How To Join

Historically, membership was defined as yDNA STR testers who joined the FamilyTreeDNA managed project once tested.  We have since created an expanded project by merging in our additional static website and genealogical work along with creating email discussion groups to create this expanded project and site here. And thus the need for a wider definition of membership.

Who should join?

The project is a collaborative one where researchers are exchanging information with each other for the benefit of all. A key part of this is the sharing of DNA testing results. So if you want to use DNA to further your genealogical research into your links with our surnames and family branches, then consider joining. If you are not DNA testing, and are not a genealogical researcher focused on the surnames covered here, then there is little to be gained by joining. Simply peruse the information available on the wiki to further your understanding. You can ask questions in our general membership list or facebook group without registering with any of the below mentioned methods.

We prefer you have done some DNA testing before joining. You should be able to get enough information from our project pages to learn what DNA test to perform and where to get it from. Only in limited cases will we allow a proven, known genealogical researcher to join as a member without having to complete a DNA test. In special circumstances, especially when the admins are recruiting someone to test and join, the admins may arrange for a pre-testing membership and special discounted, introductory DNA test kit. We thank our donors for the support in these special cases. Why the limitation? We historically had problems with privacy when those without a real affiliation take information only available to members and republish it outside the project without the members permission. Some wish to be part of this project / study but do not wish their information given out to non-matches. Hence our restriction on membership and access to DNA test results. Not all in the community feel this way. Many believe all DNA test results should be freely given and open for consumption. This flies in the face of EU GDPR as well as other privacy restrictions. For the benefit of including those in our study without this view, we restrict access to DNA testing results to tested, proven matches.

What is the benefit of being a member?

Registered Members get a login to this site. This allows them to participate in the Forums via the web and/or subscribing to the corresponding email-list. A member can also read more detailed information about current researchers participating in the Autosomal nearer-term matching if in their line. Finally, there are some limited repositories of files that each family branch maintains and is open only to registered members of that branch. Lead Members in a family branch are additionally given access to edit and maintain their branch pages and to moderate the forums, file repository and similar resources. Leads can also create a blog on our site and contribute articles visible to the overall project and public. By far, the biggest benefit of membership, is having access to other members to collaborate on DNA test results and traditional genealogical research surrounding our family branches and the surnames covered.

What do I need to join the project?

The first and main item needed to join is a DNA Test Kit # or ID. We also need basic contact information, your pedigree and preferably a link to your body of genealogical research work online. This is all requested in the membership registration process here. If a yDNA tester, we encourage you to join the FTDNA project as well.

Where do I get a DNA Test Kit # or ID?

There are two main ways to get a DNA test kit number or ID. From FamilyTreeDNA or from GEDMatch. Both accept Autosomal transfers from other test companies like Ancestry and 23andMe. If this is not possible for you, even though you are already DNA tested, notate you situation when registering for membership. Otherwise, we cover how to get one of these two ID's here.  You cannot register without an ID or a special case exemption approved by the site administrator.

Getting an FTDNA Kit #

To get an FTDNA Kit #, you need a login there  This usually means you have purchased either a FamilyFinder Autosomes SNP, yDNA STR or similar DNA test from them already. Your kit # is below your account name in the upper right, once logged in. You can also get a Kit # by transferring in your Autosomal test from another company such as Ancestry and 23andMe.

If you have done an Autosomal SNP test at 23andMe or Ancestry, transfer your results to FTDNA and become a customer that way.  (note: this method has been free since Spring 2015.  Not clear how long this will continue. Older 23andMe and Ancestry customers may find they cannot upload to FTDNA.) An additional benefit to uploading your Autosomes DNA results is you can now compare and match to those who tested or uploaded there (like in GEDmatch). FTDNA requires a one-time charge to see your complete match list and to use the match analysis tools. But you get a membership for free.

We ask that you join the Hoar FTDNA project if using an FTDNA Kit # AND you are a yDNA STR tester in a patrilineal line covered here.  Once you join the Hoar FTDNA Group group, we will get a notice and be able to pick up most of your information from there.  But it is still best to record your kit # and register as a new member on this website as well. FTDNA customers who join our project at FTDNA will receive discounts on FTDNA product orders.

Getting a GEDMatch Kit #

GEDmatch no longer supported
If you tested at 23andMe or Ancestry, the best way to join is to download your RAW DNA results file to your local desktop / device and then upload it to GEDMatch. (note: You should do this even if you did the FamilyFinder test at FTDNA as well (that is, transfer your FamilyFinder Autosomal DNA results to GEDMatch.)

You have to create a registration on GEDMatch to upload there. Registration is free.

Once uploaded, record your new GEDMatch Kit number from the Your DNA Resources box and proceed with the member registration below.

Registering as a Member

To join this website as a member, use the "Register" option in the Log In drop down in the upper right or possibly at the bottom of the pane to the left. We need a name, email, and pedigree; as known. We will get you added into the appropriate Family Branches page on the project Wiki as a researcher as well as add you to the corresponding Autosomes subgroup of nearer term relatives, if one exists. Preferably, we would also like a URL or link to your online research.  We are not the direct repository of any genealogical work.  Instead, we simply link to each researchers individual work located elsewhere.  It is the responsibility of the linked author to keep their information fresh and current. Finally, supply your FTDNA or MyHeritage GEDMatch Kit # from your DNA test. If you do not have a kit number, then explain why in the notes. Membership is usually contingent on having a kit # and known genealogical research.

You can email the information to an administrator here until we get an online form available.

Some members have encouraged participation in other projects and websites such as, and even You should be aware of each of their policies regarding privacy; just as you should with the above mentioned sites including this one. Note that many of the test companies provide information to registered users that is not available publicly. Similarly, our Privacy Policy and Site License require that you keep other member information private and not re-post it elsewhere; especially in more public places. Specifically, but not limited to, the names of testers, their pedigrees you may learn, their test results and their kit numbers are considered private information for group member access only.

Do I need to Join or Register?

You absolutely do not need to Join the FTDNA project or Register on this site wiki to join the project. Most information is visible to the public in these pages and related sites.

The FTDNA project is for the Patriline yDNA testers and their match analysis. FTDNA projects provide no benefit to Autosomal testers and are generally not accepted.

Registering on this site is usually only required to edit pages or to see / participate in an Autosomal study of near term relatives; hopefully with a Patriline tester participating as well. If you are purely interested in genealogical work, then everything needed to collaborate is visible and available. We have not enabled the forums and rely on email lists now. You can ask to join an email list without registering here.

If you are not DNA testing but are interested in collaborating on genealogical work, let the admins know and we can often make an exception or simply add you to the appropriate email list.

Our restrictions on login and membership in the sites is to help our DNA testers keep their near-term, living family information and test results private to matches only. Something many have requested as a condition of participation. Some in the genealogical study field strongly believe you should keep everything public. They are welcome to those beliefs and practices but we do not enforce them here. Not everyone who does genealogical and DNA studies can be so open about their information on living relatives. Please respect their privacy request. We do not accept members simply wanting to troll results.