Notes |
- Obituary:
Mrs. Lena Townsend
Dies on Sight of Austin Hoar's Body
'Two deaths in less than 24 hours in
the family of Jacob Hoar, of Oliver
No: 3, occurred Tuesday afternoon and
Wednesday morning.
A son, Austin Hoar, aged 38, dlod
at the, Unlontown Hospital, Tuesday
afternoon, August 2, 1927, following
an illness.of a complication of diseases.
When his body was.removed
to the home Wednesday morning at
11 o'clock, a sisterr, Mrs. Lena Town-
send aged 27, of Collier, dropped,dead
from heart trouble, as she stood
watching the body of her brother being
brought into the father's home.
Mr. Hoar; in addition to his father,
is survived by his wife, Mrs. May
Hoar. and two chlldren, Albert and
Charles, while Mrs.Tpwnsend is survived
by her husband; Alexander
Townsend, and one son, Charles William,
and her father.
In addition both are survived by six
brothers and one sister:
William, Isaac, Edward and Oliver
Hoar, all of Oliver No. 3; Jaines Hoar
of Cleveland; Frank Hoar of New Jersey,
and Mrs. Samuel Ralph of Belle
Double funeral services will be held
in the father's home Friday afternoon
at 2-o'clock followed by burial in
Park Place cemetery.