The H600 Project Genealogy DB
Isabell Whaley
Name Isabell Whaley Born Abt 1856 Michigan, USA Gender Female Buried Bancroft, Shiawassee Co, Michigan, USA (Fremont Cemetery) Person ID I40229 A00 Hoar and Horr Families North America Last Modified 22 Mar 2009
Family John Hoard, b. Abt 1853, , Shiawassee Co, Michigan, USA , d. 1933 (Age ~ 80 years)
Married 22 Feb 1874 Shiawassee, Shiawassee Co, Michigan, USA Children 1. Fred Hoard, b. 26 Jul 1876, Shiawassee, Shiawassee Co, Michigan, USA , d. 1964 (Age 87 years)
2. Albert Hoard, b. 29 Nov 1877, Shiawassee, Shiawassee Co, Michigan, USA 3. Polly Hoard, b. Abt 1880, Michigan, USA , d. 19 May 1882, Antrim, Shiawassee Co, Michigan, USA
(Age ~ 2 years)
4. Archie Hoard, b. 11 Feb 1884, Antrim, Shiawassee Co, Michigan, USA , d. 1952 (Age 67 years)
5. Hattie Hoard, b. 24 Jul 1887, Perry, Shiawassee Co, Michigan, USA Last Modified 22 Mar 2009 Family ID F14918 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Notes - Groom name: John Hoard
Groom race or color (on document):
Groom age: 23 years
Groom birth year: 1851
Groom birth place: Michigan
Bride name: Isabell Whaley
Bride race or color (on document):
Bride age: 18 years
Bride birth year: 1856
Bride birth place: Michigan
Marriage type:
Marriage date: 22 Feb 1874
Marriage place: Shiawassee, Shiawassee, Michigan
Father of groom name:
Mother of groom name:
Father of bride name:
Mother of bride name:
Marital status:
Groom previous wife name:
Bride marital status:
Bride previous husband name:
Additional relatives:
Film number: 2342457
Frame number:
Digital GS number: 4207574
Image number: 123
Reference number: v 3 p 149 rn 1100
Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925
- Groom name: John Hoard