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13701 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1910 Census: Inkom, Bannock Co, Idaho
George F. Mortimer, age 28, 2m 0 yrs, bp CA, f's bp ENG, m's bp PA, Cook- boarding car [RR?]
Hannah M. Mortimer, wife, age 17, 1m 0 yrs, 0 births, bp ID, f's bp OH, m's bp UT
No others listed. 
Palmer, Hannah (I15397)
13702 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1910 Census: Marsh Valley, Bannock Co, Idaho
Lawrence Byington, age 27, m 4 yrs, bp ID, p's bp UT, Farming- farm
Rachel Byington, wife, age 23, 2 births 1 living, bp ID, p's bp ID
Leon Byington, son, age 1, bp ID, p's bp ID 
Byington, Lawrence (I21743)
13703 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1910 Census: Marsh Valley, Bannock Co, Idaho
Walter Byington, age 22, m 4 yrs, bp ID, p's bp UT, Farming- farm
Derstal Byington, wife, age 20, 2 births 1 living, bp UT, p's bp UT
Deral Byington, son, age 10/12, bp ID
Next household brother Lawrence's. 
Byington, Walter (I21745)
13704 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1910 Census: Muskogee, Muskogee Co, Oklahoma
Henry S. Hackbusch, age 40, 1m 11 yrs, bp IA, f's bp IA, m's bp GER, Civil Engineer
Catherine C. Hackbusch, wife, age 30, 5 births, bp MO, f's bp IA, m's bp MO
Frances Hackbusch, dau, age 10, bp MO
Henry Hackbusch, son, age 9, bp OK
Bristol Hackbusch, son, age 7, bp OK
Mary Hackbusch, dau, age 2, bp OK
Franklin Hackbusch, son, age 4/12, OK
Henry C. F. Hackbusch, father, age 77, widow, bp GER, p's bp GER, Civil Engineer

1920 Census: Wichita Falls, Wichita Co, Texas
Henry S. Hackbusch, age 50, bp IA, p's bp GER, Civil Engineer
Katherine B. Hackbusch, age 40, bp MO, p's bp MO
Frances A. Hackbusch, dau, age 20, bp MO
Henry C. Hackbusch, son, age 19, bp OK
Bristol S. Hackbusch, son, age 16, bp OK
Mary J. Hackbusch, dau, age 12, bp OK
Franklin M. Hackbusch, son, age 10, bp OK
Keller S. Hackbusch, son, age 5, bp OK
Charles B. Hackbusch, son, age 3 0/12, bp KS
Susan L. Hackbusch, dau, age 1 3/12, bp OK

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 1925 City Directory Page 355
Hackbusch, Mary, h425 E 6th

Could not find Katherine or the younger children in 1930. 
Hackbusch, Henry Sherman (I6460)
13705 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1910 Census: School Dist 3, Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana
Albert Huntington, age 32, m 2 yrs, bp NE, f's bp NY, m's bp ENG, Farmer- general
Mrytle Huntington, wife, age 20, 1 birth, bp WY, f's bp WV, m's vp WI
Alice Huntington, dau, age 10/12, bp MT
Next household was nephew William C. Huntington, age 34, married to Ella Daylong. Following two households were James P. Daylong and Millard E. Daylong, ages 26 & 33, bp MO. 
Huntington, Albert C. (I4867)
13706 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1910 Census: West Branch Twp, Ogemaw Co, Michigan
Leroy B. Garner, age 23, m 3 yrs, bp MI, f's bp MI, m's bp NY, Jeweler
Bertha A. Garner, wife, age 23, 0 births, bp MI, p's bp MI

1920 Census: West Branch, Ogemaw Co, Michigan
Leroy D. Garner, age 33, bp MI, f's bp MI, m's bp NY, Retail Merchant- jewelery
Bertha Garner, wife, age 32, bp MI, p's bp MI
Roy G. Garner, son, age 7, bp MI, p's bp MI
Glenn E. Garner, son, age 4 [?]/12, bp MI, p's bp MI
Lena Beecher, sis-in-law, age 37, married, bp MI, p's bp MI, Jeweler- jewelry store

1930 Census: West Branch, Ogemaw Co, Michigan
Leroy D. Garner, age 43, bp MI, f's bp MI, m's bp NY, Retail Merchant- jewelery store
Bertha Garner, wife, age 43, bp MI, p's bp MI
Roy G. Garner, son, age 17, bp MI
Glen E. Garner, son, age 14, bp MI
Gerald A. Garner, son, age 2, bp MI
No others listed. 
Graves, Bertha Alida (I5409)
13707 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1910 Census: Wichita, Sedgwick Co, Kansas
Dr. Henry H. Taggart, age 35, m 8 yrs, bp IN, f's bp IN, m's bp KY, Physician
*May Taggart, wife, age 30, 1 birth, bp IL, p's bp PA
Margaret Taggart, dau, age 6, bp KS
Albert Taggart, father, age 66, m 44 yrs, bp IN, f's bp IRE, m's bp VA
Elizabeth Taggart, mother, age 68, 4 births, bp KY, f's bp NY, m's bp KY

1920 Census: Wichita, Sedgwick Co, Kansas
Henry H. Taggart, age 45, Physician- medical
Lizzie M.Taggart, age 40
Margaret J. Taggart, age 16
Elizabeth M. Taggart, age 5, bp KS
Elizabeth S. Taggart, mother, age 77
Only the 2nd dau is new.

1930 Census: Wichita, Sedgwick Co, Kansas
Henry H. Taggart, age 56, m at 24 yrs, bp IN, f's bp IN, m's bp KY, Physician- medical
Mae Taggart, wife, age 51, m at 19, bp IL, p's bp PA
Elizabeth M. Taggart, dau, age 18, bp KS
Elizabeth S. taggart, mother, widow, age 87, bp KY, f's bp NY, m's bp KY
Warren H. taggart, brother, widow, age 63, bp IN
Albert Taggart, nephew, age 29, m at 21, bp MO
Anna F. Taggart, niece, age 31, m at 25, bp KS, f's bp OH, m's bp IL
Frances J. Taggart, gr niece, age 6, bp KS, f's bp MO, m's bp KS 
Taggart, Dr. Henry Hudson (I6396)
13708 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1910 Cenus: 7-Wd Port Huron, St Clair Co, Michigan
Frank H. Ross, age 33, 1m 6 yrs, bp CAN, p's bp CAN, Barber
Maud B. Ross, wife, age 33, 2 births, bp CAN, p's bp CAN
Ward Francis, son, age 4, bp MI
Lila Y., dau, age 3, bp MI

1920 Census: Port Huron Precinct 7, St Clair Co, Michigan
Maud B. Ross, head, age 43, widow, bp CAN, p's bp CAN, im 1880
F. Ward, son, 14, MI
L. Yavonne ?, dau, 12, MI
Woodrow W. Ross, son, age 6, bp MI, p's bp CAN

1930 Census: Port Huron, St Clair Co, Michigan
Same family info, Mother emumerated census.
Woodrow W. Ross , son, age 16, bp MI, p's bp CAN 
Ross, Woodrow W. (I23415)
13709 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 census: Chicago, Cook Co, Illinois
Melville Horr
Age 21, Bp: Illinois, both parents born in Illinois, bookkeeper for Rail Road
Listed in the household of his in-laws, Fred (salesman) and Minnie Spader, married to Helen (Spader) Horr age 19, born in Kansas, father born in Kansas, mother born in Missouri, grand parents born in Sweden.

1930 Census: Chicago, Cook Co, Illinois
Still living with in-laws.
Melvin Horr, son-in-law, age 31, bp WI, p's bp IL, Assit. Clerk- steel
Helen Horr, dau, age 30, bp KS, p's bp KS
No children listed. 
Horr, Melville (I7295)
13710 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: El Paso, El Paso Co, Texas
Richard Groom, roomer, age 21, single, bp Co, f's bp IL, m's bp KS, Baggage Agent- railroad

Living with parents in 1930.
1930 Census: South Boulder, Boulder Co, Colorado
Richard Groom, son, age 28, single, bp CO, Laborer- gardening

SSDI issued in Colorado
RICHARD C GROOM 22 Oct 1898 09 Apr 1989 80214 (Denver, Jefferson, CO) 
Groom, Richard C. (I23184)
13711 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: Fitchburg Ward 6, Worcester Co, Massachusetts
Albert Lawrence, son, age 17, bp MA, p's bp MA 
Lawrence, Albert S. (I23840)
13712 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: Highland, Minnehaha Co, South Dakota
John Ridpath, age 43, bp AL, f's bp IN, m's bp IA, Farmer
Ida Ridpath, wife, age 38, bp IA, p's bp IA
5 sons, 3 daughters, all bp SD
7th born...Leona Ridpath, dau, age 5, bp SD

Could not find in 1930. 
Ridpath, John (I21801)
13713 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 census: Independence, Montgomery Co, Kansas
Step father James & mother Hattie Clark, ages 61 & 49, bps IL & IA, Farmer
Homer Caudle, st- son, age 24, divorced, bp MO, f's bp MO, m's bp IA, Machinist
Blendina Caudle, st- [gr ?]- dau, age 2, bp KS, p's bp MO 
Caudle, Homer Granville Sr. (I15140)
13714 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: Las Vegas, San Miguel Co, New Mexico
Donald L. Badgley, age 30, bp KS, p's bp US, ???- Rail- [?]
Ila Badgley, wife, age 30, bp KS, f's bp WI, m's bp TN
Isack H. Drake, roomer, age 37, bp KY, p's bp KY, Teacher- school
Mirna Drake, roomer, age 31, bp Mo, p's bp MO, Teacher- school

1930 Census: Slaton, Lubbock Co, Texas
Donald L. Badgley, age 38, age at 1st m 27, bp KS, f's bp CAN, m's bp KS, Train Master- steam railway
Thelma Badgley, wife, age 29, age at 1st m 25, bp KS, f's bp OH, m's bp KS
Susan Badgley, dau, age 3 2/12, bp TX 
Badgley, Donald (I21670)
13715 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: Limon, Lincoln Co, Colorado
household of J.A. Smith, manager of hotel
Macy Hiatt, lodger, age 24, single, bp Nebraska, p's bp IL, waitress at hotel
long list of names 
Hiett, Macy (I4388)
13716 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Judith S. Dunham, head, age 46, widow, bp MA, p's bp MA, Saleslady- dept store
Paul W. Diunham, son, age 20, bp MA, p's bp MA, Laborer- shoe factory
Ruth S. Dunham, son, female, age 6, bp MA, p's bp MA
Emma S. Keith, mother, age 67, widow, bp MA, p's bp MA
Note Ruth was listed as son.

1930 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Judith F. Dunham, head, age 54, widow, m at age 20, bp MA, p's bp MA, Clerk- dry goods store
Ruth Dunham, dau, age 16, bp MA, p's bp MA
Emma F. Keith, mother, age 77, m at age 17, bp MA, p's bp MA 
Keith, Judith Frances (I21242)
13717 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: Nixon, DeWitt Co, Illinois
Drew A. Baker, age 36, bp IL, p's bp ENG, Farmer- gen farm
Nettie M. Baker, wife, age 33, bp KY, p's bp KY
Burness A. Baker, son, age 16, bp IL
Orland Baker, son, age 12, bp IL 
Baker, Burness A. (I23413)
13718 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: North Platte Ward 4, Lincoln Co, Nebraska
Lemuel Steele, age 50, bp IN, f's bp OH, m's bp IN
Margaret Steele, wife, age 45, bp NE, p's bp OH
2 sons and ...
Mildred Steele, dau, age 14, bp NE
in 1900 two older children, Margaret was Maggie
Lemuel Steele, Dec 1870, m 4 yrs, bp NE, Machinist
Maggie Steele, wife, Sept 1873, bp NE 
Steele, Lemuel (I18599)
13719 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: Ross, Vermilion Co, Illinois
Dee A. Gilbert, age 27, bp IL, f's bp IL, m's bp IN, Farmer- general
Jesse E. Gilbert, wife, age 26, bp IL, p's bp US
Alvin D. Gilbert, son, 4 8/12, bp IL
Margaret E. Gilbert, dau, 2 1/12, bp IL
Blanche M. Gilbert, dau, 1 7/12, bp IL
Cora B. Gilbert, mother, age 52, widow, bp IN, p's bp IN

1930 Census: Ross, Vermilion Co, Illinois
Dee A. Gilbert, age 37, m at age 21, bp IL, f's bp IL, m's bp IN, Farmer- general
Jessie E. Gilbert, wife, age 36, m at age 21, bp IL, p's bp IL
Alvin D. Gilbert, son, 14, bp IL
Margaret E. Gilbert, dau, 13, bp IL
Blanche M. Gilbert, dau, 11, bp IL
George A. Gilbert, son, age 3 3/12, bp IL
Cora B. Gilbert, mother, age 63, widow, bp IN, p's bp IN 
Gilbert, Dee Alvan (I16202)
13720 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: San Diego, San Diego Co, California
Florence Bothwell, head, age 40, married, bp IL, p's bp ENG, no occ.
Doris Bothwell, dau, age 17, bp CA, f's bp CAN, m's bp IL

1930 Census: San Diego, San Diego Co, California
Florence I. Bothwell, head, age 52, widow, bp IL, p's bp ENG, Practioner- Christain Science
Dorr Bothwell, dau, age 27, bp CA, f's bp CAN, m's bp IL, Artist- painter 
Bothwell, Dorr (I10792)
13721 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Co, California
Louis, 55, Italy, no occ.
Clementina, age 45, Italy
Louis J. 18, CA
Lydia C. Maratti, dau, age 15, bp CA, p's bp ITA
Charles M. , 12, CA
Eva G., 7, CA 
Maratti, Lydia (I23854)
13722 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: Table, Lincoln Co, Nebraska
Charley S. Kilmer, age 37, bp NE, p's bp KS, Farmer- general
Katie Kilmer, wife, age 30, bp NE, f's bp MI, m's bp GER
Vance Kilmer, son, age 5, bp NE
Floyd Kilmer, son, age 3 ?/12, bp NE
Hazel Kilmer, dau, age 1 4/12, bp NE
Note son Clifford, age abt 7, is not listed.

1930 Census: Arnold, Custer Co, Nebraska
Charles Kilmer, age 47, m at age 27, bp NE, f's bp MI, m's bp KS, Attorney- law
Katie B. Kilmer, wife, age 40, m at age 20, bp NE, f's bp MI, m's bp GER
Vance O. Kilmer, son, age 15, bp NE
Floyd D. Kilmer, son, age 13, bp NE
Hazel A. Kilmer, dau, age 11, bp NE 
Huntington, Katie Barbara (I4910)
13723 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 Census: Union, Delaware Co, Indiana
Robert W. Hamilton, son, age 12, bp OH

Living with parents in 1930.
1930 Census: Eaton, Delaware Co, Indiana
Robert Hamilton, son, age 22, bp IN, Accountant- glass factory 
Hamilton, Robert W. (I22285)
13724 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1920 El Cajon, San Diego, California
Warren J. Bailey, age 41, bp PA, p's bp PA, Farmer- ranch
Lavina B. Bailey, wife, age 39, bp KS, f's bp OH, m's bp IL
5 sons, 3 daus, the oldest...
Velma L. Bailey, age 15, bp CO 
Bailey, Warren J. (I22554)
13725 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Beacon, Dutchess Co, New York
Roland C. Gray, age 30, married at age 19, bp NY, p's bp NY, Physical Instructor- public school
Eleanor S. Gray, wife, age 31, m at age 19, bp CO, p's bp NY
Robert C. Gray, son, age 10, bp NY
Chester F. Gray, son, age 6, bp NY
Jane Gray, dau, age 2 6/12, bp NY 
Singer, Eleanor Mildred (I16187)
13726 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Beaver, Converse Co, Wyoming
Frank Dadley Ferbrache, age 38, m at age 24, bp KS, f's bp IL, m's bp MO, Rancher- ranch
Bessie Ferbrache, wife, age 38, m at age 2? [24?], bp WY, p's bp IA
Marie E., dau, age 11, bp WY
Doris Emily, dau, age 6, bp WY
Charles P, son, age 3, bp WY
Three households from Bessie's brothers Stewart and Arthur.

DOUGLAS PARK CEMETERY, Douglas, Converse Co., Wyoming
Ferbrache, Bessie A. - 1892-1955
Ferbrache, Doris E. - 1924-1932 
Horr, Bessie (I14387)
13727 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana
Emmett V. Hogan, age 32, bp MT, p's bp WI, Laborer- odd jobs
Daisy E. Hogan, wife, age 29, bp MT, f's bp NE, m's bp MO
Donal E. Hogan, son, age 7, bp MT, p's bp MT
Ralph J. Hogan, son, age 2 3/12, bp TX, p's bp MT 
Huntington, Daisy Emily (I14991)
13728 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Billings, Yellowstone Co, Montana
Howard F. Paul, age 25, bp CAN, p's bp unknown, Plumber- pluming shop
Alice B. Paul, wife, age 20 bp MT, f's bp NE, m's bp WY
Yvonne I. Paul, dau, age 1 ?/12, bp MT 
Huntington, Alice Birdie (I4874)
13729 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Blooming Grove, Dane Co, Wisconsin
Orin Brigham, age 35, m at age 25, bp WI, p's bp WI, Merchant- gen store
Flora Brigham, wife, age 31, m at age 21, bp WI, f's bp WI, m's bp France
Bruce Brigham, son, age 8, bp WI
Robert Brigham, son, age 7, bp WI
Donald Brigham, son, age 5, bp WI 
Brigham, Orin Marshall (I21859)
13730 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Blue, Jackson Co, Missouri
Arthur B. Taylor, age 35, m at 31yrs, bp CAN, p's bp CAN, Lawyer- general practice
Jo Z. Taylor, wife, age 33, m at 29 yrs, bp MO, f's bp PA, m's bp MO
Kenneth H. Taylor, son, age 2 6/12, bp MO
Joseph A. Taylor, son, age 11/12, bp, MO
Hattie L. Smith, mo-in-law, age 71, widow, bp MO, p's bp NY 
Smith, Jo Zelma (I14893)
13731 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Boise, Ada Co, Idaho
Lewrie C. Badgley, age 37, m at age 28, bp KS, f's bp CAN. m's bp IL, President- Impliment [?] Co
Beryl Badgley, wife, age 38, m at age 29, bp IL, p's bp IL
Ruth Badgley, dau, age 8, bp WA
Robert Badgley, son, age 6, bp ID
Aug 24, 2014
My maiden name was Susan Badgley and Laurie C. Badgley was my grandfather. The ID # associated with him on Grass roots is I14690. Please feel free to contact me anytime concerning the DNA project that I read about. Thank you.......Susan 
Badgley, Laurie Clark (I14690)
13732 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Brockton, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Milton W. Egger, age 29, m at age 20, bp MA, p's bp MA, Mechanic- Bakery
Annie B. Egger, wife, age 28, m at age 19, bp MA, f's bp CT, m's bp ME 
Egger, Milton Wesley (I21279)
13733 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Closter, Bergen Co, New Jersey
Fred V. Jr. Kellogg, age 29, bp NY, f's bp KS, m's bp NY, Clerk- court
Etta J. Kellogg, wife, age 29, bp NJ, p's bp NJ
Edward Allison, nephew, age 14, bp NJ, p's bp NJ
Richard Allison, nephew, age 7, bp NJ, p's bp NJ 
Kellogg, Frederick Van Patten (I14880)
13734 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Downey, Bannock Co, Idaho
Ernest L. Byington, age 38, m at age 27, bp ID, p's bp UT
Edith Byington, wife, age 29, m at age 19, bp ID, f's bp NE, m's bp UT
Ernest L. Jr. Byington, son, age 9, bp ID, p's bp ID
Delmer Byington, son, age 8, bp ID, p's bp ID
Erma J Byington, dau, age 6, bp ID, p's bp ID
Donna L. Byington, dau, age 4 4/12, bp ID, p's bp ID 
Byington, Ernest Lorenzo (I15374)
13735 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Election District 1, Baltimore, Maryland
Ralph C. Huntington, age 37, 1m at age 22, bp MI, p's bp MI, Office Manager- [?? Hat? Hart?]
Ester O. Huntington, wife, age 36, 1m at age 21, bp MO, p's bp MO
Betty J. Huntington, dau, age 12, bp MO, p's bp MO
Ralph W. Huntington, son, age 4, bp MD, p's bp MD
Earl G. Huntington, son, age 4, bp MD, p's bp MD
Esther F. Huntington, dau, age 3 1/12, bp MD, p's bp MD
Adah H. Huntington, dau, age 0/12, bp MD, p's bp MD 
Huntington, Ralph Chesbro (I4889)
13736 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Fayetteville, Washington Co, Arkansas
Long list of students.
Laura Mae Knadle, age 19, single, bp SD, f's bp WI, m's bp MI, Student Nurse- hospital 
Knadle, Laura Mae (I22140)
13737 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Grand Island, Hall Co, Nebraska
Transcribed as Raush.
David Roush, age 29, m a 25, bp NE, f's bp IL, m's bp OH, Proprietor- garage
Ruth Roush, wife, age 28, m a 24, bp WY, p's bp CO
Patti, dau, 1 2/12 yrs, bp NE
No others listed. 
Horr, Ruth (I14389)
13738 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Honeyville, Box Elder Co, Utah
Diantha Grant, head, age 32, widow, m at age 19, bp ID, p's bp UT, Houswork- private family
Ann O. Grant, st-dau, age 17, bp UT, p's bp UT
Leal Grant, st-dau, age 15, bp UT, p's bp UT, farm helper
Ernest Grant, son, age 12, bp UT, p's bp UT
Franklin Grant, son, age 10, bp UT, p's bp UT
Jane Grant, dau, age 8, bp UT, p's bp UT
Gulia Grant, dau, age 5, bp UT, p's bp UT 
Byington, Dyantha (I15379)
13739 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Independence, Montgomery Co, Kansas
One of six male roomers.
Sam Knadle, roomer, age 21, single, bp SD, f's bp SD, m's bp MI, Stenographer- oil & gas co 
Knadle, Charles Samuel (I22139)
13740 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Indianapolis, Marion Co, Indiana
John G Johnston, age 35, bp IN, p's bp IN, Detective- city
Ethel Johnston, wife, age 32, bp IN, p's bp IN
Norma Johnston, dau, age 12 bp IN
Davis Johnston, father, age 54?, bp IN, p's bp IN 
Johnston, John G. (I21787)
13741 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Inkom, Bannock Co, Idaho
Grant S. Palmer, age 30, bp ID, f's bp IL, m's bp ID, Laborer- highway
Dot V. Palmer, wife, age 25, bp ID, p's bp UT
Leo G. Palmer, son, age 10, bp ID
Ann L. Palmer, dau, age 8, bp ID
Nora Palmer, dau, age 6, bp ID
Jack A Palmer, son, age 3, bp ID
Martha L. Palmer, son, age 7/12, bp ID
Two household from parents, next houshold to brother Martin. 
Palmer, Stephen Grant (I15408)
13742 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Lockridge, York Co, Nebraska
Elvin White, head, age 28, single, bp IL, f's bp IL, m's bp IA, Farmer- gen farm
Harold Balyin [?], lodger, age 25, single, bp KS, f's bp KS, m's bp MO, Laborer- farm
Note parents are not listed in York Co NE. 
White, Alvin (I22918)
13743 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Lodge Grass & Crow Indian Reservation, Big Horn Co, Montana
Donald Blake, age 37, bp NJ, f's bp NY, m's bp MN, Farmer
Georgie Blake, wife, 23, bp MT, f's bp NE, m's bp MO 
Huntington, Georgia Vashti (I14993)
13744 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Los Angeles (Districts 1-250), Los Angeles Co, California
Living with 2 other working, single woman.
Daisy Beals, parnter, age 32, divorced, 1 m at age 16 yrs, bp ID, f's bp US, m's bp ID, Operator- Beauty 
Palmer, Daisy Belle (I15401)
13745 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, California
Charles H. Stuart, age 38, bp NY, f's bp SCOT, m's bp IRE, Buyer- oil co
Marian Stuart, wife, age 30, bp NY p's bp NY
Charles H. Jr. Stuart, son, age 1 3/12, bp CA
Mary F. Stuart, dau, age 1 3/12, bp CA 
Stuart, Charles H. Sr. (I18907)
13746 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, California
Harriet James, head, age 48, divorced, 1st m at age 22, bp CA, p's bp NY, Practitioner [?]- Christian Science
Mary A. Farney, mother, age 82, widow, 1st m at age 22, bp NY, f's bp SCOT, m's bp ENG
Egbert James, son, age 24, bp CA, f's bp IN, m's bp CA, no occ. 
Van Allen, Harriet (I5148)
13747 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Martinez, Contra Costa Co, California
Ralph Anderson, age 31, 1st m at age 23, bp UT, f's bp DEN, m's bp NV, Machanic- garage
Teresa Anderson, wife, age 31, 1st m at age 23, bp CA. p's bp CA
*Charles [Horr] Anderson, st-son, age 13, f's bp WI, m's bp CA
No others listed in household.

California Death Records
Horr, Charles (I6441)
13748 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Minneapolis, Hennepin Co, Minnesota
Clarence E. Graves, age 32, m at age 22, bp MN, f's bp IA, m's bp MI, Conductor- pullman- steam RR
Ruth N. Graves, age 30, m at age 20, bp MN, p's bp SWED
Shirley R. Graves, age 8, bp MN, p's bp MN 
Graves, Clarence E. (I22934)
13749 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: Morton, York Co, Nebraska
Ellis Mincks, age 43, m at age 25, bp IL, f's bp PA, m's bp IL, Farmer- gen farm
Mable Mincks, wife, age 42, m at age 23, bp NE, f's bp IA, m's bp PA
Lucile Mincks, dau, age 15, bp NE
Ralph Mincks, son age 12, bp NE 
Mincks, Ellis (I22927)
13750 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1930 Census: North Pelham, Westchester Co, New York
Gordon Miller, age 33, m at age 27, bp NJ, p's bp NY, Attorney
Hazel H. Miller, wife, age 31, m at age 25, bp MD, p's bp NY
Gordan H. Miller, son, age 5 ?/12, bp NY
Robert E. Miller, son, age 2 ?/12, bp NY 
Huntington, Hazel Sarah (I14886)

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