The H600 Project Genealogy DB
Asenath Smith

( = Descendancy chart to this point,
= Expand,
= Collapse)
- 1 Asenath Smith [1] b. 26 Jun 1800
- + Thomas W. Mason
David Lewis b. 26 Dec 1794
- 2 Juliette Asenath Lewis [1.1]
b. 30 Aug 1834
- + Adj. Clark Strong b. 8 May 1829
- + Adj. Clark Strong b. 8 May 1829
- 2 Abbie Smith Lewis [1.2]
b. 18 Oct 1841 d. 3 Oct 1917
Philetus Fales b. 7 May 1825 d. 30 Mar 1907
- 3 Dr. Harry P. Fales [1.2.1]
b. 31 Aug 1865 d. 25 Oct 1896
- 3 Maud Fales [1.2.2]
b. 4 Sep 1867 d. 2 Sep 1958
- + Frederic Clark Strong b. 12 May 1867
- + Frederic Clark Strong b. 12 May 1867
- 3 Dr. Harry P. Fales [1.2.1]
- 2 Juliette Asenath Lewis [1.1]
- + Thomas W. Mason