Notes |
- 1900 United States Federal Census
Name:Orrin Hobart
Birth Date:Jul 1814
Birthplace:New York
Home in 1900:Byron, Buchanan, Iowa
Relation to Head of House:Uncle
Marital Status:Widowed
Father's Birthplace:Massachusetts
Mother's Birthplace:New York
Household Members:
Wayne Hildreth 64
Frances S Hildreth 61
Orrin Hobart 85
Homer NY Republican 1903-1906 - 0101.pdf
Death of Orln Hobart.
The Buchanan County Review pub
lished at Wluthrop, la., contains the
following notice of the death of Orln
Hobart, a brother of Mauley and Amos
Hobart, late of this town aud remembered
by many of the older generatlou
of Homer people:
Orln Hobart was born July 81, 1814,
in Homer, Cortland county, N. Y., aud
fell asloep In Wlnthrop, Iowa, December
1,1001), aged 80 years, four months.
He moved to Richmond, Illinois, iu
1845. Twenty-five years ago ho moved
to Woodstock, III., where he lived till
the death of his wife in 1808, since
which time he has lived with his daughter
in Iowa. For over seventy years he
had been a member of the Congregational
church and for forty or fifty years
superintendent in tho Sunday schools
and very active Iu all ohurch work. A
good and a just man has gone to his re-
"Mr. Hobart was known to only a
few Wlnthrop people, but the few who
did know him found in him a man of
sterling worth, and one who loved his
fellow men. His deep love for children
was seen in h|s relations to the Junior
C. E. society of tho Congregational
church and to a few of the neighboring
children who delighted to run in and
have a chat with "Grandpa." Mr.
Hobart strove to live a consistent christian
life and though uaable to mingle in
social circles, because of physical disabilities,
yet his influence for good upon
,those who came in contact with him
was most marked.
"A brief funeral service was held at
the home of W. Hildreth, Tuesday
evening, and then the body was taken
to the train to be carried to Richmond,
Illinois, for burial. The words of St.
Paul make a most fitting memorial to
bis life: 'I have fought the good fight;
I have finished my course; I have finished
my course; 1 have kept the faith.' "