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14001 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1850:
1850 Census: Burlington, Kane Co, Illinois
William Groom, age 57, bp ENG, Farmer
Elizabeth Groom, age 49, bp ENG
John W. Groo, age 18, bp ENG
Robert Groom, age 16, bp ENG
Fredrick Groom, age 15, bp ENG
Mary A. Groom, age 11, bp ENG
Sarah Groom, age 79, bp ENG 
Groom, Frederick (I16199)
14002 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1850:
1850 Census: Jackson, Crawford, OH
William Burwell, 37, OH, farmer
Nancy Burwell, 37, OH
Mary Ann Burwell 17, OH
Joseph Burwell, 15, OH
[?] Jno/Irv/Ine Burwell, 13, OH
*Morgan Burwell, age 12, bp OH
Job, 3rd Burwell, 9, OH
Wm Burwell, 8, OH
Thomas I or J Burwell, 6, OH
Catherine E or C Burwell, 2, OH
Job 2nd Burwell, 50, PA 
Burwell, Morgan (I5216)
14003 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1870 and 1880:

1870 census Manhattan, Riley, KS
Albert Whitehead, age 28, bp ENG, Hedge Grower
Sarah, age 25, bp IL
Charles Whitehead, age 3, bo IL
Rosey [?], female, age 1, bp KS

1880 Census: Iona, Jewell, KS
Albert Whitehead, age 38, bp ENG, p's bp ENG, Farmer
Sarah J. Whitehead, 35, bp IL, p's bp OH
Charles O. Whitehead, son, age 13, bp KS
Rucy [?], dau, 11, bp KS
Mary, 4, bp KS
Sarah E., 6, bp KS
Alberta, 4, bp KS

Note same location as wife Laura in 1900
1900 Census: Albion, Republic, Kansas
Charles O. Whitehead, head, Jan 1867, age 33, bp KS, f's bp ENG, m's bp IL, Farmer
No others listed. 
Whitehead, Charles O. (I4922)
14004 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1870 and 1880:

1870 Census: Cincinnati PO, Illinois Twp, Washington Co, Arkansas
J. F. Bates, age 39, bp AR [abt 1831], Farmer
M. J. Bates, age 39, bp AR, female
C. Bates, age 11, male, bp AR
N. L. Bates, age 9, female, bp KS
J. H. Bates, age 8, male, bp AR
*W. R. Bates, age 7, ditto, transcribed as female, bp AR
Charles, age 5, ditto [male], bp AR

1880 Census: Illinois twp, Washington Co, Arkansas
James Bates, age 49, bp AR, f's bp TN, m's bp AR, Teacher
Margaret Bates, wife, age 49, bp AR, p's bp TN
Clinton Bates, son, age 22, bp AR, Teacher
Nannie Bates, dau, age 20, bp AR
James Bates, son, age 19, bp AR
*William Bates, son, age 17, bp AR
Charley Bates, son age 13, bp AR
Addie Bates, sister, age 34, bp AR, "Asthma", p's bp AR 
Bates, Dr. William Russell (I14402)
14005 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1870 and 1880:

1870 Census: Potsdam, Saint Lawrence Co, New York
Nathen Stone 34, bp NY, Photographer
Betsey 32 NY
Clark N. 8 NY
Ida A. 7 NY
Mamie 5 NY
Silas S. Stone, age 3, bp NY
Emeline, 2 NY
Marrion Stooten, f, 19, NY

Transcribed as Stom
1880 Census: Potsdam, Saint Lawrence, NY
Nathan L. Stone, 44 NY NY NY, Artist- Day[?]
Betsey S. Stone, 42 NY CT VT
Nathan C. 19 NY
Ida A., 17 NY
Minnie M., 15 NY
Silas S. Stone, age 13, bp NY, p's bp NY
Emeline E., 12 NY
Geroge W., 9 NY
Herbert C., 6 NY 
Stone, Silas Stanley (I21516)
14006 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1870 and 1880:
1870 census Denmark twp. Lewis Co. NY
image 14
Copenhagen P.O. farmer, 200 acres, all born in NY
Charles C. Horr, age 8 mos.

Transcribed as Harr.
1880 Census: Denmark, Lewis Co, New York
Household: image 19
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Charles P. HORR Son S Male W 10 NY NY NY 
Horr, Charles (I27134)
14007 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1870:
1870 Census: Milburn, Ballard Co, Kentucky
Jasper Sanford, age 34, bp KY, Merchant
Sarah H. Sanford, age 27, bp KY
Susan C., age 9, bp KY
*Hiram N. Sanford, age 7, bp KY
Harden, age 6, bp KY
Mollie, age 4, bp KY
Jasper N., age 1, bp KY 
Sanford, Hiram Newton (I6457)
14008 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1880
Census Place: Beat 3, Lawrence co, Mississippi 1880
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
David ALEXANDER Self M Male W 36 MS Farmer MS MS
Mary ALEXANDER Wife M FemaleW 36 MS MS MS
Fanny ALEXANDER Dau S FemaleW 15 MS MS MS
*Smiley D. ALEXANDER Son S Male W 13 MS Working On Farm MS MS
Isabelle ALEXANDER Dau S Female W 9 MS MS MS
Jessee E. ALEXANDER Son S Male W 7 MS MS MS
Harris W. ALEXANDER Son S Male W 5 MS MS MS
Doctor ALEXANDER Son S Male W 2 MS MS MS 
Alexander, Smiley David (I6327)
14009 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1880 and 1900:
1880 Census: Hay Stack, Grant Co, Oregon
Jos. Tompkins, age 41, bp OH, f's bp NY, m's bp ME, Farmer
Sarah Tompkins, wife, age 33, bp OR, f's bp IL, m's bp KY
D.D., son, age 6, bp OR
Emily C.,dau, age 4, bp OR
*Jacob Tompkins, son, age 2, bp OR
Alice L., dau, age 10/12 Aug, bp OR

Transcribed as Josephine
1900 Census: West Oregon City, Clackamas Co, Oregon
Josephus?? Tomkins, Sept 1838, m 26 yrs, bp OH, f's bp NY, m's bp ME, Farmer
Sarah H. Tompkins, wife, Oct 1848, 7 births 6 living, bp OR, f's bp IL, m's bp TN, School Teacher
*Jacob H, Tompkins, son, Oct 1878, bp OR
Siblings: Emily E, Forbes, Morton, Verna 
Tompkins, Jacob Hunsaker (I15511)
14010 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1880:
1880 Census: Le Mars, Plymouth, IA
James D. Jackson, 28, bp NY, Dentist
Anna E. Jackson, 32, bp NY
Charlie D., 10, bp NY
Milton C. or Wilber C., 7, bp NY
Floyd C. Jackson, son, age 3, bp MN
Ralph E., age 9/12, bp IA

1900 census Kansas City Ward 8, Jackson, Missouri
Floyd C Jackson, boarder, Sept 1875, age 25, m 0 yrs, bp MN, p's bp NY, Clerk C office
Jessie Jackson, boarder, Mar 1875, age 25, 0 births, bp MO, p's bp OH 
Jackson, Floyd (I14966)
14011 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1880:
1880 Census: Orleans, Jefferson, NY
Albert Baxter, age 57, bp NY, p's bp NY, Wagon & Carriage Maker
Mary Baxter, wife, age 50, bp NY, p's bp NY
Millard or Willard Baxter, son, age 23, bp NY, School Teacher
John, son, age 26, bp NY, Blacksmith
Albert, son 12, bp NY, p's bp not stated, at school
Ester Peoples, age 6, relationship not stated, bp NY, p's bp NY, at school 
Baxter, Millard F. (I21978)
14012 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1900 and 1910:

1900 Census: Orleans, Jefferson Co, New York
Frank Carlisle, Dec 1860, m 12 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Farmer
Minnie Carlisle, wife, May 1863, 5 births 3 living, bp CAN, p's bp CAN
Leslie Carlisle, son, May 1888, age 12, bp NY, f's bp NY, m's bp CAN
Lawrence, son, Sept 1892
Brayton, son, June 1899

1910 Census: Theresa, Jefferson Co, New York
Frank C. Carlisle, Farmer- dairy farm
Minnie, wife, 8 births 6 living
Leslie C. Carlisle, son, age 21, bp NY, f's bp NY, m's bp CAN
Lawrence H
Brayton C.
Eugene W.
Janice A.
Arthur P.
CARLISLE,LESLIE E. SN.FRANK & MINNIE 1888-1969 m:5 DEC 1914 OMARcemetery
Carlisle, Leslie E. (I21910)
14013 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1900 and 1910:
1900 Census: Ogden Ward 2, Weber Co, Utah
John Eisenberg, Oct 1841, age 58, m 18 yrs, bp GER, p's bp GER
Susan P. Eisenberg, Oct 1860, age 39, 5 births 3 living, bp MO, p's bp MO
Lizzie K. Eisenberg, dau, Sep 1883, age 16, bp MO
George W. Eisenberg, son, Feb 1886, age 14, bp KS
Charles D. Eisenberg, son, Dec 1888, age 11, bp KS

1910 Census: Ogden Ward 2, Weber Co, Utah
Susan Eisenberg, head, age 50, widow, 5 births 3 living, bp MO, f's bp KY, m's bp MO
Lizzie Eisenberg, dau, age 26, bp MO
George Eisenberg, son, age 24, bp KS, Salesman- traveling
Charles Eisenberg, son, age 22, bp KS, State ??
Aultorest Memorial Park Burial Records (Weber Co, Utah)
Last Name First Name - Death Date - Birth Date Plot Lot Position
Eisenberg, Elizabeth K. - 17-Feb-63 - 16-Sep-84 Block #12 32 4
Eisenberg, George W. - 11-Jul-63 - 12-Feb-86 Peace Cor 2nd Floor Row B 7
Eisenberg, Laura S. - 06-May-77 - 28-Aug-76 W.Peace Cor 2nd Flor Row B 5
Eisenberg, Susan P. - 22-Jan-39 - 21-Oct-60 Block 12 32 
Eisenberg, George W. (I10069)
14014 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1900 and 1910:
1900 Census: Rochester Ward 6, Monroe Co, New York
Roland P. Gray, Feb 1868, age 32, m 5 yrs, bp NY
Nettie P. Gray, wife, Nov 1871, age 28, 1 birth, bp ??
Roland C. Gray, son, June 1898, age 1, bp NY
Image faded, could not read occupation.

1910 Census: Orono, Penobscot Co, Maine
Roland P Gray, age 41, m 17 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Professor at Univ. of Maine
Nettie P. Gray, wife, age 38, bp NY, p's bp NY
Roland C. Gray, son, age 11, bp NY 
Gray, Roland C. Sr. (I18916)
14015 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1900:
1900 Census: Cimarron, Kingfisher Co, Oklahoma
Glen VanGundy, Jan 1863, age 37, m 10 yrs, bp KS, OH, MD
Olive L, wife, June 1872, age 27, 2 births, bp IL, IL, OH
Benjamin VanGundy, son, Sept 1892, age 7, bp KS
Howard VanGundy, son, Aug 1899, bp OK 
Van Gundy, Benjamin H. (I16043)
14016 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1900:
1900 Census: Dayton, Yamhill Co, Oregon
Peter Jenson, June 1859, age 40, m 20 yrs, bp Denmark, p's bp DEN, im 1873, Farmer
Annie Jenson, wife, Aug 1863, 11 births 9 living, bp DEN, p's bp DEN, im 1873
*George Jenson, son, Dec 1881, age 18, bp MN
Siblings: Mary, Betsey, Eliza, Christina, Earnest, Ola, Peter, Garfield. 
Jenson, George Clarence (I15516)
14017 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1900:
1900 Census: Dixon, Hamlin Co, South Dakota
John Knadle, Oct 1860, m 19 yrs, bp WI, p's bp BOEH, Farmer
Mary Knadle, wide, Sept 1860, 11 births 10 living, bp BOEH, p's bp BOEH, im 1869
*Charley Knadle, son, Jan 1882, age 18, bp WI, f's bp WI, m's bp BOEH, General Store
(Siblings) Eddie, Fred, Adolph, Emma, Theodar, Nora, John, Albert, George.

Also listed as a pupil at Wessington Springs Seminary
1900 Census: Wessington Springs, Jerauld, South Dakota
*Charlie Knadle, Jan 1882, age 18, bp WI, p's bp GER 
Knadle, Charles (I22138)
14018 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1900:
1900 Census: Sumner, Garfield Co, Oklahoma
Frank Ferbrache, April 1863, age 37, m 10 yrs, bp IL, f's bp IN, m's bp IL, Farmer
Marjory Ferbrache, wife, Mar 1872, 4 births 4 living, bp MO, f's bp NY, m's bp IL
*Frank Ferbrache, son, Sep 1891, age 8, bp KS
Bessie Ferbrache, dau, Oct 1893, bp KS
Winnifred Ferbrache, dau, Jna 1895, bp KS
Jessie Ferbrache, dau, Oct 1899, bp KS
Marjory transcribed as Mannie.

Living with his mother in 1910:
1910 Census: Manville, Converse Co, Wyoming
Marjorie Ferbrache, head, age 38, widow, 5 births 4 living, bp MO, f's bp NY, m's bp IL, Farmer
*Frank Ferbrache, son, age 18, bp KS, f's bp IL, m's bp MO, Farmer
Winnifred Ferbrache, dau, age 16, bp KS
Bessie Ferbrache, dau, age 15, bp KS
Jessie Ferbrache, dau, age 10, bp KS
Found Bessie and Frank in 1930 
Ferbrache, Frank Dudley (I3853)
14019 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1900:
Note spelling of surname, could be MaComber
1900 census: Philadelphia, Jefferson Co, New York
Cyrus Macumber, Apr 1863, age 37, m 17 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Upholster
Sarah, wife, Jan 1865, age 35, 3 births 3 living, bp NY, p's bp NY
William Macumber, son, Apr 1884, age 16, bp NY, Upholster
Donald, son, May 1893, NY
Burneace, dau, Dec 1899

Note spelling: Transcribed as Mccomber
1910 Census: Wilna, Jefferson Co, New York
Cyrus McOmber 46, m 27 yrs, bp NY, Upholster
Sarah 45, 6 births 3 living, bp NY
Donald C. 16, shipping clerk- chair factory
Bernice S. 10

Cyrus, before his marriage, living with his parents...Note spelling of surname
1880 Census: Watertown, Jefferson Co, New York
Lafayett Mc Omber, 55, bp NY, p's bp NY, Finisher
Francis E. Mc Omber, 42, bp NY, f's bp VT, m's bp NY
Cyrus Mc Omber, son, 17, bp NY, Works In Sewing Machine Shop
Mary E., 14
Charles, 9
Irene I., 3
Agness, 3M 
McOmber, William F. (I21908)
14020 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1910:
1910 Census: 1-Wd Bismarck, Burleigh Co, North Dakota
Frank Cushing, age 27, m 3 yrs, bp MA, f's bp CAN. m's bp NJ, Bookkeeper- trust co
Louise Cushing, wife, age 21, 2 births, bp ND, p's bp GER
Frankie, son, age 2, bp ND
Gertrude, dau, age 1, bp ND

SS Card issued in Nebraska. 
Cushing, Frank Joseph (I15018)
14021 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1930:
1930 Census: Butler, Montgomery Co, Ohio
Lewis Schwartz, age 69, bp OH, p's bp GER, Farmer- general
Lydia R. Schwartz, age 59, bp MD, p's bp MD
*Lewis F. Schwartz, son, age 22, single, bp OH, Truck Driver- gasoline co.

Birth Date: 3 Jun 1907
Death Date: 15 Sep 1988
Social Security Number: 298-05-5154
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Ohio
Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 45322
Localities: Englewood, Montgomery, Ohio
Union, Montgomery, Ohio 
Schwartz, Lewis F. (I32279)
14022 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his parents in 1930:
1930 Census: Waukesha, Waukesha Co, Wisconsin
Paul S Hunkins, age 37, m at 28, bp WI, f's bp WI, m's bp IRE, Machinist- laundry
Ida Hunkins, wife, age 31 [?], m at age 22, bp WI, p's bp GER
*James Hunkins, son, age 8, bp WI
Paul Hunkins, son, age 6, bp WI 
Hunkins, James Michael (I15274)
14023 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with his sister Flora in 1880.
1880 Census Place: Alpena, Alpena, Michigan
George P. HUNTINGTON Other Single Male W 26 MI Book Keeper NY NY

1900 Census: Detroit Ward 1, Wayne Co, Michigan
George Huntington, Nov 1856, age 43, m 16, bp MI, p's bp NY, collector for newspaper
Fannie Huntington, wife, Jan 1866, age 34, 3 birth, bp MI, p's bp MD
Franklin W. Huntington, son, Jun 1890, age 9, bp MI
Ralph C. Huntington, son, Nov 1893, age 6, bp MI
Norman S. Huntington, son, Apr 1898, age 2, bp MI

1910 Census: Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
George Huntington, age 56, m 26 yrs, bp MI, p's bp NY
Fannie S. Huintington, wife, age 44, 3 births, bp MI, p's bp ENG
Franklin Huntington, son, age 20, bp MI
Ralph C, Huntington, son, age 17, bp MI
Normandy S. Huntington, son, age 12, bp MI
Harriet Cheesebro, mo-in-law, age 72, widow, bp ENG, p's bp ENG 
Huntington, George P. (I4851)
14024 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with maternal gr-parents in 1920.
1920 census: Benton, Lafayette Co, Wisconsin
Eleanor K. Fields, gr- dau, age 9, bp WI, p's bp WI 
Fields, Eleanor K. (I22538)
14025 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother & step father in 1880.
1880 Census Place: North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska
Ernest WRIGHT SSon S Male W 10 MI At School ENG ENG
Note Ernest's mother married Edwin Huntington when Ernest was under age 1.

1900 Census: Maxwell, Lincoln Co, Nebraska
Ernest Wright, Dec 1868, age 31, m 8 yrs, bp MI, p's bp ENG, Farmer
Lillian L. Wright, wife, Nov 1870, age 29, 5 births, bp IN, f's bp IN, m's bp PA
Edwin E. Wright, son, Jan 1893, age 7, bp NE
Howard F. Wright, son, Sept 1894, age 5, bp NE
William C. Wright, son, Dec 1895, age 4, bp NE
Blanch E. Wright, dau, Feb 1898, age 2, bp NE
Jasper H. Wright, son, Nov 1899, age 7/12, bp NE

Could not find Ernest in 1910. Did he move to
Portland, Multnomah Co, Oregon? p's bp do not match.

1910 Census: 1-Wd North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska
Lillian L. Wright, head, age 39, divorced, 5 births, bp IN, f's bp OH, m's bp IN
Edwin E. Wright, son, age 17, bp NE, Painter- house
Howard F. Wright, son, age 15, bp NE
William C. Wright, son, age 14, bp NE
Blange A. Wright, dau, age 12, bp NE
Jasper H. Wright, son, age 10, bp NE

1920 Census: North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska
Lillian Wright, age 48, D [?], bp IN, p's bp GER
William Wright, son, age 24, bp NE, f's bp NE, m's bp IN, Brakeman- U.P.R.R.
Clara Wight, da-in-law, age 19, bp IL, p's bp IL
Howard Wright, son, age 25, bp NE, Brakeman- U.P.R.R.
Jake Wright, son, age 20, bp NE, Painter- shop

Could not find Lillian in 1930. 
Wright, Ernest (I4864)
14026 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother and gr-parents in 1920.
1920 Census: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake C0, Utah
Ruth L. Horr, gr-dau, age 2 7/12, bp UT, p's bp UT 
Horr, Ruth (I2552)
14027 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother and gr-parents in1930.
1920 Census: Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, California
Virginia Eaton, gr-dau, age 12, bp CA, f's bp So. America, m's bp MN

Living with mother and gr-parents in 1930.
1930 Census: Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, California
Virginia Thompson, dau, single, age 22, bp CA
Note Virginia's surname was written as Thompson. 
Eaton, Virginia (I23191)
14028 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother and grandfather in 1930.
1930 Census: Long Beach, Los Angeles, California
Joseph E. Simkins, gr-son, age 7, bp CA, f's bp WALES, m's bp NE 
Simkins, Edwin J. (I15044)
14029 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother and grandmother in 1900.
1900 Census: Springfield, Clarke Co, Ohio
Lillian Leffell, gr-dau, May 1883, age 16, bp OH, p's bp OH 
Leffell, Lillian (I37802)
14030 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother and grandmother in 1930.
1930 Census: Enfield, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts
Mildred E. Carpenter, gr-dau, age 8, bp MA, p's bp MA

Telegram & Gazette Newspaper (Worcester, Massachusetts) Mar 1, 2003
WEST BROOKFIELD -- Mildred E. (Carpenter) Stirling, 81, of Church Street Extension, died Thursday, Feb. 27, in Quaboag on the Common Nursing Home.
Her husband of 56 years, Allan "Pete" H. Stirling, died in 1998. She leaves a son, Robert A. Stirling of Hollis, N.H.; a daughter, Elizabeth A. Clarke of Northboro and Van Buren, Maine ; four grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews. She was born in Enfield, daughter of William H. and May E. (Horr) Carpenter, and moved here in 1938. She was one of the last residents to leave Enfield when it was flooded to create the Quabbin Reservoir. She attended Belchertown High School in Belchertown before graduating in 1939 from Warren High School.
Mrs. Stirling and her husband spent many years traveling and camping in the summer, and spent 10 years in Florida and Texas in the winters. She was a member of First Congregational Church.
Funeral services will be held in the spring at the convenience of the family. Burial will be in Pine Grove Cemetery in West Brookfield. There are no calling hours. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to West Brookfield Rescue Squad Inc., PO Box 540, West Brookfield, MA 01585. Varnum Funeral Home Inc., 43 East Main St., is directing arrangements. 
Carpenter, Mildred Elizabeth (I16056)
14031 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother and grandmother in 1930.
1930 Census: Maxwell, Lincoln Co, Nebraska
Lowell Huntington, son, age, 22, bp NE, p's bp NE 
Huntington, Lowell Lewis (I15058)
14032 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother and grandparents in 1910.
1910 Census: District 136, Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Opal C. Ovenshire [?], gr-dau, age 7, bp MI, p's bp MI 
Ovenshire, Opal C. (I35101)
14033 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother and stepfather in 1910.
1910 Census: Clayton, Union Co, New Mexico
Georgia N. Chase, st dau, age 13, bp MO

1920 Census: Mount Dora, Union Co, New Mexico
Leeland E. Leftwich, age 28, bp MO, f's bp VA, m's bp MO, Farmer- genearl
Georgia N. Leftwich, age 23, bp MO. f's bp MI, m's bp MO
Margaret C. Leftwich, age 1 7/12, bp MO

1930 Census: Keokuk, Lee Co, Iowa
Leland Leftwich, 38, 1m at age 24, bp MO, p's bp MO, Laborer
Dollie Leftwich, wife, age 30, 1m at age 15, bp IA, f's bp MO, m's bp IA
Dollie's 2 daughters and mother living with them
Children's surname STICE
Mother's surname RUDD

Leland was of Jackson, Clark Co, Missouri in 1900
SSDI- 17 Oct 1891
Leland remarried to Dolly. 
Chase, Georgia Nelson (I4822)
14034 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother and wife in 1900, Manhattan, New York, New York.
1900 Census: Manhattan, New York Co, New York
Extremly difficult to read, image 5 of 17
Frederick Kellogg, son, ? 1874, age 25, m 2 yrs, bp NY, p's bp NY, Insurance? Broker?
Dora Kellogg, da-in-law, Apr 187?, age ??, m 2 yrs, 0 births, bp NY, p's bp NY

1910 Census: 1-Wd Hackensack, Bergen Co, New Jersey
Frederick Kellogg, age 33, m 11 yrs, bp KS, p's bp NY, Bookkeeper- gas co
Dora Kellogg, wife, age 31, 3 births, bp NY p's bp NY
Federick Kellog, son, age 9, bp NY
Viviane Kellogg, dau, age 7, bp NY
Dorothy Kellogg, dau, age 4/12, bp NJ

Transcribed as Sedrick, born abt 1887.
1920 Census: Closter, Bergen Co, New Jersey
Frederick Kellogg, age 45, bp KS, p's bp NY, Clerk- lamp
Dora Kellogg, wife, 43, bp NY, p's bp NY
Frederick Jr. Kellogg, son, age 18, bp NJ
Dorothy Kellogg, dau, age 9, bp NJ
Minerva Kellogg, mother, age 75, widow, bp NY, p's bp NY
Note dau Ann Viviane is not listed.

1930 Census: Closter, Bergen Co, New Jersey
Fred V. Kellogg, age 54, bp KS, p's bp NY, Court Clerk- county court
Dora Kellogg, wife, age 51, bp NY, p's bp NY
Dorothy Kellogg, dau, age 20, bp NJ, f's bp KS, m's bp NY 
Kellogg, Frederick Van Patten (I14864)
14035 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother and wife in 1920.
1920 Census: North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska
William Wright, son, age 24, bp NE, f's bp NE, m's bp IN, Brakeman- U.P.R.R.
Clara Wight, da-in-law, age 19, bp IL, p's bp IL

Transcribed as Wilima C. Wright.
1930 Census: North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska
William C. Wright, age 34, m at age 22, bp NE, f's bp NE, m's bp IN, Brakeman- steam railroad
Clara F. Wright, wife, 30, m at age 18. bp IL, p's bp IL
Paul E. Wright, son, age 8, bp NE
Donald J. Wright, son, age 3 4/12, bp NE 
Wright, William C. (I22264)
14036 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1850.
1850 Census: Bloomington, McLean Co, Illinois
Cordelia Harr, age 16, bp NY 
Horr, Cordelia (I14071)
14037 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1860
1860 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Emma B. Peirce, age 1, bp MA

Living with parents in 1870
1870 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Emma B. Peirce, age 11, bp MA

Living with mother in 1880.
1880 Census: Lakeville, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Emma B. Peirce, age 21, bp MA, p's bp MA 
Peirce, Emma B. (I21619)
14038 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1860.
1860 Census: Antwerp, Jefferson Co, New York
Albert I. Baily, age 13, son, bp NY 
Bailey, Albert (I14654)
14039 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1860.
1860 Census: Antwerp, Jefferson Co, New York
Jennie S. Baily, age 15, dau, bp NY 
Bailey, Sarah Jennie (I14653)
14040 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1870.
1870 Census: Benton, Lafayette Co, Wisconsin
Ellenor Horr, age 34, keeping house, bp Ireland
William Horr, age 18, bp WI, Merchant
Five others listed with different surnames, including last entry
*Benjamin Horr, age 5, bp WI
Note Ellenor did not age 10 yrs.

1880 Census: Benton, La fayette Co, Wisconsin
Mat. Murphy, age 54, single, retired Lawyer, bp MO, f's bp IRE, m's bp Bonn [?]
Ellenor Horr, cousin, widow, age 53, bp IRE, p's bp IRE
*Ben. Horr, relationship not stated, age 13, bp unknown, p's bp unknown

1900 Census: Benton, Lafayette Co, Wisconsin
Transcribed as Elleanor HOER
Mathew Murphy, Jan 1826, age 74, single, bp MO, f's bp IRE, m's bp VA, "Capatlist"
*Elleanor Horr, boarder, Jan 1826, age 74, widow, 2 births 2 living, bp PA, p's bp IRE, Housekeeper
No others listed.
Note Ellenor stated she had two living children.

1900 Census: Benton, Lafayette Co, Wisconsin
*Benj. Horr, July--, age--, m 10 yrs, bp WI, p's bp IRE, Bar Tender
Catharine Horr, wife, Sept 1872, age 27, 4 births 3 living, bp WI, p's bp IRE
Gladys Horr, dau, Oct 1891, age 8, bp WI
Hazel Horr, dau, Sept 1894, age 5, bp WI
Clara Horr, dau, Feb 1900, age 2/12, bp WI
Joseph Shay, boarder, Apr 1870, age 30, bp WI, p's bp IRE, Bar Tender

1910 Census: Benton, Lafayette Co, Wisconsin
Bennie Horr, age 43, m 19 yrs, bp WI, p's bp WI, Blacksmith
Katherine Horr, age 41, 5 births 4 living, bp WI, p's bp IRE
Hazel M. Horr, dau, age 15, bp WI
Clara ? Horr, dau, age 9, bp WI
Alma Horr, age 7, bp WI
two households from Edward Fields.

1920 census: Benton, Lafayette Co, Wisconsin
Ben Horr, age 53, bp US, p's bp US, ??- railroad
Catharine Horr, wife, age 46, bp WI, p's bp IRE
Alma K. Horr, dau, age 16, bp WI, f's bp US, m's bp WI
Hazel M. Herrem, dau, age 25, widow, bp WI, f's bp US, m's bp WI, Retail Saleswoman- furniture store
Eleanor K. Fields, gr- dau, age 9, bp WI, p's bp WI 
Horr, Benjamin (I4214)
14041 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1880
Census Place: 6th Ward, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co, Michigan 1880
Joel W. HAMILTON Son S Male W 22 MI Lawyer MA NY

1900 Census: Union, Delaware Co, Indiana
Joel W. Hamilton, Apr 1858, age 42, m 3yrs, bp MI, f's bp MA, m's bp NY, Banker
Cora L. Hamilton, wife, Oct 1878, age 21, m 3yrs, 0 births, bp OH, p's bp OH, Bookkeeper- bank
Virginia Hamilton, dau, Mar 1892, age 8, bp Mexico, f's bp MI, m's bp OH
Alice J. Tidball, servant, bp OH
Emil Ra??, boarder, bp OH

Written as Joseph Hamilton
1910 Census: Union Twp, Delaware Co, Indiana
Joseph Hamilton, age 52, m 13 yrs, bp MI, f's bp MA, m's bp NY, ??
Cora Hamilton, wife, age 33, 2 births 2 living, bp OH, p's bp OH
Virgina Hamilton, dau, age 18, bp NM, f's bp MI, m's bp OH
Robert Hamilton, son, age 2, bp OH
Herbert Hamilton, son, age 7/12, bp IN
Alice Tidbal, servant, age 53, single, bp OH

1920 Census: Union, Delaware Co, Indiana
Joe Hamilton, age 61, bp MI, p's bp NY, Mining Engineer, gold mine
Cora L. Hamilton, wife, age 41, bp OH, p's bp OH
Robert W. Hamilton, son, age 12, bp OH
Herbert H. Hamilton, son, age 10, bp IN
Virginia Hamilton, dau, age 26, single, bp NM
Note Virginia did not age 10 yrs.

1930 Census: Eaton, Delaware Co, Indiana
Joel Hamilton, age 73, m at age 30, bp MI, f's bp MA, m's bp NY, Agent- insurance
Cora L. Hamilton, wife, age 51, m at age 18, bp OH, p's bp OH, Agent- insurance
Robert Hamilton, son, age 22, bp IN, Accountant- glass factory
Herbert Hamilton, son, age 20, bp IN
Virgil Schroder, boarder, age 26, bp IN, Teacher- school 
Hamilton, Joel W. (I16777)
14042 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1880.
1880 Census Place: Junction, Davis Co, Kansas
Horac Ozias KELLOGG Son S Male W 12 NY At School NY NY

Did not find Horace in 1900, 1910, 1920 censuses.

1900 Census: White Plains, Westchester Co, New York
Abraham Vanderoskuck, head, June 1832, age 63, m 30 yrs, bp Patterson NJ, p's bp Hobakens NY, Carriage trimmer
Emma P. Vanderoskuck, wife, Aug 1853, age 46, 8 births 5 living, NY State, f's bp Wm Brige??, m's bp Patterson NJ
*Emma J. Kellogg, dau, Aug 1881, age 18, m 9 yrs, 2 births 2 living, bp Yonkers NY
Edward M. Vanderoskuck, son, Dec 1870, age 29, bp Yonkers NY, Blacksmith
Frederick M. Vanderoskuck, son, July 1882, age 17, bp [??] NY, Blacksmith
*Emma R. Kellogg, gr-dau, April 1893, age 7, bp Baitto??? MD, f's bp Ogdensbridge NY
*Martha M. Kellogg, gr-dau, July 1889, age 1, bp White Plains NY, f's bp Ogdensbridge NY
Note Emma stated she was married, note she stated only two births.

1910 Census: 1-Wd White Plains, Westchester Co, New York
Emma J. Kellogg, head, age 37, 1m 19 yrs, 3 births 2 living, bp NY, f's bp NJ, m's bp NY, Confectionary- own shp
Emma R. Kellogg, dau, age 17, bp MD, p's bp NY
Martha M. Kellogg, dau, age 11, bp NY, p's bp NY
William Calvery, boarder, age 9, bp CT, p's bp IRE
Note stated she was married.

Could not find Emma in 1920, 1930 
Kellogg, Horace Ozias (I14860)
14043 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1900
1900 Census: Baraboo Ward 2, Sauk Co, Wisconsin
Elizabeth Horr, dau, Jan 1886, age 14, bp WI, p's bp NY

1910 Census: Baraboo, Sauk Co, Wisconsin
H. F. Pitts, age 35, m 6 yrs, bp WI, p's bp WI, Engineer- locomotive
Elizabeth Pitts, wife, age 24, 2 births, bp WI, p's bp NY
Robert Pitts, son, age 5, bp WI
Otis Pitts, son, age 1, bp WI
S. J. Horr, mo-in-law, age 60, widow, 6 births 5 living, bp NY, p's bp NY.

1920 Census: Baraboo, Sauk Co, Wisconsin
Homer Pitts, age 42, bp Wisconsin, ? Engineer for Railroad
Elizabeth Pitts, age 33, bp Wisconsin
Robert Pitts, age 14, bp Wisconsin
Otis Pitts, age 10, bp Wisconsin
Lucille Pitts, age 6, bp Wisconsin
Charles Pitts, age 5, bp Wisconsin
Marshall Pitts, age 1 ?/12, bp Wisconsin

Same location as brother Warren.
image 13 of 51, District 10
1930 Census: Kenosha, Kenosha Co, Wisconsin
Elizabeth Pitts, age 43, widow, bp Wisconsin, Corsetiere for Dry Good Store
Otis Pitts, son, age 20, bp Wisconsin
Lucille Pitts, dau, age 17, bp Wisconsin
Charles Pitts, son, age 15, bp Wisconsin
Marshall Pitts, son, age 11, bp Wisconsin
Note Robert, age abt 24, is not listed with family. 
Horr, Elizabeth (I37634)
14044 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1900
1900 Census: Baraboo Ward 2, Sauk Co, Wisconsin
Frankie Horr, dau, April 1880, age 20, bp WI, p's bp NY
Note her given name is consistently Frankie.

Baraboo Wisconsin
Horr Frankie, student, res 616 Ash.
Horr Lulu M., clk U. Von Wald, res 616 Ash.
Horr Otis S., res 616 Ash.
Horr Warren, lab, res 616 Ash.

1910 Census: 1-Wd Baraboo, Sauk Co, Wisconsin
Munroe Hatch, age 40, 1m 9 yrs, bp WI, f's bp ENG, m's bp IN, Engineer- locomotive
Frankie Hatch, wife, age 30, 1m 9 yrs, 2 births, bp WI, p's bp NY
Harald H. Hatch, son, age 7, bp WI
Helen J. Hatch, dau, age 4, bp WI

1920 Census: Winona Ward 1, Winona Co, Minnesota
Monroe C. Hatch, age 40, bp WI, f's bp London ENG, m's bp IN. Locomotive Engineer
Franka P. Hatch, wife, age 39, bp WI, p's bp NY
Harrold H. Hatch, son, age 16, bp WI
Helen Jane Hatch, dau, age 14, bp WI
Viola E. Hatch, dau, age 7, bp WI

1930 Census: Winona, Winona Co, Minnesota
Monroe C. Hatch, age 59, 1st m at age 31, bp WI, f's bp ENG, m's bp IN, Engineer- steam RR
Frances P. Hatch, wife, age 49, 1st m at age 21, bp WI, p's bp NY
Viola E. Hatch, dau, age 17, bp WI, p's bp WI
Patrica Hatch, gr-dau, age 4 8/12, bp MN, f's bp WI, m's bp MI
Rhoda E. Hensel, boarder, single, age 55
Did not find son Harold in 1930. 
Horr, Frances (I37635)
14045 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1900, 1910.
1900 census: Perkins, Payne Co, Oklahoma
George B. Cole, son, Jan 1874, age 26, single, bp IN, f's bp IN, m's bp KY, Farm Laborer

1910 Census: 5-wd Wichita, Sedgwick Co, Kansas
George B. Cole, son, age, 39, single, bp IN, f's bp IN, m's bp KY, Drugest- own store

1920 Census: Wichita, Sedgwick Co, Kansas
George B. Cole, head, age 45, bp IN, Pharmacist- own store
May Cole, wife, age 36, bp IA, f's bp OH, m's bp IA
Mrs. Emma H. Cole, mother, age 74, widow, bp KY

1930 Census: Wichita, Sedgwick Co, Kansas
George B. Cole, age 56, m at 44, bp IN, Proprietor- retail drug store
Mae E. Cole, wife, age 48, m at 31, bp IA, f's bp OH, m's bp IA 
Cole, George Berlin (I6407)
14046 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1900.
1900 Census: Antwerp, Jefferson Co, New York
Kate E. Baliey, dau, Nov 1863, age 36, single, bp NY, p's bp NY

Could not find in 1910, 1930. 
Bailey, Katherine (I15916)
14047 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1900.
1900 Census: District 101, Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Bettie Hamilton, dau, Aug 1882, age 17, bp MI, p's bp MI 
Hamilton, Bettie (I35116)
14048 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1900.
1900 Census: District 101, Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
William Hamilton, son, Aug 1885, age 14, bp MI p's bp MI

1910 Census: District 136, Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
William W. Hamilton, age 23, m 1 yr, bp MI, p's bp MI, Farmer
Lucretia Hamilton, wife, age 29, m 1 yr, 1 birth, bp MI, p's bp England
Virginia M. Hamilton, dau, age 1/12, bp MI, p's bp MI
Mary H. Hamilton, mother, age 62, widow, 5 births 4 living, bp MI, p's bp NY
Martin Joblimks [?], hired hand, age 19, bp MI

1920 Census: District District 155, Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
William W. Hamilton, age 32, bp MI, p's bp MI, Farmer
Lucretia Hamilton, wife, age 38, bp MI, p's bp England
Virginia M. Hamilton, dau, age 9, bp MI, p's bp MI
Mary H. Hamilton, mother, age 72, widow, bp MI, p's bp NY

1930 Census: Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
William W. Hamilton, age 43, m at age 21, bp MI, f's bp US, m's bp MI, Salesmanager- Retail automobile
Lucretia D. Hamilton, wife, age 47, m at age 25, bp MI, p's bp ENG
Virginia M. Hamilton, dau, age 20, single, bp MI
William R. Hamilton, son, age 8, bp MI, Newsboy- street
Note this census has them married about 3 yrs eariler. 
Hamilton, William W. (I35117)
14049 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1900.
1900 Census: Goshen, Champaign Co, Ohio
Sarah Horr, dau, Aug 1874, age 25, bp OH

1910 Census: Union twp, Champaign Co, Ohio
Edward Hodge, age 53, married 6 yrs, bp OH, p's bp OH, Farmer
Sarah Hodge, wife, age 35, 1 birth, bp OH. p's bp NY
Guy Hodge, son, age 24, bp OH, p's bp OH, Farm Laborer- home
Helen Hodge, dau, age 20, bp OH, p's bp OH
John Hodge, son, age 5, bp OH, p's bp OH
Note this was Edward's second marriage. 
Horr, Sarah (I3003)
14050 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

Living with mother in 1900.
1900 Census: Hawarden, Buncombe, Sioux Co, Iowa
Edgar E. Wight, son, July 1887, age 12, bp SD, f's bp MA, m's bp IA

Living with mother & step father in 1910.
1910 Census: 2-Wd Hawarden, Sioux Co, Iowa
Edgar R. Wight, st-son, age 22, bp SD, f's bp MA, m's bp IA, Jeweler- jewelery store

1920 Census: Medford, Jackson Co, Oregon
Edgar E. Wight, age 32, bp SD, f's bp MA, m's bp SD, Jeweler- store
Mora Wight, wife, age 37, bp IA, f's bp KY, m's bp OH
Dorothy Wight, dau, age 4 3/12, bp OR
Gwendolynn Wight, dau, age 2/1 12, bp OR

1930 Census: Ontario, San Bernardino Co, California
Edgar Wight, age 43, m at age 28, bp SD, f's bp MA, m's bp IA, Merchant- jewelery store
Mora Wight, wife, age 47. m at age 32, bp IA, f's bp KY, m's bp OH
Dorothy Wight, dau, age 14, bp OR
Gwendolyn Wight, dau, age 12, bp OR
Donald Wight, son, age 9, bp OR

Calif Death Records
Wight, Edgar (I22922)

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