Bioinformatics Documents

One of us has been focused, to the detriment of this project and his own research work, on NGS testing and bioinformatics. Much of it centered over at the Consumer WGS Testing Facebook group. A big part of the output has been a series of documents put in the Files section. Likely should have done them as wiki pages here. But instead used Google Docs to allow commenting and editing by others. Here are some of the key docs we write and maintain. Will likely try to start cataloguing here some of the key posts not yet covered in a doc as well. Would encourage you to join the group if interested in the topic further.

At least for this author, we have purchased WGS kits since 2019. And only WGS kits. Occasionally an Ancestry or 23andMe kit to get access to their large match database as well. We are not at the bleeding edge the way the sister Kennedy Surname Project is with pushing long-read NGS testing (aka 3rd generation). But definitely trying to bring the masses with us as we transition over.

Documents on WGS testing and bioinformatics