Visual Phasing

Visual Phasing is not related to phasing in general. It is an entirely new concept. Visual Phasing is the process of looking at how three or more full siblings match and trying to determine the cross-over points in their particular chromosomes on what they inherited from each parent. Additionally, using statistical measures, one can often adjudicate whether the matching segments are from the mother or father. When incorporating analysis of matching with other cousins, one can often develop a map of segments coming from each grandparent. The result is a visual map, in a particular child, of segments from each parent and likely grandparent. It does not result in a new kit of assigned SNPs that can be used for matching. More, it helps to understand the source of matching segments seen with others by determining, when fully in a non-recombined region, which grandparent the matching segment likely came from.

Visual Phasing is really a specific form of analysis in the Chromosome Painting family of concepts.

  • ISOGG Visual Phasing page
  • Family History Fanatics intro of a crowd-sourced aid to Visual Phasing
    (side note: why does anytime you see a video on YouTube related to Visual Phasing, it always has "related videos" of personality disorders suggested there?