.  Testing of two of James' descendants place both directly in with Charles Hoare descendants.
  • showed that Peter Horr, b.1819abt in Ohio is definitely a descendant of Hezekiah Hoar.  Records research and autosomal testing indicates Peter is likely an undocumented son of Robert Horr 3rd and Lavina Hamm.  This whole branch with Robert and Lavina was not known to exist until recent research by Joyce, Roz and Donna.
  • shown a few others that the research by Roz that links their EKA into Hezekiah's line is very likely given their DNA match here
With over 8 descendants yDNA STR tested, all who had developed genealogical research tying them back to Hezekiah or some other EKA that we can tie to Hezekiah, and all with very close yDNA STR results, we have a strong modal for Hezekiah. See our DNA Groupings page on this family for more info.

About 40 trees in Ancestry incorrectly list Hezekiah Hoar's surname as Hoard. And they list his father and further back ancestors with this surname as well. The change from Hoar to Hoard was made by a very small portion of Hezekiah's descendants in North America. And a few generations after him. In some cases over 150 years later. There are no records to support the Hoard surname reaching back into England with this family line.

Hezekiah had 9 children but only 3 of them were boys. Many have connected to either the sons Nathaniel or Hezekiah lines. None to son Edward. We are still working to find descendants of the girls to figure out how to Autosomal DNA test them to show the link as well. This is too distant a defining ancestor for Autosomal testing to have any likelihood of matching.

Researchers and Descendants (current)

Researcher GenDB Website Lineage
DESCENDANTS OF SON NATHANIEL (Nathaniel Hoar2, Hezekiah Hoar1)
Roz Edson *Y RW Site  (old) Joseph Horr6, John Horr5, Philip Horr4, Isaac Hoar3
Elaine Cook *A Ralph Chauncey Horr6John Hoar5, Elijah Hoar4, Jonathan Hoar3
Ellen Falls Ancy Roswell Horr6John Hoar5, Elijah Hoar4, Jonathan Hoar3
(Great granddaughter of Norton T Horr)
Randy Harr *YA DB Site Robert Hoar6, Robert Hoar5, Robert Hoar4, Samuel Hoar3
(Descent from Hezekiah and Robert proved via DNA)
Donna Jaster RW   Robert Hoar6, Robert Hoar5, Robert Hoar4, Samuel Hoar3
Joyce Selix *A RW Site1Site2(arch) Warren Horr6Robert Hoar5, Robert Hoar4, Samuel Hoar3
Susan Krueger *YA Israel Horr6Robert Hoar5, Robert Hoar4, Samuel Hoar3
Kathy Forgie *YA
Cameron Harr *YA
FS Isaac Horr6Robert Hoar5, Robert Hoar4, Samuel Hoar3
Roger Peterson *A Hannah Haskins6, Nathan Haskins5, Shadrick Haskins4, Abigail Hoar3
Ronna Roberts + MunAncy   Ben. War. Horr6, Peter Horr5, William Hoar4Samuel Hoar3
DESCENDANTS OF SON HEZEKIAH ( Hezekiah Hoar2, Hezekiah Hoar1)
Jose J Hoard *Y   (Arch) Alonzo Hoard6, John Hoar5William Hoar4, Hezekiah Hoar3,
(Lyon Jackson "Jack" Hoard's son)
Charlotte Jack MyHer  RW Calvin Hoard6, Hezekiah Hoar5, William Hoar4, Hezekiah Hoar3
Jeff Hoard Geni Roderick Hoard6, Hezekiah Hoar5, William Hoar4, Hezekiah Hoar3
Lia Julia Rapira B20 William "Piri Hoa" Hoar(d)6, Hezekiah Hoar5, William Hoar4, Hezekiah Hoar3
(Active investigation to prove genealogy theory with DNA.
William married into a Māori line in New Zealand.)
Steven Sharpe Vernon Busman Hoar(d)6, Hezekiah Hoar5, William Hoar4, Hezekiah Hoar3
Gordon Hoard *Y     Parda Hoard6, Pardee Hoard5, Simeon Hoard4Edward Hoar3
Sandra Hoard RW Site(Arch) Edward Hoard6, Edward Hoard5, Isaac Hoard4Edward Hoar3
(as of Fall 2012, Sandra has pulled her site offline.  Hopefully temporarily.)
Debra McKrill *A Ancy Amos L Hoard6, George Hoard5, George Cole Hoard4Edward Hoar3
David Hoard David6, Daniel Hoard5, James Hoar4, Henry Hoar3
DESCENDANTS OF SON Edward (Edward Hoar2, Hezekiah Hoar1)
Susan Davis *A Nathan "Allen" Willis6, Stoughton Willis5, Stoughton Willis4, Abigail Strong3, Sarah Hoar2, Hezekiah Hoar1
* Family member DNA tested; placed in group (YDNA-STR and/or Autosomal SNP aka FamilyFinder)
** DNA test results pending; believed group based on genealogical work only
+ DNA test results are indicating we need to move descendants to the Charles Hoare (B00) line.
Pink for female, italic for portion of descendant line that is not patrilineal, pink, bold, italic for female that starts the break from a patriline (daughter of patriline)

Researchers and Descendants (historic)

Researcher Website Lineage
Norton Townsend Horr   Charles Horr7, Roswell Horr6, John Hoar5, Elijah Hoar4, Jonathan Hoar3Nathaniel Hoar2, Hezekiah Hoar1
Lyon Jackson Hoard Site Alonzo Hoard6, John Hoar5William Hoar4, Hezekiah Hoar3, Hezekiah Hoar2, Hezekiah Hoar1
Edward Weed Horr Edward Weed Horr8, Asa Horr7, Isaac Horr6, Robert Hoar5, Robert Hoar4, Samuel Hoar3Nathaniel Hoar2, Hezekiah Hoar1

Books and Articles

  • Horr, Norton Townshend.; A Record of Descendants of Hezekiah Hoar of Taunton, Massachusetts with an Historical Introduction, 1907, Cleveland, Ohio, privately published, 56pp
    • Archive.org scan from Boston Public Library copy. Noted as being Author's copy. Includes hand corrected errata and updates in the original pages and an additional bound-in 100 numbered pages of notes, errata, additions,collected signatures and further research. Also inserted in back some personal correspondence and photos. B&W optimized version for laser printers and enhanced Table of Contents of this author's copy created and available.
    • Family History Library, Salt Lake City. With a letter from William Spencer Horr dated May, 1934 indicating a later re-publication and clean-up.
  • Hoard, Lyon J., The English Ancestry of Hezekiah Hoar of Taunton, Mass., New England Historic and Genealogical Record (NEHGR), 1987 (Vol 141, Jan 1987), p22-33 (copyrighted)
  • Smallbone, Ken, The English Ancestry of Hezekiah Hoar of Taunton, Massachusetts, Part II: Proof of Medieval Ancestry Through Evidence of a Seal, NEHGR, 1990 (Vol 144, April 1990). p143-146 (copyrighted)
    • Beckwith, Henry L.P., Corrections and Additions, NEHGR, 1990 (vol 144, Oct 1990) p354-5 (copyrighted)
    • Beckwith, Henry L.P, Heraldic Intelligence: The English ancestry of Hezekiah Hoar of Taunton, Massachusetts, NEHGR, 1991 (vol 145, Oct 1991) p.373 (copyrighted)
  • Smallbone, Ken, The Double-Headed Eagle: The Medieval Ancestry of Hezekiah Hoar of Taunton, Massachusetts, draft copy, April 1997 (in possession of Jose Hoard)
  • Hoard, Lyon J, The Ancestry of William Hoar of Chester, Vermont, NEHGR, 1988 (Vol 142, Jan 1988), p17-24 (copyrighted)
  • Hoard, Lyon J, Alonzo Hoard (1816-1891) of Vermont, New York, Wisconsin, and South Dakota; Proof of Ancestry without Birth, Marriage, or Estate Records, National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol 56, 1958, pp212-217 (copyrighted)
  • Hoard, Lyon J., Hoar-Lawton-Southworth and Connections, NEHGR, 1980 (Vol 134, April 1980), p115-120 (copyrighted)
  • Hoard, Lyon J., Lyon J. Hoard papers 1330-1974, NEHGS Library
  • Bradner, Frank W., Horr (Hoar) genealogy : the descendants of Elijah Horr & Anna Paddock, 2003, Book in FHL
  • Horr, Edward Weed, Family Bible of Edward Weed Horr and Janie T. Rodman, 1963, Microfilm at FHL
  • Horr, Edward Weed, Journal of E. W. Horr, 1963, Microfilm at FHL
  • Horr, Edward Weed, and McGee, Juliette, Vital statistics : never before published records of far western Kentucky, records compiled over a half century by E.W. Horr, 1977, Riverfolk Publishing, Book at FHL
  • Links to Devon(shire) which includes Chagford village and Rushford Manor just north of it. Also see Devon Index.

Minor section in a larger work:

  • Duis, E. The good old times in McLean County, Illinois : containing two hundred and sixty-one sketches of old settlers, a complete historical sketch of the Black Hawk war and descriptions of all matters of interest relating to McLean? County, 1874 (archive.org) (specifically check out the sketch on Josiah Horr on pages 750-751)
  • History of Vermilion County, together with historic notes on the Northwest, gleaned from early authors, old maps and manuscripts, private and official correspondence, and other authentic, though, for the most part, out-of-the-way sources, 1879 (archive.org) (specifically, check out write-up by Matilda or Nancy Horr, or their descendent, on pages 670-674)
  • Samuel and Susanna (Pierce) Hoar family (1743-1832) contained in Lincoln, MA family Bible records, 1909. 51 pp, NEHGS Library
  • , Samuel Hoar and Rebekah Pierce in Bible record for the Samuel Hoar family, 1748-1796. 2pp, NEHGS Library
  • Check out the Great Migration Project that is part of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS). Collected many of the published works on Hezekiah from the NEHGR together. Requires paid membership or library with such to access online database. See also hardbound book series, volume III specifically, entitled The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England, Series 2.
  • Weston, Thomas, "History of the Town of Middleboro, Massachusetts", 1906, Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 792pp (archive.org) (ForgottenBooks) — many references to the families of Hoar, Pierce and others. Note has Charles Hoare line here as well.

Biographies (on an Individual)

  • Osman, Loren H., W.D. Hoard: A Man For His Time, 1985, Hoard's Dairyman Books, 451pp, (GoogleBooks)

Notable Family Members


Not many historically significant members are known in this group. Mostly just hard working settlers through the centuries.
  • Josiah Horr
    • an early leader in Illinois and helped found the county Champaigne in both Illinois and Ohio before that. He is noted as giving Abraham Lincoln his first job and case as a lawyer.
  • William Dempster Hoard, b.1836 NY, d.1918 (Wikipedia)


  • Ruth Mae Millette nee Farris, b1895 St Louis, MO (aka Ruth Silbon) and her children Jimmy and Penny Millette
    • Aerialists in the Ringling-Brothers and related circus shows (1910's through 1950's)
    • Daughter of Surilda "Rilla" Farris nee Horr, Great-Granddaughter of Peter Horr
  • Janis Lyn Joplin, b1943 Port Arthur, TX (Wikipedia, FamousKin)
    • Blues/Rock singer of the 1960's
    • Grand-daughter of Laura Hanson; 4xGreat-Granddaughter of William Hanson (ne Hoar)
  • Earl Kenneth "Ken" Forsse, b1936 Bellwood, Nebraska (Wikipedia)
    • Inventor of Teddy Ruxpin; worked for Walt Disney
    • Grandson of Anna Forsse nee Horr; Great-Grandson of Peter Horr

One-World Tree Sites and similar

We do not condoneendorse any of these sites. They are in no particular order. Most are highly inaccurate about the individual, the family and the lineage before and after. But, as we strive to make available all information that can be discovered without levying judgment, we provide the links for convenience here. (note: we have even seen one site A reference site B, which then references site C, which then references site A. A circular source reference that is self-fulfilling.)