
B26 DNA (Z283) R1a-FT47221 James Hoar

James Hoar
b.1802 Boston, Massachusetts
m.1823abt Jane Bronson
d.1880 Wharton, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA

See the companion B26 branch page also.

One has now tested BigY-700 and appears in terminal haplogroup R1a-FT47221.

Appears this branch is an NPE from Orr. They are placed in the thick of a detailed Orr Surname Study group.

Previously, we only had basic yDNA testing from Ancestry and 23andMe which placed them in haplogroup R1a-Z283. Both branches from different sons of James match this.

This represents the first R1a branch in this surname study. But is an NPE from Scotland / Northern Ireland of Orr back to the time of the formation of surnames. So likely not much more to happen here except to document the effort to find the link and surname change from Orr.

This branch has over 30 y111 STR matches and more than a dozen BigY-700 matches. Very unsual. Both STRs and SNPs are captured and defining branching in the genealogical time frame (or surname era). A poster child for how a surname study can work in genetic genealogy.