
B20 DNA (DF27) R1b-A478 William "Piri Hoa" Hoard (public)

This is the Public page for the William "Piri Hoa" Hoard DNA study group (B20DNA). There is also a private B20DNApriv page to cover the testers and testing details of living individuals.

This page creation officially marks moving the B20DNA page out of the B10DNA sub-group due to non-matching DNA with the Hezekiah Hoar clan. Meaning, three different patrilines down from three different sons of William "Piri Hoa" Hoard appear to all likely match each other (deeper testing needed to fully confirm). But They do not match the Hezekiah Hoar clan in yDNA.

(new) NevGen Predicted Haplogroup
B20DNA Nevgen ZP112 prediction from y111
This does not yet imply that the descendants from William "Piri Hoa" Hoard are not in the Hezekiah Hoar genealogical family. We need to identify if any of William's siblings are this same yDNA result or not before determining that. If descendants of William's brothers match this B20DNA page results, then there was an NPE before William and we genealogically maintain the connection. If descendants of William's brothers match the Hezekiah Hoar line, then this calls into question the purported connection of William "Piri Hoa" Hoard to the Hezekiah Hoar clan.

Three yDNA STR testers down from three different sons of William "Piri Hoa" Hoard appear to likely match each other. One y12, one y37 and now one y111 with the new deep-yDNA FamilyFinder test as well. At y12, all three match identically. At y37, the two match identically. The likelihood of not being a match when all test to y111 is there but small. Interestingly, there are no other "close" matches at y67 nor y111 that would explain this different haplogroup. That is, a surname line that could be the source of an NPE.

Now the search will focus on where the genealogy and biological DNA divergence may have taken place before William. Not with the New Zealand group but descendants in North America. We have identified a male patriline descendant from William Hoard's brother Roderick that is yet to test.

Chart comparing tree for
B10, B20 (new) and B20 (original)

Based on the Eupedia R1b chart

B10DNA R1b Eupedia Tree comparing B01 and B20 branch locations
The FamilyFinder yDNA SNP portion indicates a haplogroup of R-Z2976 at FTDNA but R-DF23 at Cladefinder. The NevGen haplogroup predictor on the y111 STR values indicates one level lower than R-DF23. Down to R-ZP112. No STR match table (whether close or not) did BigY-700 testing to indicate a potentially more refined, predicted haplogroup. With y37, the NevGen haplogroup predictor had indicated R-A478. Which is closer to the Hezikiah Hoar clan result. The new prediction is with 100% probability and 70.13 fitness (versions 86.7% probability and a 62.76 fitness before).

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