
Haplogroup R1b-U106

Part of the common R1b-M269 (long form R1b-1a1a2) sub-clade that includes most European males, U106 is a major branch parallel to Haplogroup R1b-P312 and its child haplogroup R1b-U152. The YCC Long Form for the haplogroup is R1b-1a1a2-a1a1 (as opposed to -a1a2 for R1b-P312 and -a1a2b for R1b-U152). yFull predicts the formation of R1b-U106 to be about 4,800 ybp. U106 and P312 are the two major haplogroups below R1b-L151 as shown here. We simply use this haplogroup as a branch-organizer to differentiate branches below U106 versus below P312.

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