Notes |
- Marriage Announcement:
Brooklyn NY Daily Eagle 1919 a Grayscale - 1103.pdf
A pretty'"wedding;tbpk,'place at the
Church Of: the^nnriheiatlbn,. Cpopei;
and'-..Webster'?W "ayes.,;,Gleridaie; t . I., pri
Sunday; aftemgori at 14 o'clock, when
Robert J. Laler arid .Miss Florence C. j-
Horr*'were" marfiedV 'The'church was
decorated': Svi'th- paints arid ch^ysarithe- j
ni.ums.:' Special music v^as provided ?W
by.the choir! ^ A - ' ^;: ?W-
' T h b bride wore a'white georgette U
gown, tulle veil.arid carried a-, bouapet -
Of white rofees. She-Was" glVeri iri?mar\\j
ri?Gige by 'her father, peter Horr. The j
maid of honor was Miss LiUlan Kach- f
ier of vGleridale, $lh ai,pirikYarid ^vhitp;.,
lace robe and lace hrit, carrying a bou- j
ptfet roses. ?W'.?W';?W--::..:-.;;. .?W -
: Henry. Later was best rrian, and
L. Rydsfedt, E.Bezrier and S. B."Clu-T
kles were ushers. .The Rey-j: Willlarri j
P. s; Landet^^ ofllbiated. A family reception:
was held iat the. home of the
bride, 34 Hboker-st.' - -".'"?W;-
.:. Arnong the griestB'were Miss Made-
Ialrie Horr, Mrs." D.'Sehls, M'ss Anna
Sehls, .Mr, and Mrs.F. .Laier, Mr., arid
Mrs.r)fflj Schoerier,'Mrs..:Colemarii-; Mr.
and Mrs. F.; Hprr," Mr.-land .Mrs. \\ F .
Be!Hl,-H.: Horr, H. Laler.. F.vFord, Miss
Lilliari.Kachler, the. Misses Schmidt*,"ji
Mrs. Nestel, Miss Nikola andthe Rev.w
and Mrs. Willlam: Lander. ?W;c ;.
?W: The young couple;will make 'their
home;at 34 Hopk'er at.-.after, their re-
turn frbm Niagara Falls and Canada.
Mr. Laier vis 'the"Churchytreasurer,
church School. Superintendent and as-
sistant Scoutma^ter.,-Of "H,-S.* A: Band-i
bf Glendale. Mfs;'Laier Is the dlrecr- j ~
tress of t h e Girl Pioneers of America,
Bapd I, of Glendale.*XTheir_p,bpular.lty
;wa?G:.attested:;by ;tl}e -crowded' church.
Many? not. .flridirtg\\staridtngrdbm':wifh'r
iriy were content fP:Wail:biitside iri' ori
der>ro. extehd their "good; wjflhes;' '-'4(:":