K01 Maj Edward Hoare d.1690 in County Cork, Ireland

Maj. Edward Hoare
b.1621 Greens Norton, Northampton, England
d.1654 in County Cork, Ireland
Descendant Capt. Edward Hoare published a book in 1880 covering Major Edward and the branch. Captain Edward does include his own family lines. We extract an Earliest Known Ancestor EKA from this work showing a direct pedigree line back to Major Edward Hoare who died in County Cork in 1654. It is this source and reason we initially created the historic K01 group page here. Since becoming active with testers and researchers, the page serves to document this line from Major Edward and downward for those still working to link into this historic branch.

David G and his brother Richard J have conducted more recent research and believe this EKA Edward was born in Greens Norton, Northampton, England. Independently, it appears that some research being conducted by genealogist William Acton is linking Henry Hoare of the Hoare's Bank Line up to the same family in Greens Norton. DNA testing is since conclusive to show David G's work and the Faithful Hoare group of Northampton are from the same common ancestor; likely in Greens Norton. As such, the B13 page above this one is now reflecting this new line of research. We have this page here to work on the lines below Major Edward now. We regret the loss of researcher David G to cancer shortly after this discovery that validated his work.

Researchers and Descendants (current)

David G.*YA and
Richard J Hoare
HoareOrigins  Joseph Charles7, Canon Edward6, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Edward1
Mark E Hoare *yA Edward Arthur7, Canon Edward6, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Edward1
Antony Hoare *yA Anc Edward Brodie7, Canon Edward6, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Edward1
Charles Hoare *Y Wikipedia Edward7, Joseph Wallis6, Edward5, Joseph4, Edward3, Edward2, Edward1

* Family member DNA tested; placed in group (YDNA STR and/or Autosomal SNP aka FamilyFinder) (lower case y implies minimal SNP testing in other autosomal test)
** DNA test results pending; believed group based on genealogical work only
Joseph Charles7 appears on page 42 of Capt Edward Hoare's book of 1883 (born 1851). Joseph4 is the start of the Baronage of Annebelle in County Cork. Although there is a yDNA match between the Annabelle line descended from son Edward2, it would be nice to get more from the various sons tested than just Joseph2 or the singular line from him represented now.

Researchers and Descendants (historic)

Capt. Edward Hoare Capt Edward6, Edward5, Edward4, Robert3, Edward2, Edward1
Sir Samuel John Guerney HoareThePeerageSir Samuel7, John Guerney6, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Edward1

Note that Capt. Edward Hoare, the author, never married nor had children. He is listed on page 28 of his book (born 1807). A descendant of or near Sir Samuel has not been tested.

Captain Edward's book was one of the main sources to regurgitate information from many different family lines and proclaim them as linked. Edward simply claims a link to the William Hore who sold the Risford Manor in Devon in 1630. He had no other real leads to the source of their family at the time. He further states that several of William's issues went onto Ireland, mostly in service of military, and found a number of family lines there. He then proceeds to include the Devon family and even much of the Hoare banking family in his book. It takes up one half of the book; much just copied directly from Sir Richard Colt Hoare's book, it appears. Also Capt Edward claims to link the Wiltshire Hoare Bank family to the Devon Hore family as well; a link Sir Richard Colt Hoare only conjectured in his work. Captain Edward then includes information on the Charles Hoare of Gloucester line in the appendix; info he obtained from George Frisbee Hoare in North America. Circumstantially, he believes that Charles Hoare and his family to be the same family and both coming from the Devon Risford Manor line. He mostly makes his claims through the use of a similar coats of arm by various lines; an unsubstantiated heraldry claim. It is partly to prove (or disprove as the case may be) the many claims of this book that many are involved in this project to try and either link or disambiguate all these lines.

Books and Articles

  • Hoare, Edward, Some account of the early history and genealogy, with pedigrees from 1330, unbroken to the present time, of the families of Hore and Hoare, 1883, A.R. Smith, London (Archive.org).  Some mention there are many inaccuracies in this work; beside the linking of so many disparate families.

Minor section in a larger work:

Notable Family Members

  • Sir Samuel John Guerney Hoare, MP, Foreign and Home Secretary under Churchill, Ambassador, etc.; 1st and Last Viscount Templewood (died without issue), 2nd Baronet Hoare of Sidestrand
  • Sir Joseph Hoare, 1st Baronet of Annabelle, MP

Biographies (on an Individual)
