The H600 Project Genealogy DB



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 #   Notes   Linked to 
14801 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Additional information on this family was kindly contributed by Sara Switzer, email address: sswitzer4(at) 
Liggett, Emeline (I23424)
14802 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Additional information on this family was kindly contributed by Sara Switzer, email address: sswitzer4(at) 
McMorris, William T. (I23423)
14803 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Brigham, Violet (I23020)
14804 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

After the death of Laura, Samuel remarried and had one more daughter.
"In 1894 he married Grace Unsworth and together they had a daughter, May Unsworth Flint." 
Flint, Samuel M. (I4871)
14805 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Also have: born Oct 1856. 
Lentz, James Montgomery (I23800)
14806 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Alvin Gilbert and Matilda Horr came to Ross township, Vermillion Co Illinois in 1831.
" In 1831 he married Miss Matilda Horr and the following year he went with his father to Ross township, where his FATHER-IN-LAW owned land." History of Vermilion County Illinois. Was his father-in-law, Robert III, still alive in 1831???

In History of Vermilion County- Illinois- Ross Twp, pgs 670 & 671, about Alvin- Alvan Gilbert, " "About 1825 he emigrated with his parents and two younger brothers... to Grawford Co Ohio"...the next year "...westward setteling in Vermilion Co, Illinois, two miles south of Danville...."
"In the spring of 1835 he moved on a farm situated on the north side of the North Fork, west of the Chicago State road, and opposite Mann's Chapel, which he had purchased from his father-in-law." [after m. to Matilda Horr, before m. to Nancy Horr] His family was of Massachusetts, his grandafther served in the Rev.War.

"The oldest burial ground in the Rossville area is adjacent to the chapel.The first person buried in the cemetery was the 11-day-old grandson of Samuel Gilbert. The first Justice of the Peace and first Postmaster of Ross Township, Gilbert donated the land on which the chapel and school were built. After the church was built in 1857, the cemetery became known as Mann's Chapel Cemetery."

Referenced in Summer 1998 Illiana Genealogist:
Male, white, 68y, 3m, 8d, Yeoman, 18 October 1878 5:00 am, married, american, Gorham Ontario Co, NY, 53 years, Rossville, Belious Remittent fever, pulmonary consumption, 2months 16 days, Manns Chapel, 10/29/1878, D C Payne, Rossville, IL, M. T. Livengood, MD, Rossville.

"He bought and traded extensively and owned 900 acres in Ross Township. In 1876 he was elected to the Illinois General Assemly." History of Ross and South Ross Townships

Biography (starts bottom of page 670): 
Gilbert, Alvan (I10367)
14807 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

An adopted daughter, Julie Wells, care Bert Wells, sec'y Traction Co., Denver, Colorado.

Marriage Announcement:
Published Date: 1892-03-26
Newspaper: Denver Rocky Mountain News 
Horr, Julia (I36979)
14808 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Ancestry: Ebenezer 5, Thomas 4, John 3, Samuel 2, Edward 1
Genealogy of Edward Fuller of the Mayflower. page 243, 244
by William Hyslop Fuller, Palmer, Mass.?. unknown. 1908. 
Fuller, Dimis (I4785)
14809 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Baraboo Wisconsin
Horr Frankie, student, res 616 Ash.
Horr Lulu M., clk U. Von Wald, res 616 Ash.
Horr Otis S., res 616 Ash.
Horr Warren, lab, res 616 Ash.

Civil War Record
Name: Otis L Horr ,
Enlistment Date: 07 May 1861
Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE
Side Served: Union
State Served: New York
Unit Numbers: 1505 1505
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 07 May 1861 at the age of 18 Enlisted in Company G, 35th Infantry Regiment New York on 11 June 1861.Mustered out Company G, 35th Infantry Regiment New York on 05 June 1863 in Elmira, NY
Name: Otis L Horr ,
Enlistment Date: 01 August 1863
Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE
Side Served: Union
State Served: New York
Unit Numbers: 1306 1306
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 01 August 1863 at the age of 22 Enlisted in Company B, 1st Vet Cavalry Regiment New York on 01 August 1863.Mustered out Company B, 1st Vet Cavalry Regiment New York on 20 July 1865 in Camp Piatt, WV

Information was obtained from the History of Oswego County, N. Y., 1789 - 1877, published by Everett & Ferriss, 1878
HOR, Otis J., enl in the 35th Inf., Jan 1, 1861; re-enlisted in lst Vet. Cav., Aug 16, 1863; promoted to corporal; discharged in summer of 1865

Name: Otis Shaw Horr
Gender: Male
Burial Date:
Burial Place:
Death Date: 18 Nov 1899
Death Place: Baraboo, Sauk, Wisconsin
Age: 57
Birth Date: 1842
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Sarah J. Shepherd Horr
Father's Name: Levi Horr
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Lucy J. Horr
Mother's Birthplace:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B06565-9
System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy
GS Film number: 1311655
Reference ID: 506


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1860 Census: Ellisburgh, Jefferson Co, New York
Post Office: Pierrepont Manor
William Eastman, age 29, born NY, Farmer
Sophia Eastman, age 26, born
Warren Horr, age 24, born NY, Laborer
Otis Horr, age 18, born NY, Laborer
Mary Rounsdall, age 18, born NY, Serving

1870 Census: Eaton, Monroe Co, Wisconsin
Post Office: Sparta
Otis Horr, age 28, works in Sawmill, born in NY
Sarah J. Horr, age 20, NY
Lucy J. Horr, age 6? mos., Wisconsin

Transcribed as Olis Horr.
1880 Census Place: Lincoln, Monroe Co, Wisconsin
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Otis HORR Self M Male W 37 NY Work In Sawmill PA NY
Sarah J. HORR Wife M Female W 30 NY Keeping House NY NY
Lucy J. HORR Dau S Female W 11 WI At School NY NY
William H. HORR Son S Male W 9 WI At School NY NY
Warren L. HORR Son S Male W 7 WI At School NY NY
Eliza M. HORR [Lulu M.] Dau S Female W 5 WI At Home NY NY
Frankie HORR Dau S Female W 2M WI At Home NY NY

1890 Veterans Schedule Monroe Co, Wisconsin, Township E.D. 198 Sparta
Ottis S. Horr

1900 Census: Baraboo Ward 2, Sauk Co, Wisconsin
Sarah Jane Horr, head, Dec 1849, age 50, m 24 yrs, 6 births 5 living, bp NY, p's bp NY, Boarding House
Lulu Horr, dau, July 1875, age 24, bp WI, p's bp NY, clerk- jewerly store
Frankie Horr, dau, April 1880, age 20, bp WI, p's bp NY
Elizabeth Horr, dau, Jan 1886, age 14, bp WI, p's bp NY
Six boarders including
Della Shephard, boarder, Oct 1872, age 27, single, bp WI, p's bp NY, Servant
Hazel Shephard, boarder, Oct 1890, age 9, bp WI, p's bp NY
Della Shephard, boarder, Jan 1894, age 4, bp WI, p's bp NY

Living with dau Elizabeth in 1910.
1910 Census: 1st Ward, Baraboo, Sauk Co, Wisconsin
S. J. Horr, mo-in-law, age 60, widow, 6 births 5 living, bp NY, p's bp NY.
Horr, Otis (I13654)
14810 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

At the time of their marriage John Cooley was 49 and Mary Ann (Brown) Horr was 37.

Groom's Name: John Cooley
Groom's Birth Date:
Groom's Birthplace:
Groom's Age:
Bride's Name: Maryann Horr
Bride's Birth Date:
Bride's Birthplace:
Bride's Age:
Marriage Date: 22 Apr 1848
Marriage Place: Pelham, Hampshire, Massachusetts
Groom's Father's Name:
Groom's Mother's Name:
Bride's Father's Name:
Bride's Mother's Name:
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01173-6
System Origin: Massachusetts-ODM
Source Film Number: 1863287
Reference Number:
Collection: Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910 
Brown, Mary (I8043)
14811 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

At the time of their marriage John Cooley was 49 and Mary Ann (Brown) Horr was 37.

Groom's Name: John Cooley
Groom's Birth Date:
Groom's Birthplace:
Groom's Age:
Bride's Name: Maryann Horr
Bride's Birth Date:
Bride's Birthplace:
Bride's Age:
Marriage Date: 22 Apr 1848
Marriage Place: Pelham, Hampshire, Massachusetts
Groom's Father's Name:
Groom's Mother's Name:
Bride's Father's Name:
Bride's Mother's Name:
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01173-6
System Origin: Massachusetts-ODM
Source Film Number: 1863287
Reference Number:
Collection: Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910 
Cooley, John (I8042)
14812 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Barbara V. Smith 
Carroll, Nora Esther (I23111)
14813 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Beryl may not have been her birth name. 
Burns, Beryl (I23060)
14814 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Bio of Sparrell, John Henry (b.1828) Wabasha Co., MN
This bio comes from "HISTORY OF WABASHA COUNTY" 1884.
Sparrell, John Henry (deceased), was born in Bedford, Massachusetts, September 26, 1828. After reaching school age, he attended the common schools and subsequently became a student of Bridgewater Academy in the same state. But at the early age of eighteen he quit school and engaged in the manufacture of furniture in his native town. His parents, John and Sylvia (Turner) Sparrell, were natives of Situate, Mass., and the parents of ten children the only surviving one being Emeline A. Sparrell of Boston. The subject of our sketch came to this country in 18858 and preempted land in Gillford township. In the spring of 1862 he opened up the farm and subsequently purchased adjoining lands until he became known
as one of the largest land-holders in that section of the country.
Although Mr. Sparrell has no military record, he was very active in
securing substitutes for his neighbors who did not wish to serve their
country in the capacity of soldier during the civil war. Our subject took
an active part in politics, and was often elected state delegate to county or state republican conventions. In short, he was always interested in any public work, or anything for the benefit and advancement of the community in which he lived. In 1865 he moved to Lake City, where he became a member of the firm known as Sparrell & Bates, dealers in and manufacturers of furniture. Soon after, they established a branch store at Red Wing, which was conducted by his brother, E. K. Sparrell, the firm being Sparrell, Bates & Co. They did an extensive business until his failing health made it necessary for him to retire from active life. But his brother dying (July 29, 1874), he resumed business for the purpose of settling up his brother's estate. At length, his health again failed and on September 20, 1877, departed this life.
Our subject was a member of Red Wing Lodge No. 8, A.F. and A.M., the Masonic Aid Association, and the Knight Templars, each of which offered resolutions at the time of his death. At a stated conclave of Red Wing Commandery No. 10, K. T., held September 24, 1877, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted:
"WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst our well beloved brother, Sir Knight John Henry Sparrell; therefore "Resolved, 1st, That in his death the Commandery has sustained a loss which every member sincerely mourns.
"Resolved, 2d., That we will ever respect and cherish in our memory the manly virtues, the sterling integrity and sincere friendship of our
deceased brother.
"Resolved, 3d., That to the bereaved family of the deceased we tender our
heartfelt sympathy in this their hour of affliction.
"Resolved, 4th., That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the
family of our deceased brother, and spread upon the records of this
Fred. Joss, Dwight M. Baldwin, Ira J. Kellogg, Committee
On November 20, 1862, Mr. Sparrell wedded Mazie A. Horr, of Bloomington, Illinois. This union was blest with the birth of one child, Daisy S. As it had always been the intention of our subject to have his daughter educated at the Normal School at Bridgewater, Mass., his wishes were carried out by her graduating from that institution in 1882, with high honors. 
Sparrell, John Henry (I14094)
14815 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


Groom's Name: James W. Anderson
Groom's Birth Date: 1840
Groom's Birthplace:
Groom's Age: 35
Bride's Name: Sarah Horr
Bride's Birth Date: 1844
Bride's Birthplace:
Bride's Age: 31
Marriage Date: 10 Jan 1875
Marriage Place: Williamsburgh, Franklin, Kansas
Groom's Father's Name:
Groom's Mother's Name:
Bride's Father's Name:
Bride's Mother's Name:
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status:
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status:
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M72505-2
System Origin: Kansas-EASy
Source Film Number: 1451455
Reference Number: bk. l pg. 95
Collection: Kansas Marriages, 1840-1935

Co. F and A, 2nd ILL Cavalry
Portrait and Biological Record of Southeastern Kansas, Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the Counties, Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the Presidents of the United States and The Governors of the State of Kansas. Chicago, Biographical Publishing Co. 1894.

Judge J. W. Anderson, Probate Judge of Neosho County, makes his home in Erie, Kan. He is native of the Buckeye State, born in Pickaway County October 23, 1840, and is the son of John R. Anderson, who was born in eastern Maryland, whence he came to Ohio when a boy with his father, James Anderson. The latter served in the War of 1812. John R. grew to manhood in Pickaway County, and there married Miss Susan, daughter of Jacob Shepherd. Hen then engaged in farming until 1858, when he removed to Piatt County, Ill., where he purchased a small tract of land and engaged in its cultivation until 1869. In that year he went to Barton County, Mo., where his death occurred in 1871. He had lost his first wife, and afterward married Elizabeth Asher, who was called to her final rest in 1889. By the first marriage were born ten children, nine of who grew to manhood and womanhood, while five are still living.
Judge Anderson acquired his education in the common schools of Ohio and Illinois, and was reared to farm life. He followed agricultural pursuits until entering the army in July, 1861. Prompted by patriotic impulses, he joined the boys in blue of Company F, Second Illinois Cavalry, and became First Sergeant. He was mustered out November 22, 1865. He had participated in the battle and siege of Vicksburg, the engagements at Holly Springs and Jackson, and altogether was in thirty-two battles and skirmishes. He was wounded at Holly Springs and also in the battle of Middlebury, Tenn.
After the war Mr. Anderson returned to Illinois, and on the 11th of October, 1866, removed to Barton County, Mo., where he purchased eighty acres of land. Later he extended the boundaries on his farm until it comprised one hundred and sixty acres, which he places under a high state of cultivation. He was married on the 9th of March, 1864, to Sarah, daughter of James B. Morain, of Piatt County, Ill., and a native of Pickaway County, Ohio. They became the parents of five children but two died in infancy. Those living are: Cora; Olive, wife of B. C. Degarmo; and Emma, wife of C. J. Burrows, proprietor of the Star Grocery, of Parsons, Kan. The mother of this family died, and in 1873 Judge Anderson wedded Miss Sarah, daughter of Josiah Hoor, and a native of McLean County, Ill.
In 1874, our subject removed to McLean County, where he followed farming for five years, and then came to Neosho County. He first purchased a farm of two hundred and forty acres, partially improved. This he placed under a high state of cultivation, and made of it a valuable and desirable place. He also owns one hundred and sixty acres of land in Erie Township, which yields to him a good income. Both farms are now rented, while the Judge devotes his attention to his official duties. In the fall of 1890 he was elected Probate Judge, and entered upon the duties of that office January 12, 1891. So acceptably did he fill the position that he was re-elected, and entered upon his second term in 1893. He was one of the organizers of his party in this county, and is one of its active workers. For four years he has been identified with the Populist party.
Socially, our subject is connected with the Farmers' Alliance, and is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, having served as Commander of the local post for two years. His wife is a very prominent worker in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and both the Judge and Mrs. Anderson are consistent members and leading workers in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Prominent in benevolent and social interests, they give their support to everything calculated to prove of public benefit or to advance the general welfare. Their lives are indeed exemplary, having been well and worthily passed. The Judge has been true to every trust reposed in him, whether public or private. He is held in universal confidence and esteem, and it is with pleasure that we present to our readers this record of his life. 
Anderson, Judge James W. (I13567)
14816 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1860.
1860 Census: Watertown, Jefferson, New York
Virgil, age 20, bp NY, Student 
Hart, Virgil Chittenden (I23552)
14817 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at



[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living at home in 1860, 1870 and 1880:

Transcribed as Rbecka
1860 Census: Cuba, Allegany Co, New York
J. Warren Rowley, age 29, bp NY, Banker
Rebecka Rowley, age 28, bp NY
Charles C. Rowley, age 3, bp NY
Emma Preston, age 15, bp NY

1870 Census: Springfield, Clark Co, Ohio
J. W. Rowley, age 48, bp NY, Pet/Ret Coal Dealer
Rebecca Rowley, age 39, bp NY
Charles Rowley, age 13, bp NY
Frank Rowley, age 8, bp NY
Elizabeth Taylor, 59, bp NY

1880 Census: Springfield, Clark Co, Ohio
Rebecca Rowley, head, age 49, widow, bp NY, f's bp MA, m's bp NY, no occ
Charles G. Rowley, son, age 23, single, bp NY, p's bp NY, Stenographer
Betsy E. Taylor, mother, age 69, widow, bp NY, f's bp CT. m's bp NY 
Rowley, Charles Girdell (I6222)
14818 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


Howard, Elizabeth (I9798)
14819 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Birth and Death info from Records.(but has Martin and Rebecca Hubbard as parents)

1850 Census for Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Harvey Hubbard, 39, NY
Emily Hubbard, 28, MA
Augustine Hubbard, 8, MI
Mary Hubbard, 6, MI
Martha Hubbard, 10/12, MI
Itheal Hubbard, 77, MA 
Hubbard, Harvey (I6747)
14820 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Birth Announcement:
Binghamton NY Press Grayscale 1926 - 2145.pdf
"A son was born' to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Root, 17 Jarvli street, at Mrs. Bradbury's Prlvate hospital, 24 Ogdon, street, March ao. He Is named Robert Charles.

Marriage announcement with photo of the bride:
Binghamton NY Press Grayscale 1955 - 1745.pdf 
Root, Robert Charles (I55340)
14821 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Birth Date:


JAMES E. WOOD, farmer and stock-raiser; P. 0. Arrowsmith ; one of the old settlers of McLean Co. ; was born in Monroe Co., Ind., June 6, 1831, and came to McLean Co., Oct. 30, 1854 ; he had about $500 of the wild-cat money of that lime in his possession, when he came to McLean Co., but could not dispose of it for 30 cents on the $1, the consequence was, he had to commence in a new country without any means; but, by hard work and economy, he is now the owner of 324 acres of land all under a good state of cultivation. He was united in marriage with Nancy Puett Oct. 80, 1853 ; from this union there were eight children, six of whom are now living, viz., Robert P., William E., James E., Ellsworth, John A. and George W. ; the names of those deceased were Nancy E. and Sarah D. Vlrs. Nancy Wood died Nov. 23, 1872. On Nov. 12, 1873, Mr. Wood was married to Martha Horr, whose father was one of the pioneers of McLean Co. Mr. Wood is a strict temperance man ; a Republican in politics, and a great admirer of that party. 
Wood, James E. Sr. (I13591)
14822 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Birth listed with Pelham Vital records:

Name: William Godfrey Horr
Gender: Male
Burial Date:
Burial Place:
Death Date: 04 Mar 1848
Death Place: Prescott, Hampshire, Massachusetts
Age: 34
Birth Date: 1814
Birthplace: Petham Now Prescott
Occupation: Farmer
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: John Horr
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Abigail
Mother's Birthplace:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B06671-0
System Origin: Massachusetts-EASy
Source Film Number: 959810
Reference Number: 189-8
Collection: Massachusetts Deaths and Burials, 1795-1910


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.
1840 Census: Prescott, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts
William Hoar
1 male 20 to 30 years
1 female 20 to 30 yrs.
Previous household father John Hoar.
Horr, William (I13333)
14823 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Birth listed with Pelham Vital records>
Marriage and death mentioned in John Cowan's memorandum book.

Name: Edmund P. Horr
Gender: Male
Burial Date:
Burial Place:
Death Date: 06 Nov 1846
Death Place: Prescott, Massachusetts
Age: 35
Birth Date: 1811
Birthplace: Prescott
Occupation: Farmer
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name:
Father's Name: John Horr
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Abigail
Mother's Birthplace:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B06666-7
System Origin: Massachusetts-EASy
Source Film Number: 959809
Reference Number: v 26 p 193
Collection: Massachusetts Deaths and Burials, 1795-1910 
Horr, Edmund (I13319)
14824 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Birth listed with Pelham Vital records> 
Horr, Nathaniel (I6617)
14825 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Birth name Leroy, changed to Roy.

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: Brockton, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Roy F. Keith, age 24, bp MA, p's bp MA, Shoe Cutter- shoe factory
Susie E. Keith, wife, age 24, bp MA, f's bp ME, m's bp ENG, Stenographer- shoe office
No others listed

Transcribed as Soisie
1930 Census: West Bridgewater, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Roy F. Keith, age 34, m at age24, bp MA, p's bp MA, Shoe Worker- shoe factory
Susie E. Keith, wife, age 34, m at age24, bp MA, f's bp ME, m's bp ENG
Albert F. Keith, son age 9, bp MA
Bernard E. Keith, son, age 6, bp MA
Marjorie E. Keith, dau, age 5, bp MA 
Keith, Roy Franklin (I22884)
14826 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Birth recorded in Pelham records.
Thompson, Merrick Monroe, ch. Isaac and Mercia, Dec. 21, 1826. 
Thompson, Merrick Monroe (I16894)
14827 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Birth recorded in Pelham records.
Thompson, Rachel Carroline, ch. Isaac and Mercia, Apr. 18, 1829. 
Thompson, Rachel Caroline (I16896)
14828 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I49014)
14829 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I49012)
14830 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Horr, Agnes (I14583)
14831 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Horr, Mary (I14581)
14832 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at



Horr, Charles (I7149)
14833 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


Living with her grandmother in the 1880 census:

Pierce, Florence May (I42427)
14834 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Greenfield, Franklin Co, Massachusetts
Living in the household of her uncle Isaac Barton.
Isaac Barton, age 55, Bp: MA, Farmer
Matilda Barton, age 57
Lyman Barton, age 23, Bp: MA, Farmer
Mary Thayer, age 22, Bp: MA
Lucy Barton, age 15, Bp: MA
Lyman (Could not make out surname, Snellen?) age 16
Timon Stevens, age 25, Bp: VT, Farmer
Byron Hilman, age 23, Bp: MA, Farmer
The next household is Samuel Pierce age 35, and Phebe Pierce age 54.

From: "Portage County, Ohio Newspaper Obituary Abstracts 1825-1870"
by Michael Clegg, 1982
"Lucy A. Hoskin, of Shalersville, died 15 Apr, 1859, age 25, wife of E.R." 
Barton, Lucy Angelia (I6205)
14835 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at



[[Married name found on Rev. war pension records for her father. (Footnote Site)
Listed as one of his surviving children. 
Clark, Mary (I35132)
14836 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Clark, Joanna (I15823)
14837 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at




[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1820 Census Rochester, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Many, many Clarks in this location.
Stillman Clark, 2 0 0 0 1 0// 1 0 0 2 0
Note only 3 children in household, 5 births 4 living in 1820.
Barnaby Clark, 1 0 0 0 0 1// 0 0 3 1 1 
Clark, Samuel Stillman (I15974)
14838 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at




Death date confirmed by information found on his father's Rev. war. pension papers, along with the names of his (John's) wife and children. 
Clark, John Sr. (I24200)
14839 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1860 Census: Reading, Middlesex Co, Massachusetts
Joseph Peirce, age 64, bp NH, Cord Wainer
Judith Peirce, age 68, bp MA 
Clark, Judith (I15948)
14840 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at



Clark, Barnabas Jr. (I15812)
14841 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at




Cemetery record: Died age 79yrs 2mos 23days. 
Rider, Nellie Relief (I65546)
14842 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Barton, David (I11022)
14843 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


Marriage to George: 
Wedger, Alice Dodge (I18126)
14844 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


Marriage Announcement:
Published Date: 1930-03-14
Newspaper: Springfield Republican

Obituary:(No children listed)
Date: 1938-08-23
Paper: Springfield Republican

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with parents in 1920.
1920 Census: Enfield, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts
Carrie E. Horr, dau, age 38, single, bp MA

Mother and brother were living with her.
1930 Census: Enfield, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts
William F. Chamberlain, age 55, bp MA, p's bp MA, Machinist- Radio Shop
Carrie L. Chamberlain, wife, age 48, bp MA, p's bp MA
No children listed.

William F. Chamberlin was single, age 44, in 1920.
1900 Census: Prescott, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts
Willaim F. Chamberlain, head, age 44, single, bp MA, p's bp MA, Sawyer- saw mill
Mary V. Horr, mo-in-law, age 73, bp MA, bp MA, p's bp MA
George R. Horr, br-in-law, age 42, single, bp MA, p's bp MA, Laborer- gen- labor
No others listed.
Transcribed as Mary V Hord.
Following household was widow James Horr and family. 
Horr, Carrie (I35267)
14845 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Clark, (Female) (I56672)
14846 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Clark, Hannah Amelia (I56671)
14847 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at



[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with her parents in 1860:
1860 Census: Wareham, Plymouth Co, MA
John C. Besse, age 49, bp MA, Laborer
Phebe G. Besse, age 47, bp MA
Juliana B. Besse, age 16, bp MA
John C. Besse, age 10, bp MA
Emma E. F. Besse, age 7, bp MA
Mary Besse, age 86, bp MA 
Besse, Emma F. (I21237)
14848 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Wheelock, Abby Jane (I57232)
14849 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Clark, Alice Maria (I56673)
14850 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


Andrews, Susie Evelyn (I22885)

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