The H600 Project Genealogy DB



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15201 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Horr, Allen (I6312)
15202 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Name: Amanda Horr
Gender: Female
Burial Date:
Burial Place: Emmit, Marathon, Wis
Death Date: 18 Aug 1900
Death Place: Riverside Hospital, Marathon, Wisconsin
Age: 65
Birth Date: 02 Jan 1835
Birthplace: N.Y.
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Hiram Brigham
Father's Name: Warren Horr
Father's Birthplace: N.Y.
Mother's Name: Louise Horr
Mother's Birthplace: N.Y.
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B06534-2
System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
GS Film number: 1306212
Reference ID: 75


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Could not find in 1860.

1870 Census: Lincoln, Adams Co, Wisconsin
Hiram Brigham, age 45, bp Ny
Amanda Brigham, age 30, bp NY
Wellington Brigham, age 15, bp NY
Anna Brigham, age 12, bp NY
Ella Brigham, age 11, bp NY
Etta Brigham, age 8, bp NY
Orin Brigham, age 7, bp NY
Byron Brigham, age 4, bp NY
Henry Brigham, age 2, bp NY
Note Amanda's parents and brothers were in Adams Co, WI in 1870.

1880 Census Place: Lincoln, Adams Co, Wisconsin
Household:Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Hiram N. BRIGHAM Self M Male W 52 NY Carpenter & Farmer NY NY
Amanda BRIGHAM Wife M Female W 45 NY Keeping House NY NY
Wellington BRIGHAM Son S Male W 25 NY Farmer NY NY
Orm P. BRIGHAM Son S Male W 17 NY Farm Laborer NY NY
Byron BRIGHAM Son S Male W 14 NY At School NY NY
Henry BRIGHAM Son S Male W 11 WI At School NY NY
Minnie BRIGHAM Dau S Female W 7 WI At School NY NY

Transcribed as Amanzo Brigham.
1900 Census: Emmet, Marathon Co, Wisconsin
Hiram Brigham, May 1828, age 72, m 46 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Farmer
Amandy Brigham, wife, Jan 1835, age 65, 4 births 7 living, bp NY, p's bp NY
Note I believe this should have been 7 births and 4 living children.
Note from the census I count 8 children.
Next household to son Wellington's.

Living with son Wellington.
1910 Census: Emmet, Marathon Co, Wisconsin
Hiram Brigham, father, age 80, widow, bp NY, Carpenter- house 
Horr, Amanda (I14428)
15203 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Name: Ellenor Oleary Horr
Gender: Female
Burial Date:
Burial Place: Benton
Death Date: 19 Nov 1900
Death Place: Benton, Lafayette, Wi
Age: 74
Birth Date: 29 Sep 1826
Birthplace: Benton, Wi
Occupation: Housewife
Race: White
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse's Name: Wm. S. Horr
Father's Name: Patrick Oleary
Father's Birthplace: Ireland
Mother's Name: Catherine Oleary
Mother's Birthplace: Ireland
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B06531-9 S
ystem Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
GS Film number: 1306209
Reference ID: p408 cn225

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Shullsburg, Lafayette Co, Wisconsin
Ellen Horr, age 23, bp IRE
Emily L. Horr, age 2, bp WI
Catharine O' Leary, age 56, bp IRE
Both can read and write, neither have an occupation.
No others listed

Living in the household of Dennis Murphy, age 63, 11 residents, 7 Murphys.
1860 Census: Benton, Lafayette Co, Wisconsin
Ellenor Horr, age 33, dressmaker, bp Ireland
Emily Horr, age 12, bp WI
William S. Horr, age 8, bp WI

1870 Census: Benton, Lafayette Co, Wisconsin
Ellenor Horr, age 34, keeping house, bp Ireland
William Horr, age 18, bp WI, Merchant
Five others listed with different surnames, including last entry
Benjamin Horr, age 5, bp WI
Note Ellenor did not age 10 yrs.

1880 Census: Benton, La fayette Co, Wisconsin
Mat. Murphy, age 54, single, retired Lawyer, bp MO, f's bp IRE, m's bp Bonn [?]
Ellenor Horr, cousin, widow, age 53, bp IRE, p's bp IRE
Ben. Horr, relationship not stated, age 13, bp unknown, p's bp unknown

1880 United States Federal Census
Name: Mat. Murphy
Home in 1880: Benton, La Fayette, Wisconsin
Age: 54
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1826
Birthplace: Missouri
Relation to head-of-household: Head
Father's birthplace: IRE
Mother's birthplace: PA
Occupation: Retired Lawyer
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Male
Household Members: Name Age
Mat. Murphy 54 (Head)
Ellenor Horr 53 (Cousin)
Ben Horr 13 (Other)

1900 Census: Benton, Lafayette Co, Wisconsin
Transcribed as Elleanor HOER
Mathew Murphy, Jan 1826, age 74, single, bp MO, f's bp IRE, m's bp VA, "Capatlist"
Elleanor Horr, boarder, Jan 1826, age 74, widow, 2 births 2 living, bp PA, p's bp IRE, Housekeeper
No others listed.
Note Ellenor stated she had two living children. 
O'Leary, Eleanor (I13885)
15204 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1910.
1910 Census: Ross, Vermillion Co, Illinois
Ralph M. Potts, son, age 13, bp IL, p's bp IL 
Potts, Ralph McKinley (I22862)
15205 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Peck, Henry (I16938)
15206 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Philip Peirce, age 43, bp MA, Farmer
Abby H. Peirce, age 42, bp MA
James P. Peirce, age 14, bp MA
Henry Peirce, age 13, bp MA
Ellen Peirce, age 9, bp MA
Rachel Pickens, age 5, bp MA
Same page as brothers John and Levi Peirce.

1860 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Philip H. Peirce, age 53, bp MA, Master Farmer
Abby Peirce, age 52, bp MA
James P. Peirce, age 24, bp MA, Farm Laborer
Henry Peirce, age 23, bp MA, Farm Laborer
Ellen Peirce, age 19, bp MA, Straw Sewer

1870 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Philip Peirce, age 63, Farmer
Abigail Peirce, age 62
Henry Peirce, age 33, Stone cutter
Janice P. Peirce, age 34
Note Janice was Henry's wife.

1880 Census Place: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Household: Page Number 553D
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Philip H. PEIRCE Self M Male W 73 MA Farmer MA MA
Abigail PEIRCE Wife M Female W 72 MA Keeping House MA MA
James P. PEIRCE Son S Male W 44 MA Farmer MA MA
Sarah C. SAWYER Other S Female W 16 MA Servant MA MA 
Peirce, Philip Hathaway (I16554)
15207 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1910.
1910 Census place: Sandwich, Barnstable Co, Massachusetts
Edward E. Clark, age 18, bp MA 
Clark, Edward Emerson (I19298)
15208 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1870 Census: Oxford, Warren Co, New Jersey
Henry C. Keith, age 29, Nailer, bp MA
Theodora Keith, age 28, bp MA
Hattie E. Keith, age 5, bp MA

1880 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Henry C. Keith, age 39, Trunk maker, bp MA, f's bp MA, m's bp VT
Theodora T. Keith, wife, age 38, bp MA
Hattie E. Keith, dau, age 14, bp MA, p's bp MA
Dora A. Keith, dau, age 13, bp MA, p's bp MA
Henry W. Keith, son, age 8, bp MA, p's bp MA
Arebella Ashley, boarder, age 29, bp MA, p's bp MA

1900 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Henry C. Keith, May 1841, age 59, m 38 yrs, bp MA, f's bp MA, m's bp VT, Nailer- nail testing
Theodora T. Keith, July 1841, age 58, 3 births 3 living, bp MA, p's bp MA
No others listed.

Transcribed as Theodore, male
1910 Census: 2-Pct Middleboro, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Theodora T. Keith, head, female, age 68, widow, 3 birth 3 living, bp MA, p's bp MA
No others listed in household.

Transcribed as Theodore T. Keicher
1920 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Theodora T. Keith, head, age 78, widow, bp MA, p's bp MA
No others listed in household.

Did not find Theodora in 1930. 
Keith, Henry Coombs (I34896)
15209 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Jennings, Rowena (I58136)
15210 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at



[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1900.
1900 Census: Watertown, Middlesex Co, Massachusetts
Gertrude E. Keith, dau, Sept 1889, age 10, bp MA 
Keith, Gertrude Evelyn (I22882)
15211 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1850.
1850 Census: Dana, Worcester Co, Massachusetts
Dwight P. Woodard, age 1, bp MA 
Woodard, Dwight Price (I19314)
15212 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1850.
1850 Census: Dana, Worcester Co, Massachusetts
Charles E. Woodard, age 5, bp MA 
Woodard, Charles E. (I19316)
15213 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1840 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
same page as father, Hermon Peirce and uncle Peter Hoar.
Levi Peirce
1 male under 5
1 male between 30- 40 yrs.
1 female between 30- 40 yrs.

1850 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Same page as brothers John and Philip Peirce.
Levi Peirce, age 49, bp MA, Farmer
Lucy G. Peirce, age 48, bp MA
Betsey H. Peirce, age 8, bp MA
Philander P. Peirce, age 6, bp MA
Rachel H. Peirce, age 82, bp MA [mother]
Abiah Peirce, age 54, bp MA [sister]
Consider Lucas, age 44, male, Laborer, bp MA
Note son James M. is not listed.

1860 census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Levi Peirce 59 1800 Massachusetts
Aliah Peirce 68 1791 Massachusetts Female (Levi's sister)
Mercy Peirce 70 1789 Massachusetts
Philander Peirce 16 1843 Massachusetts

1870 census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Levi Peirce age 68 Farmer
Abiah H. Peirce age 78 (his sister)
Philip P. age 26 Farmer
Sarah A. age 33

Census Place: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts 1880
Household: Page Number 559D
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Levi PEIRCE Self W Male W 79 MA Farmer MA MA
Philander P. PEIRCE Son M Male W 36 MA Farmer MA MA
Abbie PEIRCE DauL M Female W 40 MA Keeping House MA MA
Note Levi is a widow. 
Peirce, Levi (I37267)
15214 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Phelps, Margaret (I33525)
15215 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Raynham, Bristol, Massachusetts
Elijah Stoddard age 50
Persis Stoddard age 40
Albert Stoddard age 7
Ann A. Stoddard age 3
Sally Hall age 64 [her mother]
Sarah Hall age 37

Living with mother and children in 1860.
1860 Census: Raynham, Bristol Co, Massachusetts
Sallie Hall, age 71, bp MA
Sarah Kimball, age 40, bp MA
Priscilla Stoddard, age 50, bp MA
Albert Stoddard, age 16, bp MA, Sailer [Sailor]
Ann A. Stoddard, age 12, bp MA 
Hall, Persis L. (I16990)
15216 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Could not find after 1850.

Living with parents in 1850.
1850 Census: Dana, Worcester Co, Massachusetts
Cynthia M. Woodard, age 3, bp MA 
Woodard, Cynthia M. (I19315)
15217 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1840 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
John Peirce
1 male between 15- 20
1 male between 40-50
1 female between 40-50
next listed Samuel Hoar
same page as Levi Peirce, Phillip Peirce, and Oliver Peirce

1850 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
John Peirce, age 51, Farmer, bp MA
Bathsheba H. Peirce, age 51, bp MA
Herman Peirce, age 25, bp MA

1860 census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
John PEIRCE age 61 Master farmer
Bathsheba PEIRCE age 61

1870 census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
John PEIRCE age 71 farmer
Bathsheba PEIRCE age 71
Living next household to Mary Hoard, age 33

1880 Census Place: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Household: Page Number 560A
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
John PEIRCE Self M Male W 81 MA Retired Farmer MA MA
Bathsheba H. PEIRCE Wife M Female W 81 MA Keeping House MA MA 
Peirce, John (I16286)
15218 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

No children.

Living with sister Persis' family and her mother in 1850.
1850 Census: Raynham, Bristol, Massachusetts
Sarah Hall, age 37

Living with sister Persis and mother 1860.
1860 Census: Raynham, Bristol Co, Massachusetts
Sarah Kimball, age 40, bp MA

Living with nephew Albert in 1870, her deceased sister's son.
1870 Census: Taunton PO, Raynham, Bristol Co, Massachusetts
Sarah Kimball, age 52, bp MA, Keeping House

Could not find in 1880 census. 
Hall, Sally P. (I16998)
15219 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother and husband in 1850.
1850 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Chloe Clark, age 63, bp MA
Stephen C. Clark, age 23, bp MA
David H. Childs, age 22, bp MA
Hannah J. Childs, age 21, bp MA
*Josiah W. Dean, age 28, bp MA
*Olive B. Dean, age 25, bp MA
*Charles W. Dean, age 5, bp MA

1860 Census: Taunton, Bristol Co, Massachusetts
Jos. Dean, age 38, bp MA, Nailer
Olive Dean, age 37, bp MA
Chas. Dean, age 16, bp MA, Nailer

1870 Census: Taunton, Bristol Co, Massachusetts
Josiah Dean, age 49, bp CT, Nailer
Olive Dean, age 45, bp MA
Charles W. Dean, age 25, bp MA, Nailer
Susan Dean, age 77, bp MA
Mellissa J. King [?], age 10, bp MA
Note in 1850 Susan Dean age 58, was living in the household of Noah and Joanna Warren, ages 79, 77. Same location, image 16 of 249.

1880 Census: Ward 6, Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts
Olive B. DEAN Self Widow 55 MA Keeping House MA MA
Charles W. DEAN Son 35 MA Tack Cutter MA MA
Emily A. DEAN DauL 36 MA MA MA

Could not find in 1900. 
Clark, Olive B. (I34903)
15220 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Could not find in 1850.
Dau Rachel was living with her uncle Philip Peirce in 1850.

1860 census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Jonathan H. Pickens age 51
Rachel H. Pickens age 57
Rachel Pickens age 15

1870 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Jonathan Pickens, age 55, bp MA, Farmer
Rachel H. Pickens, age 65, bp MA
Rachel H. Pickens, age 28, bp MA
Note the ages.

1880 Census Place: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Household: Page Number 561C
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Jonathan H. PICKENS Self M Male W 71 MA Farmer MA MA
Rachel H. PICKENS Wife M Female W 76 MA Keeping House MA MA
Rachel H. PICKENS Dau S Female W 38 MA At Home MA MA 
Peirce, Rachel H. (I16205)
15221 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

SSDI- issued in Louisiana

Transcribed as Bann
1920 Census: Cheyenne, Lane Co, Kansas
Oscar J. Bunn, head, age 27, bp KS, f's bp IL, m's bp IN, Salesman- real estate
Mrs. Jennie J. Bunn, mother, age 53, widow, bp IN, f's bp PA, m's bp KY
Ralph J. Bunn, brother, age 24, bp KS, f's bp IL, m's bp IN, Salesman- real estate

1930 Census: Scott City, Scott Co, Kansas
Oscar J. Bunn, age 37, 1m at age 21, bp KS, f's bp IL, m's bp IN, Agent- real estate
Lucille M. Bunn, wife, age 28, 1m at age 20, bp KS, f's bp WI, m's bp KY
Mary J. Bunn, dau, age 6, bp KS
Martha L. Bunn, dau, age 3 ?/12, bp KS
Joe Bunn, son, age 1 ?/12, bp KS 
Bunn, Oscar Joseph (I23115)
15222 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


Record added: May 4 2002
By: john crawford
3 boys are trying to hop a freight train. 2 of them jumped for the same spot at the same time. He missed and went under. Struggled for 4 days before passing. Son of Virgil and Marion Horr. 
Horr, Lawrence (I33717)
15223 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Brigham, Laura (I57805)
15224 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Death: Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960

Published Date: Friday, April 14, 1939
Newspaper: Seattle Daily Times (Seattle, WA)
Page: 11

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living at home in 1860:
1860 Paxton, Ford, IL
Jeremiah Rock 26 1833 Virginia
Mary Rock 21 1838 Illinois
*Emma Rock 3 1856 Illinois
Rebecca Rock 1 1858 Illinois

1870 Saybrook, McLean, IL
Bailey household
William Bailey, age 63, bp OH, Farmer
Elizabeth Bailey, age 58, bp MD
Rebecca Perkins, age 28, bp IL, Living in family
Eddy Perkins, age 3, bp IL
Albert Bailey, age 26, bp IL, Dealer in Dry goods
James Bailey, age 22, bp IL, Clerk in store
*Emma Rock, age 12, bp IL

Date: 1939-04-14
Paper: Seattle Daily Times 
Rock, Emma (I34999)
15225 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Delivered by Dr. Willard B. Segar. Died age 7 months. 
Horr, Lucy (I15976)
15226 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Descendant of Edward Fuller of the Mayflower.

2m to Mrs. Rhoda Loveland July 13, 1851, b 1819

1. Sheldon, b. Aug 20, 1787 VT, m Hannah Luce Nov 5 1791 [Sheldon] "He went to Rossie, N.Y.; engaged with his brothers, Stillman, Ashbel and Heman, in the manufacture of iron at Fullerville, and gave the place its name."
2. Stillman, b March 8, 1789 VT, m Lucy Lee, no children.Went to Brasher NY, then west.
3. Isaac, b March 16, 1791 VT, m Minerva Peet
4. Heman, b April 16, 1793 VT m Amelia Dawley, dau of Job & Louisa (Trumbull} Dawley
5. Hiram, b Aug 18, 1800 VT, m Evalina C. Hatch
6. Philo, b Aug 18, 1800 VT, m Jan 1, 1822 Betsey Walker
7. Philemon, b. June 10, 1808 1m Jane Wright, 2m Sarah Wright, res OH 
Fuller, Ashbel (I15070)
15227 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Did not find in 1900 Census. 
Stowe, Mary (I23797)
15228 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Died (drowned) 1y, 5m 6d 
Gilbert, Samuel J. (I3965)
15229 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Died 1 year before his father.

Living with parents in 1850.
1850 Lewis Co. NY Denmark twp.
Webster 15 yr. b. NY attending school, farmer 
Horr, Webster (I27189)
15230 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Died after childbirth. 
Young, Christina (I6315)
15231 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Died age 1 day. 
Horr, Lucy (I15280)
15232 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Died age 47yrs 7mos. 
(Unknown), Amanda (I16524)
15233 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Died age 58 
Horr, Elmer (I32064)
15234 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Died age 71. 
Hummer, Joseph E. (I13202)
15235 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Died as a small child. 
Huntington, Alma Ione (I15057)
15236 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Died in infancy. 
Horr, (Male) (I24869)
15237 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Died in Infancy. 
Horr, Henry (I6270)
15238 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Died in the Civil War. 
Wyeth, James Madison (I49101)
15239 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Died of wounds from the Civil War, battle at Port Republic, Virginia. He died a month later in Washington City. (History of Champaign Co, Ohio, Goshen Twp.) The Battle was fought on June 9, 1862.
Dwight Horr, Company I, 66th Ohio Infantry. Private, Private, Union

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1860.
Transcribed as HORO.
1860 Census: Goshen, Champaign Co, Ohio
Dwight Horr, age 19, bp OH, Farm Hand 
Horr, Dwight (I14527)
15240 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Died with the surname HORR. 
Horr, Ann (I21992)
15241 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Early Birth Records:
HORR, Hazel Louisa 20 Dec 1902 CA Mendocino [brother Fred's child.]
HORR, RILEY GEORGE 17 Nov 1905 CA Siskiyou [brother George's son ? or namesake?]

Mountain Democrat Newspaper, Placerville, California.
Marriage License (Intention) published May 24, 1902.
Frank Horr, of Placerville
Adah Haehl, of Willits

Marriage to Sarah:

Marriage to Adah:

Inventor (Tire and wheel)
Newspaper Watertown NY Daily Times 1915 - 0261.PDF

Frank Ives Horr obituary, news.... [email "Tim Purdy" <]
Big Valley Gazette, Bieber, California - 17 September 1916 2;2
Frank Horr Killed in Auto Accident
Frank Horr of Hayward was killed and John H. Green of Oakland was seriously injury when their automobile, plunged over a twelve foot embankment seven mile from here from here on Cazadero Road [Sonoma County] last Monday. For more than an hour Green pinned beneath the tonneau of the machine beside his dead companion cried feebly for help before aid came.
The two men were on their way to Cazadero when in rounding a sharp turn, their automobile leaped the road and plunged downward turning over as it fell. Horr and Green were trapped before they could leap to safety. [this is 1916:) ]
A man and woman passing in an automobile extricated them.
An investigation tonight by the Coroner decided the fact that Horr's chest had been crushed. Horr, who was 50 years of age, was the starter of the Pit River Lumber Company.

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

In California by 1891.

1910 Census Records for Jefferson, Lassen Co., Ca.
birth place Self , Father, Mother
Frank Horr, age 54?, 2nd marriage, m.13 yrs. NY NY NY
Adah (wife), age 39, 1st marriage, m. 13 yrs. CA
(she had had 4 children with 3 surviving)
Jack (son), age 12 CA
George R. (son) age 4 CA
Kitty M. (dau), age 3 CA
(They had an infant son who died in 1909)

1920 Census Records for Burney Twp, Shasta Co., Ca.
Ada H. Horr, age 49, widow CA
Riley G. (son), age 14 CA NY CA
Kitty M. (dau), age 13 CA NY CA
Then 3 families down (from Ada Horr), is Fred Joel Horr and his family.
My guess would be that George R. (Riley G.) Horr's father is Frank Ives Horr, brother of Fred Joel Horr, but I have yet to find anything that says it is so.

1930 Census: Vader, Lewis Co, Washington
Adah Horr, head, age 59, widow, m at age 25, bp CA, f's bp GER, m's bp IA
Jack Horr, son, age 32, single, bp CA, f's bp KY, m's bp CA, no occ listed
George Horr, son, age 24, single, bp CA, f's bp KY, m's bp CA, Logger- lumber industry 
Horr, Frank (I10290)
15242 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Edward Camp, B-17 gunner
Author: STAFF UNION-NEWS (Springfield, Mass.) Date: September 8, 1993 Publication: Union-News (Springfield, MA) Page Number: 14 Word Count: 318
Edward C. Camp, 69, of Mill Valley Road, a World War II aerial gunner and a retired foreman at Monsanto Co., died on Monday at home.
A lifelong resident of this community, he was an Army Air Forces technical sergeant and crew chief in World War II. He was a top-turret gunner aboard a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber, and flew 30 combat missions with the 15th Air Force in Europe, including raids on Berlin. He was decorated for gallantry, and belonged to the Veterans of Foreign Wars here.

Union-News (Springfield, MA) - September 8, 1993
Deceased Name: Edward Camp, B-17 gunner
Edward C. Camp, 69, of Mill Valley Road, a World War II aerial gunner and a retired foreman at Monsanto Co., died on Monday at home.
A lifelong resident of this community, he was an Army Air Forces technical sergeant and crew chief in World War II. He was a top-turret gunner aboard a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber, and flew 30 combat missions with the 15th Air Force in Europe, including raids on Berlin.
He was decorated for gallantry, and belonged to the Veterans of Foreign Wars here.
His wife, the former June B. Horr, died in 1991.
He leaves a son, Douglas of West Yarmouth; a stepdaughter, Phyllis Henrichon of Belchertown; two brothers, Richard of Granby and Robert of Sarasota, Fla.; three grandchildren, and two step-grandchildren.
A graveside service will be conducted on Saturday morning at the Mount Hope Cemetery in Belchertown. Beers & Story Funeral Home is in charge, and there are no calling hours.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Hampshire County Hospice, 7 Denniston Place, Northampton, 01020. 
Camp, Edward Chapin (I2794)
15243 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Email Sep 24, 2009
From: M. Sue Wells, Great Granddaughter of John Crothers (Brother of Dennis Crothers)
Sue's email address: ewells(at)
Subject: Caroline (Mitchell) Crothers
Source: The Marquette Newspaper, Marquette, Michigan, January 2, 1960 Edition
Funeral services were held in California this week for Carolyn E. Crothers, 87, Mill Valley, Calif., former Marquette resident.
Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Stanley Wilson, Mill Valley; two sons, Harry H. Crothers, Menelo Park, Calif., and Erwin Crothers, Chicago; a sister, Mrs. Barbara M.Roberts, Redondo Beach, Calif., and two grandchildren

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Calif Death Records.

Census Place: 6th Ward, Port Huron, St. Clair Co, Michigan 1880
Carrie MITCHELL, Dau, age 10, bp MI, p's bp NY, PRUSSIA

1900 Census: South Arm, Charlevoix Co, Michigan
Dennis Crothers, Aug 1872, age 27, m 6 yrs, bp MI, p's bp CAN, Furinture dealer
Carrie M. Crothers, wife, Oct 1872, age 27, 2 births, bp MI, f's bp VT, m's bp GER
Harrison C. Crothers, son, Nov 1894, age 5, bp MI
Merle B. Crothers, dau, Oct 1895, 4, bp MI

1910 Census: Marquette, Marquette Co, Michigan
D.C. Crothers, age 36, married 16 yrs, bp MI, p's bp CAN, Mill owner- saw mill
Caroline Crothers, age 35, 3 births, bp MI, f's bp VT, m's bp GER
Harry Crothers, son, age 15, bp MI
Merle Crothers, dau, age 14, bp MI
Irwin Crothers, son, age 6, bp MI

1920 Census: Chicago, Cook Co, Illinois
Caroline Crothers, head, age 43, widow, bp MI, f's bp VT, m's bp GER, Manager- beauty parlor
Harry H. Crothers, son, age 24, single, bp MI, p's bp MI, salesman- shoe store
Erwin M. Crotherss, son, age 15, bp MI, p's bp MI
Note daughter is not living with them.

1930 Census: Chicago, Cook Co, Illinois
Household of John & Lilas VanValkenburgh, ages 48 & 39
the only roomer
Carolyn Crothers, lodger, age 50, widow, bp MI, f's bp VT, m's bp GER, no occ 
Mitchell, Caroline (I14831)
15244 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Email Sep 24, 2009
From: M. Sue Wells, Great Granddaughter of John Crothers (Brother of Dennis Crothers)
Sue's email address: ewells(at)
Subject: Dennis Crothers
Source: The Daily Mining Journal Newspaper, Marquette, Marquette County, Michigan, February 17, 1914 Edition
Ill for ten days with Pneuonia, D. C. Crothers, of this city, a Lumberman, well known in this part of the peninsula, died at St. Luke's Hospital at 12:40 o'clock this morning. Mr. Crothers was aged forty two. He is survived by his wife and three children. The family home is on West Crescent Street. Mr. Crothers ha lived in Marquette for ten years, during most of which time he operated a Sawmill at Yalmer. He came to Marquette from East Jordan, Mich. Mrs. Crothers has been spending the Winter at Santa Barbara, Calif. She was notified of her husband's illness late last week when it was seen his condition was critical and she is expected here today. The children are Miss Myrle Crothers of Evanston, Ill.; Harry of Chicago, and Ervin, ten years of age. 
Crothers, Dennis (I14832)
15245 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Email Sep 24, 2009
From: M. Sue Wells, Great Granddaughter of John Crothers (Brother of Dennis Crothers)
Sue's email address: ewells(at)
Subject: Harry H. Crothers
Source: The Mining Journal Newspaper, Marquette, Marquette County, Michigan, December 12, 1969 Edition
Services for Harry H. Crothers, 75, a one-time resident of Marquette, were conducted Tuesday in the Merkley-Mitchell Mortuary, San Diego, Calif., Dr. Robert H. Mayo, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of that city, officiating. Cremation followed.
Mr. Crothers, who was born in East Jordan, Mich., Nov. 10, 1894, was a resident of California 48 years and had been employed as shoe department manager and salesman for I. Magnin Co. in Santa Barbara, Calif., for more than 21 years.
A Marine Corps veteran, he was one of the first American servicemen to see action in World War I and received citations for bravery in action.
His wife, Mae, died Aug. 16 of this year.
Surviving are a brother, Erwin M. Crothers of San Diego, and a sister, Mrs. Barbara C. Wilson of Carmel, Calif.

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

HARRY CROTHERS 10 Nov 1894 Dec 1969 92653 (Laguna Hills, Orange, CA) SS#561-12-5025
Note these two Harry's have the same birth dates and death dates and died in very different places, same SS#
Calif Death Records:
CROTHERS HARRY H 11/10/1894 MITCHELL M MICHIGAN SAN DIEGO(80) 12/07/1969. SS#561-12-5025

Living with parents in 1910.
1910 Census: Marquette, Marquette Co, Michigan
Harry Crothers, son, age 15, bp MI

Living with mother in 1920.
1920 Census: Chicago, Cook Co, Illinois
Harry H. Crothers, son, age 24, single, bp MI, p's bp MI, salesman- shoe store

Could not find in 1930.
Is this his wife?
1930 Census: Glendale, Los Angeles Co, California
Ettamae Crothers, head, age 41, widow, bp MI, p's bp CAN, Manager- apartment house
Crothers, Harry H. (I14833)
15246 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Emma was a widow at the time of her marriage to Asa. Second marriage for both.
She was of Pittston, Maine at the time of her marriage to Asa.

Groom's Name: Asa Horr
Groom's Birth Date: 1818
Groom's Birthplace:
Groom's Age: 50
Bride's Name: Emiline F. Weber
Bride's Birth Date: 1829
Bride's Birthplace:
Bride's Age: 39
Marriage Date: 01 Jun 1868
Marriage Place: Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa
Groom's Father's Name:
Groom's Mother's Name:
Bride's Father's Name:
Bride's Mother's Name:
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M02570-9
System Origin: Iowa-EASy
Source Film Number: 1035387
Reference Number: bk 3 p 215 cn 146
Collection: Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992

(Unknown), Emma (I19123)
15247 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Engagement Announcement:
Newspaper Lowville NY Journal Republican 1908 - (30).PDF

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Lived in Oakley California.
Named in father's obituary.
Calif Death Records.

Living with parents in 1900.
1900 Census: Santa Clara, Santa Clara Co, California
Marrion, dau, Mar 1881, age 19, bp NY

1910 Census: Oak Park, Cook Co, Illinois
Augustine Jones, age 26, m 2 yrs, bp "Ger Ami Cit", f's bp ME, m's bp IN, Minister- church
Marion A. Jones, age 27, 0 births, bp NY, p's bp NY
No others listed in household.

Could not find in 1920 Census. Without this census we will not know if they had children.

1930 Census: Springfield, Windsor Co, Vermont
Augustine Jones, age 46, age at m 24, bp GER, f's bp ME, m's bp IN, Clergyman
Marrion H. Jones, wife, age 47, age at m 25, bp NY, p's bp NY
No others listed in household.

May 5, 1968
The Oakland Times
Oakland, California
Court OKs Ex-Teacher's Will: $300,000 to Charity
Martinez - Charitable groups have been awarded more than $300,000 from the estate of Mrs. Marrion Horr Jones, former high school teacher, under a court order.
Distribution was approved in Superior Court following a jury's decision that Mrs. Jones, widow of Rev. Augustine Jones, a missionary, was of sound mind when she wrote her will in 1961.
She left $38,000 to two nephews and a niece with the residue, $304,274.00, to be divided by these charitable organizations: Contra Costa branch American Cancer Society, American board of Foreign Missions, Boston; Board of Home Missions and American Bible Society, both of New York.
Mrs. Jones, who died in April 1965, was a member of a pioneer east Contra Costa County ranching family and taught high school at Brentwood in the early 1900's. 
Horr, Marion (I27145)
15248 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Extracted from Portrait and Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties, Iowa, 1894 Reprinted by Higginson Book Co., Salem, Massachusetts, p. 135 (See Asa Horr Notes)
"In Baltimore, Ohio, Dr. Horr was married in 1841 to Eliza Sherman, a native of Worthington. She was reared as a member of the Vinal family in Springfield and died in Dubuque during the war."

Sherman, Elizabeth (I6283)
15249 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at records 
Hall, Rebecca J. (I31396)
15250 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at records 
McCoy, William (I31394)

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