The H600 Project Genealogy DB

( = Descendancy chart to this point,
= Expand,
= Collapse)
- 1 Eleanor [1] b. 1625
Matthew Boomer Booman b. 1620
- 2 Mary Boomer Booman [1.1]
b. Abt 1655 d. Aft 27 Jan 1715
John Lawton b. 1648 d. 03 Jun 1678
- 3 George Lawton [1.1.1]
b. 1669
Mary Dennis b. 20 Sep 1673
- 4 Ruth Lawton []
b. 20 Sep 1694 [ =>]
- 4 Ruth Lawton []
- 3 George Lawton [1.1.1]
- 2 Mary Boomer Booman [1.1]