
B00 Charles Hoare b1586 Gloucester, England

Charles Hoare Jr
b.1586 in Gloucester, England
m. Joanna Hinksman in Gloucester, England
d. 1661 Baintree, Massachusetts (wife)
Charles Hoare
b.14xx Gloucester, England
Daniel Hoar
b.1650 Massachusetts
See the related DNA Groupings page for more information on latest discoveries with DNA.

One of two early, large New England families of our surname study from the early days of settling North America. This family is distinguished with many early luminaries such as a first governor of Massachusetts, first president of Harvard college, Senators, United States Attorney General, and such. Charles actually died in Gloucester and it is his widow Joanna who traveled to the Massachusetts Bay Colony with her younger children. Joanna herself remarried an Edmund Quincy. This family line ended up generating the first lady of our second president John Adams, who was also the mother of our sixth president John Quincy Adams. See an external Wikipedia Chart on the Quncy Political Family. Joanna's Quincy children and her Hoare children are half-siblings.

The FTDNA Hoar project this site built up around was started with a single tester in this line; a fourth cousin of Timothy Peterman. Although the other early New England line quickly grew with testers first, this line and its strong research over the years has pulled even in terms of scope and breadth of testers and work. To date, all of the researchers and testers are descended from the same Daniel; a grandson of Charles. We are looking to diversify to other sons and grandchildren. Have diversity below Daniel to date. There is a DNA study page for this family group. Some significant sub-branches exist with studies unto their own.

Malcolm has recently raised the issue of whether the history of Joanna Hinksman linked into this family is correct. This based on some research into the Hoare surname in Gloucester over the years. Hopefully he can further research and outlay his findings here.

Researchers and Descendants (current)

Researcher GenDB Website Lineage
Michael Hobart *YA B36  Site Samuel Hoar6, Joseph Hoar5Leanard Hoar4, Daniel Hoar3, John Hoar2, Charles Hoar1
Michele Daniels *A RW Blog David Hoar6, David Hoar5Leanard Hoar4, Daniel Hoar3, John Hoar2, Charles Hoar1
Galiena Boyajian *A B28 Milton Hoar/Woodville7, Nathan Hoar6, Nathan Hoar5, Leanard Hoar4, Daniel Hoar3, John Hoar2, Charles Hoar1
Timothy Peterman 1 *YA    FP John Horr8, Josiah Horr7, Jonathan Hoar6, Josiah Hoar5, John Hoar4Daniel Hoar3, John Hoar2, Charles Hoar1
Roweena Horr 2 *YA b17   James Horr8, Josiah Horr7, Jonathan Hoar6, Josiah Hoar5, John Hoar4Daniel Hoar3, John Hoar2, Charles Hoar1
David A Horr 2 *Y B17   James Horr8, Josiah Horr7, Jonathan Hoar6, Josiah Hoar5, John Hoar4Daniel Hoar3, John Hoar2, Charles Hoar1
Katrina Kerrick *A     Zebediah Allen6Mary Hoar5, John Hoar4Daniel Hoar3, John Hoar2, Charles Hoar1
Steve Harr *YA Benjamin Warren Hoar7, Peter Hoar6, Samuel Hoar5,  Benjamin Hoar4Daniel Hoar3, John Hoar2, Charles Hoar1
Zach Harr *YA Herman Hoar9, George Hoar8, Leanard Hoar7, Timothy Hoar6, Timothy Hoar5, Daniel Hoar4, Daniel Hoar3, John Hoar2, Charles Hoar1
Eduardo Náter *A Silvius Hoard7, Samuel Hoar6, Daniel Hoar5, Daniel Hoar4, Daniel Hoar3, John Hoar2, Charles Hoar1
Linda Thompson DB (arch)  Mary Graves5, Benjamin Graves II4, Mary Hoar3, John Hoar2, Charles Hoar1
Jim Retson MyH Site Josiah Flynt3, Margery Hoar2, Charles Hoar1
Wood Surname B30 TBD

** DNA test results pending; believed group based on genealogical work only
+ DNA test results are indicating an NPE along the line that needs to be determined where.
Pink for female, italic for portion of descendant line that is not on the patriline, pink, bold for female that starts the break from a patriline (daughter of patriline) member
1: Tim Peterman has only yDNA tested one male descendant from his great-grandmother's line but well over 10 cousins tested in the FamilyFinder (atDNA) that are all in his tight family grouping.
2: DNA test results indicated we needed to move these descendants of James Horr from the Hezekiah Hoar (B01) line to here. See the page B01-S01 James Horr explaining this.

Researchers and Descendants (historic)

Researcher GenDB Website Lineage
George Frisbee Hoare Samuel Hoar7, Samuel Hoar6, John Hoar5, Daniel Hoar4, Daniel Hoar3, John Hoar2, Charles Hoar1

Books and Articles

  • Nourse, Henry Stedman, The Hoar family in America and its English ancestry: a compilation from collections made by the Hon. George Frisbie Hoar, series of 3 articles in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol  53, 1899 (Jan p92-101, Apr p186-198, and Jul p289-300), 35pp (Google - Stanford Library copy)
    • Separately bound reprint, 1899, Boston, Massachusetts, D. Clapp and Son, 36pp (FHLexcerpted), Archive.org
    • Reprinted also as The Ancestry of the Hoare Family in America: A compilation from Collections made by the Honorable George Frisbie Hoar in Roberts, Gary Boyd, English Origins of New England Families: From the New England Historical and Genealogical Register,2nd Series, Vol II of III, 1985, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. p344-378
  • Hobart, Edgar, Hoar- Hobart Genealogy: From the collection of Edgar Hobart, as copied by the San Francisco chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in 1952, 37pp (FHL)
  • Storey, Moorefield and Emerson, Edward Waldo. Ebernezer Rockwood Hoar: A Memoir 1911, Houghton Mifflin Cambridge Mass, 360pp (Archive.orgGoogle ebookexcerpts)
  • Hudson, Woodward, Memoir of Samuel Hoar: September 27, 1845-April 11, 1904, 1906, (archive.org)
  • Hoar, George F, Will of Charles Hoare of Gloucester, 1891, NEHGR (vol 51) p285-289 (Google ebook; labeled vol 45. Excerpt); includes long explanation of family
  • Horr, William S., Branches of a Family Tree: the Hoar ancestry, 1985, Tangled Roots, Vancouver, Canada (Book in FHL) (about George Whitfield Hoar) (according to FHL, Copyright changed to Public)
  • Horr, William S., By way of New England: Hoar and Newcomb pioneers in America, 1996, Tangled Roots, Vancouver, Canada (WorldCat, paper only)
  • Hoar, Alfred Wyman, Lineage and Family Records of Alfred Wyman Hoar and his wife Josephine Jackson, 1898, Monticello, Minn (Archive.org, Google)
  • Hoar, John Emory, NEHGS membership form for John Emory Hoar, 1867-1876, NEHGS (PDF)
  • Hoare, Daniel William, Digest of ancestry and early history of the Hoar(e) family and descent of the New Brunswick family from Charles Hoare of Gloucester, Eng, 1976 (WorldCat, paper only; also listed at the Albert County, New Brunswick Museum)
  • Hobart, Michael A, The descendants of Martin (Hoar) Hobart and Paulina Parks, 1996, Book in FHL
  • Lawson, Mary Lewis, Descendants of Richard Hoar, 2001, FHL 
    (Abstract indicates work ties Charles Hoare Sr to his grandfather Richard Hoare of Leckhampton.)
  • Thoresen, Elsie L, The Hoar/Hoare family, 1999, FHL (now microfilm only) (copyrighted)
  • Moriarty, G. Andrews, Joanna Hoar, Wife of Ezra Morse of Dedham, Mass. in the New England Historical and Genealogical Record, Vol 110 (1956), p216-219
    • Reprinted in Roberts, Gary Boyd, English Origins of New England Families, 2nd Series: from the New England Historical and Genealogical Record, Volume II (of III), 1985, p379-382 (FHL) (copyrighted)
  • Taylor, Sharon; The Amazing Story of the Hoars in America, 1981, Halbert's, Inc., 90+ pages, (no reference yet found; likely not specific to any person, branch or family. Publisher known to be highly inaccurate and lacking of content and referenced sources.)
  • Unitarian and Universalist History: Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar (1816-1895)Elizabeth Hoar (1814-1878)George Frisbie Hoar (1826-1904)Samuel Hoar (1778-1856)

Minor Sections in a Larger Work

Notable Family Members

  • Dr. Leonard Hoar, 3rd President of Harvard College (University)
  • Samuel Hoar, US Senator from Massachusetts (son of Leonard)
  • George Frisbie Hoar, US Senator from Massachusetts
  • Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar, US Attorney General (brother to George Frisbee)
  • Rockwood Hoar,
  • Abigail Smith, wife of John Adams (2nd President), is the 2xGreat Grand-daughter of Joanna Quincy née Hoare née Hinksman; so related by half-sibling to Hoare patriline

Biographies (on an Individual)

  • Hale, Edward Everett, George F. Hoar, 1907, (archive.org)
  • Hoar, George Frisbie, Autobiography of Seventy Years: Vol 1, 2, 1905, New York, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, (Google Vol1Vol2)
  • Storey M and Emerson E.R, Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar A Memoir,1911, Houghton Mifflin, Cambridge, MA; 355pp, (catalogued at Hathi Trust and Google Books