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16101 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Nichols, Phyllis (I15083)
16102 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Story, William Merrick (I15063)
16103 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Mayes, Bernice Edith (I14943)
16104 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Lee, Chester E. (I14897)
16105 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Miller, Gordon (I14887)
16106 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Hynes, Jeremiah Anglim (I14843)
16107 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Goodness, Alfred Lewis (I14700)
16108 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Bartell, Neva (I8578)
16109 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

McNickle, Arthur B. (I6253)
16110 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

SSDI card issued in Wisconsin. 
Pitts, Robert D. (I3995)
16111 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

JOHN WAYNE b:14 Aug 1908 d:Oct 1971 Last res: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co, UT

Utah: Salt Lake Co, Salt Lake City, Hospital 
Wayne, John J. (I15340)
16112 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

SSDI: Issued in Wyoming. 
Steele, Mildred (I14934)
16113 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Kilts, Ruby Jane Amelia (I15098)
16114 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Subject: Stitzer Family
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005
Virginia Stitzer wrote:
It is from Bavetta's death certificate that I determined the P stood for Peter as it list her father as John Peter Stitzer and mother as Mary Anna Shrodumberger. on John L death certificate it lists his mothers maiden name as Schrothberger. But on there mother Mary Anna death certificate her maiden name is listed as Schrodberger. So there were many spellings of her name from different family members. I personally thing it was Schrothburger but have not verified it, but that is the only spelling that I have found when searching Germany records. 
Schromierger, Mary (I15801)
16115 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Surname KETTER - Source: 1925 Iowa State Census - Sioux City, Woodbury Co, Iowa 
Ketter, Ora (I22329)
16116 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

The following information was kindly contributed by descendant Stephen Cooper sgcoop2(at)

State of Illinois
County of Vermillion

I do hereby authorize the clerk of the Commissions Court of
Said County to give License for the marriage of Isaac Horr and
Elizabeth Remington my daughter and for doing this shall be
Sufficient Warrant.
Catherine Remington
Given under my hand and seal at Danville this sixteenth day of February A.D. 1833

State of Illinois
County of Vermillion

That I do solemnly swear that Elizabeth
Remington my sister hath arrived to the full and complete age of eighteen years upwards so help me God.
Carlton Remington
\\Sworn to and subscribed before me at my office in Danville,
Illinois, this Sixteenth day of February A.D. 1833
A. Williams, Clerk 
Remington, Elizabeth (I12824)
16117 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

This may be the Florence Bramwell Horr who married Robert Walstrom on Nov. 14, 1917 in Kansas City, Jackson Co, Missouri. (She age 33 and he age 51 at time of marriage)

More about Florence and Robert Walstrom
1920 in Oregon
1930 in Washington
Robert died Nov 4, 1936 age 70 yrs 5days
They had two children...
Robert, born abt 1921 Oregon
Lois, born abt 1925, Washington 
Bowles, Florence (I19185)
16118 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Thomas 1874> New York, Albert FOSTER, Emily FOSTER Houndsfield, Jefferson, NY

Dexter, Sept. 19--A very pleasant event occurred at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Madison Bonney, near Brownville, this afternoon when their daughter, Florence M., was united in the holy bond of matrimony to Alton T. Foster, of Watertown, in the presence of about 90 relatives and intimate friends.

The residence was beautifully decorated with potted plants and evergreens. Miss Grace Harris, of Champion, an intimate friend of the bride, was in charge of the arrangements. J.B. Foster was best man and Miss Mabel Bonney, bridesmaid. Promptly at 2:30 the bridal party descended the stairway to the impressive strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, rendered by Mrs. Uriel Diefendorf and took their places in the parlor under a beautiful floral weeing arch where the solemn and tender ring service was performed by Rev. R.B. Gibbs, of Watertown.

Congratulations over, a beautiful wedding dinner was served, Misses Lena and Nellie Pratt, Julia Moffatt, Lucy Reeves, Ethel Dean and Grace Bonney acting as waiters. The happy couple then departed for East Broomfield, N.Y., follwed by the rice, blessings and good wishes of all. They will be the guests of Rev. and Mrs. B.B. Fairchild during the coming week.

The bride was beautifully attired in cream mousselene-de-soie over white taffeta silk and carried white roses. The bridesmaid wore white organdie with pink carnations. They were the recipients of many tokens of the love and esteem in which they are held.

Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. Harwick, of Connecticut; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gould, E. Buckminster and Mr. and Mrs. J. Cole of Watertown; Mrs. U. Diefendorf of Chaumont; Miss Grace Harris of Champion; Mrs. W.B. Irwin, John Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dean, Zenas Dean, Manford Dean and Ethel Dean of Stone Mills; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Foster, Messers. Brayton, Edson, and Hawley Foster, Misses Alice and Hattie Foster, Mr. and Mrs. F.B. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jumps, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Shaver, Mrs. William Allison, Miss Mayme Wilder, Miss Bertha Wood, Messers. B.W. Wood and J.F. Morgan of Dexter; Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Zimmerman, W. Buckminster, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckminster, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cole, Miss Sadie Cole, William Cole, Mr. and Mrs. George Keisel, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pratt, Misses Lena and Nellie Pratt, Mrs. Conrad Quencer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moffatt, Miss Julia Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs. H. Reeves, Miss Lucy Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wilson and Messers. Roy and Raymond Bonney, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Strong, Evans Mills.

The bride is a beautiful and accomplished young lady who has the love and friendship of a large circle of acquaintances throughout this section. The groom is a genial and hustling young business man of the firm of Brown & Foster. They will be at home after Oct. 3 at No. 6 Clay St. 
Foster, Alton Thomas (I6260)
16119 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Vanpelt, Andrew S. (I22066)
16120 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

TOWN OF WILNA, JEFFERSON COUNTY, NY, Cemetery inscriptions
Fairview Cemetery, Wilna, Jefferson Co NY

Served in WW II as nurse. 
Thayer, Virginia E. (I15894)
16121 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Twin to Frances Marie. 
Bowen, Frank Huntington (I4829)
16122 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

U.S. City Directories, 1821-1989
Name:Mrs Martha Eliza Horr
Residence Year:1904
Street address:703 E Grove
Residence Place:Bloomington, Illinois, USA
Spouse: Elijah Horr (widow of)
Publication Title:Bloomington, Illinois, City Directory, 1904
Martha E. Packard-Horr was born
at Milburn, Mass., November 5, 1824,
was educated in the public schools
and came with her parents to Bloom-
ington in the fall of 1849, where she
taught school several years. She first
taught in the fall of 1849 and winter
following in a building in the rear of
Amasa C. Washburn's residence on
South Center street. Mr. Washburn,
Mr. Keran and Dr. Tompkins were di-
rectors. She also taught school in a
building near Col. Parson's. Her last
teaching was in the Price district.
May 1, 1S55, she married Elijah Horr.

(The following is a subscription site)
Bloomington Weekly Pantagraph (Newspaper) - October 20, 1911, Bloomington, Illinois THE WEEKLY FANTAGRAFH, OTCOBER 20 1911. BULK OF HORR ESTATE TO DISTANT HEIRS PROBATE MARTHA HORR WIILL TODAY. Old Ladit*' Horns Gata $1,000.-Har* bar Haira Reeaiva Stock in Local Company,-Many Legaciaa in Large Estate. ?WThe will of the late Mr*. Martha K. Horr war presented for probata Tuesday morning In county court. By the terms of the will, the bulk of the large estate passes to the nearest of kin of Mrs. Horr. These are niecea and nephews living east and In California. To the heirs of Mrs. Fannie Horr Harber and to Warren Horr Young, an ndopted son, are left legacies and the stock owned by Mrs. Horr In the Harber brothers firm of tIlls city. The Old Ladles' Home established by Mis. Horr has a legacy of $1,000. The Will is Complicated. The will of Mrs. Horr was written in 1882. Since that time five codicils were made and in these codicils many of the original bequests of the original will were changed.. The estate is disposed of by the terms of the will, amounts to real estate to the value of $33,000 and personalty of $27,000. Tha Harbar Bequests. To Rachel Harber la left $600. Edith C. Harber Wright. $600. Ina Harber $600. Dorothy Harber $600. The will states that these are keep-'sako legacies given to them when little girls. To Fannie Horr Young Harber and to Warner Horr Young Is left all stock owned by Mrs. Horr In the Harber Brothers Company, amounting to Homestead to Mrs. Warren Horr The homestead at 708 East Drove street is left to Mrs. Lillian Young, wife of Warren Horr Young. To each it the two children of Warren Horr Young, Vernon Elijah Horr Young and Douglas Royal Young, Is left $1,000 to be divided equally between them. Old Ladies' Home Gets Legaoy. In the original will the sum of $1,000 was left to Brokaw hospital. The codicil written after the erection of the Horr l.ome for old ladies revoked this legaoy an* left $1,000 to the home. To Dirsot Heirs. To a nephew Joal A. Packard, son of Alvin Packard, the sum of $1,000. To the children of a deceased nephew. Edward Btanton Packard of Rivera d?C California. $1,000. These children are Edwin Stanton Packard, Thomas C. Packard. To the children of Joel S. Packard $1,000. They are Otis Packard of Nerth Grafton, Mass., and Clara Packard of the same place. To Gertrude Hall, a grand niece of Milwaukee, Wis., the sum of $1,000. To E?Cithe. Hull Warren of Cedar Rapids, Iowa $1,000. To Lizzie I. Clark, a niece of Sad-bury, Mass., $1,000. Legacy to Nurse. To Maude Briggs Bell of Chaffee, Mwho for some years was nurse and Housekeeper, the sum of $600. Residue to Family. The rest and residue, the larger part of the estate, Is divided into three parts. < *rie share gi es to Gertrude Hull of Milwaukee. Wis., and Bertha Hull Warren of Of nr Rapids. These are daughters of the late John M. Hull, formerly a lfldent of this city and nieces of Dr- Hull of this city. The record t-hare goes to the Massachusetts brooch of the family, Otis m l T ackaid. The th'rd ani rc to the descendants of .Vein Packard Including Joel Packard of Riverside, California, and the branches of his family.
Packard, Martha (I14059)
16123 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

United States, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1900.
1900 Census: Richmond, Wayne Co, Indiana
Gilbert W. Horr, age 17, bp Indiana, bd Oct 1882

1920 Census: Richmond, Wayne Co, Indiana
Gilbert Horr, age 37, bp IN, p's bp IN, Moulder- foundry
Iona Horr, wife, age 34, bp IN, p's bp IN
Dale Horr, son, age 9, bp IN, p's bp IN
Robert Horr, son, age 5, bp IN, p's bp IN
Wilbur Horr, age 1, bp IN, p's bp IN

Could not find any family member in 1930. 
Horr, Gilbert (I336)
16124 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

United States, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Veteran, WWI


Living with parents in 1910.
1910 Census: 2nd Ward, Waukesha, Waukesha Co, Wisconsin
Charles E. Horr, son, age 20, bp WI, Brakeman- passager train

Could not find in 1920.

1930 Census: Waukesha, Waukesha Co, Wisconsin
Charles E. Horr, age 40, bp WI, f's bp NY, m's bp WI, Salesman- automobiles
Eva F. Horr, wife, age 42, bp WI, p's bp WI
Dorothy Horr, dau, age 9, bp WI
William Horr, son, age 6, bp WI
Two male lodgers. 
Horr, Charles (I10718)
16125 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

United States, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1930.
1930 Census: Waukesha, Waukesha Co, Wisconsin
W. William Horr, son, age 40, single, bp WI, f's bp NY, m's bp WI, Machine Hand- motor co. 
Horr, William (I27823)
16126 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

United States, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1900.
1900 Census: Waukesha, Waukesha Co, Wisconsin
Albert E. Horr, son, June 1886, age 13, bp WI

1910 Census: 4 th Ward, Milwaukee, Milwaukee Co, Wisconsin
Albert L. Horr, lodger, age 23, single, bp WI, f's bp NY, m's bp WI, Draftsman- bridge co.
Long list of names.

Could not find after 1910.

Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin 1928 City Directory

Lived in Milwaukee at time of marriage:
"Announcement is just made of a marriage which occurred last June [1910], that of Miss Nell Williams daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams, Martin St., this city, and Albert L. Horr of Milwaukee. The wedding took place in Chicago, the bride returning to her father?is house and making no statement of the wedding. The young couple will be at home in Milwaukee, where Mr. Horr is with the Worden-Allen Co., after Feb. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and family formerly resided in Delafield".
Waukesha Freeman Newspaper (Wi.) Newspaper date: Jan. 15, 1914. 
Horr, Albert (I9714)
16127 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

United States, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

California Death Records

Living with parents in 1900.
1900 Census: Waukesha, Waukesha Co, Wisconsin
Edward W. Horr, son, Feb 1893, age 7, bp WI

He was living with his parents, in 1908, at the time of his father's death.

Transcribed as Hoer.
1930 Census: Brooklyn, Oakland, Alameda Co, California
Edward Horr, age 37, m at age 32, bp WI, f's bp NY, m's bp GER, ?puty Inspector- Dairy
Ruby Horr, wife, age 28, m at age 23, bp NE, f's bp NE, m's bp MA
No others listed. 
Horr, Edward (I33050)
16128 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

United States, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1900.
1900 Census: Ravenna, Portage Co, Ohio
William B. Horr, son, May 1877, age 23, bp OH, Salesman- cheese

Living with parents in 1910.
1910 Census: Ravenna, Portage Co, Ohio
William Burt Horr, son, age 32, single, bp OH, Produce Dealer- partner w/ father

Living with mother and sister in 1920, now married.
1920 Census: Ravenna, Portage Co, Ohio
William B. Horr, son, age 41, bp OH, Merchant- wholesale
Gertrude E. Horr, da-in-law, age 38, bp OH, p's bp OH

1930 Census: Brady Lake, Portage Co, Ohio
William B. Horr, head, age 53, m at 42, bp OH, p's bp OH, Merchant- ?? store
Gertrude E. Horr, wife, age 48, m at 37, bp OH, p's bp OH
Elgene Snath [?], mo-in-law, age 76, widow, bp OH, f's bp OH
Transcribed as Elzena Snell. 
Horr, William (I12426)
16129 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

URL title: Cleveland (Ohio) Necrology File
Id#: 0556931
Name: Huntington, Mary
Published Date: Aug 7 1967
Source: Cleveland Press; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #119.
Notes: Huntington. Mary Huntington (nee Stone), beloved wife of the late Adelbert, mother of William, grandmother of Ellen, Nancy, Judith and Thomas, sister of Lee and Anna Stone, Mrs. Irene Abel, Mrs. Helen Roberts and the late Charles, all of Terre Haute, Ind., passed away Sunday,
Aug. 6, late residence, 4389 West 47th St. Services at The Busch Funeral Home, 4334 Pearl Rd., Tuesday, Aug. 8, at 1 P. M., where friends may call From 2-5 And 7-10 P. M. Monday. 
Stone, Mary Elizabeth (I14986)
16130 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

US Airforce - 4 years

Marriage Announcement to Barbara:
Date: 1962-08-04
Paper: Springfield Union 
Horr, Morgan (I16489)
16131 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

VESALIUS S. MAGRUDER. Of worthy Scotch ancestry, Vesalius S. Magruder, at present engaged in the real-estate and insurance business in Mechanicsburg, was born in this city May 22, 1846, a son of James L. and Eliza E. (Stafford) Magruder, and grandson of Xinian and Elizabeth (Lyons) Magruder. On both the paternal and maternal sides of the family the emigrating forefathers settled in the Old Dominion state, and at Winchester. Virginia, James L. Magruder was born August 29, 1817. Until his nineteenth year his association with his family remained unbroken, and then, accompanied by a brother-in-law. Filander Maine, they set out for the home of the latter in Vienna Crossroads, (lark county, ?W liii". their means of locomotion being a single horse, which between them they "rode and tied." After a year at the Crossroads, Mr. Ma- gruder came to the conclusion that his field of usefulness lay elsev so journeyed to West Liberty, where he learned the trade of harness- making, and where he remained For nearly four years. As early as [838 he Incited in Mechanicsburg, and here found employment with William Rutan, one of the pioneers of tin- town. In 1841 lie started an independent business, and in the shop originally -elected fur the mak- ing of his harness he has since continued to ply his trade, the industry established by him constituting one of the interesting landmark- of the locality. A well merited success has crowned his efforts as a busi man and citizen, and no other has mure happily allied with his industry a delightful and optimistic personality, a finely balanced character, and a high regard for the worth-while things of life. These admirable traits pre-suppose unstinted esteem, and in the case of Mr. Magrudei have brought also popularity and general good will. He was married at West liberty in 1842, with Eliza E. Stafford, a native of Pennsylvania and of Irish descent. Mrs. Magruder, who died in 1900. at the age of seventy-six, was the mother of two children, a sun and daughter, the latter, Sallie E? being now the wife of Jacob Horr, of Mechanicsburg. Politically Mr. Magruder was originally a Whig, and is at present a Republican. It was but natural that \\ esalius S. Magruder should early acquire a knowledge of the harness business, and after finishing his education in the public schools, he completed the trade under his father's able instruction. Dunn- the Civil war he enlisted for four months. May 2, 1864. in Company C. One Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Ohio Volunteer infantry, and during the service learned enough about war to appreciate the benefit of peace. He has since been a member, and for two terms commander, of the Stephen Baxter Post, No. 88, Grand Army of the Republic. In 1867 Mr. Magruder became interested with his la- ther in the harness business, and continued the association until the present year, when the time-honored simp, with its multitudinous reminders public appreciation, and of its genial and well loved founder, is about to pass into other hands. In the meantime Mr. Magruder has been interested in real estate and insurance, in which lines of activity succ may be predicted, if general business ability is any guide. A wholesome interest in p. .lilies has added somewhat to the cares of Mr. Magruder, and he has creditably filled several minor offices, am rig them being that of corporation clerk of Mechanicburg, which be held for twelve rears, and that of a member of the school board for four years. For thirty-five years he has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In 1869 Mr. Magruder married Annie Horr. a native of this town, of which union there is one sun. James \\\\\\, a medical practitioner of Peru, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Magruder are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal church, and the former has been connected with the official board for many years. He hears an excellent reputation in the community, and thus it happens that the name of Magruder, through father and son, has come to be regarded as indicative of business and moral strength.


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1850 and 1860:
1850 Census: Mechanicsburg, Champaign Co, Ohio
James Magruder, 32, bp VA, Sadler
Eliza Magruder, 26, bp VA
Elizabeth Magruder, 6, bp OH
*Vesalius Magruder, age 4, bp OH
Washington Moore, age 21, OH, Sadler

1860 Census: Mechanicsburg, Champaign, OH
James L. Magruder, 43, VA, Saddler
Ann E Magruder, 38, PA
Sarah Magruder, 16, OH
*Vesalius Magruder, 14, bp OH
Thomas Millice, 19 OH, Saddler Apprentice
Jeremah Owens, 25, OH, Saddler Apprentice 
Magruder, Vesalius Seymour (I15114)
16132 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

View death record:

Name : Annie Evelyn Horr
Titles :
Death date : 31 Jan 1918
Death place : Murray, Salt Lake, Utah
Birth date :
Estimated birth year : 1916
Birth place :
Age at death : 2 years 1 month 16 days
Gender : Female
Marital status :
Race or color :
Spouse name :
Father name : John H. Horr
Father titles :
Mother name : Annie Frandsen
Mother titles :
GSU film number : 2229751
Digital GS number : 4121280
Image number : 604
Reference number : 185
Collection : Utah Death Certificates 1904-1956 
Horr, Ann (I21890)
16133 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Visiting from Wisconsin:
Binghamton NY Press Grayscale 1947 - 1493.pdf 
Lake, Ivan Clyde (I55329)
16134 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Visiting from Wisconsin:
Binghamton NY Press Grayscale 1947 - 1493.pdf

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1900.
1900 Census: Oxford, Marquette Co, Wisconsin
Mabel E. Root, dau, July 1896, age 3, bp WI 
Root, Mabel E. (I19165)
16135 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Warwick Cemetery, Franklin County, Massachusetts, Rt. 78.
Rebekah, dau. of Elisha & Rebekah Brown, died 9 Sept. 1821, Ae. 12.
Look blooming outh & make a pause and ponder well your road, from
youth by whirlwind call'd I was to stand before my God.
Elisha Brown died June 22, 1853, AEt. 82 yrs.
Rebecca, his wife died Jan. 7, 1862, AEt. 88 yrs.
Martha died Jan. 27, 1837. AEt. 24 yrs.
Samira, died Sept. 30, 1839, AEt. 23 yrs.
Children of Elisha & Rebecca Brown. 
Brown, Elisha (I16279)
16136 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Was a wheel wright at Taunton. Founded the Middleboro family. Moved to Middleboro, Massachusetts about 1712. Was a prosperous land owner and in 1741 he divided most of his property between his surviving sons, Robert and William.

Source: Book
Title: The Peirce Family of the Old Colony or The Lineal Descendants of Abraham Peirce. By Ebenezer W. Peirce of Freetown, Mass. Published 1870
Pages 49 and 50
Rebecca Peirce. Daughter of Isaac Peirce, Sen.; m. Samuel Hoar, of Middleborough, Mass. Rebecca died July 12, 1765. Samuel died Feb. 13, 1746.
Samuel Hoar and wife Rebecca Peirce had:
Samuel, b. Aug. 12, 1716; d. April 5, 1736.
Robert, b. May 23, 1719; m. three times: 1st, Sarah Wuillis, who died Jan. 13, 1753; m. 2nd, Oct. 4, 1753, Judith Tinkham, who died Feb. 26, 1761; and he m. 3rd, Nov. 26, 1761, Rachel Hoskins. The Hoar family at Pelham are his descendants.
William, b. Dec. 30, 1721; m. Jan 31, 1745, Sarah, a daughter of Henry Hoskins, of Taunton, and granddaughter of William Hoskins of that town. William Hoar was Deacon of the 2nd Calvinist Baptist Church in Middleborough. He died April 25, 1795. Sarah his wife died Nov. 15, 1774. His posterity are in Middleborough, Lakeville and Freetown.
Jacob, b. July 7, 1724; died March 24, 1736.
The Hoar family were buried in the Caswell burial-ground in East Taunton, and from the dates on their tomb-stones I learn they died as above stated. The dates of their births and marriages were copied from the town records of Middleborough. Major Peter Hoar, an officer of the Patriot army in the American Revolution, was a son of Robert Hoar and 2nd wife Judith Tinkham. Maj. Peter Hoar died March 12, 1815, aged 60 years, and was buried in the cemetery of the Peirce family in Middleborough, now Lakeville. He left no children. Was one of the most excellent of the earth.
"Sarah Rebecca [Pierce], married Samuel Hoar. He served in the Narragansett war, receiving a grant of land for his services. He [her father] died at Middleboro (Lakeville), Massachusetts, February 28, 1732, while sitting in a chair."

Beside the Nelson and Peirce families, among the early settlers of what is now Lakeville, was the Hoars, who prob- ably came from Taunton. Samuel Hoar married Rebecca Peirce, a daughter of Isaac Peirce, the soldier in Narragansett War. The children of Samuel Hoar and wife Rebecca, were Samuel, born Aug. 12, 1716, died April 5, 1736, Rob- ert, born May 23, 1719, married Sarah WilHs, of Bridge- water, she died January 13, 1753, and he for a second wife married Judith Tinkham, of Middleborough, Oct. 4, 1753, and she died Feb. 26, 1761. For a third wife he married' Rachel Hoskins, Feb. 26, 1761. ?W William, born Dec. 30, 1721, married Jan. 31, 1745, Sarah Hoskins, of Taunton, she was a daugh?C-er of Henry Hoskins of Taunton, a blacksmith, and born of his wife, Abigail Godfrey, and a grand-daughter of William Hoskins, of Taunton, a soldier in the Narragansett war. William Hoar, was deacon of the Calvinistic Baptist Church, herein noticed, of which the Rev. Mr. Hinds, was the first pastor. Deacon William Hoar, died April 25, 1795. Sarah, his wife, died Nov. 15, 1774. They were the parents of Braddock Hoar, a patriot soldier in the war for Independence, and who afterward removed to the State of New York. Peter Hoar, a Patriot officer in the war of American Revolution, was a son of Robert Hoar, and born of his second wife, Judith Tinkham.
Hoar, Samuel Sr. (I3708)
16137 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Washington Births 1907-1919
Name: Unnamed Johnson
Birth Date: 20 Mar 1911
Location: King
Sex: Female
Race: White
Father's Name: Zerna W Johnson
Mother's name: Lenora M Vanbrocklin
Image Filename: 3275

1930 Census: Seattle, King Co, Washington
Ralph A. Horr, age 45, bp Il, p's bp IL, Lawyer- general practice
Lenora Horr, wife, age 39, bp MI, p's bp MI
*Lezern Horr, dau, age 19, bp WA

Marriage Announcement:
Published Date: 1938-05-05
Newspaper: Seattle Daily Times 
Johnson, Lezern Mary (I15262)
16138 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Waukesha Freeman Newspaper (Wi.)
Newspaper date: April 2, 1931
Charles Kruck Sr. age 75 years died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Leonard Phillippi, Milwaukee, Thursday evening. He is survived by 8 children; Mrs. A. Dalzin, Pewaukee, Mrs. Arthur Horr, West Allis, Mrs. Phillippi, Milwaukee, Emil, Milwaukee, Charles, Frank and Harry, Waukesha, Herman, Pewaukee, 22 grandchildren and 5 great grand children. 
Kruck, Charles (I17341)
16139 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Waukesha Freeman Newspaper (Wi.)
Newspaper date: Thursday, November 1, 1900
Mrs. Marie Anna Herbrand died at her home on Broadway on Sunday [October 28, 1900], aged nearly 75 years. She was a native of Darmstadt, Germany, came to America in 1855, and since that date has resided in Waukesha. Her surviving sons are Jacob, Simon and Frank, of this city, and her daughters, Mrs. A. Courtis, Mrs. Charles Middlestead and Mrs. Dora Doepke of Milwaukee, Mrs. William Buthorne of Omaha, Neb., and Mrs. Charles Horr, Mrs. Henry Keebler, and Mrs. Henry Horr of Waukesha. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the German Reformed Church, Rev. Mr. Diehn officiating. 
Weifenbach, Marie Anna (I16393)
16140 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Waukesha Freeman Newspaper (Wi.)
Newspaper date: Wednesday, June 27, 1945
Caption: Mrs. Nell Horr, Native of Delafield, Dies
Mrs. Nell Horr (nee Williams) died unexpectedly Friday [June 22, 1945] at the Retlaw hotel in Fond du lac. Her husband, Albert L. Horr, former president of the Vulcan Manufacturing Co., Fond du lac, died March 6, 1945. Mrs. Horr was born in Delafield and spent a great deal of her life in Waukesha. She had visited relatives here just a week ago. Surviving her are a son Fred C., three sisters, Mrs. A. J. Evert, Pewaukee, Mrs. H.J. Larsen, Crystal Falls, Minn., and Mrs. Stanley G. Boyd, two brothers, Percy R. Williams and Louis P. Williams both of Milwaukee. The late John R. Williams [Jr.] was also her brother. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 pm, the Clandisn funeral home, Fond do lac, will be in charge. 
Williams, Eleanor (I13484)
16141 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Waukesha Freeman Newspaper (Wisconsin) Obituary
Newspaper date: Nov. 29, 1944
Caption: Mrs. Moore, Dies
Mrs. Catherine Moore, 72, died Thursday night in Oak Park, Illinois. Mrs. Moore was born in Waukesha and was the daughter of the late Carl and Barbara Minick. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Frank Horr of Sioux Falls, Minn and one sister, Mrs. Henry (Paim? Pairn?) of Waukesha. Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Erling Larson Funeral home.

Waukesha Freeman Newspaper (Wi.)
Newspaper date: Nov. 29, 1944
Caption: Mrs. Moore Rites Here on Monday
Funeral services for Mrs. Catherine Moore who died November 24 in Oak Park, Illinois. Will be held at the Erling Larsen funeral home at 2 PM Monday with Rev. Settlage officiating. The body will be taken to the Prairie Home cemetery for interment. Mrs. Moore is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Frank Horr of Sioux Falls, Minn., one sister Mrs. Henry Palm of Waukesha and two brothers, Fred Minick, Columbus, Wis., and Martin Minick of Milwaukee. 
Minick, Catherine (I17325)
16142 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Wilford Thompson remarries after Theresa's death, to his 1st mother-in-law's niece, both named Anna Waldron.

1880 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Wilford B. Thompson, age 41, bp MI, f's bp ME, m's bp NY, Farmer
Anna W. Thompson, wife, age 36, bp MI, p's bp NY, medical- heart desease
Anna Furlong, age 17, no relation stated, bp MI, attending school
Warren Thompson, son, age 8, bp MI

Could not find in 1900.

1910 Census: Salem Twp, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Wilford B. Thompson, age 72, m 34 yrs, bp MI, p's bp NY, Farmer
Anna W. Thompson, wife, age 64, 0 births, bp MI, p's bp NY 
Waldron, Anna (I21545)
16143 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Marcus L. HORR, will 26 Nov 1855, 47 yrs, recorded 12 May 1856 in Lewis Co. NY
To wife, Alvira: house and lot in Denmark twp. Lewis Co. NY and furniture, $300 yearly while a widow semi-annually for support of herself and 3 minor children; Charles, Eveline & Warren.
To Recellus R. Horr $800 ($400 1 year after father's death unless given before and $400 at age of 22 yr.) ['RR' went to Iowa with his money.]
to Evaline D.Horr $1000 at 21 yrs. (if married prior to 21 yr. $300 at time of marr) [She was still single at age 41.]
To Charles P. Horr rest of estate after required payments to others, to pay mother's allotment and Evaline and Warren at age 21 yr. [and]
To manage estate after age 21 yr. to be executor at 21 yrs. [Charles was about 13 yrs old.]
to Warren Horr, son, if died prior to 21 yrs. sum of $1000 to Charles P. Horr
to Lyman G. Snell $100 to be paid by Charles P. Horr
to Lovinda Barton $100 same, child of sister, Olive Horr Barton
to Lucy Barton $100, same
to Warren Barton $100, same
to Isaac Barton $100, same
to Annah Barton $100, same
to Lowville and Denmark twp. Line Baptist Church $200 for executor Ira Austin to apply to support of preaching of gospel at Lowville and Denmark Line Baptist Church if church ceases for 2 years $200 to go to Baptist Home Missionary Society.
Executor to sell farm in Pinckney twp. owned with Herman Rulison to pay $300 semi-annual payments to wife, Alvira Horr and children. [She out lived him 16 years.]
signed by Marcus L. Horr, witnessed by Wm. Sherman & Darwin Nash

Items listed on inventory attached to will of Marcus L. Horr
1 grind stone $1.50
1 fanning mill 2.50
2 sleighs 4.50
1 cutter 4.00
1 buggy 90.00
1 one horse wagon 12.00
1 double lumber wagon 8.00
1 Buffalo Robe 6.25 [Gift from 'Out West' ?]
1 same (old) .25
1 String bells .75
10 Cows $30 ea. 300.00
6 Cows 26 ea. 156.00
3 Cows 22 ea. 66.00
about 10 tons hay in town Pinckeny $3.50 ea. 35.00
1 Horse 80.00 1 Old Stove $ 1.50
1 Saddle 1.00 A lot of old iron 1.25
2 Neck Yokes 1.00 A lot of Basswood lumber 3.00
1 Chain .50 1/2 set tea cups & saucers .38
69 Tin pans 4.14 2 doz.plates 1.50
1 Chese Vat 1.50 1/2 plates .38
1 Brass Kettle 4.00 2 set knifes 1.00
1 Cast Iron Kettle .50 7 Stove Inys[?] 1.50
1 Sheet Iron Kettle .25 1 Lantern .25
2 Wooden Pails .25 3 Iron spoons .12
1 Sap Pan 3.00 3 Plates .15
260 Sap Buckets 15.60 3 Tumblers .15
4 Store Tubs 3.50 3 Tin Basins .13
1 Tin Pail .15
1 Grain Bin 2.00 1 Brass Pail .25
2 Augers .75 2 Tables 1.50
2 Pitch Forks .50 2 Tables 5.00
4 Scyth Srath .63 3 Stands 2.75
2 Rakes .13 1 Wash Bowl & Pitcher .75
6 Sleigh Runners 4.00 10 Chairs 3.00
1 Chair 6.00
1 Looking glass 1.00
1 Clock 1.50
1 Bureau 8.00
1 Book Case 5.00
1 Sofa 25.00
1 Bed Stead 1.00
Note against M. Stoddard $15.00

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Using birth date from Olive's bible, death date based on will.

Marcus moved to Lewis County, NY in 1827 at age of about 20 years.
Not listed as a head of household in 1830.

1840 Census: Denmark, Lewis Co, New York
Marcus L. Horr
1 male under 5 yrs.
1 male 5 to 10 yrs.
1 male 20 to 30 yrs
1 male 30 to 40 yrs.
1 female under 5 yrs.
2 females 5 to 10 yrs
1 female 15 to 20 yrs.
1 female 30 to 40 yrs.
Same page as Peter Horr.

1850 Lewis Co. NY Denmark twp. 9 Aug pg. 217 #1749
Spelling as written on census.
Marcus L.Horr 42 yr. farmer $900 real estate b.MA
Alvira 41 yr. born in MA
Salina 17 yr. b. NY attending school
Allice 16 yr. b.NY attending school
Webster 15 yr. b. NY attending school, farmer
Marcellus [Recellus]14 yr. b.NY attending school
Eveline 11 yr. b.NY attending school
Charles 7 yr. b.NY
Abner 3 yr. b.NY
next household to Hunt, Moris?, Seymore, Baemis, Lansing

Horr, Marcus (I10996)
16144 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Willard B. Hart's mother-in-law. 
(Unknown), Jennie L. (I23580)
16145 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

William C., s/o I.S. & M., d July 23, 1846, 5m 5d
Elizabeth City Cemetery

Horr, William (I12826)
16146 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

William Carey WINKLE (Jacob3, Peter2, Henry1) 
Winkle, William Carey (I15609)
16147 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Willow Branch, Piatt, Illinois 1880
William WINN Self M Male W 31 VA Farmer VA VA
Matilda WINN Wife M Female W 31 IL Keeping House KY KY
Mary WINN Dau S Female W 5 IL VA IL
Benjamin WINN Son S Male W 3 IL VA IL 
Winn, William W. (I15491)
16148 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at
Record of Deaths in the City of Nauvoo, Illinois
23-Oct 1844
Sophrona Ball & Infant
25 yrs, 31 days, Child Birth

Horr, Sophronia (I11034)
16149 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I20308)
16150 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at
Fanning (Horr) [Providence RI Journal, Wednesday 17 Mar 2004] Warwick - Gladys B. Fanning, 72, of Pine Grove Avenue, died Monday at home. She was the wife of the late Edward R. Fanning. Born in Providence, a daughter of the late Gifford and Lucile (O'Dowd) Horr, she had lived in Providence before moving to Warwick 42 years ago. Mrs. Fanning had been a member of the board of the Rhode Island Chapter of Neurofibromatosis. She also had been a volunteer at the Cranston Center, working with adults with special needs. A communicant of St. Rita Church, she had served on its parish council. She leaves two sons, Edward R. Fanning Jr. of Burrillville and David M. Fanning of Smithfield; two daughters, Deborah A. Thornlimb of Cranston and Diane M. Sisson of Coventry; a brother, Ronald Horr of Warwick; four sisters, Olive Bentley of Cranston and Lucille St. Martin, Betty Frigon and Norma McGarry, all of Warwick; 10 grandchildren; and a great-grandson. She was a sister of the late William Horr and Patricia Hicks. The funeral will be held Friday at 9 a.m. from the Thomas & Walter Quinn Funeral Home, 2435 Warwick Ave., with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 in St. Rita Church, Oakland Beach Avenue. Burial will be in Pawtuxet Memorial Park. 
Horr, Gladys (I4811)

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