Privacy Policy

The H600 Project: A Surname Study is an ad-hoc, all volunteer group of people who are collaborating with a common interest in Genealogy and Genetic Genealogy in specific. All members have a responsibility to cooperate with each other and the community at large to adhere to the common care and privacy of personal information disclosed by others.

While we make attempts to keep member information private, we cannot guarantee any information you provide here will not be disclosed to the general public. In particular, specific information about deceased ancestor lines and DNA testing ID's is a critical part of the sharing and collaboration. Any information on this website about you that should not be publicly available will be removed when so pointed out and verified by administrators. Membership does require disclosure of some private information to the admins who will work to keep it private, as possible, from even other members. But some information disclosed under membership and collaboration, by its very nature, is meant to be disclosed. Any information that members post publicly or is available from some other public source, we retain the right to keep it available on our site as a summary resource and link to already available information. Realize that once material is posted here or on the Internet otherwise, it can be near impossible to un-post. See sites such as the Internet Archive, as an example.

Members should abide by all applicable local and government laws; especially with regards to publicly posting material that may be protected by a copyright restricting such disclosure. Any third parties who feel their copyright material is being made available in an unlawful way should point this out to the administrators who will use due diligence to investigate such claims and resolve them appropriately. See the Site License about responsibilities when posting to this site.

As a volunteer, ad-hoc, collaborative group we do try to maintain some minimal standards of privacy in support of the emerging field of Genetic Genealogy. Specifically, we are an outgrowth of several, independent activities. One of which is based at FamilyTreeDNA — the source of much of the yDNA patrilineal testing by members collaborating in this project. Members here, especially who become members and / or testers there, should review the FamilyTreeDNA Privacy Policy and uphold to its requirements as they pertain to our project here as well. Furthermore, we encourage our members to use; an outgrowth of a sister surname project . We encourage all members to submit their Autosomal test results to that site and, as such, wish to point out their Policies as well. We ask that our members understand the policies while on these other related sites and apply the same standards, as applicable and possible, to your collaboration here. Especially with regards to information that may be extracted from those sites. There may be other applicable and emerging standards that we may add from time to time to this policy as well.

All members, as part of their membership, agree to abide by the above policy statements or others referenced.