The H600 Project Genealogy DB
Matches 15,951 to 16,000 of 28,499
# | Notes | Linked to |
15951 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Name: Willie C. Horr Gender: Male Burial Date: Burial Place: Death Date: 28 Apr 1879 Death Place: Enney, Massachusetts Age: 2 Birth Date: 1877 Birthplace: Enney Occupation: Race: Marital Status: Single Spouse's Name: Father's Name: Leander S. Horr Father's Birthplace: Dana, Mass. Mother's Name: Jennie M. Horr Mother's Birthplace: Enney Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B06748-6 System Origin: Massachusetts-EASy Source Film Number: 960216 Reference Number: v 310 p 299 Collection: Massachusetts Deaths and Burials, 1795-1910 | Horr, Willie (I15210)
15952 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Newspaper article. From Pelham, Ma. library. Written in October 1915 (Name of newspaper not given) [Heading] NEVER SAW CITY STREET NOR EVEN TROLLY CAR "Aunt Fannie" Horr Has Lived for 78 Years in Her House in Pelham Hollow, Being Away Only One Night in That Time. Out in Pelham Hollow, famous as the haunt of hunter and fisherman, there dwells a woman nearing four score years, who is remarkable and interesting for what she has not seen and where she has not been, for, with the exception of one night 61 years ago, when she was 16 years old, she has spent her entire life in the house she now occupies in the Hollow. She is Miss Fannie Maria Horr-- "Aunt Fannie" she is called by those who were brought up here-- and she is throughly satisfied with her lot. She is in good physical health, for she cut five cords of wood this simmer, and carried it from the woods to her house and sawed it up there, and she complains of nothing except failing eyesight, which makes it difficult for her to read her Bible, the one comfort she misses. Within 25 miles of Springfield lives this woman who never has seen a city street, never has seen or used a telephone, never has seen a trolly car, has ridden in a steam train just once, when she was a little girl; never heard a brass band, never saw a circus parade or a motion picture show, who has heard a phonograph but once, and then asked that it be stopped because the record was a musical one, and it reminded her of the only times when she had heard music--the funerals of her relatives; never saw an electric light, or a gas light; never saw a camera, so that she did not know the picture shown on this page was being taken when the instrument was directed at her; in fact, here lives in peace and contentment a woman who knows less about the world about her than the average child. "Aunt Fannie" was born 78 years ago in Pelham Hollow, in the house where her neice, Mrs. Gertrude Hanson, now serves appetizing dinners to starving fishermen. She spent her life serving and helping others, and she tells the few people she permits to talk with her that it makes her feel lonely to have no one left to do things for. She has cared for many members of her family, who have passed on, and her life has been so busy and so useful that she has had no time to go very far from the Hollow, which explains why she knows so little about how the rest of the world lives. Her only train ride was from Northampton, more than three score years ago. "Aunt Fannie" and another girl from Pelham Hollow obtained work in a mill in Easthampton. They drove to Northampton from the Hollow, and there took the train. One day's stay in Easthampton made them so lonely that they laid awake all the night, crying as though their hearts would break, and the next morning they walked back to Northampton and made their way home to Pelham Hollow, where "Aunt Fannie" has stayed ever since. Her only journey's for many years have been the four-mile walk up hill to Prescott Center, where she gets what groceries and supplies she is in urgent need of. "Aunt Fannie" does not find life in the Hollow wearisome, for long ago she learned to be contented. She knows there is much wickedness in the cities--so she is glad that she does not have to live in one. She knows that the air is clearer, the stars are brighter and the trees and fields are greener in Pelham Hollow than they are in Boston or Springfield or any other crowded hive of humanity, so she feels that she is blessed. She knows that God always has been with her in Pelham Hollow and who knows but that they might not be so near together elsewhere? So "Aunt Fannie" dwells in calm serenity in her little old house in the Hollow, where the morning sunlight strikes a little later than it does on the hill-tops, and where the evening shadows fall a little earlier than they do in the cities--where only the automobiles of fisherman and hunters disturb the peace of nature, content that she has lived so long, glad that she has been blessed with good health, and knowing that no soul can say she ever did ill to a living creature. (Note: Photo of a slight woman, long sleeved, long skirt, dress of the day, standing timidly, outside the door of her home (looks to be a very simple cabin). Cemetery: [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 Census: Pelham, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts Fanny M. age 11, bp MA Living with mother in 1860. 1860 Census: Pelham, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts Fannie M. Horr, 22, Massachusetts 1870 Census: Pelham, Hampshire, MA, PO Belchertown Fanny Horr, age 31, bp MA Rebecca Horr, age 25, bp MA 1880 Census Place: Pelham, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Fanney M. HORR Self S Female W 41 MA Keeping House MA MA Rebecca HORR Sister S Female W 36 MA MA MA Note both sisters are single in 1880. Note their census is on the same page as her sister-in-law Martha and Martha's daughter. Also have: born 1837. Written as Fanie and Rebbecca HARR. 1900 Census: Pelham, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts Fanie M. Horr, head, Oct 1844, age 55, single, bp MA, p's bp MA Rebbecca Horr, sister, Oct 1838. age 61, single, bp MA, p's bp MA 1910 Census: Pelham, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts image 5 of 10 Fannie M. Horr, age 71, single, bp MA, p's bp MA, Braider- palm leaf hats No others listed in household. Note sister Rebecca is not living with Fannie. Transcribed as HARR 1920 Census: Pelham, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts Fanny M. Horr, head, age 81, single, bp MA, p's bp MA, Farmer No others listed. Next household to Gertrude G. Hanson, age 50, divorced, bp MA Is this her niece Gertrude, dau of sister Martha? | Horr, Fannie (I4358)
15953 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts Vital Records Book B2 Births, Marriages and Deaths Page 4 under Marriages Pierce Horr (2nd m.) Alpha M. Bickford of Winchendon, May 23, 1866. Groom's Name: Pierce Horr Groom's Birth Date: Groom's Birthplace: Groom's Age: Bride's Name: Alpha M. Bichford Bride's Birth Date: Bride's Birthplace: Bride's Age: Marriage Date: 23 May 1866 Marriage Place: Northfield, Massachusetts Groom's Father's Name: Calvin Horr Groom's Mother's Name: Bride's Father's Name: Oliver E. Bichford Bride's Mother's Name: Groom's Race: Groom's Marital Status: Groom's Previous Wife's Name: Bride's Race: Bride's Marital Status: Bride's Previous Husband's Name: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01959-6 System Origin: Massachusetts-ODM Source Film Number: 1433023 Reference Number: Collection: Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910 Marriage to Asa: | Bickford, Alpha (I20607)
15954 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Not listed in the 1880 census. Not living with parents in 1900. | Parker, Mary Josephine (I19100)
15955 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Not listed on the 1850 census. | Morris, Malcolm (I5207)
15956 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Not listed with family in 1880. | Weeks, Adelia E. (I4895)
15957 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Not listed with family in 1900. | Weeks, Annie E. (I4901)
15958 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Not listed with family in 1910 Groom's Name: Chas M Horr Groom's Birth Date: Groom's Birthplace: Groom's Age: Bride's Name: Margaret E Munns Bride's Birth Date: Bride's Birthplace: Bride's Age: Marriage Date: 25 May 1914 Marriage Place: Luverne, Rock, Minnesota Groom's Father's Name: Groom's Mother's Name: Bride's Father's Name: Bride's Mother's Name: Groom's Race: Groom's Marital Status: Groom's Previous Wife's Name: Bride's Race: Bride's Marital Status: Bride's Previous Husband's Name: Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M74733-9 System Origin: Minnesota-EASy Source Film Number: 1404513 Reference Number: 550 Collection: Minnesota Marriages, 1849-1950 | Munns, Margaret (I37790)
15959 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Not living with parents in 1850. | Bailey, Mary (I5931)
15960 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Note both surname spellings (Elzy and Elzey) are in Illinois state marriage index. No known children from this marriage. | Elzy, Samuel (I12827)
15961 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Note David Hart's household was listed next to Israel Horr's in the 1830 census | Hart, David (I23553)
15962 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at O.C. Horr opened the first store in Frankfort, Marshall Co Kansas in 1867. And: From the obituary in the Frankfort, Marshall Co, Kansas Newspaper; "Mr Orwel C. Horr, was born in Denmark, Lewis Co New York, and when he was about nine years old the family moved to Mechanicsburg, Ohio, and in a few more years to Danville, Illinois, where at the age of fifteen [probably eighteen] he lost his parents and was thrown entirely on his own resources. In the spring of 1840 being then twenty-four years of age, he joined the "march of empire" and settled in Platt City, Missouri and in 1856 on account of slavery, he again moved westward and with his family settled in Atchison, Kansas then the limits of a vast wilderness. He had been up the Missouri as early as 1836 and obtained permission of Rubidoux, the commander of the trading post, where St. Joseph now stands to land. In the fall of 1858 he again moved with his family to Marysville, in our county, where he engaged in the mercantile business and remained until Frankfort was laid out; then on 20 Jan 1868 he came to our city, where he has remained ever since." In Jan 1888 his sister Mrs N. Gilbert spent last winter in Frankfort, will spend this winter in Florida." Note the obituary does not state who his wife and children were. The following information was contributed by Stephen Cooper sgcoop2(at) HENRY C. HORR. Prominent among the business houses of Frankfort, is the general merchandising establishment which bears the firm name of O. C. Horr & Sons, and in which the subject of this sketch is now senior partner. The firm carries on business in an elegant two-story stone edifice, with plate glass front, the main portion of which occupies a space of 38x100 feet, and the two additions being 15x80 and 20x30. The buildings represent an outlay of $12,000, and contain a stock costing over $25,000. The latter consists of dry goods, boots and shoes, hats and caps, gentlemen's furnishing goods and groceries. The establishment is in a very prosperous condition, and the members of the firm, H. C. and T. C. Horr, both of whom are popular as business men and citizens, are proving themselves worthy successors of their honored father, whose name is still retained by the firm. The grandfather of our subject was Robert Horr, a general merchant in Boston, and also in Meclianicsburg, Ohio. As the name indicates, he was of English ancestry. During the war of 1812 he was Colonel of a New York regiment, which served in the campaign against the British in Lower Canada. During the later years of his life he lived at Danville. 111., and was engaged in the stock business. His son, O. C. Horr, father of our subject, was a native of Lewis County, N. Y., and was but twelve years of age when his father removed to Illinois. When but sixteen years old he began life for himself, by engaging as a drug clerk with Dr. Fithian, in Danville, and continued in that employment for two years. lie next engaged in the stock business, driving cattle and horses to Cincinnati, which was at that time the great stock market of the West. After two or three years spent in this way, he turned his face westward, arriving in St. Joseph, Mo., in 1837. After remaining a short time, prospecting with a view to locating, he went back to Illinois. He soon returned to Missouri, however, and located at Platte City, Platte County. Shortly after settling there, he secured a contract for outfitting Government trains, preparatory to journeys over the almost unexplored wilderness west of the Missouri, and he also engaged in freighting. At that time Ft. Leavenworth was an important frontier military post, and Mr. Horr's business brought him into familiar contact with Gen. Leavenworth, Col. Doniphan, Gen. Atchison, and other leading military men and civilians of the then Far AVest. During his residence at Platte City, in July, 1847, O. C. Horr was married to Elizabeth Jane, daughter of T. O. Rader. She was a native of Pennsylvania, and of Pennsylvania Dutch descent. In 1856 he moved to Atchison, where he continued in the business of outfitting Government trains, and also furnished emigrant outfits. After a sojourn of four years he came to the then recently established town of Marysville, now the county seat of this county. He was one of the earliest and most prominent business men of the place, in which he remained until 18G8. At that time he transferred his business of general merchandising to Frankfort. He began business in a frame building, where the State bank is now situated. It was a one-storv structure, 22x80 feet. After a year spent in that location he erected a frame building 20x60, on the site now occupied by his sons, and in 1887 that edifice gave way to the present beautiful buildin"1 He continued to reside in Frankfort until his death, which took place Aug. 7, 1887, at the age of seventy-four. His widow still survives him. Mr. Horr was a very successful man, and during his life maintained a high reputation for Uprightness, integrity, and honorable business methods. His prosperity was the result of his own efforts and good judgment. lie Was a Mason and an Odd Fellow, a member of the School Board, and was Postmaster of Frankfort during the latter part of Johnson's administration, and all of Grant's first term. He was prominently identified with every enterprise calculated to advance the interests of the city. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Horr were the parents of seven children. The two eldest are members of the firm before alluded to. Aurelia M. is single, and lives with her mother; Elizabeth J. is the wife of W. W. Lane, a salesman in the dry-goods establishment of D. C. Newcomb, at Atchison, Kan.; Lillian E. is the wife of T. H. Lainhart, a merchant in Alban', Mo.; Orwell S. is unmarried, and rerides in Frankfort, participating in the business of the firm; Adell is single, and living at home. Henry C. Horr, the subject of this sketch, was born in Platte County, Mo., Sept. 14, 1848. His boyhood and youth were passed in Platte City, and Atchison, Kan., in the common schools of which he received the greater part of his education. After his parents' removal to Maryville, this county, he finished the High School course in that place. It might almost be said of him that he was raised behind the counter, as he early began assisting his father in the store. When he was twenty years of age his father gave him and his brother, Thomas C.. each a share in the business. In that year (1868) they adopted the firm name under which the business is still continued. On Jan. 23, 1877, the marriage of our subject took place, the bride being Amanda E., daughter of Amos and Harriett (Wolf) Flin. (See sketch of Amos Flin, which occupies another page in this Album). The young lady was a native of the Hoosier State, where she first saw the light June 19, 1854. She is a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. Thomas C. Horr, brother and partner of our subject, was born in Platte City, Mo., Oct. 22, 1849. and his boyhood and youthful history is similar to that of Henry C. In Frankfort, June 22, 1873,he celebrated his marriage to Ella, daughter of T. J and Mary E. Snodgrass. The bride was born in Ohio, Aug. 26, 1856. To Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Horr have been born two children. The parents are members of the Presbyterian Church. Both the present members of the firm are to be found in the ranks of the Republican party. They are gentlemen of courteous address and cordial manner, of excellent business habits, prudent yet liberal, and stand high in the regard of their fellow-citizens. Cemetery: [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Transcribed as Hood, written as Hors. 1860 Census: PO Barretts Mills, Vermillion, Marshall Co, Kansas Territory Orville Hors, age 42, bp OH, Farmer Elizabeth hors, age 32, bp VA Henry Hors, age 12, bp MO Thomas Hors, age 9, bp MO Aurilia Hors, age 11, bp MO Elizabeth Hors, age 1, bp KS Next household to cousin Willis Horr. Note Orville stated bp Ohio. 1870 Census: Vermillion, Marshall Co, Kansas Orvell/Orvill [-Orwell] Horr, age 53, born in New York, Druggist Elizabth [- Elizabeth] Horr, age 41, born in Virginia Henry C. Horr, age 21, born in Missouri, Druggist Thomas C. Horr, age 20, born in Missouri Amilia [- Aurelia] Horr, age 14, born in Missouri Elizabth [- Elizabeth] Horr, age 11, born in Kansas Llelian [- Lillian] Horr, age 8, born in Kansas Orvill S. [Onell] Horr, age 3, born in Kansas Next household to 1c1r Olive Horr- Taylor's family Transcribed as HORN, written as Horr. 1880 Census Place: Vermillion, Marshall Co, Kansas Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Orvill C. HORR Self M Male W 64 NY Dry Goods Merchant MA CT Elizabeth J. HORR Wife M Female W 52 VA Keeping House VA VA Aurelia HORR Dau S Female W 24 MO Dress Maker --- --- Elizabeth J. HORR Dau S Female W 21 KS Teaching School --- --- Lilian HORR Dau S Female W 18 KS Teaches Music --- --- Snowdon HORR Son S Male W 13 KS Clerk In Store --- --- Adell HORR Dau S Female W 8 KS --- --- Next hosuehold is son Henry and wife. | Horr, Orwell (I10314)
15963 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary published April 19, 2006 The Union Newspaper (Western Nevada Co, California) [[Ila Welsh April 19, 2006 The Union Newspaper (Western Naveda Co, California) Memorial services for Ila Jeannette Welsh of Grass Valley will be conducted at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Nevada City Veteran's Hall. Mrs. Welsh died Friday, April 14, in Grass Valley. She was 92. She was born Feb. 28, 1914, in Glenburn, to Harry and Inca Horr. She married Maurice Lester Welsh on Sept. 15, 1933, in Nevada City. She is survived by her daughter, Gail Coulombe of Palm Springs; son, Randal Welsh of Grass Valley; five grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Maurice Welsh in 1964; and daughter, Maureen in 1937. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Legion, Post 130 in Grass Valley. Arrangements are under the direction of Hooper & Weaver Mortuary. | Horr, Ila (I17695)
15964 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary published: Date: 1917-01-21; Paper: Springfield Republican (Massachusetts) | Emmons, Charles C. (I23707)
15965 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Albert W. Horr Jr., 80, of Fort Myers, Fla., formerly of Watertown and Alexandria Bay and retired vice president and general manager of the Brownville Paper Co., died Dec. 31 at Fort Myers. The funeral will be Jan. 13 at St. Raphael's Episcopal Church, Fort Myers Beach, Fla. A spring committal service will be held in Brookside Cemetery. Surviving are two daughters, Sally Cole, Fort Myers Beach, and Mrs. Mark C. (Margaret) Phelps, Durham, N.C.; four grandchildren; a great-granddaughter; two nieces and a nephew. Born in Watertown Feb. 21, 1907, a son of Albert W. and Elvira Gilbert Horr, he married Katharine L. Ellsworth Oct. 9, 1930, at Trinity Episcopal Church. The marriage ended in divorce. He then married Clare Chamberlain, local photographer and artist, July 1, 1939. She died May 28, 1986. Mr. Horr had been employed as vice president and general manager of the Brownville Paper Co. for several years. He and Mrs. Horr had lived at 230 Flower Ave. W. before moving to Alexandria Bay in 1960. The couple had moved to Florida in 1979, and spent several summers on their houseboat at the Clayton Yacht Club. Mr. Horr was a member of the Clayton Yacht Club, the Black River Valley Club, the Rotary Club and was a past commander of the Watertown Power Squadron. HORR - In Fort Myers, Fla., Dec. 31, 1988, Albert W. Horr Jr., 80, of Fort Myers, formerly of Watertown and Alexandria Bay. Funeral, Jan. 13, St. Raphael's Episcopal Church, Fort Myers Beach, Fla. Spring committal service in Brookside Cemetery. [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. SSDI. In 1930 living with his aunt Mary Gilbert in Watertown, NY. Same page as brother Robert. 1930 Census: Watertown, Jefferson Co, New York Mary L. Gilbert, age 70, single, bp IA, p's bp NY Albert W. Jr. Horr, nephew, age 23, bp NY, f's Ny, m's bp MI, Office Clerk | Horr, Albert Jr. (I8229)
15966 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Binghamton NY Press Grayscale 1949 - 8896.pdf WILLIAM E. BUCK. 84. of Chenango Bridge, died at 7 a. m. Thursday. He is survived by a son, Ralph, of Binghamton; two daughters, Mrs. Viola Glover, of Chenango Bridge, and Mrs. Stanley Root, of Binghamton; a sister, Mrs. Ethel Preston, of Binghamton, several grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren; several nieces and nephews. The body was removed to the Hopler and Georgia Funeral Home, 483 Chenango Street. Funeral arrarigemerits will be made later. | Buck, William E. (I55343)
15967 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Burr Oak; Jack L. HOARD, 63, of 33748 U.S. 12, Burr Oak, Mich., died Oct. 14, 2002, at the Sturgis Hospital. He was born Sept. 11, 1939, in Colon, a son of Charles and Florence (HECKMAN) HOARD, and was a lifelong resident of this area, and at his present address for the past 39 years. On June 6, 1959, in Bronson, he married Gladys STRONG. Jack was employed by Douglas Manufacturing of Bronson, now Douglas Autotech, retiring in September of 2001. Jack enjoyed all outdoors activities but especially hunting, fishing and spearing. Surviving are; his wife, Gladys; four daughters, Kristine (Edward) SAXMAN of Bronson, Tammy (Robert Jr.) STUCK, Robin (Lonnie) PALMER, and Deborah HICKS, all of Burr Oak; eight grandchildren, Sara STUCK, Robert STUCK, Marie PALMER, Lonnie PALMER Jr., Kayla HICKS, and Rebecca HICKS, all of Burr Oak, Brandon HICKS of Georgetown, KY., and Michael HENNEY of Bronson; three sisters, Alice KIPKER and Eathel STEWART, both of Bronson, and Wava SPRING of Sturgis; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, one brother and one sister. Friends and relatives may call after 2 p.m. today at the Rosenberg-Schipper Funeral Home Ltd. of Sturgis, where the family will receive friends from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Religious services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the funeral home with Rev. John Fields of the First Baptist Church of Bronson officiating. Interment will be in Adams Cemetery. | Hoard, Jack (I19803)
15968 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Date: 1908-11-23 Paper: Springfield Republican Survived also by a sister: Mrs. Abigail Russell of Prescott, age 95. | Paige, Christopher Wesson (I15276)
15969 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Date: 1912-09-13 Paper: Morning Star [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with her mother in 1880. 1880 Census Place: 4th Ward, Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa Harritt H. HORR, Dau, 32, IL, Teacher, NY, RI 1900 Census: Julien, Dubuque, Iowa Harriet H. Horr, head, Aug 1844, age 55, single, bp IL, f's bp NY, m's bp RI, School Teacher Maria Horr, mother, Mar 1814, age 86, widow, bp RI, f'a bp CT, m's bp RI 1910 Census: Julien, 4-Ward Dubuque, Dubuque Co, Iowa Harriet H. Horr, head, age 55, single, bp IL, p's bp OH No others listed in household. Note Harriet did not age 10 yrs. Note in 1870 and 1880 census she was born in Wisconsin. | Horr, Harriet (I12814)
15970 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Date: 1938-02-12 Paper: San Diego Union | Horr, Harry (I985)
15971 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: From Story County Watchman December 9, 1887 DIED.--On Saturday at the residence of D. B. Padelford, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Hannah Pierce aged 77 years the 13th of this month. She is the mother of Mrs. D. B. Padelford with whom she has made her home for a number of years. She was born in Watertown, N. Y. to which place the remains were taken for interment. She was married to Mr. Pierce 50 years ago with whom she lived 30 years. She has been a member of the Universalist church for about forty years and died in the full hope of a home the realms where there shall be no more parting of friends. The funeral services were conducted at the residence of Mr. Padelford by Rev. Groat who gave an excellent sermon on the subjects usual to such occasions. (On the same page): THANKS--Mr. John Pierce and sister, Mrs. D. B. Padelford, and other relations, desire herein to express their heartfelt thanks to neighbors and friends for kindly help and sympathy during the recent illness and death of their aged mother Mrs. Hannah Pierce. Cemetery: [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Assuming that Orrin Pierce was Hannah's second marriage and the Lyon children were from a first marriage. 1850 Jefferson County NY 275 Watertown, Federal Population Schedule NY Transcribed as PURCE. Same page as Peter and Nancy Horr. Pierce Orrin 47 m Printer NY Pierce Hannah 40 f NY Lyon Orrin 16 m Farmer NY Lyon Urmi 14 f OH Lyon Emma A. 11 f Can Lyon Angeline 8 f Can Lyon John H. 6 m Can Horr Joanna 76 f MA [I am assuming Orrin Pierce was Hannah's second marriage.] 1860 Census: Watertown, Jefferson Co, New York Hannah Pearce, age 50, bp NY, Tailoress John Pearce, age 16, bp CAN Lavina Shepard, age 9, bp CAN John Copeley, age 36, bp NY Emma Copely, age 21, bp CAN Hannah Copeley, age 1, bp NY Oren Pearce, age 57, Printer, bp NY | Horr, Hannah (I12888)
15972 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: HORR, EDITH (4 Aug 1958, Monday, Elk City Daily News, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): Former Elk Cityan's Rites Are In Kansas. The Daily News was informed today that services were held for Mrs. William O. Horr, former Elk Cityan in Peabody, Kans., on Wednesday, July 23, following death on Sunday, July 20. Burial was in Prairie Lawn cemetery in Peabody. Born in Braxton county, W. Va., Sept. 12, 1871, Mrs. Horr spent her early childhood in Peabody and was married there to William O. Horr Oct. 16, 1887. She had lived in New Castle, Colo., the past 18 years, following residences in Grand Junction, Colo., and Elk City. Mr. Horr preceded her in death Oct. 18, 1939. She is survived by a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert H. Manning, New Castle, with whom she made her home. Cemetery: | McCoy, Edith (I2014)
15973 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: HORR, WILLIAM OWEN (20 Oct 1939, Elk City Newspaper, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): Illness Fatal to Pioneer Banker. Funeral services for William Owen Horr, 71-year-old pioneer Elk City and western Oklahoma banker who died Wednesday at Pryor, Okla., will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Killough-Hullum funeral chapel here. Burial will be in Fairlawn cemetery. The body was being returned to Elk City late Thursday for burial. Mr. Horr was born December 15, 1867, at Urbana, Ill. He came to the southwest and entered the cattle business at Amarillo, Tex. in 1902. Two years later he went to Garden City, Kans., in the banking business, remaining there until 1906 when he came to Elk City and established the old Cotton Exchange banks at Elk City, Cheyenne, Crawford, Rhea and Texmo, now one of western Oklahoma's "ghost" towns. The Rhea and Texmo banks later were moved to Moorewood and Leedey. He operated the banks until 1914, when they were sold to the Thurmond interests. After sale of the banks, Mr. Horr went to Fort Stockton, Tex., and re-entered the ranching business. He returned to Elk City in the early 1920's and turned his attention to real estate affairs. He built the block on South Jefferson street from Puckett's Grocery south to Sixth street, and the business buildings along sixth street both east and west of Jefferson on the north side of Sixth street. He also built three brick apartment houses on North Main street and West Broadway as well as several other residences. He had been at Disney, Okla., for some time prior to his death. He was stricken with his final illness while at Disney and was taken last week to a hospital at Pryor. Mr. Horr is survived by his widow, Mrs. Edith Horr of Grand Junction, Colo.; a daughter, Mrs. Bea Manning of New Castle, Colo., and a niece Mrs. Ben H. VanGundy of West Fork, Ark. [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. 1895 Kansas State Census, Barber Co, City of Medicine Lodge. W.O. Horr, age 27, male, white, born in Ohio. With his wife Edith, age 24, female, white, born in Virginia. No children are listed. FROM: Beckham Co. OK - Fairlawn Cemetery, Surnames H-L Horr, William Owen 12/15/1867 10/18/1938 H/O Edith Could not find in 1900 census. 1920 Census: Nashville, Davidson Co, Tennessee William O. Horr, 53, OH NY ENGLAND Edith Horr, wife, 45?, WV Bonniebell E. Horr, 13, TX 1930 Census: Elk City, Beckham Co, Oklahoma William O. Horr, age 60, m at age 21, bp OH, f's bp OH,'s bp ENG, Dealer- real estate Edith Horr, wife, age 53, m at age 18, bp WV, p's bp WV Bonnie B. Horr, dau, age 23, single, bp TX | Horr, William (I1892)
15974 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: and Newspaper Watertown NY Daily Times 1915 B - 0418.PDF Graduated from the Potsdam Normal School in 1893. Taught school in Clayton and Carthage, New York. Louise Horr, wife of Arthur G. Ward, 5th child in the above family, is a descendant of Richard Warren, a passenger in the Mayflower, and a signer of the " Mayflower Compact." The line of descent is as follows : Richard Warren, b. in England ; m. Elizabeth . Nathaniel Warren, b. in Plymouth, 1623; m. Nov. 19, 1645, Sarah Walker. Richard Warren, b. 1646; m. Sarah . Samuel Warren, b. Mch. 7, 1682-3 ; m. Jan. 26, 1703, Eleanor Bellington, dau. of Isaac,* Francis,^ John,^ Bellington, who was a passenger in the May- flower. Sarah Warren, b. Feb. 9, 1722; m. June 2, 1740, Wm. Reed of Middleboro. Sarah Reed, b. Jan. 26 (or Jan. 15, O. S.) 1748; m. Jan. 17, 1767 Robert Horr of Middleboro. Jacob Horr, b. Nov. 8, 1772 ; m. in Middleboro, Mch. 13, 1792, Hannah Pierce ; removed to Denmark, N. Y. Elijah Horr, b. Nov. 24, 1304; m. Nov. 18, 1827, Gertrude Vedder ; removed to Carthage, N. Y. Charles A. Horr, b. Oct. 19, 1850; m. in Carthage, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1871. Louise Stewart Horr, b. Oct. 12, 1873 ; m. in Carthage, N.Y., June 21, 1904, Arthur G. Ward. [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1900. 1900 Census: Wilna, Carthage, Jefferson Co, New York Louise S, dau, Oct 1873, age 26, single, bp MO, Teacher Obituary: Graduated from the Potsdam Normal School in 1893. Taught school in Clayton and Carthage, New York. | Horr, Louise (I403)
15975 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Newspaper Lowville NY Journal Republican 1929 - (188).PDF ROSTER FOR 1893 OF THE WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS, DEPT OF NEBRASKA, AUXILIARY TO THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, 1893 Gertrude Horr Connell, Secretary, Grand Island CONNELL,GERTRUDE (HORR)WF JOHN T. 1847-1929 FAIRVIEW cemetery [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. 1870 Census: PO Carthage, Wilna, Jefferson Co, New York pg 8- image 8, father Elijah on next apge John T. Connell, age 37, bp NY, Insurance Agent Gertee H. Connell, age 22, bp NY Previous household was Fraklin and Helen Conell, ages 42 and 38, with four dau, one son, ages 14 to 6, none named Hattie. Living with parents and husband in 1880. 1880 Census Place: Carthage, Jefferson, Co New York Gertrude CONNELL Dau M Female W 34 NY Dry Goods Merchant NY NY John L. CONNELL SonL M Male W 46 NY Traveling Salesman - Dry Goods NY NY 1900 Census: Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska John F. Connell, Dec 1833, age 66, m 34 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Salesman- grocery Gertrude H. Connell, wife, Apr 1846, age 54, 0 births, bp NY, p's bp NY No others listed in household. Note without the cemetery inscription we would not know she had a child. Note other Connell families in Grand Island Nebraska born in New York as early as 1850. 1910 Census: Wilna, Carthage, Jefferson Co, New York John T. Connell, age 78, m 44 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY Gertrude Connell, wife, age 62, 0 births, bp NY, p's bp NY 1920 Census: Wilna, Jefferson Co, New York Gertrude Connell, head, age 73, widow, bp Ny, p's bp NY No others listed. | Horr, Gertrude (I32669)
15976 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: JOHN HORR Amherst, November 22, 1940 ? John Horr, 46, of Pelham died in Westfield hospital following a long illness. He was born in Prescott, the son of Eldridge and Nellie (Ryder) Horr. He leaves his wife, Clara Ely Horr; eight daughters, Hazel, Fannie, May, June, Blanche, Laura, Bessie and Sarah, and five sons, John, Leon, Daniel, James and Morgan, all at home; his mother, Mrs. Nellie Horr of Springfield, and a brother Frank of South- bridge. Burial was in Quabbin Park cemetery. Cemetery: [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. At least three of his children used the suranme ORR. The last Horr family of Pelham, MA. The only one listed in 1930. Living with parents in 1900. 1900 Census: Prescott, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts John Horr, son, Apr 1892, age 8, bp MA Living with father in 1910. 1910 Census: Prescott, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts John Horr, son, age 17, single, bp MA, Laborer- odd jobs 1920 Census: Prescott, Hampshire Co, MA John Horr, age 28 Clara B. Horr, age 23 Edna H. Horr, age 3 yrs 1 mos Leon E. Horr, age 1 yr 1 mo 1930 Census: Pelham, Hampshire Co, MA John Horr, age 36, bp MA, odd jobs Clara B. Horr, wife, age 33, bp MA Nellie L. Horr, mother, age 60, widow, bp MA Edna N. Horr, dau, age 13, bp MA Leon E. Horr, son, age 12, bp MA Fannie C. Horr, dau, age 9, bp MA John Jr. Horr, son, age 5, bp MA May H. Horr, dau, age 3 yrs 11 mos, bp MA Sarah G. Horr, dau, age 2 yrs 11 mos, bp MA Laura B. Horr, dau, age 1 yr 11 mos, bp MA [[Found at Pelham, Ma. library. Book Title: Quabbin: The Lost Valley. Town of Prescott-Biography page 543 John Horr of Pelham, who died November 22, 1940, was a native of Prescott. He was the son of Eldridge and Nellie Ryder Horr. At his death he was survived by his wife, Clara Ely Horr; and by eight daughters, Hazel, Fannie, May, June, Blanche, Laura, Bessie and Sarah; also by five sons, John, Leon, Daniel, James and Morgan. He also left his mother, Nellie, of Springfield, who died November 5, 1949; and a brother, Frank, who makes his home in Southbridge. Of the eight daughters of John, Hazel wed twice, her last husband being a Boynton of Belchertown. It is stated she had three children by her first marriage, and one by her second. Fannie wed Walter Ely and lives in Amherst, the community where Clara Ely Horr and a number of the family also reside. May married Rudolph Sanderval, and the couple live in Arizona. June is a recent graduate of Belchertown High School and, with Blanche, Laura, and Bessie, as well as John, Daniel, James and Morgan, lives with their mother. Sarah wed Fritz Capen and lives in Amherst. Leon is also married and lives in Belchertown. Frank Horr, brother of John, was born in Shutesbury, September 23, 1888, and married Louise McKinstry of Southbridge. He lived much of his early life in Prescott. Having learned the engineering profession, he has worked in it ever since. He is now with the West Dudley Paper Company of Dudley. He has three children, Marion, a recent graduate of Southbridge High School and now employed in the Ames Worsted Company; Alfred, who wed Julia Beaupre of Southbridge and they now make their home in Hampton, New Hampshire, with their two sons and a daughter. Nelson, the third member of the Frank Horr family ia a student in Southbridge High School. June, Blanche, Laura, Bessie, Daniel, James, Michael are not listed. Blanche, Bessie, Morgan (1938) and Michael named so I have them born after 1930. That leaves Daniel, James and June, since John Sr died in 1939 I have their birth as 'before 1939' . June, Blanche, Laura, and Bessie, as well as John, Daniel, James and Morgan, were living with their mother in 1949.]] | Horr, John Sr. (I36794)
15977 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Mrs. Lillian Rose Horr, resident of this county since 1912, passed away at 2:45 last Monday morning. The body was placed in charge of Coroner C. H. Hofmann, who was unsuccessful in locating any relatives of the deceased woman. Short funeral services were held at the Hofmann Chapel Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. W. W. Maxwell officiating. Interment was made in Douglas Park Cemetery. Lillian Rose was born in Milwaukee, Wis., March 1, 1882, and from records obtainable in the court house it is learned she first came to Wyoming in 1898. She first came to this county in 1912 and on August of that year was married to Harry Horr. She lived with her husband on a ranch in Downey Park for many years. The past four years she has resided in Douglas. ---Douglas Budget, Nov. 14, 1940 (Information was also obtained from mortuary and cemetery records.) Cemetery: | Rose, Lillian (I14399)
15978 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Newspaper: Ottawa Herald Published: Thursday, November 20, 1969, Ottawa, Kansas Cemetery: [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. SSDI Living with parents in 1920. Transcribed as HON. 1920 Census: Chetopa, Neosho Co, Kansas John A. Horr, son, age 11 [16?], bp KS Living with parents in 1930. 1930 Census: Chetopa, Neosho Co, Kansas John Horr, son, age 26, divorced, bp KS, laborer- Filling station Burial: | Horr, John (I9394)
15979 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Published Date: 1907-07-26 Newpaper: Watertown Daily Times | Hall, Frederic Lewis (I15985)
15980 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Published Date: 1977-11-11 Newspaper: Springfield Union [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. 1930 Census: Enfield, Hampshire, MA John M. Ely, age 40, bp CT, f's bp CT, m's bp MA, Laborer- lumber co Ella Ely, wife, age 42, bp CT, f's bp VT, m's bp CT Rosko F. Eky, son, age 21, single, bp MA. Laborer- farm *Walter E. Ely, son, age 6, bp MA | Ely, Walter E. (I13338)
15981 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Published Thursday, May 22, 1947 Binghamton NY Press Grayscale 1947 - 7572.pdf MILTON WILLARD, 83. of Windsor, died at 7:30 a. m. Wednesday at the Binghamton City Hospital. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Cora H- Willard of North Fenton; two daughters, Mrs. Ivan Lake of Madison, Wis., and Mrs. Edgar Stcinbaugh of Binghamton: two sons, Charles A. Root of Windsor and Stanley I. Root of Binghamton: nine grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. The body was removed to the Clinton E. Wood Memorial Chapel, Chapel Street. Windsor, where friends may call after 10 a. m. today. | Willard, Milton Henry (I55327)
15982 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Rochester NY Democrat Chronicle 1935 - 8879.pdf [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Not listed with father's family in 1870 or 1880. Living with mother and maternal grandparents in 1880. 1880 Census place: Redfield, Oswego Co, New York Horr, John, age 19, grandson, farm laborer Could not find in 1900. | Horr, John (I6336)
15983 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Waukesha Freeman Newspaper (Wi.) Newspaper date: Thursday, April 18, 1929 Miss Josephine Emma Horr, age 41 years, died at her home, 241 Mary St., Saturday morning [April 13, 1929]. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Horr, three brothers; Frank E. Horr of S. Dakota; William and George of Waukesha. Funeral services Monday at 2 PM from the Ray Brigs Co. funeral parlors, 122 Broadway. Rev. H. S. Settlage officiating. Interment in Prairie Home Cemetery. Cemetery: [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with mother and brother in 1920 Transcribed as HOW 1920 Census: Waukesha, Waukesha Co, Wisconsin Josephine Horr, dau, age 31, single, bp WI | Horr, Josephine (I27845)
15984 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Newspaper Lowville NY Journal Republican 1915 - (179).PDF [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with her parents in 1860: 1860 Census: Champion, Jefferson Co, New York Andrew S. Vanpelt, age 45, bp NY, Cooper Mary Vanpelt, age 45, bp ENG Ayelnia C, 17, NY Sarah L, 15, NY Samuel G., 13, NY Spencer C., 11, NY *Ann J. Vanpelt, age 10, bp NY Harriet F., 8, NY Eliza D., ?, NY | Vanpelt, Jennie (I15901)
15985 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Published Oct. 20, 1919 - New Castle Daily Courier, New Castle, IN RICHMOND, Ind., Oct., 20 - Clara Horr, 42 years of age, died at her home, 419 Lincoln Ave., yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Death followed an operation. Mrs. Horr was born in Indiana in 1877 and had been a resident of this city for a number of years. She was a member of the First Christian Church. She is survived by her husband, Albert, three daughters: Ruth, Emma and Pauline, and one brother, O. P. Nicholson, of New Castle. The funeral will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the First Christian Church, with Rev. Murray officiating. Burial will be in Earlham Cemetery. Cemetery: [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with her parents in 1880: 1880 Census: Green, Wayne Co, Indiana Rhodes Nicholson, age 25, bp IN, p's bp NC, Farm Laborer Gertrude Nicholson, wife, age 23, bp IN, p's bp IN George Nicholson, son, age 5, bp IN *Clara Nicholson, dau, age 3, bp IN Mary Nicholson, dau, age 1, bp IN | Nicholson, Clara (I22015)
15986 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Obituary: Sandy Creek News, Published Jan 23, 1908 Warren Corey, son of Mrs. Giles Stevens, died at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Warren (Georgiana ) Horr at Pineville, January 17, of black diphtheria, aged 16 years and 5 months. He was formerly from the town of Ellisburg and moved to Orwell two years ago. In December, last, he moved with his grandmother to Pineville. His body was taken to the Brewster Settlement for buriar Saturday Cemetery: [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with grandparents HORR in 1900. 1900 Census: Ellisburg, Jefferson Co, New York Warren C. Cary, gr-son, Aug 1892, age 8, bp NY, p's bp NY | Corey, Warren S. (I22560)
15987 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Of Hospers, Sioux Co, Iowa. California Death Records has his birth year wrong, his surname spelled wrong and his mother's maiden name misspelled. His father's records have his mother's maiden name misspelled. | Vanderburg, John A. (I3879)
15988 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Of North Lewisburg, Ohio in 1950. Descendant of the Howlands of the Mayfower. Ohio Obituary Index: Name: Linda Horr Birth Date: abt 1881 Age at Death: 84 Death Date: 1 Aug 1965 Death Place: Bellefontaine, Ohio Spouse: Dwight Parents: Cicero Newspaper: Bellefontaine Examiner, Bellefontaine, Ohio Newspaper Date: 02 Aug 1965 Newspaper Page: p. 7, col. 6 Years Indexed: 1956-58,1964-1967, 1969-1970, 1972, 1974- current Newspaper Repository: Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh; Logan County District Library -Bellefontaine, Oh | Kent, Malinda (I12759)
15989 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Of Troutdale | Heise, Geneva May (I23016)
15990 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Olive buried all five of her children. | (Unknown), Olive (I16495)
15991 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at One of triplets. 1920 Census: Household Gender Age (Head) William Farwig M 45y Spouse Pearl Farwig F 42y Child Harold Farwig M 15y Child Margaret Farwig F 14y Child Kenneth Farwig M 12y Child Florence Farwig F 8y11m * Child Carabel Farwig F 6y6m Child Colburn Farwig M 6y6m SSDI First Name: Corabelle Middle Name: B Last Name: Horr Name Suffix: Birth Date: 18 June 1913 Social Security Number: 315-09-9051 Place of Issuance: Indiana Last Residence: Wayne, Indiana Zip Code of Last Residence: 47330 Death Date: 30 September 1996 Estimated Age at Death: 83 Cemetery: | Farwig, Corabelle (I3275)
15992 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Other siblings: Lydia Towne, born abt 1801. She married Thomas Comee Mary Towne, born abt 1805. She married Dexter Kellogg Julia Towne, born abt 1808. She married Austin B. Wood Jacob Towne, born abt 1814. He married Eliza W. Warren Fidelia Towne, born abt 1816. She married George H. Davis Edna Towne, born abt 1818. She married Horace Cutler Elsena Towne, born abt 1821. She married C. S. Dickenson | Towne, Ichabod (I19251)
15993 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Our Pioneer Heritage Volume 1 Women and Children of the Mormon Battalion Hyrum, another son of Captain Hunt and Celia Mounts came to Utah with his parents by way of Pueblo, Colorado with the Mormon Battalion when he was seven years of age. He was born October 7, 1840, in Adams County, Illinois. It is recorded that in the year 1858 he married Emma Knowles in Salt Lake City by whom he had four sons and three daughters. In 1869 he married Sarah Henderson and they were the parents of seven daughters. He died in Oxford, Idaho December 25, 1880. | Hunt, Hyrum (I21739)
15994 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Parents: 1870 Census: Cemetery: | Pierce, George D. Whitwell (I42496)
15995 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Passport photo, abt age 26. ( | Horr, Helen (I10986)
15996 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Perkins Co. SD -- Federal Land Records HORR HOWARD J 07 016 N 014 E 007 80 272002 PA 288386 08/19/1912 BLM Records, filed in Adams county, North Dakota NAME, MERIDIAN, TWP, RANGE, SECTION, ACREAGE, TYPE, CASETYPE, DOCID DATE HORR HOWARD J 05 129 N 092 W 017 160 272002 PA 5639 07/30/1908 05: 5th Principal Meridian -- located in the eastern part of Iowa 160 acres, paid cash, land patent, July 1908. also found... BLM Records, filed in Sioux county, North Dakota HORR FLORENCE VIRGINIA 05 1290N 0890W 006 40 272002 PA 418159 06/29/1914 HORR FLORENCE VIRGINIA 05 1290N 0890W 006 40.24 272002 PA 418159 06/29/1914 HORR FLORENCE VIRGINIA 05 1290N 0890W 006 39.02 272002 PA 418159 06/29/1914 HORR FLORENCE VIRGINIA 05 1290N 0890W 006 39.03 272002 PA 418159 06/29/1914 Name : Howard John Horr Death date : 18 Feb 1951 Death place : Rural Vancouver, Clark, Washington Gender : Male Race or color : Age at death : 67 years Estimated birth year : 1884 Birth date : Birth place : Marital status : Spouse name : Father name : Leonard Horr Father birth place : Mother name : Nettie Barney Mother birth place : Occupation : Street address : Residence : Cemetery name : Burial place : Burial date : Additional relatives : Film number : 2032978 Digital GS number : 4223318 Image number : 1496 Reference number : cn 2025 Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960 Cemetery: [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Lemmon, Perkins Co., SD - 1909 Business Directory Horr, H. J. publisher of maps and plans. Living with parents in 1900. Transcribed as HARR 1900 Census: Brighton, Marathon Co, Wisconsin Howard Horr, son, Nov 1883, age 16, bp WI Appears to be recorded twice. Living with brother Burleigh in 1900 1900 Census: Rhinelander, Oneida Co, Wisconsin Howard Horr, bro, boarder, Nov 1883, age 16, bp WI, p's bp NY, Salesman- insurance Living with brother Riley in 1910 1910 Census: Lemmon, Perkins Co, South Dakota Howard J. Horr, bro, age 27, single, bp WI, p's bp NY, Surveyor- surveying 1920 Census: Reeder, Adams Co, North Dakota Transcribed as Howard K. HARR Howard J. Horr, age 36, bp WI, p's bp NY, Retail Jeweler- own store Florence Horr, wife, age 29, bp MN, f's bp IN, m's bp MN Lawrence Horr, son, age 6 2/12, bp SD Howard Horr, son, age 4 8/12, bp SD 1930 Census: Reeder, Adams Co, North Dakota Howard J. Horr, age 46, m at 28, bp WI, p's bp NY, Retail Merchant- Jewerly Florence Horr, age 39, m at 21, bp MN, f's bp IN, m's bp MN Lawrence P. Horr, son, age 16, bp SD Robert Horr, son, age 15, bp SD James Horr, son, age 6, bp ND W. Allen Horr, son, age 3 8/12, bp ND | Horr, Howard (I37099)
15997 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Photo on her 100th birthday: Published Date: Saturday, November 27, 1971 Newspaper: San Diego Union (San Diego, CA) Page: 34 Mentions (besides her two living daughters) her 3 granddaughters, Mrs. Charles Roberson of El Cajon, Mrs. Louis Mote of Anaheim and Mrs. Fred Bromley of San Diego. Born to German parents, she came to America in 1887, moving, with her husband, to San Diego County in 1913 and operated Jacumba Hot Springs resort and later built the Bankhead Springs Resort. Her husband died in 1935. Calif Death Records | Frank, Anna (I13344)
15998 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Photo: | Kurtz, John Albert (I23348)
15999 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Photo: [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Calif Death Records Living with parents in 1900. 1900 Census: St Joseph Ward 3, Washington twp, Buchanan Co, Missouri Louisa A. Horr, dau, Mar 1877, age 23, single, bp MO, f's bp RI, m's bp OH, Stenographer Living with parents in 1900. 1910 census: St Joseph, Buchanan Co, Missouri Louise A. Horr, dau, age 33, MO Extremely faded imge, daughter was working. 1920 Census: Kansas City, Jackson Co, Missouri John A. Kurtz, age 40, bp MO, p's bp GER, Lawyer- general practice Louisa A. Kurtz, wife, bp MO, f's bp MO, m's bp OH John L. Kurtz, age 5, bp MO Mahala L. Kurtz, dau, age 2 11/12, bp MO Living with her father in 1930. 1930 census: St Joseph, Buchanan Co, Missouri Lewis C. Horr, age 81, widowed, head Louisa A. Kurtz, age 50, daughter, widowed John L. Kurtz, age 15, son Mahala L. Kurtz, age 12, daughter | Horr, Louise (I10249)
16000 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at Photo: (Following page 184) Obituary: Page 128 GEORGE WASHINGTON HORR, Lawyer, was born in New Salem, Massachusetts June 22, 1829, the son of Warren and Sally Peirce (Sloane) Horr, of old New England ancestry on both sides of the family. He received his early education in district and high schools, in Quaboag Seminary, Warren, Massachusetts, and New Salem Academy, qualifying him at the age of fifteen years to teach a district school, which he did for three winters. Continuing his studies at Phillips-Andover Academy he finished his preparation for College at Williston Seminary from which he was graduated in 1848, delivering the Salutatory oration of his class. In the same year he entered Harvard with the Class of 1852 ; was matriculated January 1 1, 1849, but did not continue to graduation. Instead, he became a special student in the Lawrence Scientific School of that L^niversity, and was thus enabled in 1856 to enter the field as a popular lecturer on astronomy, in which he continued, in addition to his other occupations, for a period of more than thirty years consecutively. He received the degree of Bachelor of Law in i860 as a graduate of the Law School of Harvard, was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar, at Greenfield, in the same year, and commenced practice in his native town, soon removing to .-Vlhol, where he has conducted a successful law business since that time. Notwithstanding his extensive GEORGE \\V. HORR professional business, he has always been engaged to a considerable extent in literary work, since 1854, when in company with the late Charles G. Colby he organized a literary bureau in Brooklyn, New York. He is the author of the histories of Athol, Petersham, Royalston, Phillipston, and Dana of 'orcester county, published in 1879, and was a contributor to tiie history of the same county published in 1889. He is the author of The Flora of Northern Worcester, illustrated, published in Picturesque Worcester, and is now engaged upon an extended history of New Salem Academy. Among the public addresses delivered by him, are those at the dedication of the Town Hallof Ervingin 1875, and of theTown Hall of Warwick in 1895 ; the Centennial Fourth of July UNIVERSITIES AND THEIR SONS ^7S address in Athol in 1876, and on tlie Worcester North West Fair Grounds in 1887; the first ad- dress delivered before the Worcester North West Agricultural and Mechanical Society after its incor- poration in 1867 ; the Memorial Day address at Hatfield in 1890; one at the annual meeting of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, of which he is a life member, in 1893, on Academic System of Schools in Massachusetts. Mr. Horr was the orator of the Association of the Alumni of New Salem Academy at their annual reunion in 1890, was elected President of the association in 1892, and presided and gave an address at the centennial of the academy in 1895. He was one of the in- vited guests at the unveiling of the statue of Josiah Bartlett, signer of the Declaration of Independence, at Amesbury, Massachusetts, July 4, 1888, and was one of the speakers on that occasion. In 1870 he was admitted to practice in the Federal Courts. Mr. Horr was Chairman of the School Committee of New Salem 1 859-1 860 and held the same position in Athol in 1874. He has also served as Commissioner of Insolvency and in other judicial offices. In national politics he is a Democrat and cast the only Democratic vote in Athol in 1865 for General Darius N. Couch, the Democratic Candidate for Governor. He was actively engaged as a campaign speaker for Tilden in 1876. Mr. Horr is an asso- ciate member of Hubbard V. Smith Post Grand Army of the Republic of Athol, a member of Har- vard Law School Association and the Worcester County Bar Association. In November 1853, he married Grace De la Hooke, the daughter of George Patrick Boyle of Plymouth, England, Surgeon in the British Navy. She was gifted with musical and literary talents, and contributed to the metropolitan newspapers and other publications for forty years. Selections from her ballads, carols, and hymns have been set to music by the most eminent composers of this country and England. Mrs. Horr died March 19, 1894. Name: George W. Horr Gender: Male Burial Date: 26 Oct 1905 Burial Place: Athol Death Date: 24 Oct 1905 Death Place: Athol, Massachusetts Age: 76 Birth Date: 1829 Birthplace: New Salem Occupation: Lawyer Race: Marital Status: Widowed Spouse's Name: Father's Name: Warren Horr Father's Birthplace: New Salem Mother's Name: Sally Sloan Mother's Birthplace: Prescott Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B07465-5 System Origin: Massachusetts-EASy Source Film Number: 2070051 Reference Number: 539 Collection: Massachusetts Deaths and Burials, 1795-1910 Cemetery: [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Transcribed as HORE, seen as HOR. 1860 Census: New Salem, Franklin Co, Massachusetts George W. Hor, 30, Bp: Massachusetts, Attorney at Law Grace Hor, 30, Bp: England Baxter D. Whittaker, 28, Bp: Massachusetts, Farmer Could not find as a head of household in 1870. 1880 Census Place: Athol, Worcester Co, Massachusetts George W. HORR Self M Male W 49 MA Lawyer MA NH Note he was married and living alone. Could not find Grace in 1880. 1900 Census: Athol, Worcester, Massachusetts George W. Horr, June 1829, age 70, widow, bp MA, p's bp MA, Lawyer No others listed. Lived and practiced law in Athol, Worcester Co MA. Educated at New Salem Academy, Quabog Seminary in Warren; Phillips Academy in Easthampton where he graduated in 1848; Harvard, 1849. Practiced in New Salem 3 years, to Athol in 1863. Wrote History of Athol in Jewett's County History, 1879. Book: Annals of the Harvard Class of 1852 By Grace Williamson Edes | Horr, George (I14205)