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14751 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Transcribed as HERR, town mistranscribed, the name is Calpella
1900 Census: Calnella, Mendocino Co, California
Bert Horr, Mar 1868, age 32, m 4 yrs, bp NY, m's bp NY, Farmer
Annie Horr, 1 birth, personal info left blank
Walter Horr, son, personal info left blank
Fred J. Horr, brother, July 1878, age 21, bp WI, bp's bp NY, Day laborer
Svid T. McChinlock, boarder, Day laborer
John H, Williams, boarder, Day laborer

1910 Census: Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, California
Bert W. Horr, age 42, married 14 yrs, bp NY, Manager- Sawmill
Anna B. Horr, age 38, 3 births 2 living, bp Russ- German
Walter R. Horr, son, age 11, bp CA
Emily G. Horr, dau, age 8, bp CA
Kate Downey, servant, age 20, bp CA

Transcribed as Hora
1920 Census: Jacumba, San Diego Co, California
Bert Horr, age 51, bp NY, p's bp NY, Laborer- state highway
Anna Horr, wife, age 49, RUS, p's bp RUS
Grace E. Horr, dau, age 18, bp CA
Walter R. Horr, son, age 20, bp CA, Truck Driver- state highway
Ila M. Horr, dau, age 9, bp CA

1930 Census: Jacumba, San Diego Co, California
Bert W. Horr, age 62, bp NY, p's bp NY, Manager- farm resort
Anna B. Horr, age 58, bp So RUS, p's bp So RUS 
Horr, Albert (I35500)
14752 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Transcribed as Jessie M.
1900 Census: Malden Ward 7, Middlesex Co, Massachusetts
Phillips Street
Mrs. Je??ie M. Horr, head, May 1859, age 41, divorced, 3 births 1 living, bp MA, p's bp MA, Boarding Mistress
Lilian J. Horr, niece, Sept 1883, age 16, bp MA, p's bp MA
Charles A. Carr, boarder, Apr 1870, age 30, single, bp CAN, p's bp CAN, in 1891, Painter- house
Harry H. Lyman, boarder, June 1877, age 22, single, bp MA, p's bp MA, Salesman- market
appears to be a duplex or another home on same property

1910 Census: 4-Wd Malden, Middlesex Co, Massachusetts
Linden Ave.
Charles A Carr, age 39, 1m 3 yrs, bp CAN, p's bp CAN, im 1889, Painter- rubber factory
Jennie M. Carr, wife, age 50, 2m 3 yrs, 3 births 1 living, bp MA, p's bp MA
No others listed, appears to be a duplex or another home on same property
John M. Connell, head, age 35, 1m 2 yrs, bp MA, p's bp IRE, Soapmaker
Lilian P. Connell, wife, age 27, 0 births, bp MA, p's bp MA 
Adams, Jennie (I8354)
14753 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Transcribed as Moreth- unreadable.
1930 Census: Yeager, Hughes Co, Oklahoma
Moreth B. Grizzle, 46, bp TN, f bp GA, m bp NC, Oil Field Laborer
Della E. Grizzle, 39, TN, p bp TN
George R. 19, Louis 12, J.D. son 10, Nina P. 3 1/12, William 3/12 all bp OK
Dorothy L. Grizzle, age 6, bp OK, p bp TN 
Grizzle, Dorothy (I15158)
14754 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Transcribed as Otta F.
1900 Census: Ottawa Ward 2, LaSalle Co, Illinois
Otto H. Bollmeyer, Sept 1843, age 56, m 24 yrs, bp OH, p's bp GER, Office Clerk
Helen A. Bollmeyer, Oct 1848, age 51, 2 births 2 living, bp CT, p's bp CT
Harry Bollmeyer, son, July 1879, age 20, bp IL, Office Clerk
Helen Bollmeyer, dau, Mar 1889, age 11, bp IL
Henry H. Jones, fa-in-law, Mar 1825, age 75, bp CT, p's bp CT, Salesman- carriages 
Bollmeyer, Helen (I17014)
14755 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Transcribed as Ronna
Living with parents in 1860.
1860 Census: Watertown, Jefferson, New York
Rosa [?], age 9, bp NY 
Hart, Rose Emma (I23559)
14756 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Transcribed as Ruse.
1900 Census: Ways, Thomas Co, Georgia
Ben C. Reese, July 1871, age 28, m 4 yrs, bp GA, p's bp GA, Manager- saw mill
Minnie Reese, wife, Aug 1878, age 21, 1 birth, bp GA, p's bp GA
Oney Reese, dau, Aug 1896, age 3, bp GA
Previous household was Doctor W.H. REESE, Farmer
with wife Julia C., son George A. and mother Jane

1910 Census: Pavo, Thomas Co, Georgia
Benjamin C. Reese, 38, GA, p's bp GA, Teacher
Minnie F. Reese, age 30, bp SC, p's bp SC
Onie L. Reese, dau, 12, GA
Venice Reese, dau, age 4, bp GA
Marie Reese, dau, age 10/12, GA

1920 Census: Pavo, Thomas Co, Georgia
Benjamin C. Reese, 48?, bp GA, p's bp GA, Salesman- fertilizer
Minnie Reese, wife, age 41, bp SC, p's bp SC
Venice Reese, dau, age 14, bp GA, f's bp GA, m's bp SC
Pauline Reese, dau, age 5, bp GA
Sarah Reese, dau, age 2 5?/12, bp GA

1930 Census: Pavo, Thomas Co, Georgia
Benjamin C. Reese, age 58, bp GA, Stock Trader- mules & horses
Minnie F. Reese, wife, 52, bp SC
Pauline Reese, dau, 16, bp GA
Sarah J. Reese, dau, 12, bp GA
Janie Crowe, neice, 15, bp GA 
Reese, Benjamin Carey (I23038)
14757 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Transcribed as Vermillion County
1900 Census: Grant, Vermilion, Illinois
George Evans, Dec 1852, age 47, m 15 yrs, bp PA, p's bp PA
Matilda Evans, wife, Feb 1862, age 38, 1 birth, bp IL, f's bp ENG, m's bp IL
Maude Evans, dau, Feb 1890, age 10, bp Il, f's bp PA, m's bp IL

1910 Census: Hoopeston, Grant twp, Vermilion Co, Illinois
George M. Evans, age 57, m 25 yrs, bp PA, p's bp ???, no occ.
Matilda Evans, wife, age 47, 1 births, bp IL, f's bp ENG, m's bp IL
Maud Evans, dau, age 19, bp IL, f's bp PA, m's bp IL, no occ.
three households from Thomas & Maggie Evans, ages 52 & 44, farmer, bp PA

1920 Census: Hoopeston, Vermilion Co, Illinois
Matilda Evans, age 57, widow, bp IL
Maude Evans, dau, age 28, single, bp IL, Teacher- public school

1930 Census: Hoopeston, Vermilion Co, Illinois
Matilda Evans, age 68, widow, bp IL
Maude Evans, dau, age 35, single, bp IL, Teacher- high school 
Groom, Matilda J. (I16498)
14758 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Transcribed as Vermillion County.
1860 Census: Danville, Ross twp, Vermilion Co, Illinois
George Dickson, age 23, bp OH, Farmer
Sarah Dickson, age 23, bp IL
No others listed in household.

1880 Census Place: Ross, Vermilion Co, Illinois
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
George DICKSON Self M Male W 44 IL Farmer PA OH
Sarah DICKSON Wife M Female W 42 IL Keeping House NY NY
Roldolphus DICKSON Son S Male W 19 IL Farm Laborer IL IL
Mary DICKSON Dau S Female W 17 IL At Home IL IL
Ellen DICKSON Dau S Female W 13 IL At Home IL IL
Matilda DICKSON Dau S Female W 6 IL At Home IL IL
Eli DICKSON Son S Male W 4 IL At Home IL IL

Not found in the 1870, 1900 Vermilion Co IL censuses.

Living with her dau Matilda
1910 Census: Rossville, Ross Twp, Vermilion Co, Ilinois
Sarah Dickson, mo-in-law, age ??, widow, 7 births 3 living, bp IL, p's bp NY
Image difficult to read, 14 of 27.
Note Sarah stated 7 births with only 3 living. 
Gilbert, Sarah (I3961)
14759 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Twin to Frank Huntington Bowen.

Living with mother in 1930.
1930 Census: Clayton, Union Co, New Mexico
Francis Bowen, dau, age 18, bp NM 
Bowen, Frances Marie (I4830)
14760 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Twin to Irene Belle Horr.
Could not find in 1910, 1920 censuses.

Living with father & step mother in 1880.
1880 Census Place: Monroe, Butler Co, Iowa
Aline M. HORR Dau S Female W 2 IA NY IL

Living with step mother in 1900.
1900 Census: Rock, Lyon Co, Iowa
Ilena May Horr, dau, Mar 1878, age 22, bp IA, f's bp NY, School Teacher
Note the twins, their birth m's bp was Iowa, Louisa's bp was Illinois

1930 Census: Troy, Pipestone Co, Minnesota
John A. Trageser, age 47, m at 24, bp IA, f's bp GER, m's bp, NY, General Farmer- farm
Allena Trageser, wife, age, 50, m at 26, bp NY, f's bp NY, m's bp OH
Vernon Trageser, son, age 22, bp MN, p's bp NY, Bookkeeper- office
Mildred Trageser, dau, age 17, bp MN, p's bp NY
No others listed in household.
Note Allena is 2 yrs younger. 
Horr, Allena (I4443)
14761 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Velma was 23 yrs old at marriage.

1930 Census: San Diego, San Diego Co, California
Living with her parents Warren J. and Lavina B. Bailey
Velma L. Horr, dau, age 25, married, bp CO, f's b[ PA, m's bp KS
Barbara L. Horr, gr-dau, age 6, bp CA, f's bp CA, m's bp CO 
Bailey, Velma (I4780)
14762 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

When he was excommunicated from the LDS church in about 1867, all of his wives (9-12 wives) left him except for Bernetta, his first wife.

1850 Census: twp not stated, Great Salt Lake Co, Utah Territory
William A. Hickman, age 36, bp KY, Farmer
Brennetta, Hickman, age 39, bp In
Sarah Hickman, age 15, bp MO
George Hickman, age 6, bp MO
Brennetta, Hickman, age 3, bp IA
next household...
Minerva Hickman, age 20, female, bp NY
Henry Hickman, age 19, bp PA, Laborer
Elizabeth, Hickman, age 18, bp MO
Sarah Hickman, age 16, bp MO
William Hickman, age 15, bp MO

1860 Census: PO West Jordon, Salt Lake Co, Utah
William A. Hickman, age 45, Farmer, bp KY
Eight adult woman, Hickman's, including;
*7th Mary [Horr] Hickman, age 20, bp IL
Nineteen Hickman children, ages 15 yrs to 4 months,
appears to be grouped with direct siblings and not by age.
Lucinda, age 2, bp UT
Brigham, age 1, bp UT
Jordan, male , age 3, bp UT
Three adult men, age 30, farm laborers 
Hickman, William Adams (I9898)
14763 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

With his first wife he had two known children:
1. Living female child
2. Leonard George STITZER
Born: 27 Feb 1908 Place: Ogden, Weber, Ut
Died: 30 Aug 1946 Place: Ogden, Weber, Ut
Buried: 3 Sep 1946 Place: Ogden, Weber, Ut

Leonard Sr and Sara had 3 children Leonard George Stitzer Jr,
Max Joseph Stitzer and Dorothy Leona Stitzer.
Leonard Stitzer Jr married Alvilda Amy Pouslen and they had 3 children
Leonard George Stitzer 3rd, Dorothy Sadella Stitzer and Connie Stitzer Max Joseph Stitzer married Dessie Davis (who is still alive) had 2 children
James Joseph Stitzer, Susan Leona Stitzer
and Dorothy Leona Stitzer never married.
Leonard George Stitzer 3rd had 3 children, Leonard George Stitzer 4th (no
there isn't a 5th) Carol Marie Stitzer and Bret Lee Stitzer (my husband)

born 2/25/1880 in GERMANY, died: 7/9/1953 in OGDEN,UT, Burial Date: 7/13/1953
Plot# 2A-7-13-4E (see attached amended death certificate that shows
the correct birth date as 1881)

LEONARD STITZER b: 04 Jan 1930 d: May 1971 SS card issued in Utah.

1920 Census: Ogden, Weber Co, Utah
L. G. Stitzer, age 39, Berlin Germany, parent's bp Ger., Foreman in Canning factory
Sadella Stitzer, age 37, bp Utah, parent's bp England
Leonard G., age 11, bp Utah, son
Max J., age 10, bp Utah, son
Dorothea [Dorothy L.], age 7, bp Utah, dau 
Stitzer, Leonard George (I10075)
14764 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Written as Boyington
1900 Census: Oxford, Bannock Co, Idaho
Joseph H. Boyington, Dec 1862, m 18 yrs, bp UT, f's bp MI, m's bp MO, Farmer
Rosetta Boyington, wife, Feb 1865, age 34, 9 births 8 living, bp UT, f's bp CA, m's bp ENG
Lawrence Boyington, son, Jan 1883, age 17, bp UT, Farm Laborer
Mable Boyington, dau, Nov 1884, age 15, bp ID
Walter Boyington, son, July 1887, age 12, bp ID
Pearl Boyington, dau, Sept 1889, age 10, bp ID
Frank Boyington, son May 1892, age 8, bp ID
Henry Boyington, son, Dec 1894, age 5, bp ID
Celia Boyington, dau, Apr 1897, age 3, bp ID
Lee Boyington, son, July 1899, age 10/12, bp ID
Dick Ford, servant, May 1847, age 53, bp VA, Farm Laborer

1910 Census: Marsh Valley, Bannock Co, Idaho
Joseph H. Byington, age 47, 1m, bp UT, p's bp IL, Farming- farm
Rose Byington, wife, 44, 1m 12 yrs, 12 births 11 living, bp UT, f's bp CA, m's bp ENG, Cook- boarding house
Frank Byington, son, age 17, bp ID, student- industrial scholl
Henry Byington, son, age 15, bp ID, Farming- laborer
Celia Byington, dau, age 12, bp ID
Lee Byington, son, age 10, bp ID
Thomas Byington, son, age 7, bp ID
Jewell Byington, dau, age 5, bp ID
Ruby Byington, dau, age 3, bp ID
Grace Branden [?], niece, age 20, single, bp ID, f's bp IL, m's bp ID, Cook- boarding house
Hazel Branden [?], niece, age 14, single, bp ID, f's bp IL, m's bp ID
John R. Wright, so-in-law, age 30, 1m 0 yrs, bp ID, f's bp VA, m's bp WV, Sheep Man- herder
Pearl Wright, dau, age 20, 2m 0 yrs, 1 birth 0 living, bp ID 
Byington, Joseph Henry (I15425)
14765 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Written as Faron.
1930 Census: Oneida, Madison Co, New York
Robert R. Faron, age 29, bp NY, p's bp NY, Cashier- National Bank
Ruby K. Faron, wife, age 29, bp NY, p's bp NY
Robert H. Faron, son, age 2 6/12, bp NY
1 female maid, age 17, bp PA 
Fearon, Robert H. (I15091)
14766 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Written as Harr.
1930 Census: Dayton, Montgomery Co, Ohio
George Harr, son-in-law, age 21, m at age 21, bp IN, p's bp IN, Ball Player- Central League
Mary Harr, dau, age 20, m at age 20, bp OH, p's bp POL, Armitrice Wind- auto parts 
Horr, George (I10593)
14767 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Written as HIATT
1860 Census: Saybrook, P O Cheney Grove, McLean Co, Illinois
P.H. Hiatt, age 24, Farmer, bp OH
Macy A. Hiatt, age 20, bp IL
Lewellyn Horr, age 21, Merchant, bp IL
(Cousin Llewellyn Horr, son of Uncle Calvin A. Horr, of Ohio.
He was not living with father and step mother in 1860.)

Written as HIATT
1870 Census: Saybrook, Cheney Grove, McLean Co, Illinois
Phillip H. Hiatt, age 36, farmer, bp Ohio
Lucy A. Hiatt, age 26, bp Illinois
John Hiatt, age 9, bp Illinois [Harold?]
Minnie Hiatt, age 6, bp Illinois
Lulu/Lulie Hiatt, age 2, bp Illinois

1880 Census Place: Cheneys Grove, Mc Lean Co, Illinois
Household: Note Mazy Ann is deceased.
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Phillip H. HIETT Self W Male W 46 OHIO Farmer OHIO OHIO
Harry HIETT Son S Male W 19 IL OHIO IL
Millie E. HIETT Dau S Female W 17 IL Keeping House OHIO IL
Luella HIETT Dau S Female W 12 IL OHIO IL
Clyde HIETT Son S Male W 5 IL OHIO IL

Philip remarried.
1900 Census: North Bend, Dodge, Nebraska
Philip H. Hiett, Aug 1833, age 66, m 15 yrs, bp OH, p's bp OH
Rachel F. Hiett, wife, May 1849, age 56, m 15 yrs, 3 births 2 living, bp OH, p's bp OH
George W. Hiett, son, Mar 1888, age 12, bp IL, p's bp OH 
Horr, Mazie (I34389)
14768 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Written as Hoars.
1910 Census: 1-Wd Pipestone, Pipestone, Minnesota
Louise Hoars, head, age 67, widow, 3 births 3 living, bp IL, f's bp VA, m's bp OH
Eva Hoars, dau, age 27, m 1 yr, 1 birth, bp IA, f's bp NY, m's bp IL
Mable Hoars, dau, age 24, single, bp IA, f's bp NY, m's bp IL
Wally T. Hoars, son age 27, m 1 yr, bp NC, p's bp NC
Bessie Hoars, dau, age 7 months, bp MN, f's bp NC, m's bp IA
No one in household has an occupation listed.

1920 Census: Fort Dodge, Wehkonsa[?] twp, Webster Co, Iowa
dated Jan 19, 1920
Louisa Hoar, head, age 76, widow, bp IL, f's bp VA, m's bp OH
Bessie Joiner, gr dau, age 10, bp MN, f's bp NC, m's bp IA
Frances Joiner, gr dau, age 8, bp MN, f's bp NC, m's bp IA

Louisa raised R.R.'s first 5 children, her own 3 surving children and then 2 of her grandchildren.

1M: George Huey Apr 12 1870
B: Edinburgh Scotland
D: Jan 19 1872/3, Buried: Pleasant View Cem Aplington, Butler Co Iowa
(no children)

Note her father and her second husband were known by the name 'RR'. 
Parriott, Louisa (I13551)
14769 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Written as Kelloge
1870 Census: Junction City, Davis Co, Kansas
Van Patten Kelloge, age 26, bp NY, Huckster
Minerva Kelloge, age 24, bp NY
Horace Kelloge, age 2, bp KS
Minerva Kelloge, age 4/12, bp KS
Eugene Kelloge, age 21, bp NY, Clerk in store
Sarah Seymour, age 11, bp NY, at home
3 male boarders.
Note also in Junction City was Martin Kellog, age 22, bp NY, Printer.

1880 Census Place: Junction, Davis Co, Kansas
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Minerva E. KELLOGG Self M Female W 33 NY Music Teacher NY VT
Horac Ozias KELLOGG Son S Male W 12 NY At School NY NY
Minerva Huntington KELLOGG Dau S Female W 10 NY At School NY NY
Fradrik Vanpatten KELLOGG Son S Male W 4 KS NY NY
Alfa Byron KELLOGG Son S Male W 3 KS NY NY
Note father is not living in the household.
Note Vivienne Amarilla is not listed in the household.

1900 Census: Manhattan, New York, New York
Extremly difficult to read, image 5 of 17
Ma??? Kellogg, head, Aug 1843, age 56, widow [?], 6 births 4 living, bp NY, p's bp NY, HouseKeeper
Frederick Kellogg, son, ? 1874, age 25, m 2 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Insurance? Broker?
Alpha Kellogg, son, Mar 1877, age ??, single, bp NY, p's bp NY, Insurance? Broker?
Dora Kellogg, da-in-law, Apr 187?, age ??, m 2 yrs, 0 births, bp NY, p's bp NY
[wife of Frederick]
6 lodgers

Living with son Frederick in 1920.
1920 Census: Closter, Bergen Co, New Jersey
Minerva Kellogg, mother, age 75, widow, bp NY, p's bp NY

Lving with son Alpha in 1930.
1930 Census: Closter, Bergen Co, New Jersey
Minerva E. Kellogg, mother, age 85, widow, bp NY, f's bp NY, m's bp VT 
Huntington, Minerva Elizabeth (I4620)
14770 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Written as Kramer
1870 Census: Allegheny Ward 4, Allegheny Co, Pennsylvania
Frank Kramer, 56, Prussia, Laborer
Theresa, 45, Prussia
Jas/Jos, 20, Prussia, Machinist
Frank, 10, PA
Theresa, 12, PA
Jno, 4, PA
Edwd, 9/12, Sept, PA

Census Place: Albion, Republic Co, Kansas 1880
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Frank KRAMEL Self M Male W 59 BOH Farming BOH BOH
Treas KRAMEL Wife M Female W 56 BOH Housekeeping BOH BOH
Frank KRAMEL Son S Male W 20 PA --- ---
John KRAMEL Son Male W 14 PA --- ---
Edw. KRAMEL Son S Male W 11 PA --- --- 
Kramel, John (I4923)
14771 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.
Living with mother in 1910.
1910 Census: Bloomington Ward 6, McLean Co, Illinois
Dorothy Harber, age 14, bp IL 
Harber, Dorothy (I19211)
14772 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[WAREHAM -- Beatrice L. (Surette) Gilmour-Standish, 84, of Middleboro, died suddenly Monday, June 1, 1998, at Tobey Hospital. She was the widow of Robert Gilmour and Walter Standish, and the daughter of the late Alexandre and Marie (Lamoureux) Surette. Mrs. Standish was born in New Bedford and lived there most of her life. She lived her last 10 years in Middleboro and was a communicant of the St. Rose of Lima Church in Rochester. Mrs. Standish was a member of the Standish "Kin" Club of Middleboro and was an avid bingo player. Mrs. Standish worked for Child and Family Services as a foster mother between 1957 and 1967, when she cared for 54 children, adopting two. Survivors include a son, Father Robert Gilmour, C.S.C., of Austin, Texas, a missionary in Ghana, West Africa.; a daughter, Lillian Ferreira of Rochester; two sisters, Alice Chrisman-Elias of Dartmouth and Loretta Finocci of Acushnet; four grandchildren; two nephews, and one niece. Arrangements are by the Rock Funeral Home, 1285 Ashley Blvd., New Bedford. 
Surette, Beatrice L. (I23620)
14773 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1840 Census Illinois, Vermilion Co head of household:
John Ham

Son James', 1880 census record lists his mother as being born in Maine.
Son Orwell's 1880 census record lists his mother as being born in Connecticut.
Daughter Nancy's 1880 census record lists her mother as being born in New York. 
Hamm, Lavina (I10318)
14774 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1860 Census - Center Twp, Henry Co, Iowa
Jno M. Hanson, 52, Farmer, Ma
Charles A. Hanson, 18, Ia
Loretta Hanson, 16, Ia
Henry Hanson, 14, Ia
Louisa Hanson, 12, Ia
(Note: son John Clark Hanson not listed...he would have been abt 8 years old)

1870 Census - Center Twp, Henry Co, Iowa
John M. Hanson, 62, Farmer, Ma
Eliza F. Hanson, 52, Vt
John C. Hanson, 18, Ia

Is this him?
Census Place: Center, Henry Co, Iowa 1880
Household: Page Number 295A
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Fath er's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
John M. HANSON Self M Male W 72 MA Farmer MA MA
Louisa HANSON Wife M FemaleW 62 VT Keeping House NH VT
Mary READY Other S FemaleW 13 IA At School IRELAND IRELAND
Hamdris K. WHEAT Other S Male W 25 IN Laborer KY KY

Email from Joyce S.
Birth: 25 JUL 1807 Deerfield, Franklin, Massachusetts
Death: 03 APR 1887
1 Wife
Laurette-Lauriette Smith
Birth:About 1811 Of, Deerfield, Franklin, Massachusetts
Marriage: JAN 1839 Of, Deerfield, Franklin, Massachusetts
Also have: Birth: 22 FEB 1808 Shelburne, Franklin, Massachusetts
Father: Samuel Smith of Deerfield
Mother: Abigail Hosley
2 Wife
Marriage: 10 FEB 1841 Henry, Iowa
Death: 24 FEB 1852
Husband Age at Marriage: 33
Wife Age at Marriage: 16
Father: Daniel WOOD
Mother: Edith ATHENS
Eliza Farr
Birth: << 1841> <
Marriage: 10 JUN 1862 <
[ the Deerfield, Franklin, MA is incorrect, both were well established in Henry Co IA by then]
John may have had two other wives, one before Laurette-Lauriette Smith and one before/after Eliza Farr. 
Hanson, John Milton (I11403)
14775 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1860 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michagan
George Nelson, age 53, bp NJ, Farmer
Mary Nelson, age 48, bp NY
Lucinda Nelson, age 23, bp NY
Elijah Nelson, age 19, bp NY, Farmer
Mary Nelson, age 16, bp MI
George Nelson, age 12, bp MI
Harvey Nelson, age 8, bp MI
William Brown, age 20, bp CAN, Farm Laborer
Amanda Bidwell, age 18, bp MI, School Teacher

1870 Census: Ypsilanti PO, Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michagan
In the Shepfield household
Elijah Nelson, age 38, bp MI, Farmer

1910 Denmark Twp, Tuscola, MI [NOT her]
Eliza Nelson, head, age 63, m 42 yrs, 3 births 3 living, bp MI, p's bp NY, Farmer
William Hamilton, tramp, age 55, bp MI, p's bp NY, no occ- demented?
1900 Census: Saginaw Ward 15, Saginaw, Michigan [note next to Tuscola Co]
Eliza Nelson, head, Mar 1847, age 53, bp MI, p's bp NY, dressmaker

Nelson, Elijah (I23304)
14776 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1860 Cuivre, Pike, MO
Ely Howel, age 47, bp SC, Farmer
Nancy, age 38, bp VA
Francis W., (male) age 21, bp MO, Farm Laborer
Lucinda, age 18
James M., age 19, Farm Laborer
Ely M. jr., age 14
Amelia A., age 12
*Larkin D., age 6
Elizabeth, age 68 
Howell, Larkin D. (I23777)
14777 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Harvey Venable, Calumet, Pike, MO abt 1834 Missouri
Cassandra Venable Calumet, Pike, MO abt 1837 Missouri
James F Venable Calumet, Pike, MO abt 1858 Missouri
with other children

Harvey Venable, Cuivre, Pike, MO <<1836> Missouri Self [f's bp MO, m's bp NC]
Cassandra Venable, Cuivre, Pike, MO <<1831> Missouri Wife [f's bp KY, m's bp MO]
James T. Venable, Cuivre, Pike, MO <<1859> Missouri Son
with 7 other children

Father: James Venable b: 28 Feb 1800 in , Shelby, KY
Mother: Mary Erwin Bryson b: 27 Jun 1805 in , York, SC
Marriage 1 Margaret Cassandra Wamsley
1. Mary C. Venable b: ABT 1856
2. James L. Venable b: ABT 1859
3. Minerva Ann Venable b: ABT 1862
4. Owen Venable b: ABT 1864
5. William Newton Venable b: ABT 1867
6. Elizabeth Ellen Venable b: ABT 1870
7. Sarah Venable b: ABT 1872
8. Maggie Venable b: ABT 1875 
Venable, Harvey T. (I21767)
14778 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1880 Census: District 71, Larimer Co, Colorado
George Layburn, age 25, bp IN, f's bp OH, m's bp IN, Farmer
Alice Layburn, wife, age 21, bp IA, f's bp VT, m's bp NY

1900 Census: Precinct 21, Boulder Co, Colorado
Alice Laybourn, head, Jan 1862, 38, widow, 4 births 4 living, bp IA, f's bp VT, m's bp NY
Russel, son, Dec 1880, 19, bp CO
Ethel, dau, Jan 1883, 17, bp IA
Howard, son, July 1885, 14, bp CO
Jessie Laybourn, dau, Nov 1889, age 10, bp NE, f's bp IN, m's bp IA

Next household to Lemuel (OH) & Elizabeth (IN) Laybourn household
has three sons, 20-14 
Laybourn, George (I19351)
14779 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1880 Census: Nodaway, Page, IA
Morgan Burwell <<1838> Ohio Self
Matilda Burwell <<1840> Ohio Wife
William H. Burwell 1863> Ohio Son
Allice J. Burwell <<1865> Ohio Daughter 
Eby, Matilda (I15447)
14780 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1880 Drum Creek, Montgomery Co, Kansas
John N. Stoops, age 37, bp IN, p's bp IN, Farmer
Elina [Elvira] Stoops, age 30, bp IN, p's bp OH
Franklin E. Stoops, age 12, bp IN
Nellie V. Stoops, age 3, bp KS

1900 Independence, Montgomery Co, Kansas
Elvira Stoops, Jan 1850, age 50, widow, 2 births 2 living, bp IN, p's bp OH
Frank Stoops, son, May 1868, age 32, single, bp IN, Banker
Nellie Stoops, dau, Nov 1876, age 23, single, bp KS, p's bp IN 
Stoops, John N. (I21760)
14781 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1883; History of Butler County:
"Owen,* the third son, never married. He died in 1872 at the home of his brother Wesley. He enlisted in the army in 1864 and served until the end of the Civil War." On the 1860, Stephenson County, Illinois census, Owen is listed as living with his brother Manly. He was 25 years old. He enlisted in Company H,11th Illinois. His headstone reads: "CAV VET. He dwelleth in heaven yet deep in our hearts, his image is graven and never departs. And, while we yet linger we watch and we wait, till death who has parted again shall unite. Age 37 years, 7 months, 17 days".

1883; History of Butler County:
"Jasper** enlisted July 12 1862 in the Thirty-second Iowa, Company E. He was killed in the battle of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, April 9, 1864."
World Book Encyclopedia:
"General Nathaniel P. Banks tried to fight his way up the Red River to capture Shreveport, Louisiana, but the Confederates under General Richard Taylor defeated him so badly in the Battle of Pleasant Hill on April 9 that he played no important part in the rest of the war."

Anthony Jones Parriott (Louisa's brother)
Second born of Roby Richard Parriott and Abigail Howard)
B:March 27 1833 in Vermilion County, Indiana
D:Dec 23 1878 in Sac County Iowa.
History of Butler and Bremer Counties, Iowa; published in 1883: Page 739:
"The first birth in the township (Washington) was that of Genevra, a daughter of Anthony and Melinda Parriott, who was born on the 19th of May, 1857....
The first marriage in the township, united the destinies of Anthony J. Parriott and Melinda Spangler, and dated August 7th, 1856."
Page 737:
"Anthony, the second son, was born in Vermilion County, Indiana, in 1830. He married, 7 August, 1856, Miss Melinda Spangler, and settled in Ackley. He moved to Sac County (Iowa) in 1870, where he died on 28 December, 1878, leaving a wife and eleven children to mourn his death."
Anthony died of "Erysipelas", and is buried in Oakland Cemetery on the same plot as his youngest son Lyle Vernon, and Melinda's father, William Spangler.
William and Anthony share a large headstone.
Inscription for Anthony:
Anthony J. Parriott (Born) Mar 27 1833 (Died) Dec 23 1878
Aged 45 yrs, 8 mos, of 26 days
"Free from all cares and pains
Asleep my body lies
Until that final trumpet
Calls the dead to Christ" 
Howard, Abigail (I3788)
14782 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1900 Census: Watertown Ward 2, Jefferson Co, New York
Michel [?] Horton, July 1830, age 70, m 8 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Carriage something
Mary L. Horton, July 1860, age 40, 0 births, bp NY, p's bp VT
Bertha Hart, st- dau, Mar 1879, age 21, bp NY, p's bp NY 
Hart, Bertha (I23577)
14783 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1905 Census (Wisconsin):


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1900 Census: Oxford, Marquette Co, Wisconsin
John Root, Mar 1855, age 45, m 6 yrs, bp WI, f's bp GER, m's bp IRE, Farmer
Cora Root, wife, July 1875, age 24, 4 births 3 living, bp WI, f's bp NY, m's bp CAN
Mabel E. Root, dau, July 1896, age 3, bp WI
Ina L. Root, dau, Jan 1898, age 2, bp WI
Charles A. Root, son, Aug 1899, age 11/12 mos, bp WI

Could not find in 1910, 1920, or 1930 Census married to a John Root. 
Horr, Cora (I15739)
14784 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1910 Census Image:

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1870 Census: Charlestown, Clark Co, Indiana
Thomas S. Cole, age 25, bp IN, Retail Grocer
Emma Cole, age 25, bp KY
Charles Cole, age 3, bp IN
Belle Cole, age 2/12, bp IN

1880 Census Place: Jeffersonville, Clark Co, Indiana
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Emma E. COLE Self D Female W 35 KY School Teacher NY KY
Chas. B. COLE Son S Male W 12 IN KY IN
Lillie B. COLE Dau S Female W 10 IN IN KY
Warren A. COLE Son S Male W 8 IN IN KY
George B. COLE Son S Male W 6 IN IN KY
Note Emma is divorced.

1900 census: Perkins, Payne Co, Oklahoma
Emma H. Cole, head, Mar 1845, age 55, widow, 4 births 3 living, bp KY, f's bp NY, m's bp KY, Teaching
Abner Cole, son, Jan 1872, age 28, single, bp IN, f's bp IN, m's bp KY, Farm Laborer
George B. Cole, son, Jan 1874, age 26, single, bp IN, f's bp IN, m's bp KY, Farm Laborer
Note Emma lost one child. I Could not find son Charles or dau Lillian in 1900 or 1910.

1910 Census: 5-wd Wichita, Sedgwick Co, Kansas
Emma H. Cole, head, age 65, widow, bp KY, f's bp NY, m's bp KY
George B. Cole, son, age, 39, single, bp IN, f's bp IN, m's bp KY, Drugest- Own
Lillian L. Horr, sis, age, age 53, single, bp IN, f's bp NY, m's bp KY, Dressmaker- at home

Living with married son George in 1920
1920 Census: Wichita, Sedgwick Co, Kansas
Mrs. Emma H. Cole, mother, age 74, widow, bp KY
Note Emma's sis Lillian is not living with them. 
Horr, Emma (I14269)
14785 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1910 Census: Boylston, Oswego Co, New York
Owens Lowery, age 39, 2m 2yrs, Farm Laborer- house framer/Horse farmer?
Lizzie Lowery, age 38, 2m 2yrs, 1 birth 1 living, bp NY, p's bp NY
A??lia Lowery, dau, 1 3/12, bp NY, p's bp NY
Charles Sheperd, st son, age 12, bp NY, p's bp NY
Note Owen's first wife was named Aurelia A. Sharp.

1920 Census: Boylston, Oswego Co, New York
Owens Lowry, age 53, bp NY, p's bp NY, Farmer- dairy
Lizzie Lowry, wife, age 44, bp NY, p's bp NY
A??llia Lowry, dau, age 11, bp NY, p's bp NY
Charles Lowry, son, age 19, bp NY, p's bp NY
Virgil Sheperd, nephew, age 9, bp NY, p's bp NY
Leola Sheperd, niece, age 7, bp NY, p's bp NY
[Once again Lizze's double "z" obstructs the middle letters of her daughter's name.]
Charles the stepson, age abt 22, now using surname Lowrey.
Virgil and Leola were children of Lewis Shepard, Lizzie's stepson. 
Lowrey, Owen W. (I21808)
14786 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1910 Census: Salem Twp, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Eugene H. Nelson, head, age 34, single, bp MI, p's bp MI, Farmer- general farm
Elizabeth Nelson, mother, age 58, widow, 6 births 4 living, bp MI, p's bp NY
Grace E. Nelson, sis, age 21, single, bp MI, p's bp MI
Rosa M. Nelson, sis, age 20, single, bp MI, p's bp MI
George E. Haywood, cousin, age 11, bp MI, p's bp MI
Floyd D. Haywood, cousin, age 7, bp MI, p's bp MI

1920 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Euguene H. Nelson, head, age 44, single, bp MI, p's bp MI, Farmer- gen farm
Elizabeth A. Nelson, mother, age 65, widow, bp MI, p's bp MI
Floyd Haywood, servant, age 18, single, bp MI, p's bp MI, Laborer- farm

1930 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Eugene H. Nelson, age 54, single, bp MI, p's bp MI, Farmer- gen farm
Elizabeth A. Nelson, mother, age 78, age at m blank, widow, bp MI, p's bp NY
Floyd Haywood, lodger, age 30, bp MI, p's bp MI, Laborer- farm 
Nelson, Eugene H. (I23306)
14787 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1920 Census:
Household Gender Age
(Head) William Farwig M 45y
Spouse Pearl Farwig F 42y
Child Harold Farwig M 15y
Child Margaret Farwig F 14y
Child Kenneth Farwig M 12y
Child Florence Farwig F 8y11m
Child Carabel Farwig F 6y6m
Child Colburn Farwig M 6y6m 
Farwig, William (I3274)
14788 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

1940 Census:


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Moved from Utah by 1929, and back by 1931.

Living with wife and parents in 1930.
1930 census: Provo, Utah Co, Utah
Joseph S Horr, age 28, son, bp MS, p's bp MS, cook at Cafe
June B. Horr, age 25, da-in-law, bp NV, p's bp UT
Grant J, Horr, age 8?9/12, gr-son, bp California
Transcribed as Jane Horr. 
Horr, Joseph (I9964)
14789 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

2nd Marriage (to Abby Clark): 
Reed, Isaac A. (I56674)
14790 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

50th Wedding Anniversary: (With Photo)
Published Tuesday, September 23, 1969
Binghamton NY Press Grayscale 1969 a - 7461.pdf
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Steinbaugh of North Fenton
recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with
open house at their home. Some 125 guests stopped by, including Mrs. Steinbaugh's mother, Mrs. Cora Willard of Windsor, N. Y. who had just observed her 94th birthday.
Women of the North Fenton United Methodist.Church prepared and served, refreshments and acted as hostesses for the occasion. 
Steinbaugh, Edgar C. (I55330)
14791 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

50th Wedding Anniversary:
Newspaper Watertown NY Daily Times 1877-1878 - 0383.PDF

More on Elijah>

CARTHAGE (Jefferson County)
Horr & Francis, dry goods, groceries, &c.

ELIJAH HORR.- Few men have lived in Carthage and been more closely identified with its business interests for so many consecutive years as the subject of this sketch. He came to the village in 1831, when only 27 years of age, and all his subsequent life was wrought into its growth and prosperity. The progenitors of the family--the name until the last two generations was spelled "Hoar"--came from England to Massachusetts in the 17th century. The Massachusetts branch have always adhered to the original orthography, and as is well known, have been prominent in the history of the old Bay State and of the nation for many years, Hon. George F. Hoar being the senior Senator of the Commonwealth today, and one of the most eminent men in the councils of the Nation.
Elijah Horr's branch of the family came into Northern New York in the latter part of the last century, and settled in Denmark, Lewis county. Here Elijah was born November 24, 1804, and was reared like farmer's boys of the period, attending, for a brief time during the winter, a common school, and laboring the balance of the year upon the farm. He was a steady, ambitious boy, attaining his physical growth very early. He led his father's men in the hay and harvest field when he was 15 years of age, and as a consequence, before he was 18, his health became almost completely broken for the time, and he had entailed upon his constitution infirmities from which he ever afterward suffered. Not being sufficiently robust for a farmer, he attended, for several terms, Lowville Academy, securing by this change a better education than was usual to most of the young men of that section at that time. Upon his return from school he entered the store of Mr. Norton.
At the age of 23 years he married Miss Gertrude Vedder, who was descended, through the Vedders and Van Vlecks, from the old Knickerbocker stock of New York. Soon after, he moved to Carthage, then nothing but a hamlet upon the Long Falls of Black river. After a short time he opened a general store, and continued in the business of a merchant, at brief intervals, on account of impaired health, for more than 30 years. Subsequently, for some years, in company with Orlin Holcomb, he carried on a general banking business until his 70th year, when a stroke of partial paralysis closed his active business career. He lived for six years after this, attending to his private business until his death, December 27, 1880.
In early life Mr. Horr identified himself with the Methodist Episcopal Church. For more than 40 years he was an official member of the Carthage church, attending scrupulously its services and contributing largely of his means for its general expenses, and towards the building of two church edifices. He believed steadfastly in the doctrines and discipline of that church, but was wholly free from bigotry, and rejoiced in the prosperity of the churches of all names. He was a man of very positive convictions in both religious and political affairs, but was charitable towards the opinions of others. As a business man he was universally respected and honored. He was indefatigable in his devotion to his business interests, never allowing anything but the claims of his religious life to engross his time or claim his attention, giving himself almost no recreation, but finding his pleasures in his work. He was a man of unusual balance of faculties, his judgments seldom needing revision. During the more than 40 years of his active business life, he passed through three serious financial panics, with untarnished honor and unweakened credit. He never took any active part in politics, other than to do his simple duty as a citizen. From the organization of the Republican party, he was identified with its interests, and thoroughly believed in, and endeavored to promote its policies. The evening twilight of his long and useful life was calm and beautiful. He rested in the border-land, quietly and in hope, after the unremitting toils of a busy life. His last words, as his soul went out into the unknown, were: "Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me." The family consisted of nine children, all living until the youngest was over 21 years of age, viz: John Wesley, who died March 31, 1875; Walter Ashley, of Great Bend; Hannah, wife of C. E. Francis, of Carthage; Sarah, widow of Rev. Spencer R. Fuller, who died September 16, 1870; Rev. Elijah, D.D., of Worcester, Mass.; Albert Vedder, who died July 26, 1882; Gertrude, wife of John T. Connell, of Grand Island, Neb.; Louise Stewart, who died March 10, 1872, and Charles Abner, who resides at Carthage.


[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Lived in Wilna, Jefferson Co NY
Listed in the 1850 Fed.Census of Wilna, Jefferson Co NY.
Horr Elijah 45 m Farmer NY
Horr Gertrude 41 f NY
Horr Walter 16 m Laborer NY
Horr Hannah 13 f NY
Horr Sarah 11 f NY
Horr Elijah 9 m NY
Horr Albert 7 m NY
Horr Gertrude 4 f NY
Horr Louisa 2 f NY
Anderson Thomas 31 m Laborer NY
Castler Betsey 20 f NY

1860 census: Wilna, Jefferson Co, New York
Elijah Horr, age 55, Bp: New York
Gertrude Horr, age 51 , Bp: New York
Hannah L Horr, age 23, Bp: New York
Sarah L Horr, age 21, Bp: New York
Elijah Horr, age 19, Bp: New York
Gertrude Horr, age 14, Bp: New York
Louisa Horr, age 12, Bp: New York
Charles A Horr, age 9, Bp: New York
Note John, Walter and Albert were not living in the household.

Transcribed as HARE.
1870 Census: PO Carthage, Wilna, Jefferson Co, New York
Elijah Horr, age 65, Banker, bp NY
Gertrrude Horr, age 61, bp NY
Louisa Horr, age 21, bp NY
Mary Maran, age 15, Domestic, bp NY
Same page as son Walter, following page to dau Gertrude.

1880 Census Place: Carthage, Jefferson, Co New York
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Elijah HORR Self M Male W 75 NY Retired Merchant MA MA
Gertrude HORR Wife M Female W 71 NY Keeps House NY NY
Gertrude CONNELL Dau M Female W 34 NY Dry Goods Merchant NY NY
John L. CONNELL SonL M Male W 46 NY Traveling Salesman - Dry Goods NY NY
Mary S. RYAN Other M Female W 24 NY Servant CAN FRA 
Horr, Elijah Sr. (I13060)
14792 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

95th Birthday:
Watertown Daily Times 1972 a - 3137.pdf

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.


Living with parents in 1900.
1900 Census: Brownville, Jefferson Co, New York
Florence Bonney, dau, May 1877, age 23, bp NY, school teacher

1910 Census: Watertown, Jefferson Co, New York
Alton T. Foster, lodger, age 36, m 9 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Contractor- builder
Florence B. Foster, lodger, age 32, 0 births, bp NY, p's bp NY

1920 Census: Watertown, Jefferson Co, New York
Alton T. Foster, age 46, bp NY, p's bp NY, Contractor- buildings
Florence B. Foster, wife, age 42, bp NY, p's bp NY
Anna E. Bonney, mo-in-law, age 69, widow, bp NY, p's bp NY
Grace G. Bonney, sis-in-law, age 32, bp NY, p's bp NY, Stenographer- bank
Mable Bonney, sis-in-law, age 39, bp NY, p's bp NY, no occ
Julia B. Morrison, boarder, age 75, widow, bp NY

1930 Census: Watertown, Jefferson Co, New York
Alton Foster, age 56, m at age 27, bp NY, f's bp NY, m's bp MA, Building Contractor- general
Florence Foster, wife, age 52, m at age 23, bp NY, p's bp NY
Ella Bonney, mo-in-law, age 79, widow, m at age 24, bp NY, p's bp NY
Mable Bonney, si-in-law, age 50, single, bp NY, p's bp NY 
Bonney, Florence M. (I6254)
14793 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


Connell, John T. (I32790)
14794 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

A university professor.
Graduated from Dartmouth in 1872.
Studied at the university at Bonn, Germany 1881-1884. 
Jones, Stephen Alfred (I30663)
14795 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

About her brother, Thomas Buchanan Read/Reed.
Thomas Buchanan Read (b. March 12, 1822 Chester Co, Pennsylvania; d. May 11, 1872 NYC, New York.) Son of ________ READ/REED and Jane BUCHANAN
Thomas Buchanan Read was a U.S. poet and portrait painter. His best known poems are "Sheridan's Ride" and "The Angler." Reed's painting of General Philip Sheridan on his horse, Rienzi (1871), hangs in the National Portrait Gallery. Both poem and painting celebrate Sheridan's twenty-mile ride to rouse his Union troops back to action. 
Read, Elizabeth M. (I4683)
14796 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

About his military life:
"Job Peirce (a brother of Captain Abial Peirce and great grand son of the Narragansett Soldier), was born in what is now Lakeville, Nov. 29, 1737, and as a private soldier performed a short tour of duty in a company of the local milltia (commanded by Captain Joseph Tinkham), upon an alarm in 1757, occasioned by an attack made by the French upon Fort William Henry. .......etc"

The Peirce Family:
"For the next two years, the name of Job Peirce does not appear upon the ancient war rolls at the State House. One brother, however, has been promoted to a captaincy, raised his company and again repaired to the field, taking another brother in the capacity of a private soldier. The reason why Job, himself, did not also go, will be evident from the fact that soon after this was the publishment of" the banns" between Job Peirce, of Middleborough, and Miss Elizabeth Rounsevill,* of Freetown. She was the orphan daughter of William Rounsevill, eldest son of Philip Rounsevill the emigrant, who at that time was one of the wealthiest men in Bristol county, and among the largest landholders of the Colony. May 18, 1761, Job Peirce, of Middleborough, and Miss Elizabeth Rounsevill, of Freetown, were joined in marriage (see Town Records of Middleborough), he being 23 years of age, and she 17.
Early the next year (viz., March 24), Job Peirce for a third time enlists, and his name now appears " in his Majesty's Service," and in the company of which " Ephraim Holmes, Esq. is Captain." Here he served till March 14, 1763, or 50 weeks and 6 days. The whole amount of his wages was 22 pounds 17 shillings and 9 pence, of which he had taken 14 shillings in beer, and the balance due him was 22 pounds 3 shillings and 9 pence. With Job, in this company, also served his brother Henry Peirce, who was six years his junior.
News of the treaty of peace concluded and signed'Feb. 10, 1763, between England and France, rendered their further service unnecessary, and Capt. Abial Peirce, with his brothers Job and Henry, were honorably mustered out of the service, and for the next twelve years suffered to dwell in peace at home.
During his absence upon this last campaign (viz., April 25, 1762), the happiness of his house is increased by the birth of their first child, a daughter, who was blessed with a good constitution, sound health, and remarkable sweetness of temper, which with the addition of a well balanced mind, made her the loved and honored of all classes of society, and no doubt conspired to prolong her life of usefulness to the good old age of 85 years. But with the return of peace, the young husband, released from further service in the field of carnage, with health and morals unimpaired, returns to the bosom of his family and friends ; and the grateful parents, mindful of God's watchful care, name their first born, Mercy." 
Peirce, Capt. Job (I5870)
14797 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

According to his passport application ( he was 6' 3' tall.

The Jones family comes from a long line of Quakers from the state of Maine. 
Jones, Rev. Augustine (I4929)
14798 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

According to the 1910 census it appears that she had had two children by her 1st marriage.

Marriage to E. R. Boulton:

Defany, Mary (I24967)
14799 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

According to the death certificate of Sadella her last name was
SAUNDERS, she was the daughter of Joseph Saunders and Hannah Harbertson. info from Virginia Stitzer

Her parents were from England: Northumberland, Radcliffe. 
Saunders, Sardella (I15177)
14800 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Additional information on this family was kindly contributed by Sara Switzer (Sara is granddaughter of Ralph Gordon McMorris), email address: sswitzer4(at)

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1900 Census: Oakwood, Vermillion Co, Illinois
Emily [Emma?] McMorris, head, Feb 1861, age 39, widow, 2 births 2 living, bp IL, f's bp OH, m's bp IN, Farmer
Ralph McMorris, son, Jul 1891, age 8, bp IL, f's bp OH, m's bp IL
Carrol McMorris, son, Apr 1894, bp IL, f's bp OH, m's bp IL
also in household...
Sister & Brother Jennie & William H. Liggett? 31 & 37 both single

1910 Census: Oakwood Twp, Vermilion, IL
Emma Mcmorris, age 40, widow, 2 births, bp IL
Ralph & Carrol, sons, bp IL 
McMorris, Ralph Gordon (I23400)

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