Notes |
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Is this him? (James Hoar)
Batavia NY Progressive Batavian 1868-1873 Grayscale - 0668.pdf
Oa Friday of last week, as we learn
by the Rochester Chronicle, James Hoar, a
young man aoventeen years of age, was
found dead i n an unoccupied room at L i vonia
Center. Coroner John C. Patterson,
of South Livonia, held an inquest, the jury
bringing in a verdict died of strangulation."
The following facts were developed:
Young Hoar and h i s father drank excessively
of o l d e r at their residence at Hemlook
Lake, and again on their way to Livonia
Center, where they obtained whiskey
to top off. After attempting to do some gar.
den work, the father, Robert Hoar, left his
son until evening, when a search resulted
in finding him a s above, A post mortem examination
showed his stomach filled with
cider and whisky, with some undigested
food, a part of which had lodged in b is
throat in a n effort t o vomit, causing death
by strangulation.