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- If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at
[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.
1880 Census Place: Fife Lake, Grand Traverse Co, Michigan
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Fred A FISH Self M Male W 31 MI Mill Owner CAN MI
Mary E FISH Wife M Female W 31 NY Keeping House NY NY
Alice H FISH Dau S Female W 5 MI MI NY
Susan A FISH Dau S Female W 6M MI MI MI
Susan M HUNTINGTON Mother W Female W 59 NY NY NY
1900 Census: Port Huron Ward 6, Saint Clair Co, Michigan
Fred A. Fish, Dec 1848, age 51, m 30 yrs, bp MI, f's bp CAN. m's bp MI, Insurance
Mary E. Fish, wife, July 1848, age 51, 1 birth, bp NY, p's bp NY
Alace H. Fish, dau, Aug 1874, age 25, bp MI
Another family, Rathforn [?] husband, wife and child, is living with them, listed as boarders.
Transcribed as Tish
1910 Census: 1-Wd Port Huron, St Clair Co, Michigan
Fredrick A. Fish, age 61, m 40 yrs, bp MI, f's bp CAN, m's bp MI, Cashier- custom house
Minnie E. Fish, age 61, 2 births 1 living, bp NY, p's bp NY
No others listed.
1920 Census: Port Huron, St Clair Co, Michigan
Fredrick A. Fish, age 71, bp MI, p's bp MI, Collector- US Custom
Mary E. Fish, age 71, bp NY, p's bp NY
No others listed.
Living with dau Alice in 1930.
1930 Census: Chicago, Cook Co, Illinois
Fred A. Fish, father [-in-law], age 81, widow, bp MI, f's bp CAN, m's bp MI