1. , Canada (6)
2. , Canada Of> (1)
3. , Connecticut of> (1)
4. , England (3)
5. , Indiana (1)
6. , Italy (1)
7. , Kentucky (1)
8. , Massachusetts (1)
9. , Nebraska (Mount Pleasant Cemetery) (1)
10. , New Hamshire (1)
11. , New York Of?> (1)
12. , New Zealand (2)
13. , Pennsylvania (1)
14. , Pennsylvania USA (1)
15. , South Wales (1)
16. , Sweden (1)
17. , West Virginia of> (1)
18. , Wymoning (1)
19. (Both parents born Ireland) 
20. (Cremated) 
21. (Massachusetts, USA?) (1)
22. (Not USA) 
23. (Now Durham) Ontario, Canada (1)
24. (Ohio?), USA (1)
25. (Woodlawn Memorial Park) 
26. {At Sea) 
254. ~ (St. Patrick's Cemetery) 
255. ~(Abbey View Cemetery) 
256. ~(Accord Cemetery) 
257. ~(Albert Pioneer Cemetery) 
258. ~(American Fork City Cemetery) 
259. ~(Arlington Cemetery) 
260. ~(Ashes - At Sea) 
261. ~(Ashes Spread At Sea) 
262. ~(Ashland Cemetery) 
263. ~(At Sea) 
264. ~(Atlantic Ocean) 
265. ~(Austin Cemetery) 
266. ~(Belcrest Memorial Park Cemetery) 
267. ~(Berryville Memorial Cemetery) 
268. ~(Bird Cemetery) 
269. ~(Bourne National Cemetery) 
270. ~(Brewster Cemetery) 
271. ~(Buried At Sea) 
272. ~(Burkshire Cemetery) 
273. ~(Calvary Catholic Cemetery) 
274. ~(Calvary Cemetery) 
275. ~(Carey Hill Cemetery) 
276. ~(Cathedral Cemetery) 
277. ~(Central Square Cemetery) 
278. ~(Clear Creek Cemetery) 
279. ~(Cobourg Union Cemetery) 
280. ~(Concordia Cemetery) 
281. ~(Cortland Rural Cemetery) 
282. ~(Cove Run Cemetery) 
283. ~(Cross Creek Baptist Church Cemetery) 
284. ~(Curtis Cemetery) 
285. ~(Cypress Hills Cemetery) 
286. ~(Cypress Lawn Cemetery) 
287. ~(Dartmouth Cemetery) 
288. ~(Dexter Cemetery) 
289. ~(Dry Creek Cemetery) 
290. ~(Easton Cemetery) 
291. ~(Ebenezer Cemetery) 
292. ~(Edgemont Cemetery) 
293. ~(Elkland Cemetery) 
294. ~(Elmwood Cemetery) 
295. ~(Evergreen Cemetery) 
296. ~(Fairhaven Memorial Gardens) 
297. ~(Fairmont Memorial Park) 
298. ~(Fairview Cemetery) 
299. ~(Fantinekill Cemetery) 
300. ~(Forest Hill Cemetery) 
301. ~(Forest Home Cemetery) 
302. ~(Forest Lawn Cemetery) 
303. ~(Forestdale Cemetery) 
304. ~(Fountain Grove Cemetery) 
305. ~(Friendship Church Cemetery) 
306. ~(Gate Of Heaven Cemetery) 
307. ~(Glenwood Cemetery) 
308. ~(Graceland Cemetery) 
309. ~(Green Hill Cemetery) 
310. ~(Green River Cemetery) 
311. ~(Greenwood Cemetery) 
312. ~(Greenwood Mausoleum) 
313. ~(Groveland Cemetery) 
314. ~(Harmony Cemetery) 
315. ~(Highland Park Cemetery) 
316. ~(Hill Cemetery) 
317. ~(Hillcrest Park Cemetery) 
318. ~(Hillside Cemetery) 
319. ~(Holy Cross Cemetery) 
320. ~(Holy Sepulchre Cemetery) 
321. ~(Inghams Mills Cemetery) 
322. ~(Kempt Road Cemetery) 
323. ~(Kingscreek M. E. Cemetery) 
324. ~(Laural Grove Cemetery) 
325. ~(Leavenworth Cemetery) 
326. ~(Lewis Mountain Cemetery) 
327. ~(Lind Memorial Cemetery) 
328. ~(Locust Grove Cemetery) 
329. ~(Lone Pine Cemetery) 
330. ~(Lutheran Cemetery) 
331. ~(Main Street Cemetery) 
332. ~(Memorial Burial Park) 
333. ~(Menonite Cemetery) 
334. ~(Middle Settlement Cemetery) 
335. ~(Midvale Cemetery) 
336. ~(Mohawk Cemetery) 
337. ~(Morningside - Oakwood Cemetery) 
338. ~(Moscow Cemetery) 
339. ~(Mount Carmel Cemetery) 
340. ~(Mount Hope Cemetery) 
341. ~(Mount Olivet Cemetery) 
342. ~(Mount Peace Cemetery) 
343. ~(Mountain View Cemetery) 
344. ~(Mountain View Memorial Gardens) 
345. ~(Mt. Carmel Cemetery) 
346. ~(Mt. Hope Cemetery) 
347. ~(Mt. Moriah Cemetery) 
348. ~(Myrtle Hill Cemetery) 
349. ~(Nassau Knolls Cemetery) 
350. ~(Nat. Bohemian Cemetery) 
351. ~(New Canaan Cemetery) 
352. ~(New Cathedral Cemetery) 
353. ~(New Catherdral Cemetery) 
354. ~(New Glenwood Cemetery) 
355. ~(Nile Cemetery) 
356. ~(North Amherst Cemetery) 
357. ~(North Boyleston Cemetery) 
358. ~(North Fork Cemetery) 
359. ~(North Grove Cemetery) 
360. ~(Not USA) 
361. ~(Oak Grove Cemetery) 
362. ~(Oak Hill Cemetery) 
363. ~(Oak Ridge Cemetery) 
364. ~(Oakridge Cemetery) 
365. ~(Oakwood-Morningside Cemetery) 
366. ~(Oakwoods Cemetery) 
367. ~(Odd Fellows Cemetery) 
368. ~(Old Cathedral Cemetery) 
369. ~(Omar Cemetery) 
370. ~(Onondaga County Veterans Cemetery) 
371. ~(Onondaga Valley Cemetery) 
372. ~(Onslow Island Cemetery) 
373. ~(Oswego Rural Cemetery) 
374. ~(Park Cemetery) 
375. ~(Park Place Cemetery) 
376. ~(Pine Grove Cemetery) 
377. ~(Pine Hill Cemetery) 
378. ~(Pleasant Hill Cemetery) 
379. ~(Pointe DE Bute Methodist Cemetery) 
380. ~(Presidio Cemetary) 
381. ~(Redwood Memorial Estates) 
382. ~(Reformed Church Cemetery) 
383. ~(Resthaven Park Cemetery) 
384. ~(Riverdale Cemetery) 
385. ~(Riverside Cemetery) 
386. ~(Riverview Cemetery) 
387. ~(Rose Hill Cemetery) 
388. ~(Rural Cemetery) 
389. ~(Sacred Heart Cemetery) 
390. ~(Saint Agnes Cemetery) 
391. ~(Scandinavian Cemetery) 
392. ~(Southboro) 
393. ~(St. Anne's Cemetery) 
394. ~(St. Augustine's Cemetery) 
395. ~(St. Catharine's Cemetery) 
396. ~(St. Francis Cemetery) 
397. ~(St. Jeromes's Cemetery) 
398. ~(St. John's Cemetery) 
399. ~(St. Joseph's Cemetery) 
400. ~(St. Luke's Cemetery) 
401. ~(St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery) 
402. ~(St. Mary's Cemetery) 
403. ~(St. Michael's Cemetery) 
404. ~(St. Patrick's Cemetery) 
405. ~(St. Peter's Cemetery) 
406. ~(St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Cemetery) 
407. ~(St. Thomas Cemetery) 
408. ~(Stanford Cemetery) 
409. ~(Stockdale Cemetery) 
410. ~(Sylvan Lake Cemetery) 
411. ~(Throopsville Cemetery) 
412. ~(Union Cemetery) 
413. ~(Unmarked Grave) 
414. ~(Upper Greenhill Loyalist Cemetery) 
415. ~(Vale Cemetery) 
416. ~(Valley Cemetery) 
417. ~(Valley Crossroads Cemetery) 
418. ~(Valley United Church Cemetery) 
419. ~(West Orange Cemetery) 
420. ~(White Rock Cemetery) 
421. ~(Whitle Cemetery) 
422. ~(Williamsburg Memorial Park) 
423. ~(Woodlawn Cemetery) 
424. ~(Yauger Hollow Cemetery) 
425. ~(Yellow Tavern Cemetery) 
426. ~Goshen Cemetery) 
427. ~Pine Hill Cemetery 
428. Akansas, USA (1)
429. Alabama, USA (21) 
430. Alabama, USA (Elmwood Cemetery) (1)
431. Alabama, USA (Fairhope Colony Cemetery) (1)
432. Alabama, USA (Roselawn Cemetery) (1)
433. Alabama, USA (Salem Baptist Church Cemetery) (1)
434. Alabama, USA Of?> (5)
435. Alabama, USA Of> (5)
436. Alabama, USA?> (1)
437. Alaska, USA (4) 
438. Albert Co New Brunswick, Canada (1)
439. Albert Co New Brunswick, Canada (United Baptist Cemetery) (1)
440. Albert Co New Brunswick, Canada?> (1)
441. Albert, Canada (1)
442. Alberta, Canada (25) 
443. Alberta, Canada (Dakota Settlement Cemetery) (1)
444. Alberta, Canada (Edmonton Cemetery) (1)
445. Alberta, Canada (Mountain View Cemetery) (1)
446. Alberta, Canada Of> (1)
447. Alsace, France (2)
448. Andover, England 
449. Antrim, Ireland (1)
450. Argentina 
451. Argyll Co, Scotland (1)
452. Arizona, USA (35) 
453. Arizona, USA (Desert Lawn Memorial Park) (1)
454. Arizona, USA (East Lawn Cemetery and Mortuary) (1)
455. Arizona, USA (East Resthaven Memorial Park) (1)
456. Arizona, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (1)
457. Arizona, USA (Evergreen Memorial Park) (1)
458. Arizona, USA (Globe Cemetery) (1)
459. Arizona, USA (Globe K. P. Cemetery) (1)
460. Arizona, USA (National Memorial Cemetery) (1)
461. Arizona, USA (Paradise Memorial Gardens) (1)
462. Arizona, USA (Phoenix Memorial Park and Mortuary) (1)
463. Arizona, USA (South Lawn Memorial Cemetery) (1)
464. Arizona, USA (State Hospital Cemetery) (1)
465. Arizona, USA Of?> (9)
466. Arizona, USA Of> (6)
467. Arkansas, USA (44) 
468. Arkansas, USA (Baxter Memorial Cemetery) (1)
469. Arkansas, USA (Greene Co Memorial Gardens) (1)
470. Arkansas, USA (IOOF Cemetery) (1)
471. Arkansas, USA (Pine Knot Church Cemetery) (1)
472. Arkansas, USA (Pinewood Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
473. Arkansas, USA (Reese Cemetery) (1)
474. Arkansas, USA (Salem Cemetery) (1)
475. Arkansas, USA Of?> (9)
476. Arkansas, USA Of> (6)
477. Arnolds Park, Dickinson Co. Iowa 
478. Asbury, Germany 
479. Ashes Scattered - Puget Sound 
480. At Sea 
481. Aussig, Czechoslavakia 
482. Australia 
483. Australia (Both Parents Born Australia) 
484. Austria 
485. Austria or Germany 
486. Austria or New York, USA (Both Parents Born Austria) 
487. Austria Or Pennsylvania, USA 
488. Baden, Germany 
489. Barnes Co, North Dakota (1)
490. Barnes Co, North Dakota Of?> (1)
491. Baron On Furmen, England 
492. Bartender 
493. Bas-Rhin, France 
494. Bath, England 
495. Bavaria, Germany (3) 
496. Bavaria, Germany (Both Parents Born Germany) 
497. Bayern, Germany (3) 
498. Bedfordshire, England (2) 
499. Belfast, Ireland 
500. Belgium 
501. Beneventure, Italy 
502. Berkshire, England (7) 
503. Berkshire, England (Both Parents Born England) 
504. Berkshire, England Of> (1)
505. Berlin, Germany 
506. Berne, Switzerland 
507. Bethany-Peace United Church Of Christ 
508. Bikkavolu, India 
509. Bisley, England 
510. Bohemia 
511. Bohemia, Austria-Hungary (1)
512. Bohemia, Austrian Empire (1)
513. Bonn, Germany 
514. Bonsvista, Newfoundland (1)
515. Brazil 
516. Bremen, Germany 
517. Bremerhaven, Germany 
518. Brighton, England 
519. Bristol, England 
520. British Columbia, Canada (35) 
521. British Columbia, Canada (Mountain View Cemetery) (1)
522. British Columbia, Canada. (1)
523. Buckinghamshire, England (4) 
524. Bucks, England (1)
525. Budapest, Hungary 
526. Butts Co, Georgia (1)
527. Calcutta, India (1)
528. California, USA (376) 
529. California, USA ((Del Puerto Cemetery) (1)
530. California, USA (Acacia Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
531. California, USA (Alta Mesa Memorial Park) (1)
532. California, USA (Alturas Cemetery) (1)
533. California, USA (Anderson Cemetery) (1)
534. California, USA (Anderson District Cemetery) (1)
535. California, USA (Bloomfield Cemetery) (1)
536. California, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
537. California, USA (Cherokee Memorial Park) (1)
538. California, USA (Chico Cemetery) (1)
539. California, USA (Citizen's Cemetery) (1)
540. California, USA (Cypress Hill Memorial Park) (1)
541. California, USA (Cypress Lawn Memorial Park) (1)
542. California, USA (Del Puerto Cemetery) (1)
543. California, USA (Desert Lawn Memorial Park) (1)
544. California, USA (Dixon Cemetery) (1)
545. California, USA (Dunsmuir Cemetery) (1)
546. California, USA (East Lawn Cemetery) (1)
547. California, USA (East Union Cemetery) (1)
548. California, USA (El Cajon Cemetery) (1)
549. California, USA (Fall River Mills Cemetery) (1)
550. California, USA (Forest Lawn Memorial Park) (3)
551. California, USA (Forest View Cemetery) (1)
552. California, USA (Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery) (1)
553. California, USA (French Gulch Cemetery) (1)
554. California, USA (Fresno Memorial Gardens) (1)
555. California, USA (Garden of Memories Cemetery) (1)
556. California, USA (Glen Oaks Memorial Park) (1)
557. California, USA (Glenn Abby Memorial Park) (1)
558. California, USA (Golden Gate National Cemetery) (1)
559. California, USA (Grand View Memorial Park) (1)
560. California, USA (Greenwood Cemetery) (1)
561. California, USA (Greenwood Mausoleum) (1)
562. California, USA (Greenwood Memorial Cemetery) (1)
563. California, USA (Hillside Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
564. California, USA (Holcomb Cemetery) (1)
565. California, USA (Holy Cross Cemetery) (1)
566. California, USA (Inglewood Cemetery) (1)
567. California, USA (Inglewood Park Cemetery) (2)
568. California, USA (Lakewood Memorial Park) (1)
569. California, USA (Little Lake Cemetery) (1)
570. California, USA (Lodi Memorial Park) (1)
571. California, USA (Los Angeles National Cemetery) (1)
572. California, USA (Mexico?) 
573. California, USA (Modesto Citizen's Cemetery) (1)
574. California, USA (Mount Hope Cemetery) (1)
575. California, USA (Mount Vernon Memorial Park) (1)
576. California, USA (Mount Whitney Cemetery) (1)
577. California, USA (Mountain View Cemetery) (2)
578. California, USA (Mountain View Memorial Park) (1)
579. California, USA (Oak Hill Memorial Park) (1)
580. California, USA (Oak Park Cemetery) (1)
581. California, USA (Odd Fellows Lawn Cemetery and Mausoleum) (1)
582. California, USA (Olive Lawn Memorial Park) (1)
583. California, USA (Paradise Memorial Park) (1)
584. California, USA (Park View Cemetery) (1)
585. California, USA (Patterson District Cemetery) (1)
586. California, USA (Pierce Brothers Valhalla Memorial Park) (1)
587. California, USA (Rand District Cemetery) (1)
588. California, USA (Riverside National Cemetery) (1)
589. California, USA (Rose Hills Memorial Park) (1)
590. California, USA (Rosedale Cemetery) (1)
591. California, USA (Russian River Cemetery) (1)
592. California, USA (Sacramento City Cemetery) (1)
593. California, USA (Saint Patrick Catholic Cemetery) (1)
594. California, USA (San Francisco National Cemetery) (1)
595. California, USA (San Gorgonio Memorial Park) (1)
596. California, USA (San Jacinto Valley Cemetery) (1)
597. California, USA (Santa Barbara Cemetery) (1)
598. California, USA (Santa Maria Cemetery) (1)
599. California, USA (Sierra Memorial Lawn) (1)
600. California, USA (Skylawn Memorial Park) (1)
601. California, USA (St. Helena Public Cemetery) (1)
602. California, USA (St. Joseph's Cemetery) (1)
603. California, USA (St. Mary's Cemetery) (1)
604. California, USA (St. Marys Catholic Cemetery and Mausoleum) (1)
605. California, USA (St. Paul's Episcopal Columbarium) (1)
606. California, USA (Suisun-Fairfield Cemetery) (1)
607. California, USA (Sunrise Cemetery) (1)
608. California, USA (Sunset Mausoleum) (1)
609. California, USA (Susanville Cemetery) (1)
610. California, USA (Sutter Cemetery) (1)
611. California, USA (The Good Shepherd Cemetery) (1)
612. California, USA (Tipton-Pixley Cemetery) (1)
613. California, USA (Tulare Cemetery) (2)
614. California, USA (Ukiah Cemetery) (2)
615. California, USA (Union Cemetery) (2)
616. California, USA (Vandalia Cemetery) (1)
617. California, USA (Weaverville Cemetery) (1)
618. California, USA (Winters Cemetery) (1)
619. California, USA (Woodland Cemetery) (1)
620. California, USA Of?> (116)
621. California, USA of> (50)
622. California, USA Or Ireland 
623. California, USA?> (8)
624. Califotnia, USA Of?> (1)
625. Cambridge, England (R.A.F Cemetery) 
626. Cambridgeshire, England (2)
627. Cambridgeshire, England (Cambridge American Cemetery and Memorial) (1)
628. Canada 
629. Canada (Both Parents Born Canada) 
630. Canada (Both Parents Born England) 
631. Canada (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
632. Canada (Both Parents Born New Brunswick, Canada) (1)
633. Canada (Both Parents Born Nova Scotia, Canada) (1)
634. Canada (Bowmanville, Cemetery) (1)
635. Canada (Fa. Born Canada, MO. Born Ireland) 
636. Canada (Fa. Born England, MO. Born Canada) 
637. Canada (Fa. Born England, MO. Born Ireland) 
638. Canada (Minnesota, USA?) (1)
639. Canada or Connecticut, USA 
640. Canada Or England 
641. Canada or Ireland 
642. Canada Or Maine, USA 
643. Canada Or Maine, USA?> (1)
644. Canada Or Massachusetts, USA 
645. Canada Or Michigan, USA 
646. Canada Or New York, USA (2) 
647. Canada Or USA 
648. Canada Or Vermont, USA (1)
649. Canada or Washington, USA 
650. Canada Or Washington, USA Of?> (1)
651. Canada, USA 
652. Canada, USA (Pickard Merrithew Cemetery) (1)
653. Canada? 
654. Canton Of Diekirch, Luxembourg (2)
655. Canton Of Mersch, Luxembourg (1)
656. Canton Of Redange, Luxembourg (1)
657. Cape Breton Island, Canada (1)
658. Carlisle, England 
659. Cconnecticut, USA (1)
660. Chemainus, Canada 
661. Cheshire Co, England (1)
662. Cheshire, England (1)
663. China 
664. China (Both parents born Ohio, USA) 
665. Clackamas Co, Oregon Of?> (1)
666. Clayton Co, Georgia (2)
667. Clinton, Canada 
668. , Co Antrim, Ireland 
669. Co Armagh, Ireland (1)
670. , Co Clair, Ireland 
671. Co Clare, Ireland (2) 
672. Co Clare, Ireland of> (1)
673. Co Cork, Ireland (3) 
674. , Co Derry, Ireland 
675. Co Dingle, Ireland (3) 
676. Co Down, Ireland (2) 
677. , Co Dublin, Ireland 
678. Co Galway, Ireland (2) 
679. Co Galway, Ireland (Both Parents Born Ireland) (1)
680. Co Kerry, Ireland (16) 
681. Co Kerry, Ireland (Both Parents Born Ireland) (1)
682. Co Kildare, Ireland (1)
683. , Co Kilkenny, Ireland 
684. Co Limerick, Ireland (3) 
685. , Co Mayo, Ireland 
686. Co Meath, Ireland (1)
687. Co Roscommon, Ireland (3)
688. , Co Roscommon, Ireland (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
689. , Co Sligo, Ireland 
690. , Co Tipperary, Ireland 
691. Co Waterford, Ireland (3) 
692. Co Wexford, Ireland (2) 
693. , Co Wexford, Ireland (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
694. Co. Kerry, Ireland (2)
695. Co.Kerry, Ireland (1)
696. Colburn, Canada 
697. Colorado, USA (102) 
698. Colorado, USA (Arvada Cemetery) (1)
699. Colorado, USA (Calvary Cemetery) (1)
700. Colorado, USA (Cemetery Of St. Vrain Church Of The Brethren) (1)
701. Colorado, USA (Columbia Cemetery) (1)
702. Colorado, USA (Crown Hill Cemetery) (2)
703. Colorado, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (1)
704. Colorado, USA (Fairmont Cemetery) (1)
705. Colorado, USA (Fairmount Cemetery) (1)
706. Colorado, USA (Fort Logan National Cemetery) (1)
707. Colorado, USA (Glendale Cemetery) (1)
708. Colorado, USA (Golden Cemetery) (1)
709. Colorado, USA (Grandview Cemetery) (2)
710. Colorado, USA (Hillcrest Cemetery) (1)
711. Colorado, USA (Holly Cemetery) (1)
712. Colorado, USA (Lakeside Cemetery) (1)
713. Colorado, USA (Las Animas Cemetery) (1)
714. Colorado, USA (Linn Brove Cemetery) (1)
715. Colorado, USA (Memorial Gardens Cemetery and Mausoleum) (1)
716. Colorado, USA (Mount Pisgah Cemetery) (1)
717. Colorado, USA (Mountain View Cemetery) (1)
718. Colorado, USA (Oak Creek Cemetery) (1)
719. Colorado, USA (Orchard Mesa Cemetery) (1)
720. Colorado, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (1)
721. Colorado, USA (Rosehill Cemetery) (1)
722. Colorado, USA (Yuma Cemetery) (1)
723. Colorado, USA Of?> (26)
724. Colorado, USA Of> (12)
725. Colorado, USA?> (2)
726. Connecticut, Usa (164) 
727. Connecticut, USA (Bolton Center Cemetery) (1)
728. Connecticut, USA (Both Parents Born England) 
729. Connecticut, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
730. Connecticut, USA (Bungay Cemetery) (1)
731. Connecticut, USA (Calvary Cemetery) (1)
732. Connecticut, USA (Cornell-Munro Cemetery) (1)
733. Connecticut, USA (Elm Grove Cemetery) (1)
734. Connecticut, USA (Fairview Cemetery) (1)
735. Connecticut, USA (Grove St. Cemetery) (1)
736. Connecticut, USA (Grove Street Cemetery) (1)
737. Connecticut, USA (Maple Cemetery) (1)
738. Connecticut, USA (Milford Cemetery) (1)
739. Connecticut, USA (Mount Olivet Cemetery) (1)
740. Connecticut, USA (Mount St. Benedict Cemetery) (1)
741. Connecticut, USA (Old Eastford Yard Cemetery) (1)
742. Connecticut, USA (Old Westfield Cemetery) (1)
743. Connecticut, USA (Pine Grove Cemetery) (1)
744. Connecticut, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (1)
745. Connecticut, USA (Simbury Cemetery) (1)
746. Connecticut, USA (St. James Cemetery) (1)
747. Connecticut, USA (St. John's Cemetery) (1)
748. Connecticut, USA (St. Mary's Cemetery) (3)
749. Connecticut, USA (West Cemetery) (1)
750. Connecticut, USA (West Meadow Cemetery) (1)
751. Connecticut, USA (Zoar Cemetery) (1)
752. Connecticut, USA > (1)
753. Connecticut, USA of 
754. Connecticut, USA Of?> (42)
755. Connecticut, USA Of> (27)
756. Connecticut, USA or Ireland 
757. Connecticut, USA?> (7)
758. Connectisut, USA Of> (1)
759. Cookam Rise, England 
760. Coombe, England 
761. Copenhagen, Denmark 
762. Cork City, Ireland 
763. Cornaux, Neuch 
764. Cornwall Co, England (1)
765. Cornwall, England (53) 
766. Cornwell, England (2)
767. County Cornwall, Wales (2)
768. , County Tyrone, Ireland 
769. Cromarty, Scotland 
770. Crouy-Sur-Somme, France 
771. Czechoslovakia 
772. Dakota Territory, USA (2)
773. Darmstadt, Germany (2) 
774. Darmstadt, Germany (Both Parents Born Germany) (1)
775. DC, USA Of?> (1)
776. DC, USA?> (1)
777. Del Llave, Puerto Rico (1)
778. Delaware, USA (10) 
779. Delaware, USA (White Clay Creek Cemetery) (1)
780. Delaware, USA Of?> (3)
781. Delaware, USA Of> (3)
782. Denbighshire, Wales (1)
783. Denmark 
784. Deptford (England?) 
785. Devon (aka Devonshire), England (16) 
786. Devon (aka Devonshire), England (Both parents born England) (1)
787. Devon (aka Devonshire), England of (2)
788. Devon, (England?) (1)
789. Devon, England (6) 
790. Devonport, England 
791. Devonshie, England (1)
792. Devonshire, England (7) 
793. Devonshire, England (Both Parents Born England) 
794. Devonshire, England Of> (1)
795. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia 
796. District Of Columbia, USA (1)
797. District Of Columbia, USA (Both parents same place) (1)
798. Distrito Federal, Mexico (1)
799. Donegall, Ireland 
800. Dorchester, England (1)
801. Dorset (aka Dorsetshire), England (5) 
802. Dorset, England (11) 
803. Dublin, Ireland 
804. Dublin, Ireland (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
805. Dundee, Scotland 
806. Dunkenfield, England 
807. , Durham Co, England 
808. East Bohemia, Czech Republic (1)
809. East Sussex, England (4) 
810. Edinborough, Scotland 
811. Edinburgh, Scotland 
812. Egypt 
813. Elgin Co, Canada (1)
814. Elsas Lorain, (Germany?) 
815. England 
816. England (Both Parents Born England) 
817. England (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
818. England Or Germany (Both Parents Born Germany) 
819. England Or Illinois, USA 
820. England Or Ireland 
821. England Or Ireland (Both Parents Born England Or Ireland) 
822. England Or Michigan, USA 
823. England Or Minnesota, USA 
824. England Or New York, USA 
825. England or New York, USA (Both Parents Born England) 
826. England Or Scotland 
827. England or Wales (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
828. England Or Wisconsin, USA 
829. England? 
830. Essex Co, New Jersey Of?> (1)
831. Essex, England (3) 
832. Ewell, England 
833. Exeter, England 
834. Farnsworth, England 
835. Fayette Co, Kentucky Of?> (1)
836. Fayette Co, Pennsylvania (1)
837. Finland 
838. Fishmunger 
839. Flamstead, England 
840. Flanders, Belgium (1)
841. Flordia, USA Of> (1)
842. Florida, USA (145) 
843. Florida, USA (Arlington Park Cemetery) (1)
844. Florida, USA (Bay Pines National Cemetery) (2)
845. Florida, USA (Calvary Catholic Cemetery and Mausoleum) (1)
846. Florida, USA (Crestlawn Cemetery) (1)
847. Florida, USA (Florida National Cemetery) (1)
848. Florida, USA (Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens North) (1)
849. Florida, USA (Graceland Cemetery) (1)
850. Florida, USA (Greenwood Cemetery) (2)
851. Florida, USA (Oaklawn Cemetery) (1)
852. Florida, USA (Our Lady Queen Of Peace Catholic Cemetery) (1)
853. Florida, USA (Pinecrest Cemetery) (1)
854. Florida, USA (Saint Bartholomew Episcopal Cemetery (1)
855. Florida, USA (Sarasota National Cemetery) (1)
856. Florida, USA (Serenity Gardens Memorial Park) (1)
857. Florida, USA (Skyway Memorial Gardens) (1)
858. Florida, USA (St. John's Cemetery) (1)
859. Florida, USA (Turkey Creek Baptist Church Cemetery) (1)
860. Florida, USA (VA National Cemetery) (1)
861. Florida, USA (West Evergreen Cemetery) (1)
862. Florida, USA Of?> (41)
863. Florida, USA Of> (49)
864. Florida, USA?> (1)
865. Floridai, USA Of> (1)
866. Foochow, China 
867. Forida Or Maryland, USA Of?> (1)
868. Formosa Island, Taiwan 
869. France 
870. France (Albert Communal Cemetery Extension) 
871. France Or Germany 
872. France Or New York, USA 
873. Frankfort On The Maim, Germany 
874. Frankfort, Germany (Both Parents Born Germany) 
875. Frederiksborg, Denmark (1)
876. From Canada To USA 
877. From Germany To USA 
878. From Ireland To USA 
879. Galicia, Ukraine (Now Poland) 
880. Galszecs, Hungary 
881. Georgia, USA (35) 
882. Georgia, USA (Andersonville National Cemetery) (1)
883. Georgia, USA (Baptist Church Cemetery) (1)
884. Georgia, USA (Bellevue Memorial Gardens) (1)
885. Georgia, USA (Decatur Cemetery) (1)
886. Georgia, USA (Hoard-Kimbrough Cemetery) (1)
887. Georgia, USA (Marietta National Cemetery) (1)
888. Georgia, USA (National Cemetery) (1)
889. Georgia, USA (Sandy Creek Church Cemetery) (1)
890. Georgia, USA Of?> (4)
891. Georgia, USA Of> (4)
892. Georgia, USA?> (1)
893. Germany 
894. Germany (Both Parents Born Byon, Germany) (1)
895. Germany (Both Parents Born Germany) 
896. Germany (Sage War Cemetery) 
897. Germany Or Illinois, USA (1)
898. Germany Or Ireland 
899. Germany Or New York, USA 
900. Germany or New York, USA (Both Parents Born Germany) 
901. Gillmill, Scotland 
902. Gilpin Co, Colorado (1)
903. Glamorgan, Wales. (1)
904. Glasgow, Scotland 
905. Glen Tosh, Canada 
906. , Gloucester (aka Gloucestershire), England of 
907. Gloucestershire, England (16) 
908. Gloucestershire, England of> (1)
909. Glouchester, England (2)
910. Gonnamaris, England 
911. Gottenberg, Sweden 
912. Grafton Co, New Hampshire (1)
913. Grainger Co, Tennessee Of?> (1)
914. Grand Duches Hessen (Both Parents Born Germany) 
915. Grayson Co, Texas (1)
916. Grayson Co, Texas (West Hill Cemetery) (1)
917. Great Britain 
918. Greece 
919. Greenwich, England 
920. Grimness, Scotland 
921. Grocery Dealer 
922. Guadelcanal, Solomon Islands 
923. Guanajuato Co, Mexico (1)
924. Guilford Co, North Carolina Of?> (1)
925. Halifax Co, NS Canada (1)
926. Halifax Co, NS Canada (Holy Cross Cemetery) (1)
927. , Halton Co, Canada 
928. , Hampden Co, Massachusetts 
929. Hampshire (England?) 
930. Hampshire, England (19) 
931. Hampshire, England (Highland Road Cemetery) (1)
932. Hampshire, England of? (1)
933. Hanover (Iowa, USA?) 
934. Harrison Co, West Virginia (1)
935. Harrison Co, West Virginia (Bridgeport Cemetery) (1)
936. Haslington, England 
937. Hawaii, USA (5) 
938. Hawaii, USA (National Memorial Cemetery Of The Pacific) (1)
939. Hawaii, USA Of> (1)
940. Hawkhurst Kent, England 
941. Hebron, (New York?) 
942. Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany 
943. Helsingburg, Sweden 
944. Hendon, England 
945. Hertfordshire, England (2)
946. Hessedarm (Both Parents Born Hessedarmstadt) 
947. Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany 
948. Hessen, Germany (2) 
949. Hew Hampshire, USA (1)
950. Hjorring, Denmark (1)
951. Holland 
952. Holland Or New York, USA 
953. Hungary 
954. Hungary (Both Parents Born Hungary) 
955. Ibrany, Hungary 
956. Idaho, USA (80) 
957. Idaho, USA (Coeur d'Alene Memorial Gardnens) (1)
958. Idaho, USA (Downey Cemetery) (1)
959. Idaho, USA (Franklin Cemetery) (1)
960. Idaho, USA (Hillcrest Cemetery) (1)
961. Idaho, USA (Lakeview Cemetery) (1)
962. Idaho, USA (Moscow Cemetery) (1)
963. Idaho, USA (Mountain View Cemetery) (1)
964. Idaho, USA (Parker Cemetery) (1)
965. Idaho, USA (Parker Memorial Park) (1)
966. Idaho, USA (Parkview Cemetery) (1)
967. Idaho, USA (Plano Cemetery) (1)
968. Idaho, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (1)
969. Idaho, USA (Twin Falls Cemetery) (1)
970. Idaho, USA Of?> (6)
971. Idaho, USA Of> (6)
972. Idaho, USA?> (1)
973. Ilaly 
974. Ilinois, USA 
975. Illinios, USA (1)
976. Illinois Or Missouri, USA 
977. Illinois, USA (408) 
978. Illinois, USA (Abingdon Cemetery) (1)
979. Illinois, USA (Acacia Pk. Cemetery) (1)
980. Illinois, USA (Anna Cemetery) (1)
981. Illinois, USA (Baughman Cemetery) (1)
982. Illinois, USA (Beardstown City Cemetery) (1)
983. Illinois, USA (Bellflower Cemetery) (1)
984. Illinois, USA (Bellview Cemetery) (1)
985. Illinois, USA (Bishop Hill Cemetery) (1)
986. Illinois, USA (Bloomington Cemetery) (1)
987. Illinois, USA (Bluff City Cemetery) (1)
988. Illinois, USA (Both Parents Born Canada) 
989. Illinois, USA (Both Parents Born England) (2) 
990. Illinois, USA (Both Parents Born Germany) 
991. Illinois, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
992. Illinois, USA (Bronswood Cemetery) (1)
993. Illinois, USA (Buckeye Cemetery) (2)
994. Illinois, USA (Calvary Cemetery) (3)
995. Illinois, USA (Cuba Cemetery) (1)
996. Illinois, USA (Dawson Cemetery) (2)
997. Illinois, USA (Dodge Grove Cemetery) (1)
998. Illinois, USA (Drummer Twp Cemetery) (1)
999. Illinois, USA (Eden Cemetery) (1)
1000. Illinois, USA (Elizabeth City Cemetery) (1)
1001. Illinois, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (2)
1002. Illinois, USA (Evergreen Park Cemetery) (1)
1003. Illinois, USA (Floral Hill Cemetery) (1)
1004. Illinois, USA (Forest Home Cemetery) (1)
1005. Illinois, USA (Frankeberger Cemetery) (1)
1006. Illinois, USA (Glen Oak Cemetery) (1)
1007. Illinois, USA (Graceland Cemetery) (1)
1008. Illinois, USA (Greenwood Cemetery) (2)
1009. Illinois, USA (Gundy Cemetery) (1)
1010. Illinois, USA (Guy Cemetery - Row 13) (1)
1011. Illinois, USA (Hager Cemetery) (1)
1012. Illinois, USA (Harding Cemetery) (1)
1013. Illinois, USA (Holy Sepulchre Cemetery) (2)
1014. Illinois, USA (Jenkins Cemetery) (1)
1015. Illinois, USA (Lancaster Cemetery) (1)
1016. Illinois, USA (Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
1017. Illinois, USA (Mackinaw Township Cemetery) (1)
1018. Illinois, USA (Malta Cemetery) (1)
1019. Illinois, USA (Mann's Chapel) (1)
1020. Illinois, USA (Maple Grove Cemetery) (2)
1021. Illinois, USA (Maplewood Cemetery) (2)
1022. Illinois, USA (Marietta Cemetery) (1)
1023. Illinois, USA (Memorial Park Cemetery) (2)
1024. Illinois, USA (Minier Cemetery) (1)
1025. Illinois, USA (Morseville Cemetery) (1)
1026. Illinois, USA (Mount Auburn Cemetery) (1)
1027. Illinois, USA (Mount Carmel Cemetery) (2)
1028. Illinois, USA (Mount Emblem Cemetery) (2)
1029. Illinois, USA (Mount Hope Cemetery) (4)
1030. Illinois, USA (Mount Moriah Cemetery) (3)
1031. Illinois, USA (Mount Olive Cemetery) (1)
1032. Illinois, USA (Mount Pleasant Cemetery) (1)
1033. Illinois, USA (Mount Pulaski Cemetery) (1)
1034. Illinois, USA (Mt. Carmel Cemetery) (1)
1035. Illinois, USA (Naperville Cemetery) (1)
1036. Illinois, USA (New Union Cemetery) (1)
1037. Illinois, USA (Oak Hill Cemetery) (3)
1038. Illinois, USA (Oakdale Cemetery) (1)
1039. Illinois, USA (Oakland Cemetery) (1)
1040. Illinois, USA (Oakridge Cemetery) (1)
1041. Illinois, USA (Oakwood Cemetery) (2)
1042. Illinois, USA (Old Nauvoo Burial Grounds) (1)
1043. Illinois, USA (Oswego Cemetery) (1)
1044. Illinois, USA (Parents born Czechoslovakia) 
1045. Illinois, USA (Peru City Cemetery) (1)
1046. Illinois, USA (Plano Cemetery) (1)
1047. Illinois, USA (Princeville Cemetery) (1)
1048. Illinois, USA (Red Oak Cemetery) (2)
1049. Illinois, USA (Richmond Cemetery) (1)
1050. Illinois, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (3)
1051. Illinois, USA (Riverview Cemetery) (1)
1052. Illinois, USA (Rock Island National Cemetery) (1)
1053. Illinois, USA (Roscoe Cemetery) (1)
1054. Illinois, USA (Rosehill Cemetery) (1)
1055. Illinois, USA (Roselawn Cemetery) (1)
1056. Illinois, USA (Saint John Cemetery) (1)
1057. Illinois, USA (Saybrook Cemetery) (1)
1058. Illinois, USA (Sleepy Hollow Cemetery) (1)
1059. Illinois, USA (South Hill Cemetery) (1)
1060. Illinois, USA (Spring Lake Cemetery) (1)
1061. Illinois, USA (Springhill Cemetery) (1)
1062. Illinois, USA (St. Bonaface Cemetery) (1)
1063. Illinois, USA (St. Joseph Cemetery) (1)
1064. Illinois, USA (St. Joseph's Cemetery) (2)
1065. Illinois, USA (St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery) (1)
1066. Illinois, USA (St. Mary's Cemetery) (1)
1067. Illinois, USA (St. Paul's Cemetery) (1)
1068. Illinois, USA (St. Vincent Cemetery) (1)
1069. Illinois, USA (St. Vincent's Cemetery) (1)
1070. Illinois, USA (Stearns Cemetery) (3)
1071. Illinois, USA (Summit View Cemetery) (2)
1072. Illinois, USA (Sunset Cemetery) (1)
1073. Illinois, USA (Valhalla Cemetery) (1)
1074. Illinois, USA (Wauburn Cemetery) (1)
1075. Illinois, USA (White Chapel Memorial Gardens) (1)
1076. Illinois, USA (Whitlock Cemetery) (1)
1077. Illinois, USA (Wiley Cemetery) (4)
1078. Illinois, USA (Woodland Cemetery) (1)
1079. Illinois, USA (Woodlawn Cemetery) (1)
1080. Illinois, USA (Zoar Cemetery) (1)
1081. Illinois, USA (Zoar New Hanover Cemetery) (1)
1082. Illinois, USA Of?> (75)
1083. Illinois, USA Of> (48)
1084. Illinois, USA?> (15)
1085. Independent Congregational Church 
1086. Indiana, USA (279) 
1087. Indiana, USA (Claysville Cemetery) (1)
1088. Indiana, USA (Alexander Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
1089. Indiana, USA (Banks Or Standish Cemetery) (1)
1090. Indiana, USA (Beech Grove Cemetery) (1)
1091. Indiana, USA (Bentonville Cemetery) (1)
1092. Indiana, USA (Both Parents Born England) 
1093. Indiana, USA (Both Parents Born English Canada) 
1094. Indiana, USA (Both Parents Born Germany) 
1095. Indiana, USA (Both Parents Born Indiana) 
1096. Indiana, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
1097. Indiana, USA (Breckenridge Cemetery) (1)
1098. Indiana, USA (Brooklyn Cemetery) (1)
1099. Indiana, USA (Clark Cemetery) (1)
1100. Indiana, USA (Claysville Cemetery) (2)
1101. Indiana, USA (Cresthaven Cemetery) (1)
1102. Indiana, USA (Crown Hill Cemetery) (2)
1103. Indiana, USA (Earlham Cemetery) (1)
1104. Indiana, USA (East Hill Cemetery) (1)
1105. Indiana, USA (Eastern Cemetery) (1)
1106. Indiana, USA (Elm Ridge Memorial Park) (1)
1107. Indiana, USA (Falls Memorial Gardens) (1)
1108. Indiana, USA (Franklin Cemetery) (1)
1109. Indiana, USA (Fulk Cemetery) (1)
1110. Indiana, USA (Gardens of Memory) (1)
1111. Indiana, USA (Glen Haven Memorial Gardens) (1)
1112. Indiana, USA (Goshen Cemetery) (2)
1113. Indiana, USA (Grandville Cemetery) (1)
1114. Indiana, USA (Greenlawn Cemetery) (1)
1115. Indiana, USA (Greenwood Cemetery) (1)
1116. Indiana, USA (Hardinsburg Cemetery) (1)
1117. Indiana, USA (Hardinsburg Unity Baptist Cemetery) (1)
1118. Indiana, USA (Highland Cemetary Mauseleum) (1)
1119. Indiana, USA (Hillcrest Cemetery) (1)
1120. Indiana, USA (Hop Cemetery) (1)
1121. Indiana, USA (Horner's Chapel Cemetery) (1)
1122. Indiana, USA (Kentucky - Ohio) (1)
1123. Indiana, USA (Livonia Cemetery) (2)
1124. Indiana, USA (Locust Hill Cemetery) (1)
1125. Indiana, USA (Lutherania Cemetery) (1)
1126. Indiana, USA (Maplewood Cemetery) (1)
1127. Indiana, USA (Mill Creek Cemetery) (1)
1128. Indiana, USA (Miriam Benedict Cemetery) (1)
1129. Indiana, USA (Mount Tabor Cemetery) (1)
1130. Indiana, USA (Mount Tabor Church Cemetery) (1)
1131. Indiana, USA (Mount Zion Cemetery) (1)
1132. Indiana, USA (New Chapel Cemetery) (2)
1133. Indiana, USA (Oak Park Cemetery) (1)
1134. Indiana, USA (Oakwood Cemetery) (1)
1135. Indiana, USA (Old Banks Or Standish Cemetery) (1)
1136. Indiana, USA (Old Union Cemetery) (1)
1137. Indiana, USA (Ontario Cemetery) (1)
1138. Indiana, USA (Our Lady of Peace Cemetery) (1)
1139. Indiana, USA (Posey Cemetery) (1)
1140. Indiana, USA (Rice Cemetery) (1)
1141. Indiana, USA (Riverview Cemetery) (1)
1142. Indiana, USA (Rose Hill Cemetery) (2)
1143. Indiana, USA (Ross Cemetery) (1)
1144. Indiana, USA (Sacred Heart Cemetery) (1)
1145. Indiana, USA (Salem Cemetery) (1)
1146. Indiana, USA (Smedley Cemetery) (1)
1147. Indiana, USA (Southlawn Cemetery) (1)
1148. Indiana, USA (Stampers Creek Church Cemetery) (1)
1149. Indiana, USA (Sunset Memorial Gardens Cemetery) (1)
1150. Indiana, USA (Valhalla Memorial Gardens) (1)
1151. Indiana, USA (Walnut Hill Cemetery) (1)
1152. Indiana, USA (Walton Cemetery) (1)
1153. Indiana, USA Of?> (37)
1154. Indiana, USA Of> (21)
1155. Indiana, USA Or England 
1156. Indiana, USA?> (10)
1157. Ingonish, (Canada?) 
1158. Inverness, Scotland 
1159. , Iosco Co., Miichigan 
1160. Iowa, USA (482) 
1161. Iowa, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (1)
1162. Iowa, USA Of?> (1)
1163. Iowa, USA (Bethel Cemetery) (1)
1164. Iowa, USA (Both Parents Born England) 
1165. Iowa, USA (Both parents born Germany) (2) 
1166. Iowa, USA (Boulder Cemetery) (1)
1167. Iowa, USA (Brethern Cemetery) (1)
1168. Iowa, USA (Catholic Cemetery) (1)
1169. Iowa, USA (Cedar Memorial Cemetery) (1)
1170. Iowa, USA (Cedar Memorial Park) (1)
1171. Iowa, USA (Center Cemetery) (1)
1172. Iowa, USA (Center Point Cemetery) (1)
1173. Iowa, USA (Clarinda City Cemetery) (1)
1174. Iowa, USA (Deloit Cemetery) (1)
1175. Iowa, USA (Denmark Cemetery) (1)
1176. Iowa, USA (East Side Cemetery) (1)
1177. Iowa, USA (Eldon Cemetery) (1)
1178. Iowa, USA (Elmwood Cemetery) (3)
1179. Iowa, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (1)
1180. Iowa, USA (Fairview Methodist Cemetery) (1)
1181. Iowa, USA (Forest Cemetery) (1)
1182. Iowa, USA (Forest Home Cemetery) (1)
1183. Iowa, USA (Glendale Cemetery) (1)
1184. Iowa, USA (Graceland Cemetery) (2)
1185. Iowa, USA (Greenwood Cemetery) (1)
1186. Iowa, USA (Harlan Cemetery) (1)
1187. Iowa, USA (Harrison Cemetery) (1)
1188. Iowa, USA (Hazelwood Cemetery) (1)
1189. Iowa, USA (Highland Cemetery) (1)
1190. Iowa, USA (Hillcrest Cemetery) (1)
1191. Iowa, USA (Hillside Cemetery) (2)
1192. Iowa, USA (Hite Cemetery) (1)
1193. Iowa, USA (Hyatt Cemetery) (1)
1194. Iowa, USA (Indianola I.O.O.F. Cemetery) (1)
1195. Iowa, USA (IOOF Cemetery) (1)
1196. Iowa, USA (Keokuk National Cemetery) (1)
1197. Iowa, USA (Laurel Hill Cemetery) (1)
1198. Iowa, USA (Linwood Cemetery) (1)
1199. Iowa, USA (Linwood Or Leewood Cemetery) (1)
1200. Iowa, USA (Lutheran Cemetery) (1)
1201. Iowa, USA (Lynwood Cemetery) (1)
1202. Iowa, USA (Maple Hill Cemetery) (1)
1203. Iowa, USA (Marysville Cemetery) (1)
1204. Iowa, USA (Masonic Cemetery) (1)
1205. Iowa, USA (Memorial Park) (1)
1206. Iowa, USA (Millers Chapel Cemetery) (1)
1207. Iowa, USA (Mt. Hope Cemetery) (1)
1208. Iowa, USA (North Grove Cemetery) (1)
1209. Iowa, USA (Oak Hill Cemetery) (3)
1210. Iowa, USA (Oakland Cemetery) (3)
1211. Iowa, USA (Old Stone Cemetery) (1)
1212. Iowa, USA (Old Stone Church Cemetery) (1)
1213. Iowa, USA (Olin Cemetery) (1)
1214. Iowa, USA (Onawa City Cemetery) (1)
1215. Iowa, USA (Osage City Cemetery) (1)
1216. Iowa, USA (Ottumwa Cemetery) (1)
1217. Iowa, USA (Parkview Care Center) (1)
1218. Iowa, USA (Plainville Chapel Cemetery) (1)
1219. Iowa, USA (Pleasant View Cemetery) (1)
1220. Iowa, USA (Red Oak Cemetery) (1)
1221. Iowa, USA (Rice Cemetery) (1)
1222. Iowa, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (2)
1223. Iowa, USA (Riverview Cemetery) (1)
1224. Iowa, USA (Rose Hill Cemetery) (1)
1225. Iowa, USA (Scotch Ridge Cemetery) (1)
1226. Iowa, USA (Shual Cemetery) (1)
1227. Iowa, USA (Silver Lake Cemetery) (1)
1228. Iowa, USA (Sorden Cemetery) (1)
1229. Iowa, USA (Sordon Cemetery) (1)
1230. Iowa, USA (St. Columbanus Catholic Cemetery) (1)
1231. Iowa, USA (St. Joseph Cemetery) (1)
1232. Iowa, USA (Union Cemetery) (2)
1233. Iowa, USA (Union Chapel Cemetery) (1)
1234. Iowa, USA (Walcott Cemetery) (1)
1235. Iowa, USA (Waterloo Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
1236. Iowa, USA (Waubansie Cemetery) (1)
1237. Iowa, USA (Waucoma Cemetery) (1)
1238. Iowa, USA (West Cass Twp Cemetery) (1)
1239. Iowa, USA (Whiting Cemetery) (1)
1240. Iowa, USA (Winchester Cemetery) (1)
1241. Iowa, USA (Woodland Cemetery) (1)
1242. Iowa, USA (Woodward Cemetery) (1)
1243. Iowa, USA Of?.> (1)
1244. Iowa, USA Of?> (44)
1245. Iowa, USA Of> (26)
1246. Iowa, USA or Sweden 
1247. Iowa, USA?> (18)
1248. Ireland 
1249. Ireland (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
1250. Ireland (Northern) 
1251. Ireland (Northern) (Both Parents Born Northern Ireland) 
1252. Ireland (Northern) Or New Jersey, USA 
1253. Ireland (Southern) 
1254. Ireland (Southern) (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
1255. Ireland or Massachusetts, USA 
1256. Ireland or Michigan, USA 
1257. Ireland or New Brunswick, Canada 
1258. Ireland Or New York, USA 
1259. Ireland Or Nova Scotia, Canada (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
1260. Ireland or Scotland 
1261. Island Of Malta 
1262. Isle Of Lewis, Scotland (2) 
1263. Isle Of Pines, Cuba 
1264. Italy 
1265. Iuo Jima 
1266. Japan 
1267. Jefferson, Ohio 
1268. Johannesburg, South Africa 
1269. Jordon, (New York?) 
1270. Jr. 
1271. Kabul, Afghanistan 
1272. Kansas, USA (282) 
1273. Kansas, USA (Antioch Cemetery) (1)
1274. Kansas, USA (Appanoose Cemetery) (1)
1275. Kansas, USA (Ash Rock Cemetery) (1)
1276. Kansas, USA (Both parents born Germany) 
1277. Kansas, USA (Browns Grove Cemetery) (1)
1278. Kansas, USA (Buckeye Cemetery) (1)
1279. Kansas, USA (Bucklin Cemetery) (1)
1280. Kansas, USA (Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens) (1)
1281. Kansas, USA (Desoto Cemetery) (1)
1282. Kansas, USA (East Hill Cemetery) (1)
1283. Kansas, USA (Eastside Cemetery) (1)
1284. Kansas, USA (Effingham Cemetery) (1)
1285. Kansas, USA (Elmwood Cemetery) (1)
1286. Kansas, USA (Fairlawn Burial Park) (1)
1287. Kansas, USA (Fairview Cemetery) (2)
1288. Kansas, USA (Fairview Park Cemetery) (1)
1289. Kansas, USA (Falun Cemetery) (1)
1290. Kansas, USA (First Mennonite Church Cemetery) (1)
1291. Kansas, USA (Frankfort Cemetery) (1)
1292. Kansas, USA (Glenwood Cemetery) (1)
1293. Kansas, USA (Gnadenau Cemetery) (1)
1294. Kansas, USA (Greenwood Cemetery) (1)
1295. Kansas, USA (Haviland Cemetery) (1)
1296. Kansas, USA (Highland Cemetery) (4)
1297. Kansas, USA (Holton Cemetery) (1)
1298. Kansas, USA (Holy Cross Cemetery) (1)
1299. Kansas, USA (Hope Cemetery) (1)
1300. Kansas, USA (Hubble Hill Cemetery) (1)
1301. Kansas, USA (Hugoton Cemetery) (1)
1302. Kansas, USA (Inman North Cemetery) (1)
1303. Kansas, USA (Latham Cemetery) (1)
1304. Kansas, USA (Lenape Cemetery) (1)
1305. Kansas, USA (Lutheran Cemetery) (1)
1306. Kansas, USA (Maple Grove Cemetery) (1)
1307. Kansas, USA (Maple Hill Cemetery) (1)
1308. Kansas, USA (Marysville City Cemetery) (1)
1309. Kansas, USA (Memorial Lawn Cemetery) (2)
1310. Kansas, USA (Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
1311. Kansas, USA (Miltonvale Cemetery) (1)
1312. Kansas, USA (Monrovia Cemetery) (1)
1313. Kansas, USA (Monticello United Methodist Church Union Cemetery) (1)
1314. Kansas, USA (Mount Hope Cemetery) (3)
1315. Kansas, USA (Mount Olive Cemetery) (1)
1316. Kansas, USA (Mount Vernon Cemetery) (1)
1317. Kansas, USA (National Cemetery) (1)
1318. Kansas, USA (Oak Hill Cemetery) (1)
1319. Kansas, USA (Oak Lawn Memorial Gardens) (1)
1320. Kansas, USA (Oakland Union Cemetery) (1)
1321. Kansas, USA (Oakwood Cemetery) (1)
1322. Kansas, USA (Olathe Memorial Cemetery) (1)
1323. Kansas, USA (Osborne City Cemetery) 
1324. Kansas, USA (Paola Cemetery) (1)
1325. Kansas, USA (Pleasant Valley Cemetery) (1)
1326. Kansas, USA (Prairie Lawn Cemetery) (2)
1327. Kansas, USA (Resthaven Gardens of Memory) (1)
1328. Kansas, USA (Rosedale Cemetery) (1)
1329. Kansas, USA (Silent City Cemetery) (1)
1330. Kansas, USA (Sodville Cemetery) (1)
1331. Kansas, USA (South Cemetery) (1)
1332. Kansas, USA (Spring Branch Cemetery) (2)
1333. Kansas, USA (Sterling Cemetery) (1)
1334. Kansas, USA (Sterling Community Cemetery) (1)
1335. Kansas, USA (Sunset Cemetery) (1)
1336. Kansas, USA (Thayer Cemetery) (1)
1337. Kansas, USA (Topeka Cemetery) (1)
1338. Kansas, USA (Walnut Creek Cemetery) (1)
1339. Kansas, USA (Wayne Cemetery) (1)
1340. Kansas, USA (Wellsville Cemetery) (1)
1341. Kansas, USA (Woodlawn Cemetery) (1)
1342. Kansas, USA (Woodston Cemetery) (1)
1343. Kansas, USA 
1344. Kansas, USA Of?> (44)
1345. Kansas, USA of> (14)
1346. Kansas, USA Territory (2)
1347. Kansas, USA?> (9)
1348. Kassas, USA (2)
1349. Kempton, England 
1350. Kent Co, England (1)
1351. Kent, England (20) 
1352. Kent, England (Both Parents Born England) (1)
1353. Kentucky, USA (104) 
1354. Kentucky, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
1355. Kentucky, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (1)
1356. Kentucky, USA (Golden Oaks Memorial Gardens) (1)
1357. Kentucky, USA (Grove Hill Cemetery) (1)
1358. Kentucky, USA (Highland Cemetery) (1)
1359. Kentucky, USA (Hillcrest Memorial Park) (1)
1360. Kentucky, USA (Middlesboro Jewish Cemetery) (1)
1361. Kentucky, USA (Moffett Cemetery) (1)
1362. Kentucky, USA Of?> (15)
1363. Kentucky, USA Of> (5)
1364. Kentucky, USA?> (3)
1365. Kenwyn, Cornwall England (1)
1366. Kerry, Ireland (1)
1367. Kilkenny, Ireland 
1368. King Co, Washington (1)
1369. Kingsbury Co, South Dakota (1)
1370. Kiokiang, China 
1371. Kiukiang, China 
1372. Kleinsteinheim, Germany 
1373. Kleinsteinkern, Germany 
1374. Kloster, Germany 
1375. Kristianstads, Sweden (1)
1376. , Lafayette Co, Arkansas 
1377. Lambeth, Canada 
1378. Lana, England 
1379. Lanark, Scotland (1)
1380. Lancashire, England (6) 
1381. Lancastershire, England (2) 
1382. Launcells, Cornwall. England 
1383. Lincoln Co, Maine (1)
1384. Lincolnshire, England (4) 
1385. Linden, England 
1386. Linkinhorne, England (1)
1387. Lispol. Co Kerry, Ireland 
1388. Liverpool, England (2) 
1389. London 
1390. London, England (13) 
1391. Lorraine, France 
1392. Louisana, USA (1)
1393. Louisana, USA (St. John Catholic Cemetery) (1)
1394. Louisiana, USA (9) 
1395. Louisiana, USA Of?> (1)
1396. Louisiana, USA Of> (2)
1397. Louisianna, USA (2)
1398. Louisianna, USA (Alexandria National Cemetery) (1)
1399. Louisianna, USA?> (1)
1400. Lu Oggershei, Federal Republic of Germany 
1401. Lulea, Sweden 
1402. Luxembourg Province, Belgium (1)
1403. Maine or Pennsylvania, USA 
1404. Maine, USA (310) 
1405. Maine, USA Of> (1)
1406. Maine, USA (Alms House Yard) (1)
1407. Maine, USA (Bingham Village Cemetery) (1)
1408. Maine, USA (Black Point Cemetery) (1)
1409. Maine, USA (Blake Cemetery) (1)
1410. Maine, USA (Both Parents Born Canada) 
1411. Maine, USA (Brooklawn Memorial Park) (1)
1412. Maine, USA (Calvary Cemetery) (2)
1413. Maine, USA (Chadwick Hill Cemetery) (1)
1414. Maine, USA (Chapel Hill Cemetery) (1)
1415. Maine, USA (Chebeaque Island Cemetery) (1)
1416. Maine, USA (Churchyard Cemetery) (1)
1417. Maine, USA (City Tomb) (1)
1418. Maine, USA (Cliff Island Cemetery) (1)
1419. Maine, USA (Dennysville Cemetery) (1)
1420. Maine, USA (Dickvale Cemetery) (1)
1421. Maine, USA (East Blaine Cemetery) (1)
1422. Maine, USA (East End Cemetery) (1)
1423. Maine, USA (East Monmouth Cemetery) (1)
1424. Maine, USA (Eastern Cemetery) (1)
1425. Maine, USA (Elm Vale Cemetery) (2)
1426. Maine, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (4)
1427. Maine, USA (Exeter Mills Cemetery) (1)
1428. Maine, USA (Fairview Cemetery) (1)
1429. Maine, USA (First Parish Cemetery) (1)
1430. Maine, USA (Foreside Community Churchyard Cemetery Aka The New Casco Cemetery) (1)
1431. Maine, USA (Forest City Cemetery) (2)
1432. Maine, USA (Forest Hill Cemetery) (1)
1433. Maine, USA (Gracelawn Memorial Park) (1)
1434. Maine, USA (Greenlawn Cemetery) (1)
1435. Maine, USA (Greenwood Cemetery) (1)
1436. Maine, USA (Hanover Cemetery) (1)
1437. Maine, USA (Highland Cemetery) (1)
1438. Maine, USA (Hillside Cemetery) (1)
1439. Maine, USA (Hoar Family Cemetery) (1)
1440. Maine, USA (Island Falls Cemetery) (1)
1441. Maine, USA (Jacksonville Cemetery) (2)
1442. Maine, USA (Lamson Cemetery) (1)
1443. Maine, USA (Lincoln Cemetery) (1)
1444. Maine, USA (Lovell Cemetery #04) (1)
1445. Maine, USA (Maddox Cemetery) (1)
1446. Maine, USA (Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery) (1)
1447. Maine, USA (Maplewood Cemetery) (1)
1448. Maine, USA (Moss Side Cemetery) (1)
1449. Maine, USA (Mount Hope Cemetery) (1)
1450. Maine, USA (Mount Pleasant Cemetery) (1)
1451. Maine, USA (Murch Cemetery) (1)
1452. Maine, USA (New Eustis Cementery) (1)
1453. Maine, USA (New Hill Cemetery) (1)
1454. Maine, USA (Nicolin Cemetery) (1)
1455. Maine, USA (Nile Cemetery) (1)
1456. Maine, USA (North Auburn Cemetery) (1)
1457. Maine, USA (Norway Pine Grove Cemetery) (1)
1458. Maine, USA (Oakdale Cemetery) (1)
1459. Maine, USA (Pine Grove Cemetery) (2)
1460. Maine, USA (Pleasant Hill Cemetery) (1)
1461. Maine, USA (Plummer Cemetery) (1)
1462. Maine, USA (Portland Street Cemetery) (1)
1463. Maine, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (5)
1464. Maine, USA (Riverview Cemetery) (1)
1465. Maine, USA (Saccarappa Cemetery) (1)
1466. Maine, USA (School House Cemetery) (1)
1467. Maine, USA (Seal Harbor Cemetery) (1)
1468. Maine, USA (Seaside Cemetery) (1)
1469. Maine, USA (Smith Cemetery) (1)
1470. Maine, USA (St. Francis Cemetery) (1)
1471. Maine, USA (Standish Cemetery) (1)
1472. Maine, USA (Union Cemetery) (1)
1473. Maine, USA (Veterans Memorial Cemetery) (1)
1474. Maine, USA (Village Cemetery) (2)
1475. Maine, USA (Weld Cemetery) (1)
1476. Maine, USA (West Lovell Cemetery) (1)
1477. Maine, USA (Western Cemetery) (1)
1478. Maine, USA (Woodlawn Cemetery) (5)
1479. Maine, USA Of?> (92)
1480. Maine, USA Of) (1)
1481. Maine, USA Of> (72)
1482. Maine, USA? (1)
1483. Maine, USA?> (19)
1484. Mains, Scotland 
1485. Malintown, Ireland 
1486. Manchester, England 
1487. Manila, Phillippines 
1488. Manilla, Phillipines 
1489. Manitoba, Canada (23) 
1490. Maribo, Denmark (1)
1491. Marseilles, France 
1492. Martelange, Belgium (1)
1493. Martinburg, Germany 
1494. Maryland, USA (34) 
1495. Maryland, USA (Baltimore Cemetery) (1)
1496. Maryland, USA (Both Parents Born Germany) 
1497. Maryland, USA (Both Parents Born Unknown) 
1498. Maryland, USA (Cedar Hill Cemetery) (2)
1499. Maryland, USA (Gardens of Faith Memorial Gardens) (1)
1500. Maryland, USA (Knoxville Reformed Cemetery) (1)
1501. Maryland, USA (Loudon Park Cemetery) (1)
1502. Maryland, USA (Moreland Cemetery) (1)
1503. Maryland, USA (Mount Carmel Cemetery) (1)
1504. Maryland, USA (Mount Olivet Cemetery) (1)
1505. Maryland, USA (Oak Lawn Cemetery) (1)
1506. Maryland, USA (Park Heights Cemetery) (1)
1507. Maryland, USA (Resthaven Memorial Gardens) (1)
1508. Maryland, USA (St. John's Cemetery) (1)
1509. Maryland, USA (St. Mark's Cemetery) (1)
1510. Maryland, USA (St. Peter's Cemetery) (1)
1511. Maryland, USA (Sunset Memorial Park) (1)
1512. Maryland, USA (Western Cemetery) (1)
1513. Maryland, USA Of?> (11)
1514. Maryland, USA Of> (9)
1515. Maryland, USA?> (1)
1516. Mason, (Michigan?) (Maple Grove Cemetery) 
1517. Massachusetts, USA (493) 
1518. Massachusetts, USA (Cedar Grove Cemetery) (1)
1519. Massachusetts, USA (Massachusetts Veterans Memorial Cemetery) (1)
1520. Massachusetts, USA (St. Michael's Cemetery) 
1521. Massachusetts, USA Of?> (1)
1522. Massachusetts, USA Of> (1)
1523. Massachusetts, USA ?> (1)
1524. Massachusetts, USA (Adams Cemetery) (1)
1525. Massachusetts, USA (Arborvitae Cemetery) (1)
1526. Massachusetts, USA (Arlington St. Cemetery) (1)
1527. Massachusetts, USA (Assonet Burying Ground) (1)
1528. Massachusetts, USA (Auburn Center Burial Ground) (1)
1529. Massachusetts, USA (Baker Cemetery) (1)
1530. Massachusetts, USA (Bayview Cemetery) (1)
1531. Massachusetts, USA (Bellevue Cemetery) (1)
1532. Massachusetts, USA (Blue Hills Cemetery) (1)
1533. Massachusetts, USA (Boston Latin School For Boys) (1)
1534. Massachusetts, USA (Both Parents Born Canada) 
1535. Massachusetts, USA (Both Parents Born England) 
1536. Massachusetts, USA (Both parents born Ireland) (5) 
1537. Massachusetts, USA (Both parents born Massachusetts) (1)
1538. Massachusetts, USA (Both Parents Born Northern Ireland) 
1539. Massachusetts, USA (Both Parents Born USA) 
1540. Massachusetts, USA (Braman Cemetery) (1)
1541. Massachusetts, USA (Brewester Cemetery) (1)
1542. Massachusetts, USA (Briggs Cemetery) (1)
1543. Massachusetts, USA (Brimfield Cemetery) (1)
1544. Massachusetts, USA (Brookdale Cemetery) (1)
1545. Massachusetts, USA (Calvary Cemetery) (4)
1546. Massachusetts, USA (Canedy Cemetery) (1)
1547. Massachusetts, USA (Cedar Grove Cemetery) (1)
1548. Massachusetts, USA (Center Cemetery) (5)
1549. Massachusetts, USA (Central Cemetery) (2)
1550. Massachusetts, USA (Chocksett Burial Ground) (1)
1551. Massachusetts, USA (Coller Road Cemetery) (1)
1552. Massachusetts, USA (Copp's Hill Burial Ground) (1)
1553. Massachusetts, USA (County Bridge Cemetery) (1)
1554. Massachusetts, USA (Cushing Cemetery) (1)
1555. Massachusetts, USA (Dell Park Cemetery) (1)
1556. Massachusetts, USA (Draper Burial Ground) (1)
1557. Massachusetts, USA (East Deerfield Cemetery) (1)
1558. Massachusetts, USA (East Street Cemetery) (1)
1559. Massachusetts, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (3)
1560. Massachusetts, USA (Fairmount Cemetery) (1)
1561. Massachusetts, USA (First Church) (1)
1562. Massachusetts, USA (Forest Glen Cemetery) (1)
1563. Massachusetts, USA (Forest Hills Cemetery) (1)
1564. Massachusetts, USA (Forestdale Cemetery) (2)
1565. Massachusetts, USA (Fuller Cemetery) (1)
1566. Massachusetts, USA (Gate Of Heaven Cemetery) (1)
1567. Massachusetts, USA (Glendale Cemetery) (1)
1568. Massachusetts, USA (Gore Cemetery) (1)
1569. Massachusetts, USA (Green River Cemetery) (1)
1570. Massachusetts, USA (Grove Hill Cemetery) (1)
1571. Massachusetts, USA (Hale Cemetery) (1)
1572. Massachusetts, USA (Heart Pound Cemetery) (1)
1573. Massachusetts, USA (High St. Cemetery) (1)
1574. Massachusetts, USA (Highland Cemetery) (2)
1575. Massachusetts, USA (Highland Military Academy) (1)
1576. Massachusetts, USA (Hill Cemetery) (1)
1577. Massachusetts, USA (Hill Top Cemetery) (1)
1578. Massachusetts, USA (Hillside Cemetery) (1)
1579. Massachusetts, USA (Holy Cross Cemetery) (1)
1580. Massachusetts, USA (Holy Sepulchere Cemetery) (1)
1581. Massachusetts, USA (Holyhood Cemetery) (1)
1582. Massachusetts, USA (Hope Cemetery) (2)
1583. Massachusetts, USA (Horr and DeMaranville Cemetery) (1)
1584. Massachusetts, USA (Huntington School For Boys) (1)
1585. Massachusetts, USA (Immaculate Conception Cemetery) (1)
1586. Massachusetts, USA (Keith Cemetery) (1)
1587. Massachusetts, USA (King's Chapel Burying Ground) (1)
1588. Massachusetts, USA (Kingsley Cemetery) (1)
1589. Massachusetts, USA (Lakeview Cemetery) (1)
1590. Massachusetts, USA (Lakeville Cemetery) (1)
1591. Massachusetts, USA (Lincoln Cemetery) (1)
1592. Massachusetts, USA (Lovell Goff Yard Cemetery) (1)
1593. Massachusetts, USA (Main Street Cemetery) (1)
1594. Massachusetts, USA (Massachusetts National Cemetery) (1)
1595. Massachusetts, USA (Mayflower Hill Cemetery) (1)
1596. Massachusetts, USA (Mccully Cemetery) (1)
1597. Massachusetts, USA (Moulton Hill Cemetery) (1)
1598. Massachusetts, USA (Mount Auburn Cemetery) (1)
1599. Massachusetts, USA (Mount Benedict Cemetery) (1)
1600. Massachusetts, USA (Mount Calvary Cemetery) (1)
1601. Massachusetts, USA (Mount Hermon Cemetery) (1)
1602. Massachusetts, USA (Mount Hope Cemetery) (3)
1603. Massachusetts, USA (Mount Pleasant Cemetery) (1)
1604. Massachusetts, USA (Mount Prospect Cemetery) (2)
1605. Massachusetts, USA (Mountain View Cemetery) (3)
1606. Massachusetts, USA (Mt. Auburn Cemetery) (1)
1607. Massachusetts, USA (Mt. Benedict Cemetery) (1)
1608. Massachusetts, USA (Mt. Feake Cemetery) (1)
1609. Massachusetts, USA (Mt. Hope Cemetery) (2)
1610. Massachusetts, USA (Mullein Hill Cemetery) (1)
1611. Massachusetts, USA (Munroe Cemetery) (1)
1612. Massachusetts, USA (Nemasket Hill Cemetery) (1)
1613. Massachusetts, USA (New Calvary Cemetery) (2)
1614. Massachusetts, USA (New Holy Cross Cemetery) (1)
1615. Massachusetts, USA (North Beverly Cemetery) (1)
1616. Massachusetts, USA (North Burial Ground) (1)
1617. Massachusetts, USA (North Cambridge Catholic Cemetery) (1)
1618. Massachusetts, USA (North Cemetery) (3)
1619. Massachusetts, USA (North Main Street Cemetery) (1)
1620. Massachusetts, USA (Northfield School Campus Grounds) (1)
1621. Massachusetts, USA (Oak Grove Cemetery) (3)
1622. Massachusetts, USA (Oak Knoll Cemetery) (1)
1623. Massachusetts, USA (Oak Ridge Cemetery) (1)
1624. Massachusetts, USA (Oakland Cemetery) (1)
1625. Massachusetts, USA (Old Burying Ground) (1)
1626. Massachusetts, USA (Old Cemetery) (2)
1627. Massachusetts, USA (Old Center Cemetery) (1)
1628. Massachusetts, USA (Old Colonial Burying Ground) (1)
1629. Massachusetts, USA (Old Dorchester Cemetery) (1)
1630. Massachusetts, USA (Old Hill Burying Ground) (1)
1631. Massachusetts, USA (Old Nelson Cemetery) (1)
1632. Massachusetts, USA (Old North Cemetery) (1)
1633. Massachusetts, USA (Pease Cemetery) (1)
1634. Massachusetts, USA (Pickens Cemetery) (1)
1635. Massachusetts, USA (Pine Grove Cemetery) (3)
1636. Massachusetts, USA (Pine Hill Cemetery) (2)
1637. Massachusetts, USA (Pine Ridge Cemetery) (2)
1638. Massachusetts, USA (Pittsfield Cemetery) (1)
1639. Massachusetts, USA (Pond Cemetery) (1)
1640. Massachusetts, USA (Prospect Hill Cemetery) (1)
1641. Massachusetts, USA (Puritan Lawn Memorial Park) (2)
1642. Massachusetts, USA (Quabbin Park Cemetery) (1)
1643. Massachusetts, USA (Randell G. Morris Grammar School) (1)
1644. Massachusetts, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (1)
1645. Massachusetts, USA (Robinson Cemetery) (1)
1646. Massachusetts, USA (Rosedale Cemetery) (1)
1647. Massachusetts, USA (Rounsevell Cemetery) (2)
1648. Massachusetts, USA (Rural Cemetery) (1)
1649. Massachusetts, USA (Sampson Cemetery) (1)
1650. Massachusetts, USA (Sleepy Hollow Cemetery) (1)
1651. Massachusetts, USA (South Burial Ground) (1)
1652. Massachusetts, USA (South Cemetery) (1)
1653. Massachusetts, USA (South Warren Cemetery) 
1654. Massachusetts, USA (Springfield Cemetery) (1)
1655. Massachusetts, USA (St. Anne's Cemetery) (1)
1656. Massachusetts, USA (St. Benedict's Cemetery ) (1)
1657. Massachusetts, USA (St. Bernard's Cemetery) (1)
1658. Massachusetts, USA (St. Brigids Cemetery) (1)
1659. Massachusetts, USA (St. Jerome Cemetery) (1)
1660. Massachusetts, USA (St. John's Cemetery (1)
1661. Massachusetts, USA (St. John's Cemetery) (1)
1662. Massachusetts, USA (St. Joseph's Cemetery) (3)
1663. Massachusetts, USA (St. Mary's Cemetery) (10)
1664. Massachusetts, USA (St. Michael Cemetery) (1)
1665. Massachusetts, USA (St. Michael's Cemetery) (1)
1666. Massachusetts, USA (St. Patrick's Cemetery) (8)
1667. Massachusetts, USA (St. Paul's Cemetery) (1)
1668. Massachusetts, USA (St. Rose Cemetery) (1)
1669. Massachusetts, USA (St. Stanislaus Cemetery) (1)
1670. Massachusetts, USA (St. Thomas Cemetery) (4)
1671. Massachusetts, USA (Staples St. Cemetery) (1)
1672. Massachusetts, USA (Staples Street Burying Ground) (1)
1673. Massachusetts, USA (Titicut Cemetery) (1)
1674. Massachusetts, USA (Union Cemetery) (1)
1675. Massachusetts, USA (Unitarian Cemetery) (1)
1676. Massachusetts, USA (Veterans Memorial Cemetery) (1)
1677. Massachusetts, USA (Wadsworth Cemetery) (1)
1678. Massachusetts, USA (Warwick Cemetery) (1)
1679. Massachusetts, USA (Wellesley Congregational Church Cemetery) (1)
1680. Massachusetts, USA (West Branch Cemetery) (1)
1681. Massachusetts, USA (West Burial Ground) (1)
1682. Massachusetts, USA (West Cemetery) (2)
1683. Massachusetts, USA (West Rd Cemetery) (1)
1684. Massachusetts, USA (Westlawn Cemetery) (2)
1685. Massachusetts, USA (Wildwood Cemetery) (1)
1686. Massachusetts, USA (Woodlawn Cemetery) (2)
1687. Massachusetts, USA (Woodside Cemetery) (1)
1688. Massachusetts, USA (Worcester County Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
1689. Massachusetts, USA (Wyoming Cemetery) (1)
1690. Massachusetts, USA (1)
1691. Massachusetts, USA Area Of> (1)
1692. Massachusetts, USA of (1)
1693. Massachusetts, USA of? (1)
1694. Massachusetts, USA Of?> (178)
1695. Massachusetts, USA Of) (1)
1696. Massachusetts, USA Of> (157)
1697. Massachusetts, USA?> (64)
1698. Massachussetts, USA (1)
1699. Massachussetts, USA (East Mansfield Cemetery) (1)
1700. Massachussetts, USA (Spring Brook Cemetery) (1)
1701. Masterton, New Zealand 
1702. Matlock, England 
1703. Mecklenburg, Germany (1)
1704. Melborne, Australia (1)
1705. Merther, Wales 
1706. Methodist Episcopal Church South; Plate Co, Misouri. 
1707. Mew York, USA (1)
1708. Mew York, USA (Carr Cemetery) (1)
1709. Mexico 
1710. Mexico Or New Mexico, USA 
1711. Michagan, USA (1)
1712. Michigan, USA (753) 
1713. Michigan, USA (Rutland Cemetery) (1)
1714. Michigan, USA (Adams Cemetery) (2)
1715. Michigan, USA (Alchin Farm Cemetery) (1)
1716. Michigan, USA (Attica Township Cemetery) (1)
1717. Michigan, USA (Bancroft Cemetery) (1)
1718. Michigan, USA (Bedford Cemetery) (1)
1719. Michigan, USA (Bethlahem Cemetery) (1)
1720. Michigan, USA (Birch Lake Cemetery) (1)
1721. Michigan, USA (Bliss Cemetery) (2)
1722. Michigan, USA (Bly Cemetery) (1)
1723. Michigan, USA (Boardman Cemetery) (1)
1724. Michigan, USA (Both Parents Born Canada) 
1725. Michigan, USA (Both Parents Born England) 
1726. Michigan, USA (Both Parents Born Germany) 
1727. Michigan, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
1728. Michigan, USA (Breckenridge Cemetery) (2)
1729. Michigan, USA (Bronson Cemetery) (1)
1730. Michigan, USA (Brookside Cemetery) (1)
1731. Michigan, USA (Brush Ridge Cemetery) (1)
1732. Michigan, USA (Burr Oak Cemetery) (1)
1733. Michigan, USA (Byron Cemetery) (1)
1734. Michigan, USA (California Cemetery) (1)
1735. Michigan, USA (Calvary Cemetery) (1)
1736. Michigan, USA (Carp Lake Cemetery) (1)
1737. Michigan, USA (Carp Lake Twp Cemetery) (1)
1738. Michigan, USA (Case Cemetery) (1)
1739. Michigan, USA (Cedar Creek Cemetery) (1)
1740. Michigan, USA (Cedar Valley Cemetery) (1)
1741. Michigan, USA (Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens) (1)
1742. Michigan, USA (Circle Hill Cemetery) (1)
1743. Michigan, USA (Coleman Or Coman Cemetery) (1)
1744. Michigan, USA (Colfax Cemetery) (1)
1745. Michigan, USA (Crane Cemetery) (1)
1746. Michigan, USA (Crooks Cemetery) (1)
1747. Michigan, USA (Crystal Springs Cemetery) (1)
1748. Michigan, USA (Davison Cemetery) (1)
1749. Michigan, USA (Dimondale Cemetery) (1)
1750. Michigan, USA (Dodge Cemetery) (1)
1751. Michigan, USA (Drummond Cemetery) (1)
1752. Michigan, USA (East Hickory Corners Cemetery) (1)
1753. Michigan, USA (East Lawn Memory Gardens) (1)
1754. Michigan, USA (Eastlawn Cemetery) (1)
1755. Michigan, USA (Eastlawn Memorial Gardens) (1)
1756. Michigan, USA (Eden Cemetery) (1)
1757. Michigan, USA (Edwardsburg Cemetery) (1)
1758. Michigan, USA (Elm Lawn Cemetery) (1)
1759. Michigan, USA (Elmwood Cemetery) (1)
1760. Michigan, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (3)
1761. Michigan, USA (Fairview Cemeter) (1)
1762. Michigan, USA (Fairview Cemetery) (2)
1763. Michigan, USA (Farmer's Creek Cemetery) (1)
1764. Michigan, USA (Flint Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
1765. Michigan, USA (Flint Memorial Park) (1)
1766. Michigan, USA (Flint River Cemetery) (1)
1767. Michigan, USA (Flushing City Cemetery) (1)
1768. Michigan, USA (Forest Hill Cemetery) (2)
1769. Michigan, USA (Forest Lawn Cemetery) (1)
1770. Michigan, USA (Fort Custer National Cemetery) (1)
1771. Michigan, USA (Franklin Cemetery) (1)
1772. Michigan, USA (Fremont Cemetery) (1)
1773. Michigan, USA (Frontier Cemetery) (1)
1774. Michigan, USA (Fuller Family Cemetery) (1)
1775. Michigan, USA (Garfield Cemetery) (1)
1776. Michigan, USA (Gilford Cemetery) (1)
1777. Michigan, USA (Glen Eaton Cemetery) (1)
1778. Michigan, USA (Gracelawn Cemetery) (1)
1779. Michigan, USA (Grand Lawn Cemetery) (1)
1780. Michigan, USA (Green Corners Cemetery) (1)
1781. Michigan, USA (Greenwood Cemetery) (1)
1782. Michigan, USA (Hemlock Cemetery) (1)
1783. Michigan, USA (Hillside Cemetery) (1)
1784. Michigan, USA (Hoard Cemetery) (1)
1785. Michigan, USA (Holy Cross Cemetery) (1)
1786. Michigan, USA (Indian Fields Cemetery) (1)
1787. Michigan, USA (Ithaca Cemetery) (1)
1788. Michigan, USA (Jerome Cemetery) (1)
1789. Michigan, USA (Lafayette Cemetery) (1)
1790. Michigan, USA (Lafayette Twp Cemetery) (1)
1791. Michigan, USA (Lake View Cemetery) (1)
1792. Michigan, USA (Lakefield Cemetery) (1)
1793. Michigan, USA (Lakeside Cemetery) (2)
1794. Michigan, USA (Lakeview Cemetery) (2)
1795. Michigan, USA (Lakeville Cemetery) (2)
1796. Michigan, USA (Laurel Hill Cemetery) (1)
1797. Michigan, USA (Lenawee Hills Memorial Park) (1)
1798. Michigan, USA (Livonia Center Cemetery) (1)
1799. Michigan, USA (Lodi Cemetery) (1)
1800. Michigan, USA (M. E. Cemetery) (1)
1801. Michigan, USA (Mackinaw City Cemetery) (1)
1802. Michigan, USA (Maple Grove Cemetery) (6)
1803. Michigan, USA (Maple Hill Cemetery) (1)
1804. Michigan, USA (Maple Ridge Cemetery) (1)
1805. Michigan, USA (Matteson Cemetery) (1)
1806. Michigan, USA (Mckinley Cemetery) (1)
1807. Michigan, USA (Medina Village Cemetery) (1)
1808. Michigan, USA (Memorial Gardens Cemetery) (1)
1809. Michigan, USA (Memorial Gardens) (1)
1810. Michigan, USA (Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
1811. Michigan, USA (Metamora Cemetery) (1)
1812. Michigan, USA (Millington Cemetery) (1)
1813. Michigan, USA (Mount Ever-Rest Memorial Park South) (1)
1814. Michigan, USA (Mount Evergreen Cemetery) (1)
1815. Michigan, USA (Mount Hope Cemetery) (3)
1816. Michigan, USA (Mount Pleasant Cemetery) (1)
1817. Michigan, USA (Mountain Home Cemetery) (1)
1818. Michigan, USA (MT Hope Cemetery) (1)
1819. Michigan, USA (Mt. Calvary Cemetery) (1)
1820. Michigan, USA (Mt. Park Cemetery) (1)
1821. Michigan, USA (North Branch Cemetery) (1)
1822. Michigan, USA (North Star Cemetery) (1)
1823. Michigan, USA (North Stockbridge Cemetery) (1)
1824. Michigan, USA (Northlawn Cemetery) (1)
1825. Michigan, USA (Oak Grove Cemetery) (6)
1826. Michigan, USA (Oak Hill Cemetery) (2)
1827. Michigan, USA (Oakland Catholic Cemetery) (1)
1828. Michigan, USA (Oakridge Cemetery) (1)
1829. Michigan, USA (Oakwood Cemetery) (3)
1830. Michigan, USA (Orange Cemetery) (1)
1831. Michigan, USA (Ottawa Park Cemetery) (1)
1832. Michigan, USA (Otter Lake Cemetery) (1)
1833. Michigan, USA (Oxford Cemetery) (1)
1834. Michigan, USA (Palo Cemetery) (1)
1835. Michigan, USA (Pine Grove Cemetery) (1)
1836. Michigan, USA (Plainfield Cemetery) (1)
1837. Michigan, USA (Pleasant Hill Cemetery) (2)
1838. Michigan, USA (Pleasant Plains Cemetery) (1)
1839. Michigan, USA (Pleasant Valley Cemetery) (1)
1840. Michigan, USA (Pleasant View Cemetery) (1)
1841. Michigan, USA (Porter Cemetery) (1)
1842. Michigan, USA (Prarie Home Cemetery) (1)
1843. Michigan, USA (Prospect Hill Cemetery) (1)
1844. Michigan, USA (Quinnesec Cemetery) (1)
1845. Michigan, USA (Ravenna Cemetery) (1)
1846. Michigan, USA (Resthaven Cemetery) (1)
1847. Michigan, USA (Resurrection Cemetery) (1)
1848. Michigan, USA (Richfield Union Cemetery) (1)
1849. Michigan, USA (Richland Twp Cemetery) (1)
1850. Michigan, USA (Ridgelawn Cemetery) (1)
1851. Michigan, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (7)
1852. Michigan, USA (Roof Cemetery) (1)
1853. Michigan, USA (Rose Cemetery) (1)
1854. Michigan, USA (Rose Lawn Cemetery) (1)
1855. Michigan, USA (Rosehill Cemetery) (2)
1856. Michigan, USA (Roseland Memorial Gardens) (1)
1857. Michigan, USA (Roseland Park Cemetery) (1)
1858. Michigan, USA (Roselawn Memorial Gardens) (1)
1859. Michigan, USA (Ruby Cemetery) (1)
1860. Michigan, USA (Rutland Cemetery) (1)
1861. Michigan, USA (Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery) (1)
1862. Michigan, USA (Sacred Heart Cemetery) (1)
1863. Michigan, USA (Schoolcraft Twp Cemetery) (1)
1864. Michigan, USA (South Bingham Cemetery) (1)
1865. Michigan, USA (Spring Arbor Cemetery) (1)
1866. Michigan, USA (Springport Cemetery) (1)
1867. Michigan, USA (St. Charles Cemetery) (1)
1868. Michigan, USA (St. Gertrude Cemetery) (1)
1869. Michigan, USA (St. James Catholic Cemetery) (1)
1870. Michigan, USA (St. John's Catholic Cemetery) (1)
1871. Michigan, USA (Steckley Cemetery) (1)
1872. Michigan, USA (Summit Cemetery) (1)
1873. Michigan, USA (Sunset Hills Cemetery) (1)
1874. Michigan, USA (Thetford Cemetery) (1)
1875. Michigan, USA (Unadilla Cemetery) (1)
1876. Michigan, USA (Union Corners Cemetery) (1)
1877. Michigan, USA (Union Plains Cemetery) (1)
1878. Michigan, USA (Valley Cemetery) (1)
1879. Michigan, USA (Wahjamega Cemetery) (1)
1880. Michigan, USA (Walled Lake Cemetery) (1)
1881. Michigan, USA (Warren Union Cemetery) (1)
1882. Michigan, USA (Washington Center Cemetery) (1)
1883. Michigan, USA (Watertown Twp Cemetery) (1)
1884. Michigan, USA (West Woodbridge Cemetery) (1)
1885. Michigan, USA (White Chapel Cemetery) (1)
1886. Michigan, USA (Wildwood Cemetery) (1)
1887. Michigan, USA (Wilson Cemetery) (1)
1888. Michigan, USA (Woodland Cemetery) (2)
1889. Michigan, USA (Woodlawn Cemetery) (1)
1890. Michigan, USA (Woodmere Cemetery) (2)
1891. Michigan, USA (Worden Cemetery) (1)
1892. Michigan, USA (Yerkes Cemetery) (1)
1893. Michigan, USA (Yorkville Cemetery) (1)
1894. Michigan, USA Of?> (54)
1895. Michigan, USA Of> (38)
1896. Michigan, USA?> (10)
1897. Michighan, USA (3)
1898. Michighan, USA (Flint Memorial Cemetery) (1)
1899. Michighan, USA (Flint Memorial Park) (1)
1900. Micigan, USA (Metamora Cemetery) (1)
1901. Middlesex, England (8)
1902. Milano, Italy 
1903. Mindanao, Philippine Islands 
1904. Minister 
1905. Minnesata, USA (1)
1906. Minnesota, USA (204) 
1907. Minnesota, USA ?> (3)
1908. Minnesota, USA (Both Parents Born England) 
1909. Minnesota, USA (Both Parents Born Norway) 
1910. Minnesota, USA (Burr Oak Cemetery) (1)
1911. Minnesota, USA (Calvary Cemetery) (1)
1912. Minnesota, USA (Darling Cemetery) (1)
1913. Minnesota, USA (Elgin Cemetery) (1)
1914. Minnesota, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (1)
1915. Minnesota, USA (Forest Hill Cemetery) (2)
1916. Minnesota, USA (Fort Snelling National Cemetery) (2) 
1917. Minnesota, USA (Itasca Calvary Cemetery) (1)
1918. Minnesota, USA (Kinkead Cemetery) (1)
1919. Minnesota, USA (Lakewood Cemetery) (1)
1920. Minnesota, USA (Mound Cemetery) (1)
1921. Minnesota, USA (Northfield City Cemetery) (1)
1922. Minnesota, USA (Orion Center Cemetery) (1)
1923. Minnesota, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (1)
1924. Minnesota, USA (St. Hubert Catholic Cemetery) (1)
1925. Minnesota, USA (St. Vincent Cemetery) (1)
1926. Minnesota, USA (Wadena Cemetery) (1)
1927. Minnesota, USA (Wildwood Cemetery) (1)
1928. Minnesota, USA (William Taylor Cemetery) (1)
1929. Minnesota, USA (Woodlawn Cemetery) (1)
1930. Minnesota, USA (Worthington Cemetery) (1)
1931. Minnesota, USA Of?> (19)
1932. Minnesota, USA Of> (16)
1933. Minnesota, USA?> (6)
1934. Minnesota, USA> (1)
1935. Mississippi, USA (20) 
1936. Mississippi, USA (Oxford Memorial Cemetery) (1)
1937. Mississippi, USA (Bogue Chitto Church Cemetery) (1)
1938. Mississippi, USA (Enterprise Cemetery) (1)
1939. Mississippi, USA (Lake Park Cemetery) (1)
1940. Mississippi, USA (Union Cemetery) (1)
1941. Mississippi, USA Of?> (4)
1942. Mississippi, USA Of> (1)
1943. Missouri, USA (260) 
1944. Missouri, USA (St. Jude Cemetery) (1)
1945. Missouri, USA Of?> (1)
1946. Missouri, USA (Arni Cemetery) (1)
1947. Missouri, USA (Ashland Cemetery) (1)
1948. Missouri, USA (B'nai Amoona Cemetery) (1)
1949. Missouri, USA (Balltown Cemetery) (1)
1950. Missouri, USA (Bellefontaine Cemetery) (1)
1951. Missouri, USA (Bethany-Peace United Church Of Christ) (1)
1952. Missouri, USA (Bethel Cemetery) (2)
1953. Missouri, USA (Both North Carolina) 
1954. Missouri, USA (Both Parents Born Germany) 
1955. Missouri, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
1956. Missouri, USA (Calvary Cemetery) (1)
1957. Missouri, USA (Carterville Cemetery) (1)
1958. Missouri, USA (Christain Northeast Hospital) (1)
1959. Missouri, USA (Coatsville Cemetery) (1)
1960. Missouri, USA (Concord Church Cemetery) (1)
1961. Missouri, USA (Dice Cemetery) (1)
1962. Missouri, USA (Dixon Cemetery) (1)
1963. Missouri, USA (Elmwood Cemetery) (1)
1964. Missouri, USA (Fairview Cemetery) (1)
1965. Missouri, USA (Fugate Cemetery) (1)
1966. Missouri, USA (Gee's Creek Cemetery) (1)
1967. Missouri, USA (Glenwood Ioof Cemetery) (1)
1968. Missouri, USA (Graceland Cemetery) (1)
1969. Missouri, USA (Grandview Cemetery) (1)
1970. Missouri, USA (Green Lawn Cemetery) (1)
1971. Missouri, USA (Holy Rosary Cemetery) (2)
1972. Missouri, USA (I.O.O.F. Cemetery) (1)
1973. Missouri, USA (Independent Congregational Church) (1)
1974. Missouri, USA (Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery) (2)
1975. Missouri, USA (Jimtown Cemetery) (1)
1976. Missouri, USA (Kirksville Manor Care) (1)
1977. Missouri, USA (La Plata City Cemetery) (1)
1978. Missouri, USA (Lick Creek Cemetery) (1)
1979. Missouri, USA (Lone Star Cemetery) (1)
1980. Missouri, USA (Memorial Park Cemetery) (2)
1981. Missouri, USA (Mount Moriah Cemetery) (1)
1982. Missouri, USA (New Hope Cemetery) (1)
1983. Missouri, USA (Oak Hill Cemetery) (1)
1984. Missouri, USA (Oakland Cemetery) (1)
1985. Missouri, USA (Odd Fellows Cemetery) (1)
1986. Missouri, USA (Old City Cemetery) (1)
1987. Missouri, USA (Platte City Cemetery) (1)
1988. Missouri, USA (Queen City Cemetery) (1)
1989. Missouri, USA (Salem Cemetery) (1)
1990. Missouri, USA (Sheldon Cemetery) (1)
1991. Missouri, USA (South Fork Cemetery) (1)
1992. Missouri, USA (St. Jude's Cemetery) (1)
1993. Missouri, USA (St. Luke's Methodist Church Cemetery) (1)
1994. Missouri, USA (St. Peter's Cemetery) (1)
1995. Missouri, USA (St. Stephen's Cemetery) (1)
1996. Missouri, USA (Stoutsville Cemetery) (1)
1997. Missouri, USA (Sugar Creek Cemetery) (1)
1998. Missouri, USA (Sunset Hill Cemetery) (1)
1999. Missouri, USA (Sycamore Cemetery) (1)
2000. Missouri, USA (Twin Pines Nursing Home) (1)
2001. Missouri, USA (Union Cemetery) (1)
2002. Missouri, USA (Unionville Cemetery) (1)
2003. Missouri, USA (Unmarked Grave - Lone Star Cemetery) (1)
2004. Missouri, USA (Veterans Cemetery) (1)
2005. Missouri, USA (Walker Cemetery) (1)
2006. Missouri, USA (Walnut Grove Cemetery) (1)
2007. Missouri, USA (White Chapel Memorial Gardens) (1)
2008. Missouri, USA (Whitesville Cemetery) (1)
2009. Missouri, USA (Wilkerson Cemetery) (1)
2010. Missouri, USA Of?> (30)
2011. Missouri, USA Of> (14)
2012. Missouri, USA?> (3)
2013. Mo born New Jersey, USA) (1)
2014. MO Born Vermont, USA?) (1)
2015. MO. Born Colorado, USA) (1)
2016. MO. Born Connecticut, USA) (2)
2017. MO. Born Illinois, USA) (1)
2018. MO. Born Indiana, USA) (1)
2019. MO. Born Iowa, USA) (1)
2020. MO. Born Ireland Or Nebraska, USA) (1)
2021. MO. Born Kansas, USA) (1)
2022. MO. Born Louisiana, USA) (1)
2023. MO. Born Maine, USA) (5)
2024. MO. Born Maryland, USA) (1)
2025. MO. Born Massachusetts, USA) (7)
2026. MO. Born Michigan, USA) (2)
2027. MO. Born New Jersey, USA?) (1)
2028. MO. Born New Jersey, USA) (1)
2029. MO. Born New York, USA?) (1)
2030. MO. Born New York, USA) (10)
2031. MO. Born Ohio, USA) (5)
2032. MO. Born Pennsylvania, USA) (6)
2033. MO. Born Rhode Island, USA) (1)
2034. MO. Born Tennessee, USA) (1)
2035. MO. Born Virginia, USA) (1)
2036. MO. Born Washington, USA) (1)
2037. MO. Born Wisconsin, USA) (1)
2038. Montana, USA (76) 
2039. Montana, USA (Holy Cross Cemetery) (1)
2040. Montana, USA (Lone Pine Cemetery) (1)
2041. Montana, USA (Missoula Cemetery) (1)
2042. Montana, USA (Mount Moriah Cemetery) (1)
2043. Montana, USA (Mountainview Cemetery) (1)
2044. Montana, USA (Mountview Cemetery) (1)
2045. Montana, USA (Sunset Memorial Park) (1)
2046. Montana, USA (Sunset Memorial Cemetery) (1)
2047. Montana, USA (Sunset Memorial Gardens) (1)
2048. Montana, USA (Sunset Memorial Park) (1)
2049. Montana, USA (Victor Cemetery) (1)
2050. Montana, USA Of?> (7)
2051. Montana, USA Of> (3)
2052. Montana, USA?> (2)
2053. Montgomery Co, Iowa (1)
2054. Mount Dennis, Canada 
2055. Nebraska, USA (157) 
2056. Nebraska, USA (Armada Cemetery) (1)
2057. Nebraska, USA (Clay Center Cemetery) (1)
2058. Nebraska, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (2)
2059. Nebraska, USA (Fairview Cemetery) (1)
2060. Nebraska, USA (Fort Mcpherson National Cemetery) (1)
2061. Nebraska, USA (Grand Island Cemetery) (1)
2062. Nebraska, USA (Hooper Cemetery) (1)
2063. Nebraska, USA (North Platte Cemetery) (1)
2064. Nebraska, USA (Pleasant Ridge Cemetery) (1)
2065. Nebraska, USA (Republican City Cemetery) (1)
2066. Nebraska, USA (Tecumseh Cemetery) (1)
2067. Nebraska, USA (Walnut Grove Cemetery) (1)
2068. Nebraska, USA (Wymore Cemetery) (1)
2069. Nebraska, USA (Wyuka Cemetery) (1)
2070. Nebraska, USA Of?> (16)
2071. Nebraska, USA Of> (6)
2072. Nebraska, USA?> (3)
2073. Netherlands 
2074. Neuch 
2075. Nevada, USA (20) 
2076. Nevada, USA Of?> (5)
2077. New Acrington, England 
2078. New Brunswick, Canada (166) 
2079. New Brunswick, Canada (Both Parents Born Canada) (1)
2080. New Brunswick, Canada (Alma United Cemetery) (1)
2081. New Brunswick, Canada (Both Parents Born Canada) (2) 
2082. New Brunswick, Canada (Daniels Cemetery) (1)
2083. New Brunswick, Canada (Elmwood Cemetery) (1)
2084. New Brunswick, Canada (Fairhaven Memorial Gardens) (1)
2085. New Brunswick, Canada (Fern Hill Cemetery) 
2086. New Brunswick, Canada (Fernhill Cemetery) (1)
2087. New Brunswick, Canada (Gate Of Heaven Cemetery) (1)
2088. New Brunswick, Canada (Grays Island Cemetery) (1)
2089. New Brunswick, Canada (Hopewell Cemetery) (1)
2090. New Brunswick, Canada (Lewis Mountain Church Cemetery) (1)
2091. New Brunswick, Canada (Old Shepody Cemetery) (1)
2092. New Brunswick, Canada (Riverbank Cemetery) (1)
2093. New Brunswick, Canada (Rockport Cemetery) (1)
2094. New Brunswick, Canada (Sackville Rural Cemetery) (1)
2095. New Brunswick, Canada (Shepody Cemetery) (1)
2096. New Brunswick, Canada (Watson Cemetery) (1)
2097. New Brunswick, Canada (Westcock Cemetery) (1)
2098. New Brunswick, Canada (Wilson Cemetery) (1)
2099. New Brunswick, Canada Of?> (4)
2100. New Brunswick, Canada Of> (7)
2101. New Brunswick, Canada?> (5)
2102. New Hampshire Or Vermont 
2103. New Hampshire, USA (173) 
2104. New Hampshire, USA (Beaver Dam Cemetery) (1)
2105. New Hampshire, USA (Catholic Cemetery) (1)
2106. New Hampshire, USA (Chickville Cemetery) (1)
2107. New Hampshire, USA (Eastman Cemetery) (1)
2108. New Hampshire, USA (Glenwood Cemetery) (1)
2109. New Hampshire, USA (Holyhood Cemetery) (1)
2110. New Hampshire, USA (Lakeview Cemetery) (1)
2111. New Hampshire, USA (Monadnock View Cemetery) (1)
2112. New Hampshire, USA (Old Cemetery) (1)
2113. New Hampshire, USA (Old North Cemetery) (1)
2114. New Hampshire, USA (Old Town Cemetery) (1)
2115. New Hampshire, USA (Pine Grove Cemetery) (1)
2116. New Hampshire, USA (Pine Hill Cemetery) (1)
2117. New Hampshire, USA (Sullivan County Farm Cemetery) (1)
2118. New Hampshire, USA (Summer St. Cemetery) (1)
2119. New Hampshire, USA (Sunny Meadows Cemetery) (1)
2120. New Hampshire, USA (Valley Cemetery) (1)
2121. New Hampshire, USA (Vittum Cemetery) (1)
2122. New Hampshire, USA (Walpole Village Cemetery) (1)
2123. New Hampshire, USA (Washington Street Cemetery) (1)
2124. New Hampshire, USA (Westlawn Cemetery) (1)
2125. New Hampshire, USA (Woodlawn Cemetery) (1)
2126. New Hampshire, USA Of?> (23)
2127. New Hampshire, USA Of> (22)
2128. New Hampshire, USA?> (6)
2129. New Haven Co, Connecticut (1)
2130. New Jersey, USA (150) 
2131. New Jersey, USA (Beverly National Cemetery) (1)
2132. New Jersey, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
2133. New Jersey, USA (Brig. Gen. Wm. C. Doyle Veterans Memorial Cemetery) (1)
2134. New Jersey, USA (Crest Haven Memorial Park) (1)
2135. New Jersey, USA (Fairmont Cemetery) (1)
2136. New Jersey, USA (Greenwood Cemetery) (1)
2137. New Jersey, USA (Harleigh Cemetery) (1)
2138. New Jersey, USA (Hillside Cemetery) (1)
2139. New Jersey, USA (Holy Cross Cemetery) (1)
2140. New Jersey, USA (Holy Cross Mausoluem) (1)
2141. New Jersey, USA (Locustwood Memorial Park) (1)
2142. New Jersey, USA (Mahwah Cemetery) (1)
2143. New Jersey, USA (Miller Cemetery) (1)
2144. New Jersey, USA (Mount Calvary Cemetery) (1)
2145. New Jersey, USA (Siloam Cemetery) (1)
2146. New Jersey, USA (St. John's Catholic Cemetery) (1)
2147. New Jersey, USA (St. Mary's Cemetery) (1)
2148. New Jersey, USA (Valleau Cemetery) (1)
2149. New Jersey, USA (Zarephath Cemetery) (1)
2150. New Jersey, USA Of?> (42)
2151. New Jersey, USA Of> (35)
2152. New Jersey, USA?> (7)
2153. New Mexico, USA (17) 
2154. New Mexico, USA (Masonis Cemetery) (1)
2155. New Mexico, USA (Santa Fe Memorial Gardens) (1)
2156. New Mexico, USA (Santa Fe National Cemetery) (1)
2157. New Mexico, USA Of?> (1)
2158. New Mexico, USA Of> (1)
2159. New Mexico, USA?> (1)
2160. New Nexico, USA (1)
2161. New Yoek, USA (1)
2162. New York Or Wales 
2163. New York U 
2164. New York, USA (873) 
2165. New York, USA (Both parents born Ireland) 
2166. New York, USA (Forest Hill Cemetery) (1)
2167. New York, USA (Albany Rural Cemetery) (2)
2168. New York, USA (Alexander Village Cemetery) (1)
2169. New York, USA (Alfred Rural Cemetery) (1)
2170. New York, USA (Arcade Rural Cemetery) (1)
2171. New York, USA (Armory Hill Cemetery) (1)
2172. New York, USA (Assumption Cemetery and Mausoleum) (1)
2173. New York, USA (Atwater Cemetery) (1)
2174. New York, USA (Bald Hill Cemetery) (1)
2175. New York, USA (Ballston Spa Cemetery) (1)
2176. New York, USA (Bath National Cemetery) (1)
2177. New York, USA (Bayside Cemetery) (1)
2178. New York, USA (Bemus Point Cemetery) (2)
2179. New York, USA (Benton Bar Cemetery (1)
2180. New York, USA (Blockville Cemetery) (1)
2181. New York, USA (Bolton Rural Cemetery) (1)
2182. New York, USA (Both Parents Born England) 
2183. New York, USA (Both Parents Born France) 
2184. New York, USA (Both Parents Born Germany) (3) 
2185. New York, USA (Both parents born Hungary) 
2186. New York, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) (3) 
2187. New York, USA (Both parents born Massachusetts) 
2188. New York, USA (Both Parents Born New York) 
2189. New York, USA (Both Parents Born USA?) (1)
2190. New York, USA (Both Parents Born USA) 
2191. New York, USA (Bradford Cemetery) (1)
2192. New York, USA (Brainard Cemetery) (1)
2193. New York, USA (Brewster Cemetery) (1)
2194. New York, USA (Brookside Cemetery) (3)
2195. New York, USA (Brookville Cemetery) (1)
2196. New York, USA (Calvary Cemetery) (5)
2197. New York, USA (Calverton National Cemetery) (1)
2198. New York, USA (Canarsie Cemetery) (1)
2199. New York, USA (Canaseraga Cemetery) (1)
2200. New York, USA (Caroline Center Cemetery) (1)
2201. New York, USA (Cedar Grove Old Cemetery) (1)
2202. New York, USA (Central Valley Cemetery) (1)
2203. New York, USA (Chenango Cemetery) (1)
2204. New York, USA (Chestnut Grove Cemetery) (1)
2205. New York, USA (Chestnut Hill Cemetery) (1)
2206. New York, USA (Chestnut Lawn Cemetery) (1)
2207. New York, USA (Chipman's Purchase) (1)
2208. New York, USA (Church Street Cemetery) (1)
2209. New York, USA (City Cemetery) (1)
2210. New York, USA (Clarence Centre Cemetery) (1)
2211. New York, USA (Clear Creek Cemetery) (1)
2212. New York, USA (Cortland Rural Cemetery) (1)
2213. New York, USA (Darien Cemetery) (1)
2214. New York, USA (Dysinger Cemetery) (1)
2215. New York, USA (Earlville Cemetery) (1)
2216. New York, USA (East Homer Cemetery) (1)
2217. New York, USA (Ellenville Cemetery) (1)
2218. New York, USA (Ellicott St. Catholic Cemetery) (1)
2219. New York, USA (Elmwood Cemetery) (1)
2220. New York, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (4)
2221. New York, USA (Fa. Born Massachusetts - MO. Born NY) (1)
2222. New York, USA (Fair View Cemetery) (1)
2223. New York, USA (Fairdale Cemetery) (1)
2224. New York, USA (Fairlawn Cemetery) (1)
2225. New York, USA (Fairview Cemetery) (4)
2226. New York, USA (Fairwiew Cemetery) (1)
2227. New York, USA (Fales Cemetery) (1)
2228. New York, USA (Fantinekill Cemetery) (1)
2229. New York, USA (Fayetteville Cemetery) (1)
2230. New York, USA (Fluvanna Cemetery) (1)
2231. New York, USA (Forest Hill Cemetery) (2)
2232. New York, USA (Forest Lawn Cemetery) (1)
2233. New York, USA (Fort Hill Cemetery) (1)
2234. New York, USA (Fountain Cemetery) (1)
2235. New York, USA (French Cemetery) (1)
2236. New York, USA (Gate of Heaven Cemetery) (1)
2237. New York, USA (Glenwood Cemetery) (3)
2238. New York, USA (Gobel Cemetery) (1)
2239. New York, USA (Grandview Cemetery) (1)
2240. New York, USA (Green Mount Cemetery) (1)
2241. New York, USA (Green Wood Cemetery) (1)
2242. New York, USA (Grove Cemetery) (3)
2243. New York, USA (Gunn Cemetery) (1)
2244. New York, USA (Highland Cemetery) (1)
2245. New York, USA (Hill Top / Pompey Hill Cemetery) (1)
2246. New York, USA (Hill Top Cemetery) (1)
2247. New York, USA (Hillcrest Cemetery) (1)
2248. New York, USA (Hillside Cemetery) (3)
2249. New York, USA (Hillside Memorial Cemetery and Park) (1)
2250. New York, USA (Holy Cross Cemetery) (2)
2251. New York, USA (Holy Rood Cemetery) (1)
2252. New York, USA (Holy Sepulchre Cemetery) (1)
2253. New York, USA (Honeoye Falls Cemetery) (1)
2254. New York, USA (Irondequoit Cemetery) (1)
2255. New York, USA (Kimble Cemetery) (1)
2256. New York, USA (Kyserike Cemetery) (1)
2257. New York, USA (Lake View Cemetery) (1)
2258. New York, USA (Lakeview Cemetery) (1)
2259. New York, USA (Lenox Rural Cemetery) (1)
2260. New York, USA (Leyden Hill (Lord) Cemetery) (1)
2261. New York, USA (Line Baptist Cemetery) (1)
2262. New York, USA (Little Clear Creek Cemetery) (1)
2263. New York, USA (Liverpool Cemetery) (1)
2264. New York, USA (Long Island National Cemetery) (1)
2265. New York, USA (Lutheran Cemetery) (1)
2266. New York, USA (Maple Grove Cemetery) (3)
2267. New York, USA (Maple Lawn Cemetery) (2)
2268. New York, USA (Maple Ridge Cemetery) (1)
2269. New York, USA (Mapleview Cemetery) (1)
2270. New York, USA (Maplewood Cemetery) (1)
2271. New York, USA (Massey St Cemetery) (1)
2272. New York, USA (Mohawk Cemetery) (1)
2273. New York, USA (Montour Cemetery) (1)
2274. New York, USA (Morningside Cemetery) (1)
2275. New York, USA (Morovian Cemetery) (1)
2276. New York, USA (Morrisville Cemetery) (1)
2277. New York, USA (Morrisville Rural Cemetery) (1)
2278. New York, USA (Mount Adnah Cemetery) (1)
2279. New York, USA (Mount Albion Cemetery) (1)
2280. New York, USA (Mount Carmel Cemetery) (1)
2281. New York, USA (Mount Green Cemetery) (1)
2282. New York, USA (Mount Hope Cemetery) (3)
2283. New York, USA (Mount Lebanon Cemetery) (1)
2284. New York, USA (Mount Peace Cemetery) (1)
2285. New York, USA (Mount Pleasant Cemetery) (2)
2286. New York, USA (Mount Rest Cemetery) (1)
2287. New York, USA (Munnsville Village Cemetery) (1)
2288. New York, USA (National Cemetery) (1)
2289. New York, USA (New Forest Cemetery) (1)
2290. New York, USA (New Hope Cemetery) (1)
2291. New York, USA (North Byron Cemetery) (1)
2292. New York, USA (North Cohocton Cemetery) (1)
2293. New York, USA (North Syracuse Cemetery) (1)
2294. New York, USA (North Watertown Cemetery) (1)
2295. New York, USA (Oak View Cemetery) (1)
2296. New York, USA (Oakwood Cemetery) (2)
2297. New York, USA (Oatka Cemetery) (1)
2298. New York, USA (Ogdensburg Cemetery) (1)
2299. New York, USA (Old Ellenville Cemetery) (1)
2300. New York, USA (Old Fabius Cemetery) (1)
2301. New York, USA (Old Or Pioneer Cemetery) (1)
2302. New York, USA (Old Town Cemetery) (1)
2303. New York, USA (Omar Cemetery) (1)
2304. New York, USA (Onondaga Valley Cemetery) (1)
2305. New York, USA (Our Lady Queen Of Virgins Cemetery) (1)
2306. New York, USA (Parrish Cemetery) (1)
2307. New York, USA (Phoenix Rural Cemetery) (1)
2308. New York, USA (Pine Hill Cemetery) (2)
2309. New York, USA (Pine Plains Cemetery) (1)
2310. New York, USA (Point Peninsula Cemetery) (1)
2311. New York, USA (Pompey Hill Cemetery) (1)
2312. New York, USA (Port Gibson Cemetery) (1)
2313. New York, USA (Prospect Hill Cemetery) (1)
2314. New York, USA (Quincy Cemetery) (1)
2315. New York, USA (Reed Cemetery) (1)
2316. New York, USA (Reformed Dutch Church Ground) (1)
2317. New York, USA (Revolutionary War Cemetery) (1)
2318. New York, USA (Rhode Island Cemetery) (1)
2319. New York, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (6)
2320. New York, USA (Rural Avenue Cemetery) (1)
2321. New York, USA (Rural Cemetery) (2)
2322. New York, USA (Rushville Cemetery) (1)
2323. New York, USA (Soule Cemetery) (1)
2324. New York, USA (Speed's Farm Cemetery) (1)
2325. New York, USA (Spragueville Cemetery) (1)
2326. New York, USA (St. Boniface Cemetery) (1)
2327. New York, USA (St. Catherines Cemetery) (1)
2328. New York, USA (St. Cecilia's Cemetery) (1)
2329. New York, USA (St. Denis Cemetery) (1)
2330. New York, USA (St. James Cemetery) (1)
2331. New York, USA (St. Joseph's Cemetery) (4)
2332. New York, USA (St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery) (1)
2333. New York, USA (St. Mary's Cemetery) (8)
2334. New York, USA (St. Patrick's Cemetery) (4)
2335. New York, USA (St. Peter's Cemetery) (1)
2336. New York, USA (Stockbridge Cemetery) (1)
2337. New York, USA (Stone Mills Cemetery) (1)
2338. New York, USA (Stowe Square Cemetery) (1)
2339. New York, USA (Strip Road Cemetery) (1)
2340. New York, USA (Suffolk County Almshouse Cemetery) (1)
2341. New York, USA (Sunset Hill Cemetery) (2)
2342. New York, USA (Sylvan Cemetery) (1)
2343. New York, USA (Tanners Corners Cemetery) (1)
2344. New York, USA (Three Mile Bay Cemetery) (1)
2345. New York, USA (Truxton Rural Cemetery) (2)
2346. New York, USA (Tusten Settlement Cemetery) (1)
2347. New York, USA (Union Cemetery) (1)
2348. New York, USA (United German and French Cemetery) (1)
2349. New York, USA (United States Military Academy Post Cemetery) (1)
2350. New York, USA (Universal Presbyterian Cemetery) (1)
2351. New York, USA (Varysburg Cemetery) (1)
2352. New York, USA (Vernal Cemetery) (1)
2353. New York, USA (Verona Cemetery) (1)
2354. New York, USA (Vesper Cemetery) (1)
2355. New York, USA (Vestal Hills Memorial Park) (1)
2356. New York, USA (Veterans Cemetery) (1)
2357. New York, USA (Virgil Rural Cemetery) (1)
2358. New York, USA (Wallkill Cemetery) (1)
2359. New York, USA (Wells Cemetery) (1)
2360. New York, USA (Westminster Presbyterian Church Cemetery) (1)
2361. New York, USA (White Haven Memorial Park) (1)
2362. New York, USA (Wild Rose Cemetery) (1)
2363. New York, USA (Wildwood Cemetery) (1)
2364. New York, USA (Willow Glen Cemetery) (1)
2365. New York, USA (Wiltwyck Cemetery) (1)
2366. New York, USA (Windsor Village Cemetery) (1)
2367. New York, USA (Woodlands Cemetery) (1)
2368. New York, USA (Zoar Cemetery) (1)
2369. New York, USA of (8)
2370. New York, USA Of? (1)
2371. New York, USA Of?> (158)
2372. New York, USA Of> (100)
2373. New York, USA?> (53)
2374. New York, USA> (1)
2375. Newfoundland 
2376. Newfoundland, Canada (1)
2377. Nicaragua 
2378. Noel, Canada 
2379. Noord-Holland, Netherlands (1)
2380. Norfolk, England (2) 
2381. Norlshire, England 
2382. Normandy, France (Normandy American Cemetery) 
2383. North Carolina, USA (62) 
2384. North Carolina, USA (Both Parents Born USA) 
2385. North Carolina, USA (Church of the Holy Cross Cemetery) (1)
2386. North Carolina, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (1)
2387. North Carolina, USA (Oakdale Cemetery) (1)
2388. North Carolina, USA (Oleander Memorial Gardens) (1)
2389. North Carolina, USA (Onslow Memorial Park) (1)
2390. North Carolina, USA (Salem Baptist Church Cemetery) (1)
2391. North Carolina, USA (Woodcock Cemetery) (1)
2392. North Carolina, USA Of?> (3)
2393. North Carolina, USA Of> (4)
2394. North Carolina, USA?> (1)
2395. North Dakota, Usa (41) 
2396. North Dakota, USA (Portal Cemetery) (1)
2397. North Dakota, USA Of?> (2)
2398. North Dakota, USA or Russia 
2399. North London, England (1)
2400. North Wales 
2401. North Wales, England (1)
2402. North Walshan, England 
2403. Northampton, England (1)
2404. Northampton, England?> (1)
2405. Northamptonshire, England (4) 
2406. Northern Ireland 
2407. Northfield, (Michigan?) 
2408. Northumberland Co, Pennsylvania (1)
2409. Northumberland, Ontario Canada 
2410. Norway 
2411. Norwich, England 
2412. Nottingham, England 
2413. Nova Scotia, Canada (118) 
2414. Nova Scotia, Canada (Baptist Church Cemetery) (1)
2415. Nova Scotia, Canada (Bible Hill Cemetery) (1)
2416. Nova Scotia, Canada (Both Parents Born Canada) 
2417. Nova Scotia, Canada (Burial Island Cemetery) (1)
2418. Nova Scotia, Canada (Christ Anglican and The Miners Church Cemetery) (1)
2419. Nova Scotia, Canada (Crossroads Cemetery) (1)
2420. Nova Scotia, Canada (Holy Cross Cemetery) (1)
2421. Nova Scotia, Canada (Onslow Cemetery) (1)
2422. Nova Scotia, Canada (Robie Street Cemetery) (1)
2423. Nova Scotia, Canada (Valley Cemetery) (1)
2424. Nova Scotia, Canada Of?> (4)
2425. Nova Scotia, Canada Of> (4)
2426. Nova Scotia, Canada or England 
2427. Nova Scotia, Canada Or France 
2428. Nova Scotia, Canada?> (3)
2429. Nova Scotia, USA (1)
2430. Nova Scotis, Canada 
2431. O'brien Co, Iowa (1)
2432. Ohio, USA (562) 
2433. Ohio, USA (Alum Creek Friends Cemetery) (1)
2434. Ohio, USA (Avon Cemetery) (1)
2435. Ohio, USA (Bellefontaine Cemetery) (1)
2436. Ohio, USA (Both Parents Born England) (3) 
2437. Ohio, USA (Both Parents Born Germany) 
2438. Ohio, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
2439. Ohio, USA (Both Parents Born Ohio) (2) 
2440. Ohio, USA (Bundy Cemetery) (1)
2441. Ohio, USA (Calvary Cemetery) (2)
2442. Ohio, USA (Canaan Bend Cemetery) (1)
2443. Ohio, USA (Cedar Point Cemetery) (1)
2444. Ohio, USA (Center Village Cemetery) (1)
2445. Ohio, USA (Chagrin Falls Cemetery) (1)
2446. Ohio, USA (Crown Hill Cemetery) (1)
2447. Ohio, USA (Crown Hill Cemetery) (1)
2448. Ohio, USA (Day Cemetery) (1)
2449. Ohio, USA (Ebenezer Cemetery) (2)
2450. Ohio, USA (Evergreen Union Cemetery #2) (1)
2451. Ohio, USA (Faieview Cemetery) (1)
2452. Ohio, USA (Fancher Cemetery) (1)
2453. Ohio, USA (Ferncliff Cemetery) (1)
2454. Ohio, USA (Forest Cemetery) (1)
2455. Ohio, USA (Forest Grove Cemetery) (1)
2456. Ohio, USA (Forest Hill Cemetery) (1)
2457. Ohio, USA (Friends Cemetery) (1)
2458. Ohio, USA (Galena Cemetery) (1)
2459. Ohio, USA (Girard Liberty Union Cemetery) (1)
2460. Ohio, USA (Glendale Cemetery) (1)
2461. Ohio, USA (Graceland Cemetery) (1)
2462. Ohio, USA (Graham Cemetery) (1)
2463. Ohio, USA (Grandview Cemetery) (1)
2464. Ohio, USA (Green Lawn Cemetery) (1)
2465. Ohio, USA (Greenlawn Cemetery) (1)
2466. Ohio, USA (Greenwood Cemetery) (2)
2467. Ohio, USA (Highland Park) (1)
2468. Ohio, USA (Hillside Cemetery) (1)
2469. Ohio, USA (Holy Cross Cemetery) (1)
2470. Ohio, USA (Hueston Cemetery) (1)
2471. Ohio, USA (Independence Cemetery) (1)
2472. Ohio, USA (Jerry City Cemetery) (1)
2473. Ohio, USA (Kelloggsville Cemetery) (1)
2474. Ohio, USA (Lake Park Cemetery) (1)
2475. Ohio, USA (Lexington Cemetery) (1)
2476. Ohio, USA (Locust Grove Cemetery) (1)
2477. Ohio, USA (Maple Grove Cemetery) (3)
2478. Ohio, USA (Maple Mound Cemetery) (1)
2479. Ohio, USA (Marengo Cemetery) (1)
2480. Ohio, USA (Masonic Home Cemetery) (1)
2481. Ohio, USA (Memorial Cemetery) (1)
2482. Ohio, USA (Mentor Municipal Cemetery) (1)
2483. Ohio, USA (Mound View Cemetery) (1)
2484. Ohio, USA (Mounds Cemetery) (1)
2485. Ohio, USA (Mount Hope Cemetery) (1)
2486. Ohio, USA (Mount Vernon Memorial Gardens) (1)
2487. Ohio, USA (National Military Cemetery) (1)
2488. Ohio, USA (Nineveh Cemetery) (1)
2489. Ohio, USA (North Lawn Cemetery) (1)
2490. Ohio, USA (Northfield-Macedonia Cemetery) (1)
2491. Ohio, USA (Oak Grove Cemetery) (1)
2492. Ohio, USA (Oakdale Cemetery) (1)
2493. Ohio, USA (Oakwood Cemetery) (1)
2494. Ohio, USA (Old Huntington Center Cemetery) (1)
2495. Ohio, USA (Perkins Cemetery) (1)
2496. Ohio, USA (Pleasant Hill Cemetery) (1)
2497. Ohio, USA (Poe Cemetery) (1)
2498. Ohio, USA (Prospect Cemetery) (1)
2499. Ohio, USA (Rich Hill Cemetery) (1)
2500. Ohio, USA (Ridge Cemetery) (1)
2501. Ohio, USA (River Styx Cemetery) (1)
2502. Ohio, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (3)
2503. Ohio, USA (Rusco Cemetery) (1)
2504. Ohio, USA (Saint Joseph Cemetery) (1)
2505. Ohio, USA (Scotch Covenanter Cemetery) (1)
2506. Ohio, USA (Shadyside Cemetery) (1)
2507. Ohio, USA (Slitor Cemetery) (1)
2508. Ohio, USA (Southlawn Cemetery) (1)
2509. Ohio, USA (Spring Grove Cemetery) (2)
2510. Ohio, USA (St. Mary's Catholic Church Cemetery) (1)
2511. Ohio, USA (St. Stephen Cemetery) (1)
2512. Ohio, USA (Stryker Cemetery) (1)
2513. Ohio, USA (Sunbury Cemetery) (1)
2514. Ohio, USA (Sunset Cemetery) (1)
2515. Ohio, USA (Taylor/Gessel Cemetery) (1)
2516. Ohio, USA (Troy Cemetery) (1)
2517. Ohio, USA (Union Cemetery) (1)
2518. Ohio, USA (Wakeman Cemetery) (1)
2519. Ohio, USA (Weaver Cemetery) (1)
2520. Ohio, USA (Wesleyan Cemetery) (1)
2521. Ohio, USA (West Lawn Cemetery) (1)
2522. Ohio, USA (Wilson Cemetery) (1)
2523. Ohio, USA (Woodland Cemetery) (1)
2524. Ohio, USA (Woodlawn Cemetery) (2)
2525. Ohio, USA (Woods Cemetery) (1)
2526. Ohio, USA Of?> (75)
2527. Ohio, USA Of> (44) 
2528. Ohio, USA Or Scotland 
2529. Ohio, USA?> (17)
2530. Okayanna, Japan 
2531. Oklahoma Territory, USA (1)
2532. Oklahoma, USA (76) 
2533. Oklahoma, USA ?> (1)
2534. Oklahoma, USA (Berlin Cemetery) (1)
2535. Oklahoma, USA (Both Parents Born Kansas) 
2536. Oklahoma, USA (Carrier Cemetery) (1)
2537. Oklahoma, USA (Edmond Cemetery) (1)
2538. Oklahoma, USA (Enid Cemetery) (1)
2539. Oklahoma, USA (Fairlawn Cemetery) (1)
2540. Oklahoma, USA (Fairview Cemetery) (1)
2541. Oklahoma, USA (Fort Gibson National Cemetery) (1)
2542. Oklahoma, USA (Fort Sill National Cemetery) (1)
2543. Oklahoma, USA (Highland Cemetery) (1)
2544. Oklahoma, USA (Holdenville Cemetery) (1)
2545. Oklahoma, USA (Oak Hill Cemetery) (1)
2546. Oklahoma, USA (Oak Park Cemetery) (1)
2547. Oklahoma, USA (Pond Creek Cemetery) (1)
2548. Oklahoma, USA (Rose Hill Valley Cemetery) (1)
2549. Oklahoma, USA (Sinnett Memorial Cemetery) (1)
2550. Oklahoma, USA (Sperry Rest Haven Cemetery) (1)
2551. Oklahoma, USA (Temple Masonic Cemetery) (1)
2552. Oklahoma, USA (Watonga IOOF Cemetery) (1)
2553. Oklahoma, USA Of?> (15)
2554. Oklahoma, USA Of> (8)
2555. Ontario, (Canada?) 
2556. Ontario, Canada (364) 
2557. Ontario, Canada (United Church Cemetery) (1)
2558. Ontario, Canada (Anglican Cemetery) (1)
2559. Ontario, Canada (Bethesda Cemetery) (1)
2560. Ontario, Canada (Both Parents Born Canada) (1)
2561. Ontario, Canada (Brockville Cemetery) (1)
2562. Ontario, Canada (Canton Cemetery) (1)
2563. Ontario, Canada (Columbus Methodist Cemetery) (1)
2564. Ontario, Canada (Cummings Family Cemetery) (1)
2565. Ontario, Canada (Emo Cemetery) (1)
2566. Ontario, Canada (Fairview Cemetery) (1)
2567. Ontario, Canada (Groveside Cemetery) (2)
2568. Ontario, Canada (Hanover Cemetery) (1)
2569. Ontario, Canada (Harrison Cemetery) (1)
2570. Ontario, Canada (Hillside Cemetery) (1)
2571. Ontario, Canada (Hoard's Farm) (1)
2572. Ontario, Canada (Hoard's United Church Cemetery) (1)
2573. Ontario, Canada (Holy Trinity Anglican Church Cemetery) (1)
2574. Ontario, Canada (Holy Trinity Cemetery) (1)
2575. Ontario, Canada (Hubble Hill Cemetery) (1)
2576. Ontario, Canada (Hubble Hill Pioneer Cemetery) (2)
2577. Ontario, Canada (Hubble Hills Pioneer Cemetery) (1)
2578. Ontario, Canada (Keller Cemetery) (1)
2579. Ontario, Canada (Keller's Cemetery) (1)
2580. Ontario, Canada (Maple Grove Cemetery) (2)
2581. Ontario, Canada (Maple Leaf Cemetery) (1)
2582. Ontario, Canada (Mount Pleasent Cemetery) (1)
2583. Ontario, Canada (Myrtle Village (Hubbell) Cemetery) (1)
2584. Ontario, Canada (Park Lawn Cemetery) (1)
2585. Ontario, Canada (Presbyterian Cemetery) (1)
2586. Ontario, Canada (Ridge Cemetery) (1)
2587. Ontario, Canada (River Valley Pioneer Cemetery) (1)
2588. Ontario, Canada (Riverside Cemetery) (1)
2589. Ontario, Canada (Rylestone Cemetery) (1)
2590. Ontario, Canada (Salem Cemetery) (1)
2591. Ontario, Canada (St. Andrews Cemetery) (1)
2592. Ontario, Canada (St. James Cemetery) (1)
2593. Ontario, Canada (St. Martin's Cemetary) (1)
2594. Ontario, Canada (St. Thomas Cemetery) (1)
2595. Ontario, Canada (Stirling Village Cemetery) (2)
2596. Ontario, Canada (Stockdale Cemetery) (1)
2597. Ontario, Canada (Stone Cemetery) (1)
2598. Ontario, Canada (Sylvan Cemetery) (1)
2599. Ontario, Canada (The Ridge Cemetery) (1)
2600. Ontario, Canada (Union Cemetery) (2)
2601. Ontario, Canada (United Church Cemetery) (1)
2602. Ontario, Canada (Victoria Cemetery) (2)
2603. Ontario, Canada (Warkworth Cemetery) (1)
2604. Ontario, Canada (Wesleyan Parsonage) (1)
2605. Ontario, Canada (Wesleyville United Cemetery) (1)
2606. Ontario, Canada (Westport Cemetery) (1)
2607. Ontario, Canada (White Church Cemetery) (1)
2608. Ontario, Canada (Wooler Friends Cemetery) (1)
2609. Ontario, Canada (Zion Ridge United Cemetery) (1)
2610. Ontario, Canada of (1)
2611. Ontario, Canada Of?> (7)
2612. Ontario, Canada Of> (9)
2613. Ontario, Canada Or USA 
2614. Ontario, Canada?> (5)
2615. Ontaruo, Canada (1)
2616. Ontatio, Canada (3)
2617. Or New York, USA (1)
2618. Oregon, USA (107) 
2619. Oregon, USA (Belcrest Memorial Park) (1)
2620. Oregon, USA (Cliffside Cemetery) (1)
2621. Oregon, USA (Eagle Point National Cemetery) (1)
2622. Oregon, USA (Eternal Hills Memorial Gardens) (1)
2623. Oregon, USA (Forest View Cemetery) (1)
2624. Oregon, USA (Granite Hill Cemetery) (1)
2625. Oregon, USA (Hillcrest Cemetery) (1)
2626. Oregon, USA (Kings Valley Cemetery) (1)
2627. Oregon, USA (Klamath Memorial Cemetery) (1)
2628. Oregon, USA (Lincoln Memorial Park) (1)
2629. Oregon, USA (Lone Oak Cemetery) (1)
2630. Oregon, USA (Lostine Cemetery) (1)
2631. Oregon, USA (Mount Calvary Cemetery) (1)
2632. Oregon, USA (Mount Laki Cemetery) (1)
2633. Oregon, USA (Multnomah Park Cemetery) (1)
2634. Oregon, USA (North Palestine Cemetery) (1)
2635. Oregon, USA (Odd Fellows Cemetery) (1)
2636. Oregon, USA (Orleans Cemetery) (1)
2637. Oregon, USA (Portland Memorial Indoor Cemetery) (1)
2638. Oregon, USA (River View Cemetery) (1)
2639. Oregon, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (1)
2640. Oregon, USA (Rose City Cemetery) (1)
2641. Oregon, USA (Roseburg National Cemetery) (1)
2642. Oregon, USA (Salem Pioneer Cemetery) (1)
2643. Oregon, USA (Siskiyou Memorial Park) (1)
2644. Oregon, USA (Valley View Cemetery) (1)
2645. Oregon, USA (Valley View Memorial Park) (1)
2646. Oregon, USA (Veterans Cemetery) (1)
2647. Oregon, USA (West Lawn Memorial Cemetery) (1)
2648. Oregon, USA (West Union Baptist Cemetery) (1)
2649. Oregon, USA (West Union Cemetery) (1)
2650. Oregon, USA (Willamette National Cemetery) (1)
2651. Oregon, USA (Woodbine Cemetery) (1)
2652. Oregon, USA of? (1)
2653. Oregon, USA Of?> (15)
2654. Oregon, USA Of> (9)
2655. Oregon, USA?> (2)
2656. Oslo, Norway 
2657. Ostfriesland, Germany (2)
2658. Oswego Co, New York Of?> (1)
2659. Ouachita Co, Arkansas (1)
2660. Oxford, England 
2661. Oxfordshire, England (1)
2662. PA, USA (1)
2663. Pacific Ocean (Lost At Sea) 
2664. Painter 
2665. Paisley, Scotland 
2666. Paris, France 
2667. Paschendale, France 
2668. Pennsylvania, USA (536) 
2669. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Joseph's New Roman Catholic Cemetery) (1)
2670. Pennsylvania, USA (8Th Avenue Methodist Church) (1)
2671. Pennsylvania, USA (Agudath Achim Cemetery) (1)
2672. Pennsylvania, USA (Antietam Church Cemetery) (1)
2673. Pennsylvania, USA (Arlington Cemetery) (1)
2674. Pennsylvania, USA (Bellevue Cemetery Mausoleum) (1)
2675. Pennsylvania, USA (Bellevue Presbyterian Cemetery) (1)
2676. Pennsylvania, USA (Bethany Cemetery) (1)
2677. Pennsylvania, USA (Birch Hill Cemetery) (1)
2678. Pennsylvania, USA (Black Oak Ridge Cemetery) (1)
2679. Pennsylvania, USA (Black Walnut Cemetery) (2)
2680. Pennsylvania, USA (Both Parents Born Austria) 
2681. Pennsylvania, USA (Both Parents Born Canada) 
2682. Pennsylvania, USA (Both Parents Born England?) 
2683. Pennsylvania, USA (Both parents born England) (2) 
2684. Pennsylvania, USA (Both Parents Born Germany?) (1)
2685. Pennsylvania, USA (Both Parents Born Germany) (2) 
2686. Pennsylvania, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
2687. Pennsylvania, USA (Both Parents Born Pennsylvania) 
2688. Pennsylvania, USA (Both Parents Born USA) 
2689. Pennsylvania, USA (Caernarvon Cemetery) (1)
2690. Pennsylvania, USA (Calvary Cemetery) (1)
2691. Pennsylvania, USA (Camp Hill Cemetery) (1)
2692. Pennsylvania, USA (Cassidy Cemetery) (1)
2693. Pennsylvania, USA (Cathedral Cemetery) (1)
2694. Pennsylvania, USA (Centennial Cemetery) (1)
2695. Pennsylvania, USA (Chartiers Cemetery) (1)
2696. Pennsylvania, USA (Chestnut Ridge Cemetery) (1)
2697. Pennsylvania, USA (Church Hill Cemetery) (1)
2698. Pennsylvania, USA (Circle Hill Cemetery) (1)
2699. Pennsylvania, USA (Claysville Cemetery) (1)
2700. Pennsylvania, USA (Cove Run Cemetery - Free Methodist Church Cemetery) (1)
2701. Pennsylvania, USA (East Harrisburg Cemetery) (1)
2702. Pennsylvania, USA (Ebenezer Baptist Church Cemetery) (1)
2703. Pennsylvania, USA (Fairview Cemetery) (2)
2704. Pennsylvania, USA (Fileys Christ Lutheran Church Cemetery) (1)
2705. Pennsylvania, USA (Forest Hills Cemetery) (1)
2706. Pennsylvania, USA (Gettysburg National Cemetery) (1)
2707. Pennsylvania, USA (Glenn Dyberry Cemetery) (1)
2708. Pennsylvania, USA (Glenwood Cemetery) (2)
2709. Pennsylvania, USA (Grand View Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
2710. Pennsylvania, USA (Green Mount Cemetery) (1)
2711. Pennsylvania, USA (Greenwood Cemetery) (1)
2712. Pennsylvania, USA (Har Nebo Cemetery) (1)
2713. Pennsylvania, USA (Hebrew Cemetery Association Burial Grounds) (1)
2714. Pennsylvania, USA (Hebrew Cemetery) (1)
2715. Pennsylvania, USA (Hershey Cemetery) (1)
2716. Pennsylvania, USA (Holy Cross Cemetery) (2)
2717. Pennsylvania, USA (Holy Sepulchre Cemetery) (1)
2718. Pennsylvania, USA (Hope Cemetery) (1)
2719. Pennsylvania, USA (Howe Cemetery) (1)
2720. Pennsylvania, USA (Indiantown Gap National Cemetery) (1)
2721. Pennsylvania, USA (Jewish Grave Yard) (1)
2722. Pennsylvania, USA (Juniata Memorial Cemetery) (1)
2723. Pennsylvania, USA (Kurtz Graveyard Located On The Harrison E. Kling Farm) (1)
2724. Pennsylvania, USA (Lakeside Cemetery) (1)
2725. Pennsylvania, USA (Laurel Hill Cemetery) (2)
2726. Pennsylvania, USA (Laurel Point Cemetery) (1)
2727. Pennsylvania, USA (Lawnview) (1)
2728. Pennsylvania, USA (Leacock Presbyterian Cemetery) (1)
2729. Pennsylvania, USA (Locust Grove Cemetery) (1)
2730. Pennsylvania, USA (Manchester Union Cemetery) (1)
2731. Pennsylvania, USA (Mary Queen of Peace Cemetery) (1)
2732. Pennsylvania, USA (McClure Cemetery) (1)
2733. Pennsylvania, USA (McKeesport and Varsailles Cemetery) (1)
2734. Pennsylvania, USA (Methodist Cemetery) (1)
2735. Pennsylvania, USA (Methodist Church Cemetery) (2)
2736. Pennsylvania, USA (Montefiore Cemetery) (1)
2737. Pennsylvania, USA (Moscow Cemetery) (1)
2738. Pennsylvania, USA (Mount Airy Cemetery) (1)
2739. Pennsylvania, USA (Mount Carmel Cemetery) (2)
2740. Pennsylvania, USA (Mount Moriah Cemetery) (1)
2741. Pennsylvania, USA (Mount Vernon Cemetery) (2)
2742. Pennsylvania, USA (Nanticoke Cemetery) (1)
2743. Pennsylvania, USA (National Cemetery) (1)
2744. Pennsylvania, USA (New Cathedral Cemetery) (1)
2745. Pennsylvania, USA (Northwood Cemetery) (1)
2746. Pennsylvania, USA (Oak Ridge Cemetery) (1)
2747. Pennsylvania, USA (Oak Spring Cemetery) (1)
2748. Pennsylvania, USA (Oakland Cemetery) (1)
2749. Pennsylvania, USA (Oaklawn Cemetery) (1)
2750. Pennsylvania, USA (Oakwood Cemetery) (1)
2751. Pennsylvania, USA (Odd Fellows Cemetery) (1)
2752. Pennsylvania, USA (Ohav Zedeck Cemetery) (1)
2753. Pennsylvania, USA (Old Leacock Presbyterian Church Cemetery) (1)
2754. Pennsylvania, USA (Park Place Cemetery) (2)
2755. Pennsylvania, USA (Pine Swamp Cemetery) (1)
2756. Pennsylvania, USA (Pleasant Hill Cemetery) (2)
2757. Pennsylvania, USA (Presbyterian Cemetery) (1)
2758. Pennsylvania, USA (Prospect Cemetery) (1)
2759. Pennsylvania, USA (Reformed Cemetery) (1)
2760. Pennsylvania, USA (Reynoldsville Cemetery) (1)
2761. Pennsylvania, USA (Riverview Burial Park) (1)
2762. Pennsylvania, USA (Rolling Green Memorial Park) (1)
2763. Pennsylvania, USA (Rosemont Cemetery) (1)
2764. Pennsylvania, USA (Sadsbury Friends Burial Ground) (1)
2765. Pennsylvania, USA (Sadsbury Friends Cemetery) (1)
2766. Pennsylvania, USA (Sadsbury Meeting Cemetery) (1)
2767. Pennsylvania, USA (Salem Cemetery) (1)
2768. Pennsylvania, USA (Schaefferstown Cemetery) (1)
2769. Pennsylvania, USA (Shawnee Cemetery) (1)
2770. Pennsylvania, USA (Soldiers National Cemetery) (1)
2771. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Aloysius Cemetery) (1)
2772. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Bernard's Cemetery) (1)
2773. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Catherine's Cemetery) (1)
2774. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Denis Cemetery) (1)
2775. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Francis Cemetery) (1)
2776. Pennsylvania, USA (St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church) (1)
2777. Pennsylvania, USA (St. John's Cemetery) (1)
2778. Pennsylvania, USA (St. John's United Methodist Church Cemetery) (1)
2779. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Joseph's Cemetery) (2)
2780. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Joseph's Church) (1)
2781. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Mary's Cemetery) (4)
2782. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Michael's and Zion Church) (1)
2783. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Patrick's Cemetery) (1)
2784. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Paul's UCC Cemetery) (1)
2785. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Peter's Cemetery) (2)
2786. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Peter's Church Cemetery) (1)
2787. Pennsylvania, USA (St. Peters United Methodist Cemetery) (1)
2788. Pennsylvania, USA (Strasburg Cemetery) (1)
2789. Pennsylvania, USA (Sylvan Heights Cemetery) (2)
2790. Pennsylvania, USA (Union Cemetery) (1)
2791. Pennsylvania, USA (United Cemetery) (1)
2792. Pennsylvania, USA (Valley Forge Memorial Gardens) (1)
2793. Pennsylvania, USA (Wales?) 
2794. Pennsylvania, USA (West Alexander Cemetery) (1)
2795. Pennsylvania, USA (West Laurel Hill Cemetery) (1)
2796. Pennsylvania, USA (Wineland Cemetery) (1)
2797. Pennsylvania, USA (Wineland Grove Cemetery) (1)
2798. Pennsylvania, USA (Wintergreen Gorge Cemetery) (1)
2799. Pennsylvania, USA (Wolf's Cemetery) (1)
2800. Pennsylvania, USA (Wolfs Cemetery) (1)
2801. Pennsylvania, USA (Woodlawn Cemetery) (2)
2802. Pennsylvania, USA (Woodward Hill Cemetery) (1)
2803. Pennsylvania, USA (York Hill Cemetery) (1)
2804. Pennsylvania, USA (Zeltenreich Cemetery) (1)
2805. Pennsylvania, USA Of? (1)
2806. Pennsylvania, USA Of?> (125)
2807. Pennsylvania, USA Of) (1)
2808. Pennsylvania, USA Of> (55)
2809. Pennsylvania, USA?> (32)
2810. , Pepin Co, Wisconsin 
2811. Perl 
2812. Perl, Germany 
2813. Philippine Islands 
2814. Philippine Islands With The 4Th Inf. 
2815. Philippines 
2816. Phillipines 
2817. Phorzheim, Germany 
2818. Piscataquis Co, Maine (1)
2819. Plymouth Colony 
2820. Plymouth, England 
2821. Poland 
2822. Police Officer 
2823. Portugal 
2824. Pottersbury, England 
2825. Prince Edward Island, Canada (5) 
2826. Prince Edward Island, Canada (Both Parents Born Canada Or England) (1)
2827. Prince Edward Island, Canada (Both Parents Born England 
2828. Prince Edward Island, Canada Of?> (1)
2829. Prince Edward Island, Canada Of> (1)
2830. Prince George, Canada 
2831. Prussia, Germany (2) 
2832. Pueblo, Puerto Rico (1)
2833. Puerto Rico, USA (4) 
2834. Quebec City, Canada 
2835. Quebec, Canada (27) 
2836. Quebec, Canada (All Saints Anglican Church Cemetery) (1)
2837. Quebec, Canada (Ayers Cliff Cemetery) (1)
2838. Quebec, Canada (Knowlton Cemetery) (1)
2839. Quebec, Canada Of> (2)
2840. Queensland, Australia (1)
2841. Rail Road Engineer 
2842. Redding, England 
2843. Reichelsheim, Germany 
2844. Rhode Island, USA (72) 
2845. Rhode Island, USA (1St Hopkinton Cemetery) (1)
2846. Rhode Island, USA (Barker Burying Ground) (1)
2847. Rhode Island, USA (Brayton Cemetery) (1)
2848. Rhode Island, USA (East Burial Ground) (1)
2849. Rhode Island, USA (Four Corners Cemetery) (1)
2850. Rhode Island, USA (Greenville Cemetery) (1)
2851. Rhode Island, USA (In His Garden) (1)
2852. Rhode Island, USA (Joseph Horr Lot Cemetery) (1)
2853. Rhode Island, USA (Juniper Hill Cemetery) (1)
2854. Rhode Island, USA (Kickomuit Cemetery) (1)
2855. Rhode Island, USA (Knight Lot Cemetery) (2)
2856. Rhode Island, USA (Little Neck Burial Grounds) (1)
2857. Rhode Island, USA (Locust Grove Cemetery) (1)
2858. Rhode Island, USA (Memorial Park) (1)
2859. Rhode Island, USA (Middletown Cemetery) (1)
2860. Rhode Island, USA (Mineral Spring Cemetery) (1)
2861. Rhode Island, USA (Mineral Springs Cemetery) (1)
2862. Rhode Island, USA (Moshassuck Cemetery) (1)
2863. Rhode Island, USA (New Pawtuxet Cemetery) (1)
2864. Rhode Island, USA (North Burial Ground) (3)
2865. Rhode Island, USA (Oak Grove Cemetery) (1)
2866. Rhode Island, USA (Oakland Cemetery) (1)
2867. Rhode Island, USA (Old East Burial Ground) (1)
2868. Rhode Island, USA (Pocasset Cemetery) (1)
2869. Rhode Island, USA (Precious Blood Cemetery) (1)
2870. Rhode Island, USA (Saint Ann Cemetery) (1)
2871. Rhode Island, USA (Slatersville Cemetery) (1)
2872. Rhode Island, USA (Smith Lot Cemetery) (1)
2873. Rhode Island, USA (South Burial Ground) (1)
2874. Rhode Island, USA (South Cemetery) (1)
2875. Rhode Island, USA (St. Mary's Cemetery) (1)
2876. Rhode Island, USA (St. Mary's Churchyard Cemetery) (1)
2877. Rhode Island, USA (St. Patrick's Cemetery) (1)
2878. Rhode Island, USA (Swan Point Cemetery) (1)
2879. Rhode Island, USA (Union Cemetery) (1)
2880. Rhode Island, USA (Veterans Cemetery) (1)
2881. Rhode Island, USA (Walnut Hill Cemetery) (1)
2882. Rhode Island, USA Of?> (13)
2883. Rhode Island, USA Of> (17)
2884. Rhode Island, USA?> (7)
2885. Rhude, England 
2886. Rio Grande, Puerto Rico 
2887. Roche Parish Church 
2888. Romagne, France (1)
2889. Romagne, France (Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery) 
2890. Roscommon Co, Ireland (1)
2891. Roscommon, Ireland (4) 
2892. Rowlands Castle, England 
2893. Russia 
2894. Russia Or Prussia 
2895. Rychnou, Czechoslovakia 
2896. Saigon, Vietnam 
2897. Saint Th 
2898. Saloon Keeper 
2899. San Augustine, Texas (1)
2900. San Mateo Co, California (Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery) (1)
2901. Santurce, Puerto Rico (1)
2902. Saratov, Russia 
2903. Saskatchewan, Canada (24) 
2904. Saskatchewan, Canada (Riverside Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
2905. Saskatchewan, Canada (Woodlawn Cemetery) (2)
2906. Saskatchewan, Canada (Yorkton City Cemetery) 
2907. Saskatchewan, Canada Of> (2)
2908. Sausanne, Switzerland 
2909. Savages Island, (Canada?) "On Board Ship" 
2910. Saxony, Germany 
2911. Schleswig, Germany 
2912. Scotland 
2913. Scotland or Launcells, Cornwall. England 
2914. Secovce, Czechoslovakia (1)
2915. Section 26, Lot 10) (1)
2916. Shefford Co, Quebec Canada (1)
2917. Shiawassee Co, Michigan USA (1)
2918. Simpson, England 
2919. Singapore, Straits Settlement 
2920. Sittingborne, England 
2921. Sittingbourne, England (1)
2922. Sligo, Ireland (2) 
2923. Somerset, England (5) 
2924. Somersetshire, England (2)
2925. Somme, France 
2926. South America 
2927. South Carolina, USA (17) 
2928. South Carolina, USA (Beaufort National Cemetery) (1)
2929. South Carolina, USA Of?> (9)
2930. South Carolina, USA Of> (1)
2931. South Dakota, USA (136) 
2932. South Dakota, USA (Hills of Rest Memorial Park) (1)
2933. South Dakota, USA (Tyndall Cemetery) (1)
2934. South Dakota, USA ?> (2)
2935. South Dakota, USA (Black Hills National Cemetery) (1)
2936. South Dakota, USA (Both Parents Born Russia) (2) 
2937. South Dakota, USA (Brandon Lutheran Cemetery) (1)
2938. South Dakota, USA (Duck Creek Cemetery) (1)
2939. South Dakota, USA (Edgemont Cemetery) (1)
2940. South Dakota, USA (Episcopal Cemetery) (1)
2941. South Dakota, USA (Gothland Cemetery) (1)
2942. South Dakota, USA (Graceland Cemetery) (3)
2943. South Dakota, USA (Lone Rock Cemetery) (1)
2944. South Dakota, USA (Maplewood Cemetery) (1)
2945. South Dakota, USA (Pleasant Valley Cemetery) (1)
2946. South Dakota, USA (Plesant Hill Cemetery) (1)
2947. South Dakota, USA (Rose Hill Cemetery) (1)
2948. South Dakota, USA (Rosebud Cemetery) (1)
2949. South Dakota, USA (St. Michaels Cemetery) (1)
2950. South Dakota, USA (State Veteran's Home Cemetery) (1)
2951. South Dakota, USA (Wild Wood Cemetery) (1)
2952. South Dakota, USA (Wildwood Cemetary) (1)
2953. South Dakota, USA (Wilmot Cemetery) (1)
2954. South Dakota, USA Of?> (21)
2955. South Dakota, USA Of> (11)
2956. South Dakota, USA?> (3)
2957. South Hampton, England 
2958. South Molton, England (1)
2959. South Pacific On The Us Bunker Hill 
2960. South Wales 
2961. Southern Ireland 
2962. Southern Vermont, USA 
2963. Southwick England 
2964. Spain 
2965. Sparta, Greece 
2966. St. John's Island, Canada 
2967. St. John's, Newfoundland 
2968. St. Lawrence, England 
2969. St. Thomas, England 
2970. Staffordshire, England (3) 
2971. Staffordshire, England of> (1)
2972. Staffs, (England?) (1)
2973. Starkburg, Germany 
2974. Stirlingshire, Scotland 
2975. Stockem, Belgium 
2976. Stratford On Avon, England 
2977. Strood, England 
2978. Stuckley, C. E. 
2979. Stuttgart, Germany 
2980. Stuttgart, W 
2981. Suffolk Co, England (1)
2982. Suffolk, England (2) 
2983. Surrey, England (10) 
2984. Surry, England 
2985. Sussex, England (9) 
2986. Svendborg, Denmark (1)
2987. Swansea, Wales 
2988. Sweden 
2989. Sweden (Both Parents Born Sweden) 
2990. Sweden or Illinois, USA (1)
2991. Switzerland 
2992. Sydney, Australia 
2993. Tadcaster, England 
2994. Tennessee, USA (49) 
2995. Tennessee, USA (Chattanooga National Cemetery) (1)
2996. Tennessee, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (1)
2997. Tennessee, USA (Knoxville National Cemetery) (1)
2998. Tennessee, USA (Memorial Park) (1)
2999. Tennessee, USA (Mount Olivet Cemetery) (1)
3000. Tennessee, USA (Nashville National Cemetery) (1)
3001. Tennessee, USA Of?> (7)
3002. Tennessee, USA of> (2)
3003. Tennessee, USA?> (1)
3004. Texas, USA (134) 
3005. Texas, USA (Blackland Cemetery) (1)
3006. Texas, USA (Blum Cemetery) (1)
3007. Texas, USA (Brookside Memorial Park) (1)
3008. Texas, USA (Brownsville National Cemetery) 
3009. Texas, USA (Burkburnett Memorial Cemetery) (1)
3010. Texas, USA (Catholic Cemetery) (1)
3011. Texas, USA (Crestview Memorial Park) (1)
3012. Texas, USA (Erath Gardens Of Memory) (1)
3013. Texas, USA (Fort Bliss National Cemetery) (2)
3014. Texas, USA (Greenwood Memorial Park and Mausoleum) (1)
3015. Texas, USA (Grove Hill Memorial Park) (1)
3016. Texas, USA (Hillcrest Cemetery) (1)
3017. Texas, USA (Hilltop Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
3018. Texas, USA (Kemp Cemetery) (1)
3019. Texas, USA (Laurel Oaks Cemetery) (1)
3020. Texas, USA (Memorial Hill Cemetery) (1)
3021. Texas, USA (Memorial Oaks Cemetery) (1)
3022. Texas, USA (Oak Wood Cemetery) (1)
3023. Texas, USA (Prairie Grove Cemetery) (1)
3024. Texas, USA (Restland Memorial Park) (1)
3025. Texas, USA (Sabanno Cemetery) (1)
3026. Texas, USA (South Park Cemetery) (1)
3027. Texas, USA (Westlawn Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
3028. Texas, USA Of?> (30)
3029. Texas, USA of> (12)
3030. The Territores, Canada (1)
3031. The Territories, Canada (3)
3032. The Territories, Canada of?> (1)
3033. Tipperary, Ireland 
3034. Tongamong Lake 
3035. Tooele Co, Utah (1)
3036. Toronto, Canada (1)
3037. Toton, Norway 
3038. Tralee, Ireland 
3039. Turkey 
3040. Tyrone, Northern Ireland 
3041. Tyssa, Bohemia 
3042. U. S. Mail Agent 
3043. Ukraine 
3044. Ukrane, South Russia (1)
3045. Ulster, North Ireland (1)
3046. United Kingdom 
3047. USA 
3048. USA (Both Parents Born Pennsylvania, USA) (1)
3049. USA (Connecticut, USA Of?) (1)
3050. USA (Fa born Massachuestts, Mo born Ireland) (1)
3051. USA or New York, USA (1)
3052. USA (Both Parents Born Arkansas, USA) (1)
3053. USA (Both Parents Born Connecticut, USA) (2)
3054. USA (Both Parents Born Germany) 
3055. USA (Both Parents Born Holland Or New York, USA) (1)
3056. USA (Both Parents Born Illinois, USA) (1)
3057. USA (Both parents born Indiana, Usa) (4)
3058. USA (Both parents born Iowa, USA) (1)
3059. USA (Both Parents Born Ireland Or Massachusetts, USA) (1)
3060. USA (Both Parents Born Kansas, USA) (1)
3061. USA (Both Parents Born Kentucky, USA) (1)
3062. USA (Both Parents Born Maine, USA) (3)
3063. USA (Both Parents Born Maryland, USA) (1)
3064. USA (Both Parents Born Massachusetts, USA) (2)
3065. USA (Both Parents Born Michigan, USA) (1)
3066. USA (Both Parents Born Minnesota, USA) (1)
3067. USA (Both Parents Born Missouri, USA) (2)
3068. USA (Both Parents Born Nebraska, USA) (1)
3069. USA (Both parents born New York, USA) (1)
3070. USA (Both Parents Born New Jersey, USA) (1)
3071. USA (Both Parents Born New York, USA) (3)
3072. USA (Both Parents Born Ohio, USA) (3)
3073. USA (Both Parents Born Pennsylvania, USA) (7)
3074. USA (Both Parents Born Rhode Island, USA) (1)
3075. USA (Both Parents Born Tennessee, USA) (1)
3076. USA (Both Parents Born Unknown) 
3077. USA (Both Parents Born USA) 
3078. USA (Both Parents Born Virginia, USA) (3)
3079. USA (Both Parents Born West Virginia, USA) (1)
3080. USA (Both Parents Born Wisconsin, USA) (2)
3081. USA (Both Parents Massachusetts, USA) (1)
3082. USA (Eastern Montana, USA State Veteran's Cemetery) (1)
3083. USA (Estates Of Serenity Aka Ioof Cemetery, Odd Fellows Cemetery) (1)
3084. USA (Fa born England Mo born Pennsylvania, USA) (1)
3085. USA (Fa. Born England, MO. Born Ireland) (1)
3086. USA (Fa. Born England, MO. Born Scotland) (2)
3087. USA (Fa. Born France, MO. Born Germany) (1)
3088. USA (Fa. born Germany, Mo. born Iowa) (1)
3089. USA (Fa. Born Ireland, MO. Born England?) (1)
3090. USA (Fa. Born Ireland, MO. Born England) (1)
3091. USA (Fa. Born Ireland, MO. Born Massachusetts) (1)
3092. USA (Fa. Born Virginia, MO. Born Ohio) (1)
3093. USA (Father Born Rhode Island, Mother Bornmassachusetts) (1)
3094. USA (Illinois, USA Of) (2)
3095. USA (Illinois, USA?) (1)
3096. USA (Maine, USA Of?) (1)
3097. USA (Maine, USA?) (1)
3098. USA (Massachusetts, USA?) (1)
3099. USA (Memorial Washington Reformed Presbyterian Church, Aka Washington-Mcqueen Cemetery) (1)
3100. USA (Of Maine, USA) (1)
3101. USA (Ohio, USA?) (1)
3102. USA (Oregon, USA?) (1)
3103. USA (Pine Grove Cemetery, Section B-1) (1)
3104. USA (Salem Evangelical Reformed Church, Hellers) (1)
3105. USA (St. Joseph's Cemetery, Section 2) (1)
3106. USA (Virginia, USA?) (1)
3107. USA And Florida, USA Of> (1)
3108. USA and Mo. born Illinois, USA) (1)
3109. USA California, USA Of?> (2)
3110. USA Of (Both Parents Born Maine, USA) (1)
3111. USA Of (Massachusetts, USA?) (1)
3112. USA Of? Connecticut, USA?> (1)
3113. USA Of? Florida, USA?> (1)
3114. USA Of? Idaho, USA?> (1)
3115. USA Of? New York, USA?> (1)
3116. USA Of? Oregon, USA?> (1)
3117. USA Of? South Carolina, USA?> (1)
3118. USA Of?> (Both Parents Born New York, USA) (1)
3119. USA Or Ohio, USA (1)
3120. USA Or Alabama, USA Of?> (1)
3121. USA Or Arizona, USA Of?> (1)
3122. USA Or California, USA (1)
3123. USA Or California, USA Of?> (10)
3124. USA Or California, USA Of> (1)
3125. USA Or Colorado, USA (1)
3126. USA Or Colorado, USA Of?> (4)
3127. USA Or Delaware, USA Of?> (2)
3128. USA or Florida, USA (1)
3129. USA Or Florida, USA Of?> (8)
3130. USA Or Florida, USA Of> (2)
3131. USA Or Georgia, USA Of?> (10)
3132. USA Or Illinois, USA (1)
3133. USA Or Illinois, USA Of?> (5)
3134. USA Or Illinois, USA Of> (1)
3135. USA Or Indiana, USA (1)
3136. USA Or Indiana, USA Of?> (1)
3137. USA Or Indiana, USA Of> (1)
3138. USA Or Iowa, USA Of?> (2)
3139. USA Or Kansas Or Illinois, USA Of?> (1)
3140. USA or Kansas, USA (1)
3141. USA Or Kentucky, USA Of?> (2)
3142. USA Or Louisiana, USA (1)
3143. USA Or Maine, USA (1)
3144. USA Or Maine, USA Of?> (9)
3145. USA Or Maryland, USA (2)
3146. USA Or Maryland, USA Of?> (5)
3147. USA Or Massachusetts, USA (4)
3148. USA Or Massachusetts, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) (1)
3149. USA Or Massachusetts, USA Of?> (15)
3150. USA Or Massachusetts, USA Of> (1)
3151. USA or Michigan, USA (2)
3152. USA Or Michigan, USA Of?> (4)
3153. USA Or Michigan, USA> (1)
3154. USA Or Minnesota, USA Of?> (4)
3155. USA or Mississippi, USA (1)
3156. USA Or Mississippi, USA Of?> (2)
3157. USA Or Missouri, USA (4)
3158. USA Or Missouri, USA Of?> (11)
3159. USA Or Montana, USA Of?> (3)
3160. USA Or Nebraska, USA Of?> (2)
3161. USA Or Nevada, USA Of?> (4)
3162. USA Or New Hampshire, USA (4)
3163. USA Or New Hampshire, USA Of?> (9)
3164. USA Or New Hampshire, USA) (1)
3165. USA Or New Jersey, USA Of?> (7)
3166. USA Or New Jersey, USA Of> (1)
3167. USA Or New Jersey, USA?> (1)
3168. USA Or New Mexico, USA?> (1)
3169. USA Or New York, USA (14)
3170. USA Or New York, USA Of?> (10)
3171. USA Or New York, USA Of> (2)
3172. USA Or New York, USA?> (5)
3173. USA Or North Carolina, USA Of?> (1)
3174. USA Or Nova Scotia, Canada Of?> (1)
3175. USA Or Ohio Or Georgia, USA Of?> (1)
3176. USA Or Ohio, USA (9)
3177. USA or Ohio, USA (Both Parents Born Ohio) (1)
3178. USA Or Ohio, USA Of?> (10)
3179. USA Or Ohio, USA) (1)
3180. USA or Oklahoma, USA (1)
3181. USA Or Oklahoma, USA Of?> (4)
3182. USA Or Oregon, USA Of?> (8)
3183. USA Or Oregon, USA Of> (1)
3184. USA Or Pennsylvania, USA (8)
3185. USA Or Pennsylvania, USA Of?> (2)
3186. USA Or Pennsylvania, USA?> (1)
3187. USA Or Rhode Island, USA (1)
3188. USA Or Rhode Island, USA Of?> (7)
3189. USA Or Rhode Island, USA?> (3)
3190. USA Or South Carolina, USA (1)
3191. USA Or South Carolina, USA Of?> (5)
3192. USA Or South Dakota, USA (2)
3193. USA Or South Dakota, USA Of?> (5)
3194. USA Or South Dakota, USA?> (1)
3195. USA or Tennessee, USA (2)
3196. USA Or Tennessee, USA Of?> (3)
3197. USA or Texas, USA (2)
3198. USA Or Texas, USA Of?> (15)
3199. USA Or Texas, USA Of> (2)
3200. USA Or Texas, USA?> (1)
3201. USA Or Utah, USA Of?> (1)
3202. USA or Vermont, USA (7)
3203. USA Or Vermont, USA Of?> (5)
3204. USA Or Vermont, USA?> (3)
3205. USA or Virginia, USA (3)
3206. USA Or Virginia, USA Of?> (4)
3207. USA Or Virginia, USA Of> (1)
3208. USA or Virginia, UsSA (1)
3209. USA or Washington, USA (1)
3210. USA Or Washington, USA Of?> (7)
3211. USA Or West Virginia, USA (3)
3212. USA Or West Virginia, USA Of?> (2)
3213. USA Or Wisconsin, USA (6)
3214. USA Or Wisconsin, USA Of?> (7)
3215. USA Or Wisconsin, USA?> (2)
3216. USA Or Wyoming, USA Of?> (2)
3217. USA, (1)
3218. USA, MO. Born Canada) (2)
3219. USA, MO. Born France) (1)
3220. USA, MO. Born Germany) (3)
3221. USA, MO. Born Ireland) (3)
3222. USA, MO. Born NS Canada) (1)
3223. USA? (Both Parents Born Pennsylvania, USA) (1)
3224. USA? (Both Parents Born South Carolina, USA) (1)
3225. USA? (Rhode Island, USA?)> (1)
3226. USA? Vermont, USA?> (1)
3227. Usakansas, USA (1)
3228. Utah, USA (71) 
3229. Utah, USA (Aultorest Memorial Park) (1)
3230. Utah, USA (Kanosh Cemetery) (1)
3231. Utah, USA (Lake Hills Cemetery) (1)
3232. Utah, USA (Lake Hills Memorial Park) (1)
3233. Utah, USA (Midvale City Cemetery) (1)
3234. Utah, USA (Monarch Cemetery) (1)
3235. Utah, USA (Mount Olivet Cemetery) 
3236. Utah, USA (Ogden City Cemetery) (2)
3237. Utah, USA (Park City Cemetery) (1)
3238. Utah, USA (Provo City Cemetery) (1)
3239. Utah, USA (Salem City Cemetery) (1)
3240. Utah, USA (Salt Lake City Cemetery) (1)
3241. Utah, USA (St. George City Cemetery) (1)
3242. Utah, USA Of?> (8)
3243. Utah, USA Of> (3)
3244. Utah, USA?> (1)
3245. Utrecht, Netherlands 
3246. Vagujhely, Hungary 
3247. Vancouver Island, Canada 
3248. Vermont, USA (176) 
3249. Vermont, USA (Mount Pleasant Cemetery) (1)
3250. Vermont, USA (Both Parents Born Canada) 
3251. Vermont, USA (Both Parents Born England) 
3252. Vermont, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
3253. Vermont, USA (Brookside Cemetery) (1)
3254. Vermont, USA (Burns Cemetery) (1)
3255. Vermont, USA (Center of Town Cemetery) (1)
3256. Vermont, USA (Center Shaftsbury Cemetery) (1)
3257. Vermont, USA (Christian Street Cemetery) (1)
3258. Vermont, USA (Cushing Cemetery) (1)
3259. Vermont, USA (East Poultney Cemetery) (1)
3260. Vermont, USA (Elmwood Cemetery) (1)
3261. Vermont, USA (Essex Common Burial Ground) (1)
3262. Vermont, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (2)
3263. Vermont, USA (Fairview Cemetery) (1)
3264. Vermont, USA (Grandview Cemetery) (1)
3265. Vermont, USA (Green Mount Cemetery) (1)
3266. Vermont, USA (Greenwood Cemetery) (1)
3267. Vermont, USA (Laurel Glen Cemetery) (1)
3268. Vermont, USA (Maple Cemetery) (1)
3269. Vermont, USA (Mount Calvary Cemetery) (1)
3270. Vermont, USA (Mount Pleasant Cemetery) (1)
3271. Vermont, USA (New Mount Calvary Cemetery) (1)
3272. Vermont, USA (Oak Hill Cemetery) (1)
3273. Vermont, USA (Oakwood Cemetery) (1)
3274. Vermont, USA (Old South Church Cemetery) (1)
3275. Vermont, USA (Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Cemetery) (1)
3276. Vermont, USA (Prosper Cemetery) (1)
3277. Vermont, USA (Quechee Cemetery) (1)
3278. Vermont, USA (River Street Cemetery) (1)
3279. Vermont, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (1)
3280. Vermont, USA (Shaftsbury Cemetery) (1)
3281. Vermont, USA (St. John the Baptist Cemetery) (1)
3282. Vermont, USA (St. Lukes Catholic Cemetery) (1)
3283. Vermont, USA (St. Patrick's Cemetery) (1)
3284. Vermont, USA (Tyler Cemetery) (1)
3285. Vermont, USA (Vermont Veterans Memorial Cemetery) (1)
3286. Vermont, USA (Vershire Heights Cemetery) (1)
3287. Vermont, USA (Woods Hill Cemetery) (1)
3288. Vermont, USA of (1)
3289. Vermont, USA Of?> (13)
3290. Vermont, USA Of> (16)
3291. Vermont, USA?> (4)
3292. Victoria Co, Canada (1)
3293. Vietnam 
3294. Viirginia, USA (Olive Branch Christian Church Cemetery) (1)
3295. Village of Niederrades, Grand Duchy of Hessen 
3296. Virgina, USA (1)
3297. Virginia, USA (124) 
3298. Virginia, USA (Arlington National Cemetery) (2)
3299. Virginia, USA (Blandford Cemetery) (1)
3300. Virginia, USA (Greenhills Memory Gardens) (1)
3301. Virginia, USA (Mount Carmel Cemetery) (1)
3302. Virginia, USA (National Cemetery) (1)
3303. Virginia, USA (Quantico National Cemetery) (1)
3304. Virginia, USA (Williamsburg Memorial Park) (1)
3305. Virginia, USA Of?> (14)
3306. Virginia, USA Of> (8)
3307. Virginia, USA?> (2)
3308. Wales 
3309. Wales (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
3310. Wales (Both Parents Born Wales) 
3311. Wales (Fa. Born Wales, MO. Born England) 
3312. Wales (Fa. Born Wales, MO. Born Ireland Or Both Parents Born Ireland) 
3313. Wales, England 
3314. Warwick, England (1)
3315. Warwickshire, England (3)
3316. Washington DC, USA (1)
3317. Washington, USA (115) 
3318. Washington, USA (Acacia Cemetery) (1)
3319. Washington, USA (Acacia Memorial Park) (1)
3320. Washington, USA (Calvary Cemetery) (1)
3321. Washington, USA (Colfax Cemetery) (1)
3322. Washington, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (1)
3323. Washington, USA (Evergreen Memorial Park) (1)
3324. Washington, USA (Evergreen Washelli Cemetery) (1)
3325. Washington, USA (Evergreen Washelli Memorial Park Cemetery) (1)
3326. Washington, USA (Fairmount Memorial Park) (1)
3327. Washington, USA (Forest Lawn Cemetery) (1)
3328. Washington, USA (Gar Cemetery) (1)
3329. Washington, USA (Grandview Cemetery) (1)
3330. Washington, USA (Hillcrest Burial Park) (1)
3331. Washington, USA (Holyrood Catholic Cemetery) (1)
3332. Washington, USA (Lake View Cemetery) (1)
3333. Washington, USA (Little Falls Cemetery) (1)
3334. Washington, USA (Longview Cemetery) (1)
3335. Washington, USA (Maple Leaf Cemetery) (1)
3336. Washington, USA (Masonic Memorial Park) (1)
3337. Washington, USA (Mount Pleasant Cemetery) (1)
3338. Washington, USA (Mountain View Cemetery) (1)
3339. Washington, USA (New Tacoma Cemetery) (1)
3340. Washington, USA (Park Hill Cemetery) (1)
3341. Washington, USA (Seabeck Cemetery) (1)
3342. Washington, USA (Spalding Cemetery) (1)
3343. Washington, USA (Spokane Memorial Gardens) (1)
3344. Washington, USA (Sunnyside Cemetery) (1)
3345. Washington, USA (Sunset Memorial Park) (1)
3346. Washington, USA (Tacoma Cemetery) (1)
3347. Washington, USA (Tahoma Cemetery) (1)
3348. Washington, USA (Tahoma National Cemetery) (1)
3349. Washington, USA of (1)
3350. Washington, USA Of?> (25)
3351. Washington, USA Of> (13)
3352. Washington, USA?> (3)
3353. Washtenaw Co, Michigan (1)
3354. Washtenaw Co, Michigan (Benton Cemetery) (1)
3355. Waterville 
3356. Wellington, New Zealand 
3357. Wen, Sweden 
3358. Wertemburg, Germany 
3359. West Sussex, England (1)
3360. West Virgina, USA (2) 
3361. West Virginia, USA (93) 
3362. West Virginia, USA (Both Parents Born Ireland) 
3363. West Virginia, USA (Elkview Masonic Cemetery) (1)
3364. West Virginia, USA (John W. Rogers Cemetery) (1)
3365. West Virginia, USA (Mount View Cemetery) (3)
3366. West Virginia, USA (Odd Fellows Cemetery) (1)
3367. West Virginia, USA (Old Pine Church Cemetery) (1)
3368. West Virginia, USA (Spring Hill Cemetery) (1)
3369. West Virginia, USA (St. Bernards Cemetery) (1)
3370. West Virginia, USA Of?> (10)
3371. West Virginia, USA Of> (4)
3372. West Virginia, USA?> (2)
3373. Western Massachusetts 
3374. Westray Orkney Islands, Scotland 
3375. Wexford Or Dublin, Ireland 
3376. Wexford, Ireland 
3377. While In-Route To America From Germany On Board Ship, Atlantic Ocean 
3378. Wieseck, Germany 
3379. Wigan, England 
3380. Wiltshire, England (1)
3381. Windsor Mills, Canada 
3382. Wingate, Mexico 
3383. Wisconsin, USA (317) 
3384. Wisconsin, USA (Albany Cemetery) (1)
3385. Wisconsin, USA (Almond Village Cemetery) (1)
3386. Wisconsin, USA (Amery Cemetery) (1)
3387. Wisconsin, USA (Bayview Cemetery) (1)
3388. Wisconsin, USA (Beaver Dam City Cemetery) (1)
3389. Wisconsin, USA (Bell Cemetery) (1)
3390. Wisconsin, USA (Both Parents Born Canada) 
3391. Wisconsin, USA (Both parents born England) 
3392. Wisconsin, USA (Both Parents Born Germany) 
3393. Wisconsin, USA (Both Parents Born Norway) 
3394. Wisconsin, USA (Cattaraugus Cemetery) (1)
3395. Wisconsin, USA (Dorset Cemetery) (1)
3396. Wisconsin, USA (Eastlawn Cemetery) (1)
3397. Wisconsin, USA (Evergreen Cemetery) (2)
3398. Wisconsin, USA (Forest Hill Cemetery) (2)
3399. Wisconsin, USA (Forest Home Cemetery) (1)
3400. Wisconsin, USA (Greenville Pioneer Cemetery) (1)
3401. Wisconsin, USA (Greenwood Cemetery) (3)
3402. Wisconsin, USA (Highland Memorial Park) (1)
3403. Wisconsin, USA (Holy Apostles Cemetery) (1)
3404. Wisconsin, USA (Kenister Cemetery) (1)
3405. Wisconsin, USA (Lakeside Cemetery) (1)
3406. Wisconsin, USA (Lakeside Memorial Park) (1)
3407. Wisconsin, USA (Liberty Corners Cemetery) (1)
3408. Wisconsin, USA (Madge Evergreen Cemetery) (1)
3409. Wisconsin, USA (Mercer Cemetery) (1)
3410. Wisconsin, USA (Methodist Episcopal Church) (1)
3411. Wisconsin, USA (Monroe Cemetery} (1)
3412. Wisconsin, USA (Monroe Center Cemetery) (1)
3413. Wisconsin, USA (Moon Cemetery) (1)
3414. Wisconsin, USA (Mosinee Cemetery) (1)
3415. Wisconsin, USA (Mount Hope Cemetery) (2)
3416. Wisconsin, USA (Mount Repose Cemetery) (1)
3417. Wisconsin, USA (New Auburn Cemetery) (1)
3418. Wisconsin, USA (North Prairie Cemetery) (1)
3419. Wisconsin, USA (Norway Grove Cemetery) (1)
3420. Wisconsin, USA (Oak Creek Cemetery) (2)
3421. Wisconsin, USA (Oak Grove Cemetery) (1)
3422. Wisconsin, USA (Oak Hill Cemetery ) (1)
3423. Wisconsin, USA (Oakgrove Cemetery) (1)
3424. Wisconsin, USA (Oakwood Cemetery) (2)
3425. Wisconsin, USA (Plainville Cemetery) (1)
3426. Wisconsin, USA (Poplar Cemetery) (1)
3427. Wisconsin, USA (Prairie Home Cemetery) (1)
3428. Wisconsin, USA (Ressurrection Cemetery and Mausoleum) (1)
3429. Wisconsin, USA (Rienzi Cemetery) (1)
3430. Wisconsin, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (3)
3431. Wisconsin, USA (Roselawn Cemetery) (1)
3432. Wisconsin, USA (Saint Joseph Cemetery) (1)
3433. Wisconsin, USA (Shell Lake Memorial Cemetery) (1)
3434. Wisconsin, USA (Sheridan Cemetery) (1)
3435. Wisconsin, USA (South Burr Oak Cemetery) (1)
3436. Wisconsin, USA (Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery) (1)
3437. Wisconsin, USA (Springfield Cemetery) (1)
3438. Wisconsin, USA (St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery) (1)
3439. Wisconsin, USA (Trenton Cemetery) (1)
3440. Wisconsin, USA (Underhill Cemetery) (1)
3441. Wisconsin, USA (Union Cemetery) (2)
3442. Wisconsin, USA (Veterans Cemetery) (1)
3443. Wisconsin, USA (Veterans Memorial Cemetery) (1)
3444. Wisconsin, USA (Villa Pines Living Center) (1)
3445. Wisconsin, USA (Village Cemetery) (1)
3446. Wisconsin, USA (Walnut Hill Cemetery) (1)
3447. Wisconsin, USA (Washington Cemetery) (1)
3448. Wisconsin, USA (Wood National Cemetery) (1)
3449. Wisconsin, USA (Woodlawn Cemetery) (1)
3450. Wisconsin, USA Of?> (37)
3451. Wisconsin, USA Of> (19)
3452. Wisconsin, USA?) (1)
3453. Wisconsin, USA?> (4)
3454. Worcestershire, England (3) 
3455. Worthing, England Of> (1)
3456. Wyandotte, Indian Territory 
3457. Wyoming, USA (35) 
3458. Wyoming, USA (Douglas Park Cemetery) (1)
3459. Wyoming, USA (Monument Hill Cemetery) (1)
3460. Wyoming, USA (Riverside Cemetery) (1)
3461. Wyoming, USA Of?> (5)
3462. Wyoming, USA of> (1)
3463. Wyoming, USA?> (1)
3464. Wyoming, USA. (1)
3465. , York Co, Canada 
3466. York, England (1)
3467. Yorkshire, England (2) 
3468. Zagrab, Yugoslavia 
3469. Ziegelhausen, Federal Republic of Germany 
3470. Zweibrnchen, Germany 