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- Obituary with photo:
Yonkers NY Herald Statesman 1959 Grayscale - 4154.pdf
James A. Moore,
Track Official
40 Years Dies
James A. Moore, sixty-five, former
Westchester County commissioner
for the Metropolitan,-Assn.
of the Amateur Athletic Union,
died yesterday while on his way
to work as an inspector for the
Dept. of Public Works Bureau of
Police were summoned by passersby
who found the body at the
corner of Parkview Ave. and Colonial
Parkwav North. A resident
at the YMCA at 17 Riverdale Ave.,
Mr. Moore was the brother of the
Rt- Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Moore,
Catholic chaplain at the U. S. Military
Academy at West Point.
An official at track meets for
more than 40 years, he was a former
Democratic district leader in
the 8th Ward. Mr. Moore a former
track coach at the Y.M. and
a track star and baseball and bas
ketball player with the old Dion
Athletic Club in his youth, .iad
served as the Pacoy Club's dele
gate to the Board of Governors of
the Metropolitan AAU.
He had been instrumental in
bringing the Junior Met cross
county championships to Tibbetts
Brook Park in 1949. He had played
with St- Denis' parish athletic
teams as a youngster.
A Navy veteran of World War I,
he served aboard the receiving
ship USS Granite Statee at N e w
York. He had worked several
years for the city water bureau
and during World War II was employed
in Civil Service -with U. S.
Air Force engineering installations
at Goose Bay, Labrador.
Son of the late Patrick and Catherine
Hoar Moore, he was born in
Yonkers July 12, 1894.
Besides Msgr. Moore, he loaves
a sister and another brother- Mrs.
Charles J. Schmitt of Chicago and
Thomas F- Moore of Yonkers.