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 #   Notes   Linked to 
19401 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy F. Email address: rml123452003(at)

The following census records were contributed by Kathy F.
1855 Census of Erie County, town of Aurora (from a transcription, source unknown)
Hottois, Peter, age 33, male, born in Germany, laborer
Hottois, Eunice, wife, age 32, female, born in Germany
Hottois, Domenike, child, age 1, male, born in Germany
Hottois, Anna, child, age 10 months, female, born in Erie County
*Hottois, Peter, brother, age 35, male, born in Germany

1865 Census - Marilla, Erie County, New York
*Peter Hottois, age 46, born in Germany
Nancy Hottois, age 36, born in Germany
Peter Hottois, age 6, born in Erie County
John Hottois, age 5, born in Erie County
Ann Hottois, age 4, born in Erie County
Chrisany Hottois, age 3, born in Erie County
Frank Hottois, age 3/12, born in Erie County

1870 Census ? Elma, Erie County, New York
*Peter Hottois, age 50, com lab, born in Belgium
Nancy Hottois, age 42, born Cur Hagren?
Peter Hottois, age 11, born in New York
John Hottois, age 10, born in New York
Frank Hottois, age 6, born in New York
Ann Hottois, age 3, born in New York
(Where's Tena?, abt age 8 )

1880 Census ? Lancaster, Erie County, New York, page 10
Peter Hottois, age 60, farrier, born in France
Nancy Hottois, age 55, wife, born in Hesse
Kate Hottois, age 13, daughter, born in New York

From Kathy Facer
To MrsEdson(at)
Date: Mon, Jun 23, 2008
Subject: Hottois information

Nicolas Hottois
Born 16 April 1787 at Oberfeulen, canton of Diekirch, Luxembourg
son of Michel Hottois (d. 20 December 1804 at Oberfeulen) and
Marie Catherine Klein (d. 10 December 1819 at Feulen)
Married (1) Anne Marguerite Hiltgen 15 Feb 1814 at Bissen, Luxembourg
Witnesses: Pierre Hotua, age 34, older brother
Fran?cois Hitgen, older brother of bride
born 21 Sep 1790 in Bissen, canton of Mersch, Luxembourg
died 17 Apr 1836 at 5 PM at Perl?e, Luxembourg, age 43
Married (2) Marie Marguerite Reisdorff on 27 February 1838
born 29 April 1768, daughter of Jacques Reisdorf (d. 15 February 1819) and Anne Dax (d. 20 October 1811)
widow of Jean Gross (d. 24 April 1836)
Died 4 December 1851 at Perl?e, Luxembourg, age 67, a married man in his
second marriage

Pierre Hottois, son of Nicolas Hottois and Anne Marguerite Hiltgen
Born 21 May 1820 at 3 PM at Perl?e, Luxembourg
Married Cresentia/Nancy Helzer (Holzer, Heltzer)
*Peter Joseph Hottois
Born 30 Jun 1858
Baptized 8 Aug 1858 at St. Cecilia's, Sheldon, Wyoming Co., NY
Sponsors: Joseph Hottois and M. Madalena Noel
Married Anna ______
First postmaster in Whittemore, Michigan
*John Hottois
Born circa 1860 or 1862
Married Mary ________
*Ann or Barbara Hottois
Born circa 1860
Died 25 Oct 1865, age 5 years, 1 month, 2 days (St. Cecilia's)
*Chrisany Hottois
Born circa 1862
*Francis Hottois
Born 22 Apr 1864
Baptized at St. Cecilia's, Sheldon, Wyoming County, NY
Sponsors: Francis Noell (?) and Frances Jungers

I have more information on the Hottois family and Pierre's brothers and sisters if you are interested. There are also a couple of websites on the family. There are two variations of the name - Hottois and Hottua. The Hottois variation has died out in Luxembourg. It is the same family, just a different way of spelling the name.

Kathy Facer 
Hottois, Peter (I25277)
19402 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy F. Email address: rml123452003(at) Muller, Anne Marie (I37377)
19403 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy F. Email address: rml123452003(at) Jungers, Dominick (I30175)
19404 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy F. Email address: rml123452003(at) Hiltgen, Anne Marguerite (I30134)
19405 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy Lester: Sewsoslow(at) Keenan, Ray Curtis (I44742)
19406 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy Lester: Sewsoslow(at) Keenan, Winnafred (I44741)
19407 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy Lester: Sewsoslow(at) Keenan, Alva Burton (I44740)
19408 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy Lester: Sewsoslow(at) Keenan, Hattie Belgium (I44739)
19409 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy Lester: Sewsoslow(at) Keenan, Grant Randall (I44738)
19410 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy Lester: Sewsoslow(at) Keenan, Effie May (I44737)
19411 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy Lester: Sewsoslow(at) Keenan, Edward Henry (I44736)
19412 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy Lester: Sewsoslow(at) Randall, Emily Algina (I44735)
19413 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy Lester: Sewsoslow(at) Keenan, John (I44734)
19414 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy Lester: Sewsoslow(at) Keenan, Nettie M. (I10169)
19415 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy: clydekathy(at) Eaton, Earl Ralph (I53570)
19416 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy: clydekathy(at) Schweiter, Lovina (I53569)
19417 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kathy: clydekathy(at) Eaton, George (I16800)
19418 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Gray, Flora Ann (I66542)
19419 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Lasnier, Leon (I66536)
19420 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, Joseph Harold (I66535)
19421 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, John (I66534)
19422 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, Mary Rosella (I66533)
19423 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, Martha Alfreda (I66532)
19424 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, John Aubrey (I66531)
19425 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Matthews, Martha Miriam (I66528)
19426 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Curo, Emma (I66527)
19427 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Boyle, John (I66526)
19428 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
McDonald, William (I66525)
19429 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Baillanger, Pierre (I66524)
19430 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Normandeau, Nicolas (I66523)
19431 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, John (I66520)
19432 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, James (I66519)
19433 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, Isabella (I66518)
19434 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, Sarah (I66517)
19435 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, Jane (I66516)
19436 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, Martha (I66515)
19437 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, Rosanne (I66514)
19438 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, John (I66513)
19439 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Howland?, Rachel (I66510)
19440 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Howland, Agnes Ann (I66509)
19441 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Power, William (I66508)
19442 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Power, Richard (I66507)
19443 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Beller?, John (I66506)
19444 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, Peter (I66505)
19445 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, James (I66504)
19446 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, Martha (I66503)
19447 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, Jane (I66502)
19448 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, Mary (I66501)
19449 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Russell, Margaret (I66500)
19450 Information on this family was kindly contributed by Kay, Heidi and Diane:
If you have additional info on this family please contact
Heidi at heidirussell6(at) and Diane at diane_berger(at) Thank you 
Bergeron, Marie Josephine (I66499)

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