As initially announced in the Blog Post of 10 Jan 2017.
Why this page?
Both the publications, A History of the Hord family by Robert Hord, and The Hord family of Virginia by the Reverand Arnold Harris Hord a complete history of the Hord family, are based on an original manuscript book owned by Henry Ewell Hord of Nashville, Tennessee.Arnold H Hord states that the lineage of the Hord family of England has been traced back to Richard Hord of Shropshire 1275 A.D. And in 1553, Alan Hord, a member of this Shropshire family purchased the Manor of Cote, Oxfordshire. Other members of this family moved to London, to Ewell in Surrey and to the southern and southwestern counties of England. He states that May 22, 1650 Aalan Hoord came to Virginia, also Elias Hoard May 27, 1654 and that all people with the Hord surname in America are descended form this family, who has the right to bear a Coat of Arms
I find it quite amusing when you see other people's web sites concerning the Hord family, with the Coat of Arms in a prominent position, and they have copied word for word from these publications.
Unfortunately some of his work does seem to be flawed.
Other yDNA matches with the HORD/HORE surname are MONROE, you can find research for the MONROE family of Virgina here: Monroe research
Since having a yDNA match with some descendents of John Hord we have been looking very closely to see if we can find the answer to this. My Hore family can be traced back to the early 1500's in villages to the north of Gloucester City. These villages were Charlton Kings, Leckhampton, Down Hatherley and Deerhurst. Although there are records earlier in 1327 of Hugh le Hore paying 9d in tax at Charlton Kings.
The Hore/le Hore/Hoore/Hoare/Hoar/Whore surname has never been spelt Hord.
Also you would expect a family who had a Coat of Arms to be quite well educated and usually had an Armorial Seal to sign their documents with. In the 1708 deed of William Gardner John HORE couldn't sign his name.
So what do we really know about John Hord. In the following early documents he spelt his name HOARE/HORE then for some reason he started using HORD/HOARD. Before covering the documents found, lets look at the jurisdictional history of Virginia in this time period.
Virginia - Jurisdictional History
The county system in Virginia was not created all at once but grew in a series of stages from about 1618 to 1642. The Virginia Company in 1618 ordered the organisation of the colony into four jurisdictions known as cities or boroughs. Based on this beginning, various courts were established, which formed the basis for the full-blown counties.
By the end of this period, nine counties existed from which all other Virginia counties were descended: Charles City, Elizabeth City, Henrico, Isle of Wight, James City, Northampton, Northumberland, Warwick and York.
Middlesex County was founded in 1673. English settlement of the county began around 1640, with the county being officially formed in 1669 from a part of Lancaster County. Middlesex County is located in Virginia's Middle Peninsula region, on the eastern end. It is bordered by the Rappahannock River, the Chesapeake Bay, the Piankatank River and the Dragon Run swamp. The county's only incorporated town, Urbanna, was established by the colonial Assembly in 1680 as one of 20, 50-acre port towns designated for trade. It served initially as a port on the Rappahannock River for shipping agricultural products, especially the tobacco commodity crop. As the county developed, it became its commercial and governmental center.
Essex County was established in 1692. The original county was Northumberland County, established in 1645, and subsequently divided into Nothumberland,, Lancaster, and Westmoreland Counties. Eventually Lancaster became Lancaster, Rappahannock and Middlesex Counties. In 1692, the now extict Rappahannock County split into Essex and Richmond Counties. The port town of Tappahannock was to become a center of commerce during the 17th and 18th centuries establishing a crossroads.
So lets move onto the documents found for John Hord,
''Malcolm: I only included a few entries (tabs with asterisk). Rest are left as an exercise for the reader to fill in
I duplicated the year 1703 in 1704 but using a bulleted list and footnotes instead of table form. Neither the table nor footnote form may work for larger entries like letters and such. You could mix and match different forms in each TAB though (without losing too much clarity).''
Click on the decade and then the year within the decade to see documents discovered from that year.
1700 entry
1701 entry
1702 entry
Here is the table format suggested. Might be too unwieldy for your larger entries. Note I left a blank column for the type of document to be determined yet..
1703 | (Source - Christ Church parish register, Middlesex County) | |
Elizabeth HORE daughter of John and Jane HORE born | ||
1703 | (Source - Littice Weekes, Middlesex County) | |
John HOAR was witness to a deed | ||
1703 | (Source - English Duplicates of Lost Virginia Records compiled by Louis des Cognets, Jr.) | |
John HOARE owned 100 acres Middlesex County |
Replicated 1703/Table TAB here with bullet's instead of tables and footnote source references. Note that sources will be common to the whole page and not just each tab.
1705 entry
1706 | (Source - Christ Church parish register, Middlesex County) | |
Susanna HORE baptised |
1707 entry
1708 | (Source - Deed Abstracts of Middlesex County, Virginia, 1703 - 1709. Ruth and Sam Sparacio) | |
July 5 Jno (mark) HORE was witness to a deed of William Gardner | ||
1708 | (Source - Christ Church parish register, Middlesex County) | |
John baptised son of John and Jane HOARD |
1709 entry
1721 entry
1722 entry
1723 entry
1724 entry
1725 entry
1726 | (Source: Dorman, John Frederick, 1724-1728 Essex County Virginia Deed Book 18; Antient Press. Page 187-190.) | |
(Repeat of table format with longer source content) THIS INDENTURE made this tenth/eleventh day of June 1726 Between JOHN HART of County of Essex and MARTHA his Wife of one part and JOHN HORD of County aforesd Witnesseth that the said John & Martha Hart for sum of Forty five pounds Sterling do grant unto John HORD all that plantation being part of BUTTONS RANGE PATTENT & being the plantation the said John Hart now lives on containing one hundred and fifty acres being in the County of Essex and bounded beginning at a Ash in the head of a small branch corner to WILLIAM HOWLITT thence North the line of MOTTRUM WRIGHT to two hickorys standing the main branch of ASSAGES corner to WRIGHT thence down the several courses of the same branch to a corner hickory corner to Howlitt thence along the same to the first beginning To Hold the said premises except the WIDOW BAGGE s right shall & will dureing space of Seven years next ensuing upon reasonable request make Conveyance in the Law whatsoever for better assurance. In Presece of THOS HORD, John Hart RUTH HART Martha Hart At Court held for Essex County this lease release of land indented was admitted to record |
1740 entry
1741 entry
1742 entry
1743 entry
1744 entry
1745 entry
1746 entry
1747 entry
1748 entry
1749 | Will of John HORD | (Source - Virginia County Court Records Will Abstracts of Essex County, Virginia 1748-1750. Ruth and Sam Sparacio) |
pp. 285-287%%%IN THE NAME 0F GOD Amen. I JOHN HORD of Eseex County being sick and weak but of perfect sence and memory do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament as followeth (Vizt.), Item. I give unto my four Sons, THOMAS, PETER, JAMES and WILLIAM HORD a tract of land lying and being in the County of KING GEORGE containing One thousand acres to be equally divided/as it is now by consent/ mong them to them and their heirs for Ever. Item. I give unto my Son. AMBROSE HORD the Land and houses whereon I now live after my Son. WILLIAM HORD has had the use of it for one year to him and his heirs forever. Also the land that THOMAS HORD escheated from me joyning to FREDR: COGHILLs Land in Essex County containing One hundred acres to him and his heirs forever; Item. I give unto my. Son, THOMAS HORD, one Negro wench named Frank, she and her Increase; also her Child nam'd Jemmy. to him and his heirs forever; Item. I give unto my Son. JOHN HORD. one Negro man named Ben and one Negro girl nam'd Pegg and her increase to him and his heirs forever; Item. I give unto my Son, PETER HORD, one Negro wench named Lettey and one Negro girl named Margary them and their increase to him and his heirs forever; Item. I give unto my Son. JAMES HORD. one Negro wench nam'd Nanny she and her increase, also one Negro boy nam'd Robbin to him and his heirs forever; Item. I give unto WILLIAM MILLER/that marry my Daughter, JANE/, one Negro girl nam'd Cate. she and her increase to him and his heirs forever; Item. I give unto my Grand Son. MORDECAI HORD, one Negro wench nam'd Betty she and her increase to him and his heirs forever; Item. I give unto my Son. AMBROSE HORD. one Negro boy nam'd Ralph, also one Negro boy nam'd Tobey to him and his heirs forever: Item. I give unto my Son. WILLIAM HORD, one and furniture which he has made choice of, one middle sized pott, one frying pan. two new dishes, two new basons, six new plates, three biffers of two or three years old. and four Ews. and my part of the Still that is at my Son. AMBROSE HORDs: Item. I give unto my Grand Son, WILLIAM HORD/the Son of WILLIAM HORD/one Negro girl nam'd Murreur she and her increase to him and his heirs forever; Item. I desire that the remainder of my Estate be equally divided among my Children. THOMAS HORD, JOHN HORD, JAMES HORD, PETER HORD, WILLIAM HORD, AMBROSE HORD, and WILLIAM MILLER/that marry'd my Daughter, JANE/, to them and their heirs forever; Its my desire that my Sons. THOMAS, WILLIAM and AMBROSE HORD be my Exetors: in this my last Wilt and Testament all whereunto I have interchangably set my hand and affix'd my seal this Fifteenth day of February one thousand seven hundred and Forty sevan Signed Sealed and Declared in presence of us JAMES JAMESON, JOHN his mark HORD THOMAS INSLEY, JOHN FORD At a Court held for Essex County at Tappahannock on the 21st day of November Anno Dom: 1749 This Last Will and Testament of JOHN HORD deceased was this day presented in Court by the Executors Therein named who make oath therto as the Law deirects and was also duely proved by the oaths of all the witnesses thereto & thereupon admitted to record and is truly recorded Test JOHN LEE, C. E. Cur. KNOW ALL MEN by those presents that we AMBROSE HORD. WILLM. HORD, JAMES JAMESON & THOMAS TINSLEY are held and firmly bound unto THOMAS WARING &c., Gent. Justices of thr peace for Essex County in the sum of One thousd. pds. to the which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs firmly by these presents; Sealed with our seals, dated the 21 day of Novr. Anno Dom: 1749%%%The Condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound AMBROSE HORD & WM. HORD, Execrs. of the last Will and Testament of JOHN HORD deceased, do make a true and perfect inventory of all the goods and chattels and credits of the said deceased and the same so made do exhibit in the County Court of Essex at such time as they shall be required by the said Court, and all other the goods chattels and credits do well and truly administer according to Law, And further do make a just and true account of their actings and doings therin when thereto required by the said Court. And also shall pay and deliver all Legacies contained and specified in the said Testament as far as the said goods chattels and credits will thereunto extend and the Law shall charge. Then this obligation to be void and of none effect or else to remain in full force and virtue AMB: HORD WM. HORD JAS: JAMESON THOS: TINSLEY At a Court held for Essex County at Tappahannock on the 21st day of November Anno Dom: 1749 AMBROSE HORD, WILLIAM HORD, JAMES JAMESON and THOMAS TINSLEY acknowledged this Bond to be their act and deed which was thereupon ordered to be recorded and is truly recorded Test JOHN LEE, C. E. Cur. | ||
Collected Sources: