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15101 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with her father in 1850:
1850 Census: Green, Platte Co, Missouri
Golisby/ Golesly Quinn, age 45, bp NC, Carpenter
Rebecca Quinn, age 12, bp MO
Amanda Quinn, age 10, bp MO
Lucy Quinn, age 8, bp MO
*Ann Quinn, age 6, bp MO
Elizabeth Quinn, age 4, bp MO
Vernelia/ Vemelia Quinn, age 2, bp MO
Henry Quinn, age 25, bp TN, Farmer
William Quinn, age 20, bp TN
Thomas Quinn, age 17, bp MO

Did not find her father in 1860.

Living with her sister in 1860:
1860 Census: Marysville PO, Grand River, DeKalb Co, Missouri
George H. Roberts, age 27, bp MO, Farmer
Amanda M. Roberts, age 19, bp MO
William M. Roberts, age 1, bp MO
Lucy C. Quine, age 18 1841, bp MO, Housekeeper
*Ann P. Quine, age 16 1843, bp MO, Housekeeper

1910 Census: 2-Wd Marysville, Marshall Co, Kansas
Anna P. Horr, head age 65, wd, 7 births 3 living, bp MO, f's bp NC, m's bp KY
Annett A. Horr, dau, age 34, single, bp KS, f's bp NY, Dry Goods Store
Fred A. Horr, son, age 24, m 1 yr, bp KS, f's bp NY, Salesman- clothing store
Ellen J. Horr, da-in-law, age 19, m 1 yr, 1 birth, bp ENG, p's bp ENG
Charles J. V., gr son, age 1 1/12, bp KS

Transcribed as Hove.
1920 Census: Marysville, Marshall Co, Kansas
Anna P. Horr, head, age 75, widow, bp MO
Charles L, Horr, son, age 53, single, bp KS, Carpenter- RR
Nettie Horr, dau, age 44, single, bp KS, Saleslady- retail dry goods
Fred Horr, son, age 33, married, bp KS, no occ
Nellie Horr, da-in-law, age 29, bp ENG, p's bp ENG
Charles Horr, gr-son, age 10, bp KS
Rose Mildred Horr, gr-dau, age 8, bp KS
Anna P. Horr, gr-dau, age 5, bp KS
James A. Horr, gr-son, age ?/12, bp KS 
Quine, Anna (I14113)
15102 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Worked in a cigar factory at age 13.

Living with parents in 1900.
Transcribed as Hoon.
1900 Census: Marysville, Marshall Co, Kansas
Charles L. Horr, son, Apr 1867, age 30 [?!], single, bp KS, Day Laborer

Not living with mother in 1910.

Living with mother in 1920.
Transcribed as Hove.
1920 Census: Marysville, Marshall Co, Kansas
Charles L. Horr, son, age 53, single, bp KS, Carpenter- RR

1930 Census: Marysville, Marshall Co, Kansas
Charles L. Horr, head, age 62, single, bp KS, f's bp NY, m's bp MO, Motor Car Repairman
Nettie Horr, sister, age 54, single, bp KS, Clerk- Dept Store
Rose Horr, niece, age 18, bp KS, f's bp KS, m's bp England
James Horr, nephew, age 11, bp KS, f's bp KS, m's bp England
Note Rose and James were children of his brother Fred. 
Horr, Charles (I14115)
15103 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1870 Census: Camden, De Kalb Co, Missouri
Luther Horr, age 27, bp NY, Carpenter
Ann Horr, age 26, bp MO
Charles Horr, age 3, bp KA
Herbert Horr, age 1, bp MO
Goolsby Quine, age 70, bp NC, Farmer

1880 Census Place: Marysville, Marshall Co, Kansas
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's
Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
L. B. HORR Self M Male W 37 NY Cabinet Maker MA CT
A. P. HORR Wife M Female W 36 MO Keeping House NC KY
Chas. L. HORR Son S Male W 13 KS Worked In Cigar Factory NY MO
Berty HORR Son S Male W 11 MO Worked In Cigar Factory NY MO
Nettie HORR Dau S Female W 4 KS NY MO
Willis HORR Son S Male W 1 KS NY MO

Transcribed as Luther C. Hoon.
1900 Census: Marysville, Marshall Co, Kansas
Luther Horr, May 1843, age 57, m 33 yrs, bp NY, f's bp NY, m's bp CT, Cabinet Maker
Anna P. Horr, wife, May 1844, age 56, 7 births 3 living, bp MO, f's bp NC, m's bp KY
Charles L. Horr, son, Apr 1867, age 30 [?!], single, bp KS, Day Laborer
Nettie Q. Horr, dau, Sept 1875, age 24, single, bp KS
Fred A. Horr, son, Mar 1886, age 14, bp KS

Marysville City Cemetery, Marshall County, Kansas
HORR, LUTHER C. 1843-1907
HORR, CHARLES 1867-1935
HORR, FRANK C. 1872-1876
HORR, ANNETTE QUINE 9/13/1875-4/25/1958
HORR, WILLIS W. 1878-1880
HORR, FRED ALLEN 4/20/1886-3/28/1948
HORR, ELLEN JESSIE CRISP 8/13/1890-6/5/1966
CILIA, ELLEN J. HORR 4/18/1925-8/24/1954 
Horr, Luther (I37573)
15104 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1880.
1880 Census Place: Marysville, Marshall Co, Kansas
Willis HORR Son S Male W 1 KS NY MO 
Horr, Willis (I37578)
15105 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


1945 Census: 
Moore, Viola (I36990)
15106 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Oliver, Juanita (I22780)
15107 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


Leona was born on a farm near Garretson, South Dakota on September 15, 1914, the daughter of John and Ida (Muth) Ridpath. She came to Sioux Falls at the age of 15 and lived with an older sister.

Leona married Russell Horr on December 25, 1933 and they raised two sons, Lanny and Roger. She worked at several businesses in Sioux Falls including Scotch Cleaners, Horwitz Jewelers and Sioux Steel. Leona also was a Senior Companion for several years. She was called "Grammy" by her family and friends.

Russell passed away in 1980. Leona was well cared for and enjoyed spending the last few years at Stoney Brook Suites and the Good Samaritan Village where she passed away on November 3, 2011 at the age of 97.

Leona was a member of Eastside Baptist Church and was a Sunday School teacher for many years. She enjoyed gardening, fishing and spending time at the cabin on Lake Madison.

She is survived by grandchildren and their spouses, Rodger and Shelly Horr, Kevin and Diane Scott, Billy and Joli Scott, Duane Horr; six great grandchildren; a daughter in law, Marian Horr and a God Child, Joyce (Bob) Heyl. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, two sons and eight siblings. 
Ridpath, Leona (I11807)
15108 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Houston, Clarence W. (I14556)
15109 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1900.
1900 Census: Calapooia, Douglas Co, Oregon
Elsie L. Horr, dau, Feb 1888, age 12, bp IA,

1910 Census: Fall River, Shasta Co, California
Jessie E. House, age 25, m 3 yrs, bp CA, f's bp CA, m's bp IL, Plumber- house
Elsie L. House, age 32, 1 birth, bp IA, p's bp WI
Alberta, dau, 1 8/12 , bp CA
Jessie G. Horr, nephew, age 1/12 mos, bp CA
Jessie Harris, hired hand, age 26
Note this has Elsie born in abt 1878.

1920 Census: Fall River, Shasta Co, California
Clarence W. Houston, age 34, bp CA, p's bp ME, Farmer- gen farm
Elsie Houston, wife, age 31, bp IA, p's bp WI
Emma J. Houston, age 1, bp CA, f's bp CA, m's bp IA
Elberta house, st-dau, age 11, bp CA, f's bp CA, m's bp IA

1930 Census: Pondosa (Lumber Camp), Squaw Valley, Siskiyou Co, California
Clarence Houston, age 43, m age age 31, bp CA, p's bp ME, Tractor Operator- RR construction
Elsie Houston, wife, age 42, 1st m at age 20, bp IA, f's bp NY, m's bp WI
Emma Jean Houston, dau, age 11, bp CA 
Horr, Elsie (I12456)
15110 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Vervooren, Laura (I37584)
15111 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1930.
1930 Census: North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska
Lyman G. Huntington, son, age 15, bp NE. 
Huntington, Lyman George (I15019)
15112 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Brautigam, Merry Ellen (I4395)
15113 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Darland, Jolene Kay (I208)
15114 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Keith, Calvin Russell (I34970)
15115 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1920.
1920 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Myra H. Standish, dau, age 11, bp MA, f's bp MA, m's bp IN

Transcribed as Mina H.
1930 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth, MA
Alton H. Linton, age 21, m at age 19, bp MA, p's bp CAN, Farmer- farm
Myra H. Linton, wife, age 21, m at age 19, bp Ma, f's bp MA, m's bp IN
Alton H. Linton, son, age 1 11/12, bp MA
Marion H. Linton, dau, age 1/12. bp MA 
Standish, Myra Harlow (I23611)
15116 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1900 Census: Sterling, Rice Co, Kansas
Albert Taggart, Mar 1844, age 56, m 33 yrs, bp IN, f'd bp IRE, m's bp VA, Farmer
Elizabeth S. Taggart, wife, May 1842, age 58, 4 births, bp KY, f's bp NY, m's bp KY
Horr, Lillie L., si-in-law, Sept 1856, age 43, single, bp IN, f's bp NY, m's bp KY, Housekeeper
Fanny Pratt, servant, June 1884, age 25, bp IN, p's bp IN, Servant
*Amy Lott, niece, Nov 1887, age 12, bp KY, f's bp KY, m's bp IN
Jean H. Lott, niece, Jan 1892, age 8, bp KS, f's bp KY, m's bp IN

1910 Census: Sterling, Rice Co, Kansas
William M. Peck, age 38, 2nd m, m 3 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Broker- broom corn
Amy Peck, wife, age, 22, m 3 yrs, 1 birth, bp KY, f's bp KY, m's bp IN
Le?nus H. Peck, son, age ?/12 mos, bp KS

1920 Census: Sterling, Rice Co, Kansas
William M. Peck, age 48, bp NY, p's bp NY, Dealer- broom corn
Amy Peck, wife, age 32, bp KY, f's bp KY, m's bp IN
Howard M. Peck, son, age 10, bp KS
William Jr. Peck, son, age 7, bp KS
Edward B. Lott, fa-in-law, age 68, widow, bp KY, p's bp New Badin- Ger, Druggist- at store

1930 Census: Sterling, Rice Co, Kansas
William M. Peck, age 52, m at 22, bp NY, p's bp USA, Broker- broom corn
Amy Peck, wife, age 42, m at 18, bp KY, p's bp KY
William Peck, son, age 17, bp KS
Note father not living with them. 
Lott, Amy (I6413)
15117 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


Winifred Norma (Horr) McGarry, 82, passed away November 8, 2012 at Kent Hospital. She was the beloved wife of the late Edward F. McGarry.
A daughter of the late Gifford and Lucy (O'Dowd) Horr. Mrs. McGarry was associated with her husband in the family business McGarry's Restaurant in downtown Providence and also was employed for Apex.
She is survived by three children, Edward F. McGarry, Sharon Lee Sinnott and Stephen J. McGarry; three sisters, Lucille St. Martin, Olive Bentley and Rita Frigon; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. She was the sister of the late William and Ronald Horr, Gladys Fanning and Patricia Hicks.
Her funeral will be held Tuesday, November 13, at 9 a.m. from the Thomas & Walter Quinn Funeral Home, 2435 Warwick Ave. with a Mass of Christian Burial in St. Kevin Church, Sandy Lane at 10 a.m. Burial will be in St. Ann's Cemetery, Cranston. Visiting hours Monday 4-7 p.m.
In lieu of flowers, contributions to St. Kevin School, 39 Cathedral Road, Warwick, RI 02889 will be appreciated. Information and condolences, visit
Horr, Norma (I16869)
15118 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

McGarry, Edward F. (I16857)
15119 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Prather, Honour (I48679)
15120 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


SOUTH BERWICK, Maine ? Carey H. Raitt, 94, of Berwick Estates, died Saturday, Oct. 16, 2010, at the Wentworth-Douglass Hospital.

She was born Feb. 12, 1916, in Rochester, N.H., the daughter of Virgil and Marion (Newcomb) Horr, graduated from Berwick Academy and had lived in South Berwick most of her life.

Carey had worked in the family business, Chronicle Print Shop, for many years.

She was a lifelong member of the First Baptist Church, having joined the church in 1930. For many years, she was a Sunday School teacher, was the nursery room coordinator, a member of the Missionary Society, the Modern Priscillas and the Tuesday Morning Women's Group.

She was a member of Pythian Sisters, Quamphegan Grange and the first president of the Ladies Auxiliary Post #5744 of South Berwick.

Carey enjoyed visiting members of the church as well as other community members who were not able to get out.

She enjoyed sewing as a hobby as well as making clothing from doll clothes to wedding dresses.

The widow of Gordon Raitt, members of her family include her daughter, Marcia Pike and her husband, Albert, of Berwick; three grandchildren, Steven Pike and his wife, Diana, Peter Pike and his wife, Robin, and Laura Pike, all of South Berwick; six great grandchildren, Keith, Rebecca, Timothy, Kimberly, Elizabeth and Peter; two sisters, Dorothy Brown of Dover, N.H. and Eleanor Mayrand of Arizona; one brother, Cecil Horr of South Berwick; and several nieces and nephews.

She was predeceased by three brothers, Laurence Horr, Arlo Horr and Everard Horr, two sisters, her twin sister, Mary Crawford and Kathleen Blaisdell.

Relatives and friends are invited to call Thursday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at the McIntire-McCooey Funeral Home, 301 Main St., South Berwick.

The funeral will be Friday at 11 a.m. at the First Baptist Church, 130 Main St., South Berwick.

Those who wish may make memorials in her name to the First Baptist Church Memorial Fund, 130 Main St., South Berwick, ME 03908. 
Horr, Carey (I33754)
15121 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Rowley, Richard Bacon (I16178)
15122 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Calif Death Records, SSDI

Living with parents in 1930.
1930 Census: Redding, Shasta Co, California
Hazel Lee, dau, age 27, single, bp CA, Sales Clerk- retail store 
Horr, Hazel (I18576)
15123 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1930.
1930 Census: Pelham, Hampshire Co, MA
May H. Horr, age 3 yrs 11 mos

Daily Hampshire Gazette
Monday, April 30, 2001
May Helen Sandoval
Easthampton --- May H. (Horr) Sandoval, 75, of Keddy St., died April 28 at home.
Born in Pelham April 7, 1926, she was the daughter of the late John and Clara (Ely) Horr. She was educated in Pelham schools and was a graduate of Amherst Regional High School. She lived at one time in Enfield, now part of the Quabbin Reservoir. Mrs. Sandoval was employed in food services at Amherst College for 25 years, retiring in 1988. Previously she was employed at the Amherst Laundry for several years, and the former Kane's Nursing Home in Amherst. She was a member of the former Lionetts in Amherst. She leaves her husband of 52 years, Rudy S. Sandoval; a son Rudy Sandoval Jr. of Holyoke; two brothers, Michael Orr of Belchertown and Morgan Orr of Chicopee; four sisters, Sadie Capen of Gainsville, Fla., Blanche Owens of Walholla, S.C., Fanny Ely of Hadley, and Bessie Orr of Jacksonville, Fla.; two granddaughters; and several nieces and nephews. The funeral and burial will be held at the convenience of the family. There are no calling hours. O'Brien Funeral Home of Easthampton is
handling arrangements. Memorial gifts may be made to VNA/Hospice Alliance, 168 Indrustrial Drive, Northampton, 01060; or Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Oncology Unit, 30 Locust St., Northampton, 01060.]] 
Horr, May (I36803)
15124 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Horr, Hazel (I11880)
15125 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Tribou, Fannie E. (I23615)
15126 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Horr, Virginia (I19059)
15127 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Written as HARR.
1850 Census: Bloomington, McLean Co, Illinois
Drucilla Harr, age 44, bp NY
Elijah Harr, age 23, bp NY, Chair Maker
Cordelia Harr, age 16, bp NY
Mazy Ann Harr, age 13, bp IL 
Horr, Pierce (I37868)
15128 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Horr, Rachel (I13432)
15129 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Lewis, Grace B. (I22561)
15130 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Cemetery: (Stone says died age 69yrs, 10mos, 7days) 
Gannon, James P. (I27620)
15131 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Smith, Lillian L. (I29596)
15132 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Smith, Charles W. (I44914)
15133 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Gallup, Eloisa (I52621)
15134 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1900 Census: Civil District 6, Moore Co, Tennessee
John T. Massy, Sept 1865, m 9 yrs, bp TN, p's bp TN, Farmer
Lizza J. Massy, wife, Oct 1870, 4 births 3 living, bp TN, p's bp TN, Farmer
Claud [?] D. Massy, son, Sept 1894, bp TN
Rollie C. Massy, son, Jan 1896, bp TN
Viola M. Massey, dau, June 1897, age 2, bp TN 
Massey, Viola Mae (I15132)
15135 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

SS card issued in New Mexico.

Living with mother and family in 1930.
1930 Census: Clayton, Union Co, New Mexico
Clara Bowen, head, age 52, widow 20 yrs, bp MO, p's bp NY, private income
*Ben Bowen, son, age 31, m at age 23, bp MO. p's bp MO, Truck Driver- truck line
Viola Bowen, da-in-law, age 31, m at age 24, bp TN, p's bp TN
Charley Bowen, gr-son, age 7, bp NM
Chester Bowen, gr-son, age 6, bp NM
Orvil Bowen, gr-son, age ?/12, bp NM
Francis Bowen, dau, age 18, bp NM 
Bowen, Charles Benjamin Sr. (I4823)
15136 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1880: Census Place: Oconomowoc, Waukesha Co, Wisconsin
Household: Hotel
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Eugine HORR Other S Male W 26 NY Watchman NY CT

1900 Census: Waukesha, Waukesha Co, Wisconsin
image 23 of 47
Eugene E. Horr, Feb 1854, age 46, m 13 yrs, bp NY, f's bp NY, m's bp CT, Bagger Man- Railroad
Barbra C. Horr, wife, May 1863, age 37, 2 births, bp WI, p's bp GER
Ella M. Horr, dau, Apr 1888, age 12, bp WI
Charles Horr, son, Sep 1889, age 10, bp WI

Same location as his brother Henry H. Horr.
1910 Census: 2nd Ward, Waukesha, Waukesha Co, Wisconsin
Eugene E. Horr, age 56, m 23 yrs, bp NY, f's bp NY, m's bp CT, Train Baggageman, steam RR
Barbra C. Horr, wife, age 46, 2 births, bp WI, p's bp GER
Ella M. Horr, dau, age 22, bp WI
Charles E. Horr, son, age 20, bp WI, Brakeman- passager train

Could not find in 1920.

Same page as brother Henry's widow.
1930 Census: Waukesha, Waukesha Co, Wisconsin
Eugene Horr, age 76, bp NY, f's bp NY, m's bp CT, Retired
Barbra Horr, wife, age 67, bp WI, p's bp GER
Ellen Horr, dau, age 42, single, bp WI, f's bp NY, m's bp WI, no occ

Waukesha Freeman Newspaper (Wi.)
Newspaper date: October 16, 1890
Mr. Eugene Horr, who sold his house here, will move to Milwaukee the latter part of the month. 
Horr, Eugene (I13639)
15137 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Census and Social Security (birth and death dates) information was kindly contributed by Emil Lehenbauer: emillehenbauer(at)
BENTON T. PRATHER, 1st Lt. Peabody, Kansas. Born Jan. 1, 1879, Jeffersonville, Ind. Son of Mrs. F. G. Prather, Pensacola, Fla. Wife, Mrs. Annie Undine Prather, Peabody, Kan. Entered service Camp Funston, Kan., Aug., 1918. Commanding officer 28th Field Army Infirmary, 10th Division, Camp Funston. Discharged Mar. 22, 1919, Camp Funston, Kan.

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: St Petersburg, Pinellas Co, Florida
Transcribed as Barton Prather, image 21 of 38
Benton T. Prather, age 51, m at age 38, bp IN, p's bp IN, Physician- medical
A. Undine Prather, wife, age 38, m at age 23, bp WI, f's bp GER, m's bp MS
Benton T. Jr. Prather, son, age 12, bp KS
George W. Prather, son, age 10, bp KS 
Prather, Dr. Benton Taylor (I6410)
15138 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Census information was kindly contributed by Emil Lehenbauer: emillehenbauer(at)

Barnette, Honour M. (I19188)
15139 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Census information was kindly contributed by Emil Lehenbauer: emillehenbauer(at)

Name: Prather
Birth date: 18 Nov 1887
Birthplace: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Gender: Male
Race or color (expanded): White
Father's name: Ezra Prather
Father's birthplace: Indiana
Father's age: 38y
Mother's name: Foster Horr
Mother's birthplace: Indiana
Mother's age: 33y
Christening date:
Christening place:
Paternal grandfather's name:
Paternal grandmother's name:
Maternal grandfather's name:
Maternal grandmother's name:
Additional relatives:
Death date:
Age at death:
Film number: 1287870
Digital GS number: 4031028
Image number: 1233
Reference number: 23319
Collection: Illinois, Cook County Birth Certificates 1878-1922

WWI Civilian Draft Registrations WWI Civilian Draft Registrations
Name:Prather, Nathan Thomas
Birth Date:18 Nov 1887
Birth Place:Chicago IL


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1900.
1900 Census: Sterling, Rice Co, Kansas
Nathan T. Prather, son, Nov 1887, age 12, bp IL, p's bp IN

1920 Census: Jacksonville, Duval Co, Florida
Nathan T. Prather, age 31, bp IL, p's bp IN,
Honora/Horora Prather, wife, age 30, bp MS, p's bp MS
Nathan T. Prather, son, age 1, bp FL

1930 Census: St Petersburg, Pinellas Co, Florida
Nathan T. Prather, age 42, m at 27 yrs, bp IL, p's bp IN, Pharmacist- drug store
Honour Prather, wife, age 39, m at age 24, bp MS, f's bp IL, m's bp MS
Nathan Jr. Prather, son, age 11, bp FL
Margaret C. Prather, dau, age 9, bp FL 
Prather, Nathan Thomas (I6412)
15140 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Census information was kindly contributed by Emil Lehenbauer: emillehenbauer(at) 
Martens, Anna Undine (I19186)
15141 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Census Place: Fitchburg, Worcester Co, Massachusetts 1880
Household: Page Number 632D
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Fath er's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Albert B. LAWRENCE Self M Male W 32 MA Harware Dealer MA MA
Abbie L. LAWRENCE Wife M FemaleW 38 MA Keeping House MA MA
Ivers P. LAWRENCE Son S Male W 7 MA At School MA MA
Harry A. LAWRENCE Son S Male W 5 MA At School MA MA
Ralph C. LAWRENCE Son S Male W 2 MA MA MA
Nellie MCAULIFF Other S FemaleW 25 CAN At Home IRE CAN
Mary A. PHILLIPS Other S FemaleW 50 MA At Home MA MA
Fannie M. PHILLIPS Other S FemaleW 19 MA Bookeeper MA M A
Herbert WISE Other S Male W 25 NH Teamster NH N H 
Lawrence, Albert Brainard (I17292)
15142 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Census year: 1860 State or Territory: IA County: Butler Division: Monroe Township Reel No.: M653-313 PAGE NO: 52 Reference: Enumerated 7 July 1860 by Jeremiah Ellis, PO Algonquin
13 397 357 Howard, Anthony age:69 M real value:400 personal value:1,700 personal born: Virginia, widower. Living in the James Caldwell household.

Died: 67 yrs, 1 month, 28 days. 
Howard, Anthony (I16333)
15143 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

CHARLES ABNER HORR, the youngest son and child, was born just outside of the limits of Carthage, upon a farm, which his father owned for some years, and at this time, on account of impaired health, was occupying, October 19, 1850. He attended school in Carthage and pursued a business course in a commercial college in Syracuse, N. Y. After clerking for some years in his father's store, he went to St. Joseph, Mo., engaging in business with his brothers, Wesley and Albert. In 1874 he returned to his native place, formed a partnership with his brother Albert. He is a man of amiable characteristics, popular with his fellow-citizens, a prominent member of the Methodist church and of several local organizations.
In 1871 he was married to Miss Jennie A. VanPelt, of Carthage. They have three children, Louisa Stewart, Wilma Gertrude and Charles Albert.
" From The Growth o f a Century, by JOHN A. HADDOCK, 1895

(Postoffice address in parenthesis)
"Babcock Horr, (Carthage) (L.W.B. and Charles A.H.) dealers in butter, maple sugar, and farm produce, State."
"Babcock L.W., (Carthage) (Babcock Horr) h at W. Carthage."
"Horr, Charles A., (Carthage) (Babcock Horr) h State."

Newspaper Loville NY Journal Republican 1927 - (272).PDF

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1870 Census: St Joesph Ward 2, Buchanan Co, Missouri
Living with his brothers John Wesley and Albert Vedder Horr.
Charles A. Horr, age 19, Bp: NY

Next household to brother Albert V. HORR, and to sister Sarah Horr FULLER
1880 Census Place: Carthage, Jefferson Co, New York
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Charles A. HORR Self M Male W 29 NY Retail Grocery Man NY NY
Ann J. HORR Wife M Female W 30 NY Keeps House NY ENG
Louise S. HORR Dau S Female W 6 MO At Home NY NY
Wilma HORR Dau S Female W 11M NY At Home NY NY
May have had other children.

1900 Census: Wilna, Carthage, Jefferson Co, New York
Charles A. Horr, Oct 1850, age 49, married 24 yrs, bp NT, p's bp NY, Travelling Salesman
Jennie V. Horr, wife,, Mar 1850, age 50, 3 births 2 living, bp NY, f's bp NY, m's bp Eng
Louise S. Horr, dau, Oct 1873, age 26, single, bp MO, Teacher
W. Gertrude Horr, dau, June 1879, age 20, single, bp NY, Teacher

1910 Census: Wilna, Jefferson Co, New York
Charles A. Horr, age 59, m 38 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Insurance Agent
Jennie V. Horr, wife, age 60, 3 births 1 living, bp NY, f's bp NY, m's bp ENG
Previous household sister Hannah's family.

Transcribed as Clarke A. Haer.
1920 Census: Wilna, Jefferson Co, New York
Charles A. Horr, age 69, bp NY, p's bp NY
Mae E. Horr, wife, age 50, bp NY, p's bp NY, Teacher- high school
no other listed.

Transcribed as Harra
1930 Census: Carthage, Jefferson Co, New York
Mae G. Harr [or Horr], head, age 58, widow, 1st m at age 48, bp NY, p's bp NY, Proprietor- boarding house
Rachel Perrine, boarder, age 61, widow, bp NY, p's bp NY, no occ
No others listed. 
Horr, Charles (I33034)
15144 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Chief opthalmological surgeon at the Massachusetts Memorial Hospital in Boston. Former professor of opthalmology at Boston University School of Medicine.

Death Notice:
Utica NY Daily Press 1934 - 2972.pdf


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1880.
1880 Census Place: District 1, Cortlandville, Cortland Co, New York
Albert W. HORR, Son, age 14, bp NY, At School, NY NY

1900 Census: Malden Ward 3, Middlesex Co, Massachusetts
Albert Horr, boarder, July 1865, age 34, m 3 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Physician
Elvira C. Horr, boarder, Mar 1870, age 30, 1 birth, bp MI p's bp NY
Robert G. Horr, boarder, Apr 1898, age 2, bp MA

1910 Census: 3-Wd Malden, Middlesex Co, Massachusetts
Albert W. Horr, age 44, m 12 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Physician- occulist
Elvira C. G. Horr, wife, age 40, 3 birth 2 living, bp MI p's bp NY
Robert G. Horr, son, age 11, bp MA
Albert W. Jr. Horr, son, age 3, bp NY

1920 Census: Malden, Middlesex Co, Massachusetts
Albert W. Horr, age 54, m 12 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Physician- medical
Elvira Horr, wife, age 49, 3 birth 2 living, bp MI p's bp NY
Robert G. Horr, son, age 21, bp MA
Albert W. Jr. Horr, son, age 13, bp NY
Note: Elvira, Robert and Albert Jr. were also recorded in Precinct 17, Maricopa Co, Arizona in 1920.

1930 Census: Boston, Suffolk Co, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Memorial Hospital
Albert W. Horr, patient, age 64, married, bp NY, p's bp NY

Chief opthalmological surgeon at the Massachusetts Memorial Hospital in Boston. Former professor of opthalmology at Boston University School of Medicine. 
Horr, Dr. Albert (I33401)
15145 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1. MARIA THOMPSON, b. July 31, 1802; d. November 12, 1805.

1. HOSEA V. THOMPSON, b. January 23, 1808; m. SUSAN M. MAYNARD.
2. JACOB THOMPSON, b. August 08, 1809; m. ADNIE V. BOOTH.
3. MARCIA V. THOMPSON, b. June 22, 1811; m. MOSES TITCOMB.
4. SALLY THOMPSON, b. February 10, 1813; m. CHARLES CHIPMAN.
5. BETSEY THOMPSON, b. August 07, 1815; m. SIMEON C. CLARK.
6. GEORGE M. THOMPSON, b. January 29, 1817; m. CAROLINE E. HYDE.
7. LEWIS W. THOMPSON, b. November 10, 1819; m. MARY W. MACOMBER.
8. SUMNER S. THOMPSON, b. April 12, 1823; m. HARRIET S. WILEY.
9. HULDAH V. THOMPSON, b. September 10, 1825; m. SILAS NEWCOMB.
10. CAROLINE M. THOMPSON, b. November 1828; m. STEPHEN HERSEY. 
Thompson, Jacob (I20574)
15146 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

BONNEY, MADISON, road 20, 20 cows, 1 brood mare, 2 Hambletonian and Phil. Sheridan horses, farmer 260 acres. 
Bonney, Madison (I36366)
15147 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1. Richard Parcel KIP b: 02 Sep 1774
2. Eliza KIP b: 06 Jan 1777
3. Henry KIP b: 22 Apr 1779
4. Cornelia KIP b: 17 Sep 1782
5. Jane KIP b: 12 Jun 1785
6. James KIP b: 27 May 1787
7. Peter KIP b: 04 Mar 1789
8. Maria KIP b: 23 Oct 1790
9. John Livingston KIP b: 16 Oct 1792
10. Albert Ryckman KIP b: 12 Sep 1794
11. Benjamin Haight KIP b: 22 Apr 1797 in Johnstown, NY
12. Sara KIP b: 30 May 1799

More KIP info> 
Kip, Jacobus James (I16806)
15148 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1. Edith E. MILLIKEN b: 6 JUL 1871
2. Charles W. MILLIKEN b: 3 FEB 1873
3. Frederick L. MILLIKEN b: 1 MAR 1876 
Morse, Rebecca B. (I23850)
15149 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Children of Reuben Fay and Elizabeth Perkins
1 Susanna Fay b: 10/13/1767 d: 1799
2 Jonas Fay b: 11/11/1768 d: 10/30/1830 married Polly Barnes b: 7/9/1778 d: 4/15/1841
3 Jonathan Fay b: 1771
4 Moses Fay b: 10/13/1773
5 Betsey Fay b: 2/13/1775
6 Josiah Fay b: 2/21/1777
7 Deborah Fay b: 8/12/1778 d: 1813
8 William Fay b: 11/12/1780 d: 7/31/1840 married Lydia Brewster Smith m: 5/1805 d: 18489
9 James Fay b: 1782 married Sarah Horr 
Fay, Reuben (I19295)
15150 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Children with 1st wife Polly UNKNOWN:
1. Lucy Pickens, b: 10 JUN 1795 in Middleboro, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
2. Asa Pickens, b: 14 APR 1797 in Middleboro, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
3. Polly PICKINS, b: 24 APR 1800 in Middleboro, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
4. George PICKENS, b: 4 APR 1802 in Middleboro, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
5. Alexander Blades PICKENS, b: 20 JUN 1805 in Middleboro, Plymouth County, Ma. 
Pickens, Lt. George (I17044)

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