B20 DNA (DF27) R1b-A478 William "Piri Hoa" Hoard (public)

This is the Public page for the William "Piri Hoa" Hoard DNA study group (B20DNA). There is also a private B20DNApriv page to cover the testers and testing details of living individuals. This page creation officially marks moving the B20DNA page out of the B10DNA sub-group due to non-matching DNA. But does not yet imply that the descendants from William "Piri Hoa" Hoard are not in the Hezekiah Hoar genealogical family described at B10DNA. We need to identify if any others in Williams line are this same yDNA result or not before determining that.

NevGen Predicted Haplogroup
B20DNA R1b A478 NevGen 06Mar2021
Three yDNA testers down from three different sons of William "Piri Hoa" Hoard appear to likely match each other. Two only y12 tested but are matching identically in the 12 markers tested to the one who tested 37 markers (y37). The likelihood of not being a match when all test to y111 is there but small.

None have SNP tested yet but from the NevGen haplogroup predictor on the y37 STR values, we see they are likely (86% probability and 63 fitness; with no other strong probability groups) in A478 down below Haplogroup R1b-P312 in the phylogenetic tree. The path in FTDNAs BigY Tree is:
P312 -> ZZ11 -> DF27 > Z195 -> Z198 -> ZS312 -> Y19152 -> A478

A B10 to B20 Comparison

B10 B20 Comparison
This is quite different than the hoped for match with the B10DNA Haplogroup who exist below Haplogroup R1b-P312 -> U152. The place of this haplogroup on the various trees are: yFull, yTree, and FTDNA public tree. Note that different trees label branch haplogroups by different SNPs within them; often each haplogroup having many SNPs to use for naming them. And sometimes there are aliases for the same SNP. Finally, due to contributions from different testers and ancient samples, there may be slightly different branching between the trees. So a direct comparison is not always possible.

Now the search will focus on where the genealogy and biological DNA divergence may have taken place before William. Not with the New Zealand group but descendants in North America. We have identified a male patriline descendant from William Hoard's brother Roderick that is yet to test.

BigY A478

B20DNA R1b A478 BigY Big Tree 06Mar2021
A478 is pretty deep in the phylogenetic tree of haplogroups. So much so there is little branching below. This can occur if it is an ancient branch with not many tested there yet. Or even a branch where not many patrilines remain — most having ended due to no male heirs. Whatever the case, the deeper yDNA testing will not necessarily yield more concise matches and branching as there are not many testers and structure below this haplogroup. The BigY Block Tree shown here with a large number of FT SNPs in many of the blocks is due to some deep BigY-700 testing. It is not clear how many of those are real SNPs that should be placed on the tree at this time.

The BigY internal block tree for this haplogroup is as shown here. The other public trees can be accessed via the links above for comparison. Both BigY and yFull are giving a formation of A478 (aka A477) of about 3,500 years ago or 1,500 BC.