Grouped Branches B00 Charles Hoare b1586 Gloucester, England B10 Hore's of the Jurassic Coast, England B09 Robert Hore b.1480c Leckhampton, Gloucestershire B13 Hoare's of Greens Norton, Northamptonshire B02 John Hore d1589 Cornwall, England B26 James Hoar b1802 Boston, d1880 Pennsylvania B27 Simon (Hans Jacob) Harr b1734 Lotzbeuren, Germany (Prussia) B29 Reuben Hord b1814circa Bxx Singlets Historical Branches K03 Richard Hore m.1330 in Chagford, Devon, England K04 Robert Hoar b.1665abt in Oxfordshire, England K06 William le Hore c.1300 in Pembroke, Wales K07 Thomas le Hore, c1272, County Wexford, Ireland Other Branches Hord Surname Study John Hurd c.1640 Connecticut Munday Surname Study Support Material Surname Frequency Surname Resources Other Surname Projects Bibliography Family Crest HoareOrigins (historic) website guide ยป B18 Deacon John Horr b.1767 Mass d.1856 Maine A page for Roz's nearer-term family of her ancestor Deacon John Horr of Maine and descendants since then. More on John in Roz's DB. Also see the private DNA Groupings page and Roz's private (family only) Facebook Group.