The H600 Project Genealogy DB
Matches 14,101 to 14,150 of 28,499
# | Notes | Linked to |
14101 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 Census: Lowville, Lewis Co New York Sylvester B. Wilber, age 27, Bp: New York Could not find in 1860. | Wilbur, Sylvester B. (I18234)
14102 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts Herman Peirce, age 25, bp MA Could not find Hermon/Harmon in 1860. Wife and child living with her mother in 1860. 1860 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts Eno Parris, age 33, bp MA, Master Farmer Ruby Parris, age 37, bp MA Betsey Parris age 60, bp MA Elizabeth Peirce, age 27, bp MA Emma B. Peirce, age 1, bp MA Living with her brother & mother in 1870. 1870 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts Enos Parris, age 43, bp MA, Farmer Betsey Parris, age 70, bp MA Harmon Peirce, age 46, bp MA, Farm Laborer Elizabeth Peirce, age 38, bp MA Emma B. Peirce, age 11, bp MA John E. Peirce, age 9/12, bp MA- Aug 1880 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts Enos Parris, age 52, single, bp MA, p's bp MA, Farmer Betsy Parris, age 80, widow, bp MA, p's bp MA Lissie Peirce, sister, age 47, married, bp MA, p's bp MA Emma B. Peirce, age 21, bp MA, p's bp MA John E. Peirce, age 10, bp MA, p's bp MA Living with cousin James, single, Farmer 1900 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts Harmon Pierce, boarder, - 1825, age 75, married, bp MA, p's bp MA Note wife Elizabeth was not listed. Elizabeth and son.... 1900 Census: Taunton Ward 5, Bristol Co, Massachusetts John E. Peirce, Aug 1869, age 30, single, bp MA, p's bp MA, p's bp MA, Blacksmith Elizabeth Peirce, mother, Aug 1832, age 67, m 43 yrs, 2 births 1 living, bp MA, p's bp MA Still living with cousin James. 1910 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts Herman Peirce, boarder, age 83, widow, bp MA, p's bp MA Eliabeth still living with son John 1910 census: Massachusetts: Bristol Co, Taunton 5 ward Elizabeth Pierce, mother, age 76, m 50 yrs, 2 births 1 living, bp MA, p's bp MA Could not find any family member in 1920. | Peirce, Hermon (I16970)
14103 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 census: Morristown, Saint Lawrence Co, New York Elisabeth Mitchell, age 14, Bp New York Living with parents in 1880, divorced. 1880 Census Place: Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence Co, New York Carrie MOON GDau S Female W 17 NY Dressmaker OH NY Elizabeth MOON Dau D Female W 45 NY Nurse CAN NY | Mitchell, Elizabeth (I4613)
14104 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 census: Morristown, Saint Lawrence Co, New York Lewis F. Mitchell, age 18, Bp New York Note by birth info he would be 16 yrs old. | Mitchell, Lewis F. (I4611)
14105 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 Census: Pinckney, Lewis Co, New York Comelia Hart, age 15, bp NY | Hart, Comelia (I23550)
14106 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 Census: Platte City, Platte Co, Missouri (image 5) Ellene Hor, age 8/12 mos, born in Missouri [I see it as Ellen] | Horr, Ellen (I19343)
14107 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 Census: Prescott, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts Clarra A. Thompson, age 3 | Thompson, Clara A. (I16900)
14108 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan Julia S. Hamilton, bp Michigan No ages listed for family, some other households have ages. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Winona, Winona Co, Minnesota Julia L Hamilton 13 1846 Michigan 1870 Census: Stillwater, Washington, Minnesota Appears to be a roomer. John Densmore, age 27, bp ME, Clerk in store 1880 Census: Stillwater, Washington, Minnesota Written as Densmore John Densmore, age 37, Bookkeeper, bp ME, p's bp ME Julia Densmore, wife, age 33, bp MI, p's bp NY John Densmore, son, age 8, bp MN Willis Densmore, son, age 6, bp MN Lou Johnson, servant, age 17, bp Sweden 1900 Census: Winona Ward 2, Winona Co, Minnesota J.H. Dinsmore, head, f, May 1847, age 53, widow, 29 yrs x out, 3 births, bp MI, f's bp NY, m's bp CT J.H. Dinsmore, son, Aug 1871, age 28, bp MN, f's bp ME, m's bp MI, Agent C.W. Dinsmore, son, July 1873, age 26, bp MN, f's bp ME, m's bp MI, Bookkeeper J.A. Dinsmore, son, Mar 1881, age 19, bp MN, f's bp ME, m's bp MI Could not find in 1910 census. Living with son John in 1920. 1920 Census: Owatonna, Steele Co, Minnesota Julia H. Dinsmore, mother, age 79 [?], widow, bp MI, p's bp MI | Hamilton, Julia Samantha (I15790)
14109 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan Martha Ann age 10 months Michigan Not listed with family in 1860, 1870. | Hamilton, Martha Ann (I15554)
14110 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 Census: Sandwich, Barnstable Co, Massachusetts Esther Clark, age 3, MA Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: PO Hyannis, Barnstable, Barnstable Co, Massachusetts Esther E. Clark, 12, Massachusetts 1870 Census: Ashburnham, Worcester Co, Massachusetts David Smith, age 27, bp MA, Works in Chair? Shop Esther E. Smith, wife, age 22, bp MA 1880 Census: Fitchburg, Worcester Co, Massachusetts David Smith, age 37, bp MA, p's bp MA, Works in Chair Shop Esther E. Smith, wife, age 32, bp MA, p's bp MA Agnes E. Smith, dau, age 8, bp MA Betsey ?. Clark, mo-in-law, age 65, bp MA, p's bp MA 1900 Census: Fitchburg Ward 3, Worcester Co, Massachusetts David Smith, Nov 1842, age 57, m 34 yrs, bp MA, p's bp MA, Machinist Esther E. Smith, wife, Oct 1847, age 52, 1 birth 1 living, bp MA, p's bp MA Betsy S. Clark, mo-in-law, Aug 1815, age 84, 5 births 3 living, widow, bp MA, p's bp MA Living with dau Agnes and her family in 1910. 1910 Census: Fitchburg Ward 6, Worcester Co, Massachusetts Esther E. Smith, mo-in-law, age 62, 1 birth, widow, bp MA, p's bp MA Living with son-n-law in 1920. 1920 Census: Fitchburg Ward 6, Worcester Co, Massachusetts Esther E. Smith, mo-in-law, age 72, widow, bp MA, p's bp MA | Clark, Esther E. (I14769)
14111 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 Census: Sandwich, Barnstable Co, Massachusetts Thadeus S. Clark, age 8, MA Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: PO Hyannis, Barnstable, Barnstable Co, Massachusetts Thaddeus S. Clark 17 1842 Massachusetts, Baker Living wih mother and wife in 1870. 1870 Census: Holden, Worcester Co, Massachusetts Thaddeus S. Clark, 27, bp MA, In Cotton Mill Susan Clark, age 27, bp MA Lester F. Clark, age 2, bp MA 1880 Census: Holden, Worcester Co, Massachusetts Thaddeus S. Clark age 37, bp MA, p's bp MA, Works In Woolen Mill Susan F. Clark, wife, age 35, bp MA, p's bp MA Lester F. Clark, son, age 12, bp MA Winefred S. Clark, dau, age 9, bp MA Written as Thedis. 1900 Census: Holden, Worcester Co, Massachusetts Thedis Clark, Jan 1843, age 57, m 34 yrs, bp MA, p's bp MA, Engineer Susan F. Clark, wife, Sept 1844, age 55, 2 births 2 living, bp MA, p's bp MA Ella Morr [?], boarder, age 40, bp IRE, Servant 1910 Census: Holden, Worcester Co, Massachusetts Thaddieus S. Clark, age 67, m 44 yrs, bp MA, p's bp MA, own income Susan F. Clark, wife, age 65, 2 births 2 living, bp MA, p's bp MA No others listed. Living with son Lester in 1920. 1920 Census: Worcester, Worcester Co, Massachusetts Thaddeus S. Clark, father, age 76, widow, bp MA, p's bp MA | Clark, Thaddeus S. (I15965)
14112 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 Census: Tecumseh, Lenawee Co, Michigan Cynthia Keys, age 8 Not living with parents in 1860. | Keyes, Cynthia (I14641)
14113 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 Federal Census: Town of Watertown, Jefferson County, New York Horr Rosa, 7, NY | Horr, Rose (I14010)
14114 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. 1850 Lewis Co. NY Denmark Charles, 7 yr. b.NY 1870 census Denmark twp. Lewis Co. NY image 14 Copenhagen P.O. farmer, 200 acres, all born in NY Charles Horr, age 28 Frances B. Horr, age 32 Benjamin B. Horr, age 5 Abel D. Horr, age 3 Charles C. Horr, age 8 mos. Caroline McCne [?] servant, age 19, bp CAN Transcribed as Harr. 1880 Census: Denmark, Lewis Co, New York Household: image 19 Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Charles P. HORR Self M Male W 38 NY Farmer MA MA Francis B. HORR Wife M Female W 40 NY Keeping House NY NY Benny B. HORR Son S Male W 15 NY Farm Laborer NY NY Charles P. HORR Son S Male W 10 NY NY NY Bula P. HORR Dau S Female W 3 NY NY NY Blanch HORR Dau S Female W 2 NY NY NY Marion HORR Dau S Female W 1M NY NY NY Eveline HORR Sister S Female W 41 NY MA MA Celia GARBER Servant S Female W 17 NY PRUS PRUS next household to Smith, Hart, and Yoit?, Varce/Vorse 1900 Census: Santa Clara, Santa Clara Co, California image 4 Char P. Horr, head, July 1843, age 57, m 36 yrs, bp NY, p's bp MA, Farmer Francis B. Horr, wife, July 1842, age 59, 6 births 4 living, bp NY, p's bp NY Benjamin B. Horr, son, June 1865, age 35, single, bp IL, p's bp NY, Machinist Beulah Horr, dau, Dec 1878, age 21, bp NY, p's bp NY Blanch Horr, dau, Mar/May 1879, age 20, bp NY Marrion, dau, May 1881, age 19, bp NY Note Francis stated she lost 2 children. Note the ages do not match with 1900. 1910 Census: 8-Twp, Contra Costa Co, California Transcribed as HORE Charles P. Horr, age, 68, m 46 yrs, bp NY, p's bp MA, Laborer- farmer Francis B. Horr, wife, age 70, bp NY, p's bp NY No others listed in household. 1920 Census: Oakley, Contra Costa Co, California Charles P. Horr, age 76, widowed, bp NY, p's bp MA, Farmer Benjamin B. Horr, age 55, single, bp IL, p's bp NY, Farmer Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 06 September 1861 at the age of 19, Union>Company E, 7th Cavalry Regiment New York on 20 September 1861. Mustered out on 31 March 1862 in Washington, DC. Charles P Horr Priv NY 19 09/06/61 Carthage, NY Y Residence not listed; 19 years old. Enlisted on 9/6/61 at Carthage, NY as a Private. On 9/20/61 he mustered into "E" Co. NY 7th Cavalry He was Mustered Out on 3/31/62 at Washington, DC Sources:- New York: Report of the Adjutant-General 7th NY Cavalry Organized: Troy, NY on 11/6/61 Mustered Out: 3/31/62 at Washington, DC Officers Killed or Mortally Wounded: 0 Officers Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 0 Enlisted Men Killed or Mortally Wounded: 0 Enlisted Men Died of Disease, Accidents, etc.: 0 (Source: Fox, Regimental Losses) | Horr, Charles (I11869)
14115 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. Transcribed as Hullard. 1850 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan Augustin Hubbard, male, age 8, bp MI Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Township 112 Range 12, Goodhue Co, Minnesota Augustine H. Hubbard, age 18, bp MI Living with parents in 1870. 1870 Census: Burton, McHenry Co, Illinois Augustus Hubbard, age 28, bp MI, works on farm 1880 Census: Elgin, Kane Co, Illinois A. H. Hubbard, age 38, bp MI, p's bp NY, Fire Ins. Agent Martha Hubbard, wife, age 30 ?, bp IL, p's bp NY Fred A. Hubbard, son, age 8, IL Roy L. Hubbard, son, age 4, IL Ernest Kimball, boarder, age 23, bp IL, f's bp NY, m's bp NH, works for watch factory George H. Kimball, boarder, age 19, bp IL, f's bp NY, m's bp NH, works for watch factory (Note son Roy L. marries Florence Kimball, b abt 1905, in abt 1898) 1900 Census: Ward 3, Elgin, Kane Co, Illinois A. H. Hubbard, Mar 1843, age 57, m 2 yrs, bp MI, p's bp NY, Insurance Clara Hubbard, Feb 1867, age 33, bp IL, f's bp MA, m's bp NY No other's listed. 1910 census: 3-Wd Elgin, Kane Co, Illinois A. H. Hubbard, age 65, 2m 12 yrs, bp MI, p's bp NY, Agent- insurance Clara Hubbard, wife, age 42, 1m 12 yrs, 0 births, bp IL, f's bp MA, m's bp NY No others listed. 1920 Census: Elgin, Kane Co, Illinois Augustine Hubbard, age 72, bp WI, p's bp Wales, Agent- insurance Clara Hubbard, wife, age 46, bp IL, f's bp MA, m's bp NY No others listed. Note they did not age 10 yrs. | Hubbard, Augustine Hamilton (I19728)
14116 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. Transcribed as Hullard. 1850 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan Mary Hubbard, age 8, bp MI Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Township 112 Range 12, Goodhue Co, Minnesota Mary L. Hubbard, age 16, bp MI Living with parents in 1870. 1870 Census: Burton, McHenry Co, Illinois Mattie Hubbard, age 20, bp MI 1880 census: Elgin, Kane Co, Illinois Mattie V. Hubbard, patient, age 31, teacher, med. cont. insainty, bp MI Note all on page listed as patient and insane, none have p's bp. Northern Illinois Hospital for the Insane. Appears to be a very large hospital. | Hubbard, Martha V. (I18811)
14117 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1850. Transcribed as Hullard. 1850 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan Mary Hubbard, age 8, bp MI Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Township 112, Range 12, Goodhue Co, Minnesota Mary L. Hubbard, age 16, bp MI Living with parents in 1870. Transcribed as Harry. 1870 Census: Burton, McHenry Co, Illinois | Hubbard, Mary L. (I19530)
14118 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860 1860 Census: Lowville, Lewis Co, New York Sedote E. Wilbur 35 1824 New York 1870 Household next to parents. 1870 Census: Landis, Cumberland Co, New Jersey William T. [?] Young, age 44, bp NY, farmer Sedate Young, age 46, bp NY Note no children were listed. Written as Yong and Wilbor. 1880 Census: Landis, Cumberland Co, New Jersey William T. Yong, age 52, bp NY, f's bp ENG, m's bp NY, Farmer Sedate W. Yong, wife, age 50, bp NY, p's bp MA Elizabeth Wilbor, mo-in-law, age 82, widow, bp MA, p's bp MA Emma Spand??, servant, age 23, bp PA, p's bp PA Could not find in 1900, 1910. | Wilbur, Sedate E. (I18235)
14119 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860 1860 Census: Padua, McLeanCo, Illinois William Horr, age 28, bp OH Living with parents in 1870. 1870 Census: Padua, McLean Co, Illinois William C. Horr, age 38, bp OH, Farmer 1880 Census Place: Martin, Mc Lean Co, Illinois William HORR Other S Male W 48 OH Grain Dealer NY VA Mary HORR Other S Female W 18 IL IL IL Buying land in SD in 1884. 1900 Census: Pierre, Hughes Co, South Dakota Wiliam L. Horr, Sep 1831, age 68, m 16 yrs, bp OH, f's bp NY, m's bp WV, retired Farmer Susan E. Horr, wife, May 1844, age 56, 0 births, bp ME, p's bp ME Service Record: Name:William R Horr , Enlisted as a Private on 15 August 1861 Union> Company C, 33rd Infantry Regiment Illinois on 15 August 1861. No other info. 1890 Veterans Schedules: Dry Run, Hughes, South Dakota William L. Horr, Pri, Cmpy C. 33 Ils Inf, Aug 22 1861, June 29 1863m 1 yr,8 mos,23 days ILLINOIS CIVIL WAR DETAIL REPORT Name: HORR, WILLIAM R Rank: PVT Company: C Unit: 33 IL US INF Residence: PADUA, MCLEAN CO, IL Age: 30 Height: 6' 2 1/2 Hair: LIGHT Eyes: BLUE Complexion: FAIR Marital Status: SINGLE Occupation: SURVEYOR Nativity: CHAMPAIGN CO, OH Joined When: AUG 15, 1861 Joined Where: BLOOMINGTON, IL Joined By Whom: EDWARD R ROE Period: 3 YRS Muster In: AUG 22, 1861 Muster In Where: CAMP BUTLER, IL Muster In By Whom: N/A Muster Out: N/A Muster Out Where: N/A Muster Out By Whom: N/A Remarks: N/A HORR WILLIAM L - 05 110 N - 077 W - 004 , 80 PA 02/17/1890 HORR WILLIAM L- 05 110 N - 077 W - 004 , 49.52 PA 02/17/1890 HORR WILLIAM L - 05 110 N - 077 W - 004, 48.54 PA 02/17/1890 HORR WILLIAM L - 05 111 N - 079 W - 003, 36.5 PA 11/20/1884 HORR WILLIAM L - 05 111 N - 079 W - 003, 36.3 PA 11/20/1884 HORR WILLIAM L - 05 111 N - 079 W - 003 , 40 PA 11/20/1884 HORR WILLIAM L - 05 111 N - 079 W - 003 , 40 PA 11/20/1884 Meridians - 05 - 5th Principal Meridian -- located in the eastern part of Iowa PA - Patent | Horr, William (I13407)
14120 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860 1860 Census: Township 112 Range 12, Goodhue Co, Minnesota Eva A. Hubbard, age 8, bp IA Livimg with parents in 1870. 1870 Census: Burton, McHenry Co, Illinois Eva Hubbard, age 18, bp MI Living wiith parents in 1880. 1880 Census Place: Elgin, Kane Co, Illinois Eva HUBBARD Dau S Female W 26 IA Wks Watch Fy NY MA Living with mother in 1900. 1900 Census: Trinidad, Los Animos Co, Colorado Eva Hubbard, dau, Mar 1853, age 47, single, bp IA, f's bp NY, m's bp MI, Seamtress | Hubbard, Eva A. (I18756)
14121 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860, age 16. Listed on same page as Charles Hamilton and Dwight Pebbles. 1870 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan Thompson, J. B., age 32, bp Michigan, Farmer Thompson, Theresa, age 26, bp Michigan Geo [?] Thompson, male, age 12, bp New York Thompson, Judson, age 25 farmer, bp Michigan Core [?], Harry, age 23, bp England | Hamilton, Theresa (I16775)
14122 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Charlestown, Clark Co, Indiana Nora L. Horr, age 9, bp IN Not listed with family in 1870. Did not find in 1900 census with name HORR. | Horr, Nora (I14131)
14123 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Antwerp Jefferson Co, New York Luther J. Bailey, son, age 11, bp NY Died in his 15th year. | Bailey, James Luther (I15910)
14124 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Burton, McHenry Co, Illinois Eugene Hamilton, age 17, bp Michigan 1870 Census: Chicago Ward 3, Cook Co, Illinois Eugene E Hamilton, age 26, bp MI, Photographer Frank DeWolf, age 23, bp IL, Photographer No others listed. | Hamilton, Eugene C. (I19379)
14125 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Cheney Grove, McLean Co, Illinois Dewitt Horr 17 1842 Illinois Civil War Record Name: DeWitt C Horr , Residence: Bloomington, Illinois Enlistment Date: 04 January 1864 Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Side Served: Union State Served: Illinois Unit Numbers: 247 247 Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 04 January 1864Enlisted in Company U, 3rd Cavalry Regiment Illinois on 31 January 1864.Died Company U, 3rd Cavalry Regiment Illinois on 28 February 1864 in Bloomington, IL ILLINOIS CIVIL WAR DETAIL REPORT Name: HORR, DEWITT C Rank: PVT Company: (blank) Unit: 3 IL US CAV Residence: BLOOMINGTON, MCLEAN CO, IL Age: 20 Height: N/A Hair: N/A Eyes: N/A Complexion: N/A Marital Status: N/A Occupation: N/A Nativity: N/A Joined When: JAN 4, 1864 Joined Where: BLOOMINGTON, IL Joined By Whom: CPT DOLOFF Period: 3 YRS Muster In: JAN 31, 1864 Muster In Where: SPRINGFIELD, IL Muster In By Whom: N/A Muster Out: N/A Muster Out Where: N/A Muster Out By Whom: N/A Remarks UNOFFICIALLY REPORTED DIED FEB 28, 1864 AT BLOOMINGTON ILL | Horr, Dewitt (I34633)
14126 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Cheney Grove, McLean Co, Illinois Mary Horr, 3, Illinois | Horr, Mary (I35133)
14127 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan Charles Keyes, age 16, bp Michigan 1880 Census Place: Grand Rapids, Kent Co, Michigan Household: Page Number 292C Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Charles D. KEYES Self S Male W 35 MI Clerk In Store CT MA John J. DEEM Other S Male W 33 OH Train Dispatcher OH OH 1900 Census: Tecumsch, Lenawee Co, Michigan Living in the household of an older man and wife. Name difficult to read. Charles D. Keyes, roomer, July 1844, age 55, single, bp MI, f's bp CT, m's bp MA, Nurse Could not find aft 1900. | Keyes, Charles Danforth (I15806)
14128 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan Esther Keyes, age 13, bp Michigan | Keyes, Esther (I15816)
14129 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Dubuque, Dubuque Co, Iowa John Andrew, age 4, bp IA Living with parents in 1870. 1870 Census: Dubuque Ward 4, Dubuque Co, Iowa John Andrew, age 15, bp IA Living with parents in 1880. 1880 Census: Dubuque, Dubuque Co, Iowa John Andrew, son, age 23, bp IA, working 1900 Census: Alameda Precinct 9, Alameda Co, California Maria L. Andrew, wife, Jan 1855, age 45, 2 births, bp AL, f's bp PA, m's bp NC John H. Andrew, head, Apr 1855, age 45, m 17 yrs, bp IA, f's bp SCOT, m's bp NY, Mining Expert William K. Andrew, son, Mar 1884, age 14, bp IA Louise Andrew, dau, July 1887, age 12, bp IA 1910 Census: Lynn, Winston Co, Alabama Jno H. Andrew, age 55, m 27 yrs, bp IA, f's bp SCOT, m's bp NY, no occ Mary L. Andrew, wife, age 55, 2 births 2 living, bp AL, f's bp PA, m's bp NC Louise C. Andrew, dau, age 22, single, bp IA Next household son, W. K. Andrew and family. 1910 Census: Lynn, Winston Co, Alabama W. K. Andrew, age 26, m 2 yrs, bp IA, f's bp IA, m's bp AL, Electrician- electric light C. E. Andrew, wife, age 28, 1 birth, bp CAN, f's bp SCOT, m's bp CAN Barbara L. Andrew, dau, age 8/12, bp OR, f's bp IA, m's bp CAN No others listed. Living with dau Louise and her family in 1920. John H. Andrews, father [in-law], age 66, bp IA, f's bp SCOT, m's bp NY Maria Andrews, mother [in-law], age 66, bp AL, f's bp PA, m's bp NC Living with dau Louise in 1930. Maria Andrew, mo-in-law, age 75, widow, bp AL, f's bp PA, m's bp AL | Andrew, John H. (I22000)
14130 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Dubuque, Dubuque Co, Iowa Monroe Horr 15 1844 Canada 1870 Census: Denver, Arapahoe Co, Colorado Monroe L. HORR age 25, born in New York, Lawyer Albertine HORR age 25, born in Switzerland Note no children are listed. 1880 Census Place: Denver, Arapahoe Co, Colorado Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Monroe HORR Self M Male W 35 CAN Attorney NY PA Albertine HORR Wife M Female W 34 SWI Keeps House SWI SWI Julie HORR Dau S Female W 12 IA In School CAN SWI Nora KEADING Other S Female W 24 IRE Servant IRE IRE | Horr, Judge Monroe (I37902)
14131 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Dubuque, Dubuque Co, Iowa William Andrew, age 12, bp IA Note Cornelia stated she had 8 births in 1900, which would make William her son. [[I question if he was born before 1850 as I Could not find him, born in Iowa, in the 1850 census.]] Living with parents in 1870. 1870 Census: Dubuque Ward 4, Dubuque Co, Iowa George Andrew, age 22, bp IA, Bookkeeper [William] image 74 of 119 1880 Census: Dubuque, Dubuque Co, Iowa George W. Andrew, age 32, bp IA, f's bp SCOT, m's bp ENG, Merchant Sarah Andrew, wife, age 29, bp CAN, f's bp SCOT, m's bp ENG Maggie Orve, servant, age 17, bp 1900 census: Evanston Ward 3, Cook Co, Illinois George W. Andrew, Mar 1848, age 52, m 28 yrs, bp IA, p's bp SCOT, Clerk- merchandise Sarah Andrew, wife, Aug 1849, age 50, 0 births, bp CAN, p's bp SCOT 1910 Census: 3-Wd Evanston, Cook Co, Illinois Geo W. Andrew, age 62, 2m 5 yrs, bp IA, f's bp SCOT, m's bp Unknown, Mfr's Agent- glass Ida C. Andrew, wife, age 35, 1m 5 yrs, 0 births, bp SWED, p's bp SWED 1920 Census: Chicago Ward 25, Cook (Chicago), Illinois George W. Andrew, age 71, bp IA, f's bp SCOT, m's bp Unknown, Agent- manufacturer Ida C. Andrew, wife, age 45, bp SWED, p's bp SWED, im 1890 Faded image. 1930 Census: York, DuPage, IL George W. Andrew, age 82, 1st m at age 25, bp IA, f's bp SCOT, m's bp US Ida Andrew, wife, age ?? [lined out 54 ??], 1st m at age 28, bp SWED, p's bp SWED | Andrew, George William (I22008)
14132 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Fallsbury, Licking Co, Ohio Silas B. Balcom, age 6, bp OH Living with parents in 1870. 1870 Census: College, Knox Co, Ohio Silas Balcom, age 15, bp OH 1880 Census Place: College, Knox Co, Ohio Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Silas BALCOM Self M Male W 25 OH Carpenter VT OH Margaret BALCOM Wife M Female W 24 OH Keeping House OH OH Julia BALCOM Dau S Female W 6 OH OH OH Charles BALCOM Son S Male W 4 OH OH OH Leroy BALCOM Son S Male W 2 OH OH OH Clarence BALCOM Son S Male W 9M OH OH OH 1900 census: Washington, Buchanan Co, Iowa image 4 of 24 "Silver" [Silas] Balcom, age 45, Mar 1855, m 27 yrs, bp Ohio, Head, Carpenter Maggie Balcom, age 43/44, Dec 1856, bp Ohio, Wife, 11 births 11 living. Silas Balcom, age 16, Jun 1883, bp Ohio, Son Clifford Balcom, age 15, Apr 1885, bp Ohio, Son Daniel Balcom, age 12, Nov 1887, bp Ohio, Son May Balcom, age 9, May 1891, bp Ohio, Daughter Laura Balcom, age 7, May 1893, bp Iowa, Daughter Theodore Balcom, age 4, Nov 1895, bp Iowa, Son Living with married dau Florence. 1910 Census: Grand Rapids, Kent Co, Michigan C. John Nelson, age 47, bp IL, head, married 12 yrs, laborer at iron works, p's bp Sweden Florence Nelson, age 30, bp OH, wife J. Charles Nelson, age 8, bp IA, son B. Silas Balcom, age 56, bp OH, father-in-law, married 38 yrs, carpenter Margaret Balcom, age 55, bp IN, mother-in-law John Balcom, age 14, bp IA, brother-in-law, clerk at drug store Laura Balcom, age 17, bp Iowa, sister-in-law Written as Slias. 1920 Census: Grand Rapids, Kent Co, Michigan Slias B. Balcom, age 64, bp OH, f's bp MA, m's bp NY, Laborer- furniture factory Margaret Balcom, wife, age 63, bp OH, p's bp OH No others listed. 1930 Census: Grand Rapids, Kent Co, Michigan image 57 of 78 Silas B. Balcom, age 75, bp OH, age at marriage 17 Margaret Balcom, age 75, bp OH age at marriage 15 | Balcolm, Silas Bland (I6300)
14133 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Grinnell, Poweshiek Co, Iowa Charles M. Bailey, age 15, bp NY | Bailey, Charles Monroe (I16507)
14134 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Grinnell, Poweshiek Co, Iowa George W. Bailey, age 5, bp NY Could not find in 1870. | Bailey, George W. (I16497)
14135 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts Henry Peirce, age 23, bp MA 1870 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts Living with parents and wife. Janice P. Peirce age 34, bp MA Henry Peirce age 33 Stone cutter Note no children were listed. 1880 Census Place: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts Household: Page Number 560A Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Henry PEIRCE Self M Male W 42 MA Stone Cutter MA MA Jane PEIRCE Wife M Female W 40 SCOT. Keeping House SCOT. SCOT. No others listed. Could not find in 1900. 1910 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts Jane M. Peirce, head, age 69, widow, 3 births 2 living, bp MA, p's bp SCOT William A. Monroe, son, age 48, single, bp MA, p's bp MA, Painter- carriage | Peirce, Henry (I17051)
14136 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Lorraine, Jefferson Co, New York Written as EVINS Allice [Alice] Evins, age 3, female, bp NY | Evans, Alice (I21451)
14137 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Ogdensburg, Saint Lawrence Co, New York Sarah Huntington, age 18, bp NY, Teacher | Huntington, Sarah A. (I35067)
14138 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: PO Hyannis, Barnstable, Barnstable Co, Massachusetts Abby W. Clark, 2, Massachusetts | Clark, Abby W. (I20573)
14139 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: PO Hyannis, Barnstable, Barnstable Co, Massachusetts Mary F. Clark, 15, 1844 Massachusetts Living with mother in 1970. 1870 Census: Holden, Worcester Co, Massachusetts Mary J. Clark, age 15, bp MA | Clark, Mary F. (I3624)
14140 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan Marthy Jane Hamilton age 14, bp Michigan | Hamilton, Martha Jane (I16224)
14141 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan Page: Albert N. Hamilton age 16, bp Michigan Same location as parents. 1870 Census: Eaton Rapids, Eaton Co, Michigan Albert Hamilton, age 26, bp NY, Vet Dsrygist [?] Maria Hamilton, age 18, bp MI Note birth place. 1880 Census Place: Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, California Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Albert N. HAMILTON Self M Male W 35 MI Clerk In Office NY MA Josephine HAMILTON Wife M Female W 35 MI Keeping House NY NY Icy M. HAMILTON Dau S Female W 5 CA MI MI 1900 Census: Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, California Albert Hamilton, May 1844, age 56, m 4 yrs, bp MI, p's bp Native, Could not read occ. DeEsta Hamilton, wife, Sept 1832, age 66, m 4 yrs, 3 births, bp MI, p's bp NY DeEsta's age should be 67 but it is written 66. Several lodgers listed 1910 Census: Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, California Albert N. Hamilton, age 66, 2m 13 yrs, bp MI, f's bp MA, m's bp NY, own income Deesta Hamilton, wife, age 75, 2m 13 yrs, bp MI, p's bp NY | Hamilton, Albert N. (I15724)
14142 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 census: South Ottawa, LaSalle, Illinois Francis W. Pickens 17 Illinois Written as Pickins 1870 Census: Ottawa, LaSalle Co, Illinois Frank Pickins, age 26, Farmer, bp IL Mary E. Pickins, age 21, bp OH Ella M. Pickins, age 1, bp IL Prevous household to Martha Farsworth, age 77, bp VT Following household was brother James and family. 1880 Census Place: South Ottawa, La Salle Co, Illinois Household: Page Number 703B Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Frank PICKENS Self M Male W 36 IL Farmer MA MA Mary PICKENS Wife M Female W 35 OH Keeping House PA OH Maud PICKENS Dau S Female W 11 IL At School IL OH Theadore PICKENS Son S Male W 9 IL At School IL OH Girtey PICKENS Dau S Female W 7 IL At School IL OH Florence PICKENS Dau S Female W 5 IL IL OH Lizzie PICKENS Dau S Female W 3 IL IL OH PICKENS Dau S Female W 1M OH IL PA Mary HUTTON MotherL W Female W 60 OH Boarding --- --- Note the census has Florence younger than sister Gertrude- Girtey Note census has a baby girl born in 1880 that does not match family info, could this be Eva? 1900 Census: South Ottawa, LaSalle Co, Illinois Frank Pickens, Nov 1843, age 56, m 32 yrs, bp IL, p's bp MA, Farmer Mary Pickens, wife, Oct 1843,age 56, 9 births 8 living, bp OH, p's bp OH Maude Pickens, dau, July 1871, age 28, single, bp IL Theodore Pickens, son, Mar 1873, age 27, single, bp IL, Farm Laborer Gertrude Pickens, dau, Jan 1878, age 22, single, bp IL Elizabeth Pickens, dau, July 1879, age 20, single, bp IL, ?? Teacher Arthur Pickens, son, Sept 1882, age 17, bp IL Eva Pickens, dau, Aug 1884, age 15, bp IL Daughter Florence is living and working for another household. Note Mary stated 8 living children, I found only 7. Note the birth years do not match family records. 1910 Census: South Ottawa, LaSalle Co, Illinois Frank Pickens, age 67, m 43 yrs, bp IL, p's bp MA, own income Mary B. Pickens, wife, age 67, 4 births 4 living, bp OH, p'ds bp OH Maude Pickens, dau, age 39, single, bp IL Theodore Pickens, son, age 37, single, bp IL, Farmer- gen farm Gertrude Pickens, dau, age 33, single, bp IL, Dressmaker- in school Elizabeth Pickens, dau, age 30, single, bp IL, Teacher- city school 1920 Census: San Diego, San Diego Co, California Frank Pickens, age 76, widow, bp IL, p's bp MA Maud E. Pickens, dau, age 50, single, bp IL, f's bp IL, m's bp OH Gertrude Pickens, dau, age 43, single, bp IL, f's bp IL, m's bp OH Elizabeth Pickens, age 42, bp IL, single, bp IL, f's bp IL, m's bp OH, teacher- grade school 1930 Census: San Diego, San Diego Co, California Frank Pickens, age 86, bp IL Maud E. Pickens, dau, age 60, single, bp IL Gertrude Pickens, dau, age 54, single, bp IL Elizabeth Pickens, dau, age 52, single, bp IL, teacher- public school | Pickens, Francis Asbury (I17069)
14143 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 census: South Ottawa, LaSalle, Illinois Theodora L. Pickens 20 Illinois | Pickens, Theodore L. W. (I17057)
14144 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Stearns Co, Minnesota Adelbert Huntington, age 6 New York 1880 Census Place: North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska Household: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Ad E. HUNTINGTON Self M Male W 26 NY Carpenter NY NY Annie R. HUNTINGTON Wife M Female W 22 SAXONY Keeping House SAXONY SAXONY ... HUNTINGTON Son S Male W 1M NE NY SAXONY 1900 Census: North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska Transcribed as Willard, image 22 of 73 Aldelbert Huntington, Feb 1854, age 46, m 22 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Carpenter Anna Huntington, Feb 1858, age 42, 7 births 5 living, bp GER George Huntington, son, Nov 1882, age 17, bp NE Lillie Huntington, dau, Apr 1885, age 15, bp NE Katie Huntington, dau, May [?] 1880, age 10, bp NE Hazel Huntington, dau, Aug 1892, age 7, bp NE Alexander Huntington, son, Apr [?] 1895, age 5, bp NE Extremly faded image 1910 Census: 2-Wd North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska A. E. Huntington, age 56, m 32 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Could not read occ Annie Huntington, wife, age 52, 8 births 6 living, bp GER, p's bp ?? Hazel Huntington, dau, age 17, bp NE Alexander Huntington, son, age 15, bp NE Irma Huntington, dau, age 8, bp NE Roomers, Could not read info. 1920 Census: North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska Dell Huntington, age 6?, bp NY, Carpenter- shop Anna Huntington, wife, age 6?, bp GER Irma Huntington, dau, age 17, bp NE Same page as son George and family. Next household to dau Hazel and famiily. 1930 Census: Long Beach, Los Angeles, California Adelbert E. Huntington, age 76, widow, bp NY, p's bp NY Irma D. Simkins, dau, age 27, divorced, bp NE, Operator- telephone co. Joseph E. Simkins, gr-son, age 7, bp CA, f's bp WALES, m's bp NE Previous household was daughter Lillian. | Huntington, Adelbert E. (I4862)
14145 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 census: Taunton, Bristol Co, MA Ella F. Childs, age 5, bp MA | Childs, Ella F. (I34913)
14146 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 census: Taunton, Bristol Co, MA Stephen B. Childs, age 3, bp MA Living with parents in 1870. 1870 census for Dighton, Bristol Co, MA Stephen B. Childs, age 12, attending school, bp MA Living with father & step mother in 1880. 1880 Census for Fall River, Bristol Co, Massachusetts Stephen B. CHILDS, son, age 22, bp MA, occ Sailor, p's bp MA MA Same location as father. 1900 census: Fall River, Bristol Co, Massachusetts Steven B. Childs, Jan 1855, m 19 yrs, bp MA, p's bp MA, Farm Laborer Mary F. Childs, wife, Jan 1855, 8 births 8 living, bp MA. p's bp ENG Charlotte J. Childs, dau, Dec 1883, age 16, bp MA Hattie M. Childs, dau, Sep 1885, age 14, bp MA Walter H. Childs, son, Aug 1887, age 12, bp MA Sarah E. Childs, dau, July 1889, age 10, bp MA George O. Childs, son, July 1891, age 8, bp MA Ida E. Childs, dau, Apr 1893, age 7, bp MA Steven B. Childs, son, Apr 1896, age 4, bp MA Note 7 children listed. Note Mary was abt 41 yrs old at the birth of her last child, 1910 Census: 9-Wd Fall Rvr, Bristol Co, Massachusetts Steven B. Childs, age 55, m 29 yrs, bp MA, p's bp MA, Farm Laborer Mary F. Childs, wife, age 55, 8 births 7 living, bp MA. p's bp ENG Bertha F. Childs, dau, age 28, single, bp MA Charlotte J. Childs, dau, age 27, bp MA Hattie M. Childs, dau, age 25, bp MA Walter H. Childs, son, age 23, bp MA Sarah E. Childs, dau, age 21, bp MA George O. Childs, son, age 19, bp MA Steven B. Jr. Childs, son, age 13, bp MA Note Ida is not listed. 1920 census: Fall River, Bristol Co, Massachusetts Stephen B. Childs, age 63, widow, bp MA, f's bp MA, m's bp VT, Labor- contractor Bertha F. Childs, dau, age 38, bp MA, p's bp MA, Bookeeper Stephen B. Jr. Childs, son, age 23, bp MA, p's bp MA, Shipping Clerk Ruth E. Smith, gr-dau, age 8, bp NY, p's bp MA Dorothy F. Smith, gr-dau, age 6, bp NY, p's bp MA Not listed in 1930 census. | Childs, Stephen B. (I34915)
14147 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Watertown, Jefferson, New York Albert, age 18, bp NY, Farmer | Hart, Albert (I23554)
14148 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Watertown, Jefferson, New York Patience, age 15, bp NY Extracted deaths from the 1865 census for Jefferson County Hart, Patience E 19 F S 11/10/1864 NY Typhoid Fever Watertown #3 | Hart, Patience E. (I23555)
14149 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. 1860 Census: Winona, Winona Co, Minnesota Alvin A Hamilton 20 1839 Michigan 1870 census: Winona, Winona Co, Minnesota next household to father Enoch Hamilton's Alvin Hamilton, age 30, Cemetery keeper, born in Michigan Mary E. Hamilton, age 29, born in Massachusetts Edith Hamilton, age 8, born in Minnesota Frank Hamilton, age 3, born in Minnesota Elizabeth O'Regan, age 1, born in Minnesota Emma Miller, age 23, born in Wisconsin Note the previous household is the O'Regan's w/ 5 children. 1880 Census Place: Ames, Story Co, Iowa Matilda HAMILTON Self M Female W 38 PA CT CT Edith HAMILTON Other S Female W 18 MN MI PA Frank HAMILTON Other S Male W 12 MN MI PA Laura FLICK Other S Female W 21 PA Dressmaker PA ENG Rachael FLICK Other S Female W 24 PA Milliner PA ENG Note Alvin is not listed, Matilda states married. | Hamilton, Alvin Clinton (I37313)
14150 | If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at [[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S. Living with parents in 1860. Transcribed as Nack, difficult to read. 1860 Census: Watertown, Jefferson, New York Mary Hart, age 13, bp NY Living in the parent Hart household in 1870. 1870 Census: Watertown, Jefferson, New York William Snowden, age 25, bp NY, Tin Smith Maryette Snowden, age 25, bp NY 1880 Census: Chester, Orange Co, New York William Snowden, age 35, bp NY, p's bp NY, Farmer Marietta Snowden, wife, age 37, bp NY, p's bp NY Jennie Snowden, dau, age 4, bp NY Alice E. Snowden, dau, age 3/12, bp NY | Hart, Marietta (I23557)