Notes |
- Groom's Name: Richard Hoar
Groom's Birth Date:
Groom's Birthplace:
Groom's Age:
Bride's Name: Mary Galvin
Bride's Birth Date:
Bride's Birthplace:
Bride's Age:
Marriage Date: 22 Apr 1900
Marriage Place: Manhattan, New York, New York
Groom's Father's Name: James
Groom's Mother's Name: Johanne Sooney
Bride's Father's Name: James Brady
Bride's Mother's Name: Catharine Galvin
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M00638-4
System Origin: New_York-ODM
Source Film Number: 1570301
Reference Number:
Collection: New York Marriages, 1686-1980
Brooklyn NY Daily Star 1911 - 2269.pdf
Brutal Attack on Richard
Hoar Caused Death
Police Have Kept the Case Quiet In
Hope of Arresting Man's Murderers-
Two of Gang, Brothers,
Have Skipped.
Thruugh_the -death, of. Richard- Hoar
t h i s Thursday morning at his home on
Locust street, Corona, the news haa
leaked out that th?C police have a murder
ease on their hands.
Hoar was tho victim of one of the
most brutal cases of assault that Cor
o n a has had in years. The attack
on him occurred last Saturday night.
but the police have kept the matter
quiet in the hope of. catching the men
who did the deed.
-There were three in the g-ang that
"did up" Hoar, it is learned. Two of
t h e s e are known, but thev have disappeared.
The identity of the third
assailant Is still a" .mystery. The pair
who got away a r e ' s a i d to be brothers.
Hoar was forty-1?C" veara old and
for the past >?W ,. !, .??W . , K i l t years haa
been In the ivpr'-.-s and frm-klni/ business
in Corona He was well known
and very well liked. So far as his
family know, he had no enemies, yet
i t is evilent that revenge W&* th*
motive, for he had not been robbed.
Brutally Maltreated.
Hoar was horribly hearten and maltreated.
He was oa his way gome a*
about B) o'clock in the evanlpjj when
sud?C*cn!y frojn * dark jilucc iur*hj? iha
road there jumpe J three nun, two
whom were armed with fence pickets.
Hoar, who toll the police the det
a i l s i-f the assault during a period of
conscfonsness before he died, said t h at
he tried to defend himself, but was
overpowered. He remembered being
s t r u c k repeatedly over the head and
alKo said t h a t - w h e n - h e went down one
of the men stamped on bis abdomen
with his heavy boot. That s about the
last he re. ailed of the Inhuman attack.
Some time later the man was found,
un.'nnscious, Iving where the trio had
left him: His head was a mass of
cu'ts and bruises, from which blood
had flowed until his face was a ghastly
sight. The most serious injuries,
however, v\\ i re th'.
kiehs he received in the stomach and
about the hody.
The attack took place on I^ocuat
street, within a block of Hoar's home.
He was carried there and doctors were
hastily summoned. It soon became
apparent that Hear was very badly
hurt. Th i doctors worked hard to
save his life, but he died at about 6
o'clock this Thursday morning.
The Coroner's oiilce has been notified
and an autopsy will probably be
performed to determine the exact
cause of death. Tn the meanwhile the
police a r e busy on the case.
Hoar Is survived by a widow and
seven children.
Newtown NY Register 1911 Grayscale - 0578.pdf
Funeral of Richard Hoar.
The funeral of Richard Hoar, of Locust
street, Corona, took plape from his late
residence on Saturday, morning, November
25th. Solemn High Mass was celebrated
at Our Lady of Sorrows Church,
Rev. Dean Oprrigan officiating. Many
floral offerings were sent notably from
the Oorkmen's M. A. Society and Police
Department of the Newtown Precinct,
where his brother Timothy is an officer.
The Oorkmen s M. A. Society was represented
by James F. Aheon, President;
Jeremiah Mullane, Vice-Presideqt; W. J.
Ryder, Recording Secretary; Jeremiah
Looney, Patrick Looney, John Oronin,
and John P. Hayes. The Holy Name
Society also sent a delegation. Deceased
was a native of Mourne Abbey, Mallow
Co., Cork, and is survived by a widow and
seven children.
The Oorkmen's M. A. Sooiety, at their
last meeting, passed resolutions of condolence,
with the family of the deceased,
in their sad affliction.
Newtown NY Register 1911 Grayscale - 0578.pdf
Brooklyn NY Standard Union 1911 a - 0387.pdf