
Note: Helix was introduced purely because NGG introduced them as the new supplier for their USA-based test orders. Apparently, with great failure. As NGG has now dissolved as a product and service all together. So Helix should really be dropped all together as they are not a genetic genealogy test company nor service. Some others that provide deep testing but then the data is transferred to other analysis sites continue to be listed. But as the cost to get the data and the quality of the data is not significant, they do not qualify that way either. Left here for historical reasons.

Helix is a newcomer (2017) to the DNA testing field that initially tried to make a splash in the genetic genealogy field by taking over the NGG orders in North America. (Orders made outside North America are still the original test provided by FTDNA and still termed NGG Gene 2.0 Next Gen). The NGG test historically offered the most advanced yDNA test and then, when BIgY was introduced, a nice intermediate test and price point for yDNA SNP testing.. After several years, Helix and their partners have not really provided any support for the genealogy field and should not really even be mentioned on this site. The Helix version of the NGG test cannot be imported into FTDNA nor other genetic genealogy sites like GEDMatch. They are simply still mentioned because they provide the North American order supply for the NGG test. While NGG could arguably not be a genetic genealogy service (they do not provide match lists and contact information of other testers), the original NGG test originally provided by FTDNA is easily imported into FTDNA and other sites like GEDMatch (both Autosomal and yDNA). We do not recommend this company for any in the genetic genealogy field as nothing can be done with their results in the field.