B25 James Hore b1795 Tiverton, Devon, England

James Hore
b.1795 in Tiverton, Devon, England
m.1818 in Exeter, Devon, England
d.1851 Devon, England
See the DNA Groupings page for more information on latest discoveries with DNA.

Son James Kekewick Hoare migrated from Kent, England to Australia in 1883, and was followed by his son, Henry James Hoare in 1884.

Preliminary BigY-700 results are in. Terminal haplogroup of R-BY19308 which is down the R1b-DF27 tree area (and highly volatile at this time). Links to that block are available at FTDNA Public Tree, yTree.net and yFull. yFull has not introduced R1b-ZZ12 that encapsulates much of the flat structure immediately below R1b-DF27.

Researchers and Descendants (current)

Ray Turner *A William George Hoare4, Henry James Hoare3, James Hore2, James Hore1
Don Brookes *yA Arthur Earnest Hoare4, Henry James Hoare3, James Hore2, James Hore1

* Family member DNA tested; placed in group (YDNA-STR and/or Autosomal SNP aka FamilyFinder)
** DNA test results pending; believed group based on genealogical work only

Books and Articles

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Biographies (on an Individual)
