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13501 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Crosby, Fanny Gates (I51244)
13502 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Eldridge, Phebe G. (I21239)
13503 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at


SS Death Index 
Moody, Christine (I21696)
13504 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Thompson, Ruth Presocia (I21693)
13505 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

Richard D. Horr, 67, of North Street died Thursday in Portland.
He was born here, a son of Dana and Anna Malia Horr, and attended Chebeague Island and Portland schools.
For many years, Mr. Horr worked as a rigger and carpenter in the Portland area. He was known as a very caring and helpful man.
Surviving are his wife of 45 years, Barbara (Collins) Horr of Portland; a son, Michael of Windham; four daughters, Barbara Dusablon of Vermont, Diane DeVou of Hollis, Catherine DiPietrantonio of Portland and Patricia Davis of Londonderry, N.H.; four brothers, Jim of Westbrook, Bob, Dana and David, all of Portland; two sisters, Shirley Doughty of Harpswell and Margaret Presnell of Tennessee; nine grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.
Visiting hours will be held from 1 to 2 p.m. Tuesday at Hay and Peabody Funeral Home, 749 Congress St., followed by a funeral service at 2 p.m. Burial will be in Forest City Cemetery, South Portland.

Portland Newspapers Dec 5, 1997
The body of a Portland man was plucked from the mouth of Portland Harbor Thursday afternoon, several hours after his wife reported him missing from their North Street home.
Maine State Police said Richard Horr, 67, appeared to have a gunshot wound when he was found in the water about 1:30 p.m. But investigators say the death is not being treated as a homicide.
"At this time, we're going to label this a non-suspicious death, but the official cause will be determined by the Medical Examiner (Friday)," Lt. Dale Lancaster said late Thursday.
A worker at the Gulf Oil Terminal spotted the body in waters near the South Portland side of Portland Harbor, said South Portland Police Chief Edward Googins.
Police were called, as was the U.S. Coast Guard, which pulled the body from the water. Horr's body was placed on a pier owned by Gulf Oil, which operates a tanker off-loading facility and tank farm where the harbor empties into Casco Bay.
The state police mobile crime lab was brought in, photos were taken, and evidence was collected.
But, a key clue to the man's identity came from paperwork.
Investigators culled through missing persons reports and found one filed in Portland that appeared to match the man found in the water.
Lancaster said Barbara Horr reported her husband missing Thursday morning. She last saw her husband the day before, about 9:30 a.m., he said.
Police would not comment on where or how Horr landed in the water, where he was shot or how investigators came to the conclusion the death is not suspicious.
"We're not going to go into that," Lancaster said Thursday night. "There are still some things that need to be looked into." 
Horr, Richard (I34210)
13506 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The Day Newspaper - Connecticut
Published on 4/25/2002
Waterford - Linda Bernice Horr, of Waterford, born on July 1, 1950, passed away surrounded by her loving family at William W. Backus Hospital on April 24, 2002.
Linda was the daughter of Marjorie A. Beebe and the late Louis J. Beebe Sr.
In addition to her husband, Scott Horr, she is survived by her daughter, Jennifer Lynn Bickford and Michael E. Warbin of Norwich; a son, Jamie Louis Horr of Westerly, R.I.; her only grandchild, Donald Bickford of Norwich; a sister, Brenda Williams and her husband Doug of Waterford; five brothers, Louis Beebe Jr. and his wife Kristin of Waterford, Jeffrey Beebe and his wife Cindy of Ledyard, Leonard Beebe and his wife Cheryl of Mystic, Allen and his wife Judy of Waterford, and William Beebe and Martha Stroud of Dover, Arkansas; nieces and nephews, Ryan J. Gallo of Westerly, R.I., Leonard Beebe Jr. and his wife Lisa of Groton, Christopher and Alex Beebe of Ledyard, Amanda Beebe and Nicholas Beebe of Mystic, Leah and Allora Beebe of Waterford, and Michael and Conrad Beebe, also of Waterford; and a great-niece and nephew, Mikayla and Austin Beebe of Groton.
Linda cruised the country extensively, and lived her life to the fullest. She enjoyed and cherished the love of her family more than words can describe.
She contributed to Road Bike magazine, and was the co-director of the International Brotherhood of Motorcycle Campers.
Calling hours are 1-3 p.m. Saturday, April 27, at the Thomas L. Neilan & Sons Funeral Home located at 12 Ocean Ave., New London. A celebration of her life will follow after calling hours at her home.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Salem Volunteer Fire Department.
There have been several tributes to our fallen Co-Director, Linda Horr, who lost her life
in a motorcycle accident in April of 2002. Those we have received so far follow here...
From Michelle Goldsmith
Linda had two passions in life. One was motorcycling, the other was her family. Over the years she has done much to promote motorcycling. Following her example, many women found the courage to ride by themselves. Linda wrote several articles for Motorcycle Tour and Cruiser. The magazine had a beautiful article about her riding family, with pictures of Linda, her dad Lou, and her son Jamie. Linda has been a driving force in the IBMC for the last three years. As Co-Director she was responsible for the Campfire Ring, IBMC Handbook and East Coast representation, as well as other related duties.
Linda's biking career began many years ago. She progressed like many women I know, first riding locally with family and friends, and gradually branching out until she was riding and camping by herself across the continent. Linda treasured those special days when she was traveling and camping. Even bad weather was a cause for celebration, because it always got better. Although Linda enjoyed riding with friends, she would get restless after a few days and go her own way, sometimes meeting back up at a later campout. On trips where she started out alone, she was always delighted when her husband was later able to join her.
Linda leaves behind her husband and riding partner, Scott. Her son Jamie also toured extensively with her. We talked about having a grandparent campout one time so she could bring her only grandson, Donnie. She was delighted when her daughter Jennifer began dating Mike, because he rode, too. Mike is now part of the family.
Linda will be greatly missed by those who knew and loved her.]] 
Beebe, Linda (I33406)
13507 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

"Edward was drowned in the Missouri River March 8, 1881, when nearly nine years of age."

Liiving with parents in 1880.
1880 Census Place: 1st Ward, Leavenworth, Leavenworth Co, Kansas
Edward HACKBUSH Son S Male W 7 KS At Home MECK OH 
Hackbusch, Edward (I6461)
13508 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

"Elijah Horr's branch of the family came into Northern New York in the latter part of the last century, and settled in Denmark, Lewis county."
From: "The Growth of a Century", by JOHN A. HADDOCK, 1895.
If this is true then Jacob was the first child of Robert and Sarah's to leave Massachusetts. It is said that brothers Warren and Robert with Jacob moved there about the same time.

Jacob moved to Ohio before 1818.
(Published in 1874)
Jacob Horr had eleven children, of whom ten lived to be grown, but only three are now alive. They are, William Horr, of Mechanicsburg, Champaign County, Ohio ; Elijah Horr, of Carthage, Jefferson County, N. Y., and Josiah Horr, the subject of the present sketch. William Horr was the youngest son.

Not listed in 1810 Lewis Co NY census as head of household.

1820 Census: Denmark, Lewis Co New York
Jacob Horr,
3 males under age 10 (Ashley, Calvin, William)
2 males 10 to 16 yrs (Walter, Josiah)
0 males 16 to 26 yrs (Where is Elijah?)
1 of total males in household 16-45 (Jacob = Head)
0 males 25 to 45 yrs (Where is Pierce & Obed? Both m aft 1820)
2 males 45 yrs and up (Jacob Sr & ??)
0 females under 10 yrs
0 females 10 to 16 yrs
0 females 16 to 26 yrs (Where is Sarah?)
0 females 26 to 45 yrs
1 females 45 yrs and up (wife Hannah)

Could not find Jacob in any census after 1820. 
Horr, Jacob (I10319)
13509 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

"Fred Rogers, son of William, was born in the town of Orleans, where he married Corey, daughter of Abner and Clarissa (Carter) Evens, by whom he has a daughter, Bessie. He is proprietor of a bakery on James street in Clayton village." TOWN OF CLAYTON, published in 1890

Note not listed in Clayton 1900 census.

Note this shows Fred was born before 1860.
Official enumeration day was 1 June 1860.
1860 Census: Orleans, Jefferson Co, New York
Omar Post Office, Oct 20, 1860
William Rogers, 36, bp NY, Farmer
Dadima Rogers, 36, bp NY
Charles M Rogers, 12, bp NY
Cornelia Rogers, 9, bp NY
Frank Rogers, 6, bp NY
Fanny Rogers, 3, bp NY
*Fred Rogers, age 1, bp NY
Wm Kelly, 21, bp IRE, Blacksmith
James Gaskall, 18, bp NY, Blacksmith

1870 census: Orleans, Jefferson Co, New York
William Rogers, age 46, bp NY, Farmer
Idama, 46, NY
Melzer, male, 23, NY
Cornelia, 18, NY
Fanny, 11, NY [would be 12 or 13]
Frank, 15, NY
*Fred Rogers, age 9, bp NY [would be abt 11]

Could not find in 1850 or 1880. 
Rogers, Fred (I3873)
13510 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

"Lizzie" seems to be her given name, never recorded as Elizabeth.

Living with her parents in 1880:
1880 Census Place: Worth, Jefferson, New York
Charles HOUGHTAILING Self M Male W 35 NY Farmer NY NY
Emogene HOUGHTAILING Wife M Female W 26 NY Keeps House NY NY
Nettie M. HOUGHTAILING Dau S Female W 10 NY At Home NY NY
*Lizzie V. HOUGHTAILING Dau S Female W 5 NY NY NY 
Houghtaling, Lizzie V. (I21806)
13511 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

"Warren Horr [Sr.] went with his father to New Salem, Franklin Co MA, then moved to Shutsbury, [Hampshire Co, now Franklin Co] MA where he was at one time town treasurer, and later to Lewis County NY with his brothers, Jacob and Robert Horr. He was a millwright, and blind for forty years." -Norton T. Horr.

I have no other indication Warren went to New York than Norton's book. Warren's father, Robert II Horr, was listed on the 1810 census for Denmark, Lewis Co, NY. His brother Jacob's son Elijah was born in Lewis Co New York 1804. His brother Robert moved to Lewis Co, NY about 1801-2, and is on the 1807 census for the west part of Denmark Twp. The 1810 New York census list Warren's siblings in their own households; Elizabeth, Israel, Sarah, and Isaac. Living with their parents were; Willis, Elijah, Mercy and Judith. Jacob was not listed as a head of household but another child was born there in 1812. Brother Robert had a child born in Ohio 1810.JVS

If Warren and Olive moved to New York they were back in New Salem MA by 1810. "Simeon Pierce of New Salem in the county of Hampshire, housewright, sells land in New Salem to Warren Hoar on 6 December 1808. (Franklin County, Massachusetts Deeds." (Note surname spellings.) I have their last child's 1813 birth as Denmark Lewis Co NY, but I question the location. Their eldest son Abner was listed on the 1820 Denmark, Lewis Co NY Census as head of household. Son Warren remained in New Salem, Franklin Co, MA to raise his family. Daughter Olive raised her family in mostly in Greenfield, Franklin Co, MA. Another son Marcus also went to Denmark, Lewis Co, NY to raise his family and was listed there for the 1840 census as a head of household.JVS

Warren and Olive buried seven of their ten children. Olive was pregnant with her fifth child (Hannah) when two (possibly three) of their four children died in April 1799. Daughter Hannah died two years later and then in 1808 their eighth child died as an infant. Olive was 38 yrs old at the birthing of her last child. They lost two daughters as adults. Warren became blind about the time their last three children were born. If Warren was blind the full 40 yrs then he was approx 47 yrs old when he lost his eyesight, 1816. .JVS

Deed Index for years 1787 to 1889 Hampshire Co, Massachusetts.
Warren and Warren Jr. are throughout the index, sometimes hard to tell one from the other.
Warren Hoar "et al" (for all) sold unnamed land to Horace Morse on Mar 15, 1813, bk 31, pg 125
The Last one for Warren could also be the first one for Warren Jr to be a Warren Sr. so unable to date. The last one with Jr. after Warren ...
Jonathan Flagg passed Cert Of Possession to Warren Hoar Jr on Nov 4, 1851, bk 141, pg 210 (by bk # could be in New Salem)
The last one for Olive...
Olive Hoar sold Shutsbury property to Warren Hoar on Oct 25, 1851, bk 164, pg 130

1800 census: Shutsbury, Hampshire Co MA
Warren Hoar
one male under age 10 yrs.
one male between ages 26 and 45 yrs.
one female between ages 26 and 45 yrs.

1810 Census: New Salem, Hampshire Co, Massachusetts
Warren Hoar 20110//11010
his children before 1810... Abner, Warren Jr, Marcus L., Olive (born April 1810), and look there is an extra female between 10 and 16 yrs.

1820 Census: New Salem, Franklin Co, Massachusetts
Warren Hoar
Marcus L., Warren Jr, father Warren, Sophronia, Olive, mother Olive, Abner was married by 1820.
Same location as Shadrach Horr's son, cousin Elihu Hoar/Horr

1830 Census: New Salem, Franklin Co, Massachusetts
(Only Sophronia was living at home. Same page as son Warren.)

1840 Census: New Salem, Franklin Co, Massachusetts
1 male 70 to 80 yrs.
1 female 60 to 70 yrs.

The 1850 census was the first census to list the given names of household members.
Olive was alive in June 1849, and would have been 79 yrs old in 1850.

This is probably Olive with husband Warren
1850 census: New Salem, Franklin Co, Massachusetts
Warren Horr, age 82, born MA
Polly Horr, age 79, born MA [ probably Olive]
Previous household was Warren Horr Jr. with family.
Next household was Jonathan W. Sloane age 33, with Rebecca age 27, and four children. Note his son Warren married Sarah Sloan. 
Horr, Warren Sr. (I10295)
13512 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.


Living with parents in 1860:
Her mother transcribed as Jana Garloch
1860 Census: Le Ray, Jefferson Co, New York
PO Evans Mills
Levi Garlock, age 30, bp NY, Farming
Lana Garlock, age 29, bp NY
William A. Garlock, age 8, bp NY
Adalaide Garlock, age 6, bp NY
John Garlock, age 4, bp NY
Avarette Garloch, age 2, bp NY

1870 Census: Orleans, Jefferson Co, New York
PO Theresa
Levi Garlock, 42
Lany, 40
William, 18
John, 14
Alavett, 11
Edith, 8
Note Adalaide was not listed, see next entry.

1870 Census: Orleans, Jefferson, New York
PO Theresa
Household of John & Caroline Newton w/ 3 children
Adalaide Garlock, age 16, domestic servant, bp NY
Transcribed as Garlack

Living with her parents in 1880:
1880 Census: Orleans, Jefferson, NY
Levi Garlock,
Adilade Garlock, dau, age 26, works in Dairy
Garlock, Adelaide B. (I21900)
13513 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1810 Census: Lewis co, New York
Brother Isaac has an extra older male (Willis?)

1820 Census: Denmark, Lewis Co New York
Brother Jacob has an extra older male (Willis?)

1840 Census: Pinckney, Lewis, New York
Brother Israel has an extra older male. (Willis?)

Listed in the 1850 Federal Census Town of Lorraine, Jefferson Co New York, as idiotic [senile?] age 76.
Living with the Brown family, Walter R. & Nancy., ages 34 & 33.
Same page as his brother Israel's son Levi and his family.

Died age 81yrs 2mos 25days 
Horr, Willis (I10365)
13514 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1820 Census: Le Ray, Jefferson Co, New York
Joseph Wyeth
Could not find in 1830 or 1840, 1850. Did find Gad Wyeth born abt 1790, Jefferson Co NY, at least 12 children. 
Wyeth, Joseph Sawin (I9296)
13515 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1820 Census: Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Henry Pickens
2 males under 10
1 male 10- 16
1 male 26-45
1 female 15- 26
2 females 26- 45

1840 Census: La Salle Co, Illinois
Henry Pickens
4 males btw 20-30 yrs
1 male 50-60 yrs
1 female 15-20 yrs
1 female 40-50 yrs
Did they have a daughter?

Living with son James and family in 1850.
1850 Census Illinois, County: LaSalle
Division: Bruce (Town changed from Bruce to S. Ottawa.)
Nancy Pickens, 60, Mass

Could not find in 1860 or 1870. 
Peirce, Mercy (I5138)
13516 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1830 Census Lowville, Lewis Co, New York

1840 Census Lowville, Lewis Co, New York
Orrin Wilber
1 male 15-20 yrs
1 female 15-20 yrs
1 male 40-50 yrs
1 female 40- 50 yrs

1850 Census: Lowville, Lewis Co New York
Orsin Wilbur, age 52, Bp: New York, Baptist Clergyman
Elizabeth R. Wilbur, age 52, Bp: New York
Sylvester B. Wilber, age 27, Bp: New York
Sedate Wilbur, age 25, Bp: New York

Listed in the 1860 Lowville, Lewis Co census as Elsebeth R.
1860 Census: Lowville, Lewis Co, New York
Orrin Wilbur 62 1797 Massachusetts, Book & Stationary Place
Elsebeth R. Wilbur 62 1797 Massachusetts
Sedote E. Wilbur 35 1824 New York
Margaret Lewis 18 1841 New York, domestic
There is a both a Sylvester and a Sedate Wilbur in Ohio but Could not make a connection to each other or this family.

1870 Census: Landis, Cumberland Co, New Jersey
Orrin Wilbur, age 72, bp MA, Farmer
Elizabeth Wilbur, age 72, bp MA
No others listed.
Next household William T. Young, 44, with wife Sedate, age 46, b bp NY

Living with daughter Sedate in 1880.
Written as Wilbor.
1880 Census: Landis, Cumberland Co, New Jersey
Elizabeth Wilbor, mo-in-law, age 82, widow, bp MA, p's bp MA 
Horr, Elizabeth (I9335)
13517 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1830 Census Vermilion co Illinois Head of Households:
Maxwell, Jonathan
Maxwell, William [William listed in 1860, born abt 1814, MD]
Neither names are listed in the 1840 Vermilion Co census.

1840 Census: McLean Co, Illinois
John Maxwell
2 males 15- 20
1 male 70-80
2 females 30-40

1840 Census: McLean Co, Illinois
Elizah Maxwell
1 male 10-15
1 male 15- 20
2 male 20-30
1 female 10-15
1 female 20-30
1 female 30-40

Thanks to Donna Jaster for the heads up for the Maxfield spelling.
1840 Census: Not Stated, Champaign Co, Illinois
John Maxfield
1 male 20-30
1 female under 5
1 female 10-15
1 female 20-30

Note wife Mercy [Horr] died before 1850 census, Jonathan remarried to Mary
1850 Census: District 21, Champaign Co, Illinois
John Maxwell, age 37, bp Tennessee, Farmer
Mary Maxwell, age 32, bp VA
Cynthia Maxwell, age 12, bp IL
William Maxwell, age 8, bp IL
Mary Maxwell, age 3, bp IL
Next household Robert Maxwell 25, bp IN
with Mary age 20, bp IN

1860 Census: Township 20 N Range 7 E, Champaign Co, Illinois
Post Office: Mahomet
John Maxwell, age 46, bp TN, Farmer
Mary Maxwell, age 43, bp VA
Wm F. Maxwell, age 18, bp IL, Farm Laborer
May E. Maxwell, age 13, bp IL
Mary E. Ammerman [?], age 12, bp IN

1870 Census: Middletown, Champaign Co, Illinois
John Maxwell, age 58, bp TN, Farmer
Mary J. Maxwell, age 53, bp VA
Sinthy Maxwell, age 33, bp IL, at home
John Blachard, age 12, bp IL
Next household son William,'s

1880 Census: Mahomet, Champaign Co, Illinois
Jonathan Maxwell, age 68, bp IN, p's bp TN, Farmer
Mary Maxwell, wife, age 64, bp VA, p's bp VA
Cyntha Blanchard, st-dau, age 44, widow, bp IL, f's bp IN, m's bp VT

For Maxwell family see>
Donna Jaster 
Maxwell, Jonathan William (I12540)
13518 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1830 Pelham, Hampshire, Massachusetts
Joel Rhodes has one female under 5, no other children.

1840 Census Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts
Joel Rhodes, both Joel & wife between 30-40 yrs.
2 males between ages 5 & 10 yrs
2 females under five yrs
2 females ages 5 & 10 yrs

1850 Census Pelham, Hampshire, MA
Joel Rodes, age 42
Lucy A, age 41
Stephen, age 16
Edwin, age 15
Elizabeth, age 14
John, age 7
Salmon, age 6
Lucy, age 4
Nancy, age 2
All born in MA.
Note gap in children, suggesting a few deaths or a previous marriage.

1860 Census Pelham, Hampshire, MA
Joel Rhodes, age 54
Lucy, age 53
Salmon, age 18
Lucy, age 15
Nancy M , age 13
George H Wilson, age 31

1870 Census Pelham, Hampshire, MA
Lucus Bartlett, age 67
Lucy Rhodes, age 63
No others listed, previous household is John Rider's. 
Rhodes, Joel (I16421)
13519 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1840 Census: Pinckney/ Denmark, Lewis co, New York
Levi Horr
1 male under 5 yrs.
1 male 5 to 10 yrs.
1 male 10 to 15 yrs.
1 male 40 to 50 yrs.
1 female under 5 yrs.
1 female 5 to 10 yrs.
1 female 30 to 40 yrs.

1850 Census: Lorraine, Jefferson Co, New York
Page:368, Image 26
Note the ages of Levi & Lucy.
Levi Horr, age 64, bp NY, Farmer
Lucy Horr, age 43, bp NY
Warren Horr, age 16, bp NY
Martha Horr, age 14, bp NY
Henry Horr, age 12, bp NY
Otis Horr, age 8, bp NY
Washington Horr, age 2/12, bp NY
Of the 11 children; two moved from home, three died by 1850, and the twins were not yet born.

1860 Census: Boylston, Oswego Co, New York
Post Office: Greenborough
Levi Horr, age 62, MA
Lucy Horr, age 52, NY
Martha Horr, age 22, NY
Charles Horr, age 10, NY
Encington Horr, age 6, NY (clearly looks like this)
Eugenia Horr, age 6, NY

1870 Census: Redfield, Oswego Co, New York
Transcribed as Hore
image 2 and 3 of 34, June 14
Levi Horr, age 72, bp NY, Farmer
Lucy Horr, age 62, bp NY
Charles Horr, age 20, bp NY, Farmer
Escrington Horr, male, age 16, bp NY, Farmer
Esmangena Horr, female, age 16, bp NY
Martha Greenwood, age 33, bp NY, Domestic Servant
Transcribed as:
Everington Hore, male
Emangend Hore, female

Also in 1870 Redfield, Oswego, NY
Written as Hore, Household of Felby R. Sheldon
image 21 & 22 of 34, July 6
Charles Hore, age 20, bp NY, farm laborer
Emigene Hore, age 16, female, dosmestic servant
Eugene Hore, age 16, bp NY, male, farm laborer
[summer jobs?] 
Horr, Levi (I12862)
13520 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census Illinois, County: LaSalle
Division: Bruce (Town changed from Bruce to S Ottawa.) Enumerated on: Sept 21st, 1850
James Pickens 41 M Mass Farmer 5000
Eliza A Pickens 37 F . . Mass
James H Pickens 16 M . Mass Farmer In school
Theodore L W Pickens 9 M . . Ill In school
Francis Pickens 7 M . . Ill In school
Ann E Pickens 5 F . . Ill In school
Adelaide R Pickens 1 F . . Ill
Persis L Chase 60 F . . Mass [her mother]
Nancy Pickens 60 F . . Mass [his mother]
Elizabeth Cox 18 F . . SC
Dennis Bradley 25 M Laborer . Ireland

1860 census: South Ottawa, LaSalle, Illinois
Household #3573
James Pickens 51 1808 Massachusetts
Harriet C. Pickens 48 1811 Massachusetts
Son James Henry and the other children are listed as the next household.
Household #3574
James H. Pickens 26 Massachusetts Farmer
Clementina Pickens, [MRS] 21 Massachusetts
Theodora L. Pickens 20 Illinois
Francis W. Pickens 17 Illinois
Ann E. Pickens 15 Illinois
Persis Chase 70 Massachusetts
[where is Adelaide and Elizabeth?]
same household...
Amelia Swents 15 Servant New Hampshire
Nathan P. Sowdom/Sanborn 33 Farmer laborer New Hampshire
Eber Hollis 30 Farmer laborer Massachusetts
Efi Veasia 19 Farmer laborer Massachusetts
Samuel Meriam 19 Farmer laborer Massachusetts
Harman/Herman? Pierce 35 Farmer laborer Massachusetts

Could not find in 1870.

1880 Census Place: Ottawa, La Salle, Illinois
Household: Page Number 514B
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
James PICKENS Self M Male W 71 MA Retired Farmer MA MA
Jane PICKENS Wife M Female W 56 WALES Keeps House WALES WALES
Mabel PICKENS Dau S Female W 14 IL MA WALES
Nelly PECK GDau S Female W 8 IN IL IL
Persis L. CHASE Mother W Female W 90 MA MA MA
Mary FLEMING Other W Female W 23 IL Domestic IRE IRE 
Pickens, James (I17000)
13521 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census Illinois, County: LaSalle
Edward Mason 26 M Farmer Ohio
Nancy Mason 26 F Ky
James H Mason 2 M Ill
Polly McKernan 53 F 400 SC
Rosanna Pickens 27 F 800 Ky
Maranda A Pickens 7 F Ill
Celestia J Pickens 6 F Ill

Next household to above Edward Mason's, Polly still living with them.
image 23 of 31
1860 Census: Alum Rock PO, Bruce, LaSalle Co, Illinois
Joseph Mason, age 32, farmer, bp OH
Rosana Mason, age 32, bp KY
Isaac Mason, age 3, bp IL
Levi Mason, age 21, bp NY

Could not find in the 1880 census. 
McKernan, Rosanna (I16931)
13522 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Antwerp, Jefferson Co, New York
Bailey Edwin 27 m Farmer NY
Bailey Olive 26 f NY
Bailey Elizabeth 23 f NY
Bailey Ellen P 1 f NY
Bailey Monroe 5 m NY
Note Charles was listed as Monroe. Ellen died the following year. Harriet was not yet born. Note sister Elizabeth is living with them.

1860 Census: Grinnell, Poweshiek Co, Iowa
Edwin Bailey, age 38, bp NY, Merchant
Olive Bailey, age 26 [36], bp NY
Charles M. Bailey, age 15, bp NY
George W. Bailey, age 5, bp NY

Could not find in 1870.

None of the five children lived to adulthood. 
Bailey, Edwin S. (I5933)
13523 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Augusta, Oneida Co, New York
Hiram So. Hamilton, age 39, Clergyman, born in MA
Jennette Hamilton age 41, born in CT
Cornelia W. Hamilton age 18 born in OH
Charles T. Hamilton age 16 born in MI
Eugene C. Hamilton age 7 born in MI

1860 Census: Burton, McHenry Co, Illinois
Name, age, est birth yr, place of birth
H S Hamilton 48 1811 Massachusetts
Janette Hamilton 46 1813 New York
Eugene Hamilton 17 1842 Michigan
Augustus Kuper 23 1836 Germany
Anna Baning 16 1843 Ireland
Note Jennete did not age 10 yrs.

1870 Census: Chicago Ward 3, Cook Co, Illinois
Brian D. James, age 18, bp SCOT, Clerk
Hiram S. Hamilton, age 60, bp MA, Congregational Minister
Jeanette Hamilton, age 61, bp NY
Charles Hamilton, age 31, Physician, bp MI
Harriett Hamilton, age 25, bp CAN
Charles & Harriett were married within the yr, October.
Minnie Burrage, age 20, bp NY, domistic servant

Could not find in 1880 census. 
Hamilton, Hiram Sumner (I4416)
13524 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Canton, Saint Lawrence Co, New York
A. R. Kipp, age 52, Bp: NY, Blacksmith
Lovina Kipp, age 48, NY
Cornelia A. Kipp, age 25, NY
Devalcourt Kipp, age 19, NY
Evrington Kipp, age 15, NY

1860 Census: Canton, Saint Lawrence Co, New York
Albert R. Kipp, age 66 New York, Blacksmith
Lovina Kipp, age 60, Massachusetts
Saml Wetherell, age 34, bp NY, Painter
D. H. Kipp, age 28, New York, Painter
Harriet Kipp, age 20, New York[wife of Henry]
Where is Francis?

1870 Census: Canton, Saint Lawrence Co, New York
Albert R. Kipp, age 75, bp NY, Blacksmith
Lovina Kipp, age 60, bp MA
No others listed in household.
Next household son Henry's.

Albert was living with his son Henry in 1880.
1880 Census Place: Canton, St. Lawrence Co, New York

Note surname is consistently spelled with a double P. 
Horr, Lovina (I12900)
13525 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Canton, Saint Lawrence Co, New York
Charles R. Huntington, age 36, Grocer, bp NY
Mary J. Huntington, age 7, bp MO
James Huntington, age 6, bp MO
Charles Huntington, age 3, bp MO
Same residence, separate household, with parents.

Written as Chas Hunington
1860 Census: Cuivre, Pike Co, Missouri
Charles Hunington, age 45, bp NY, Farmer
Eliza Hunington, age 27, bp NY
Mary Hunington, age 17, bp MO
James Hunington, age 15, bp MO
Charles Jr. Hunington, age 13, bp MO
Flora Hunington, age 5, bp MO
Hariet Hunington, age 2, bp MO

1870 Census: Cuivre, Pike Co, Missouri
Charles R Huntington, age 56, New York
Eliza A Huntington, age 39, New York
Flora S Huntington, age 15, Missouri
Hattie L Huntington, age 12, Missouri
Franklin Huntington, age 7, Missouri

Transcribed as HUNTONGTON
1880 Census: Cuivre, Pike Co, Missouri
Charles Huntington, age 65, bp NY, f's bp CT, m's bp MA. Farmer
Eliza Huntington, wife, age 47, bp NY, p's bp VT
Hattie Huntington, dau, age 21, bp MO
Frank Huntington, son, age 16, bp MO
Bailey Huntington, son, age 7, bp MO
Clara W. Huntington, dau, age 5, bp MO
Next household to dau Mary and family.

Transcribed as Eliza Huntlington
Living with dau Sophia.
1900 Census: Cuivre, Pike Co, Missouri
Eliza Hunttington, mother, Mar 1834, age 65, widow, 5 births 5 living, bp NY, p's bp VT

Of Memphis, Macomb Co, Michigan 
Huntington, Charles Ralph (I3883)
13526 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Canton, Saint Lawrence Co, New York
Edwin J. Huntington, age 22, bp MA, Cabinet Maker
Catherine A. Huntington, age 20, bp NY

1860 Census: Stearns Co, Minnesota
Edwin Huntington, age 31 New York
Cathern Huntington, age 29 New York
Nelly E. Huntington, age 9 New York
Adelbert Huntington, age 6 New York
Franklin Huntington, age 3 Minnesota
George E. Mitchell, age 29 New York
Louisa F Mitchell, age 27 New York

Could not find Nellie, Adelbert or the Mitchells in 1870.

Written as Edward. image 20 of 31
1870 Census: PO Plain Well, Gun Plain, Allegan Co, Michigan
Edward Huntington, age 4?, bp NY, Farm Laborer
Lucy Huntington, age 35, bp Eng
Frank Huntington, age 13, bp MI
Earnest Wright, age 1, bp MI
Emily Wright, age 10, bp MI
Clarissa Wright, age 8, bp MI
No others listed in household.
Note Could this Emily Wright be the future Frank Huntington?
Note in same location is a Mary Huntington, age 6, bp MI living in the household of Peter Fortune, 55, bp IRE

1880 Census Place: North Platte, Lincoln Co, Nebraska
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
E. J. HUNTINGTON Self M Male W 53 NY Undertaker & Cabinet Maker MA NY
Lucy HUNTINGTON Wife M Female W 42 ENG Keeping House ENG ENG
Ernest WRIGHT SSon S Male W 10 MI At School ENG ENGLAND
Laura HUNTINGTON Dau S Female W 8 NY At School NY ENGLAND

1900 Census: North Platte, Lincoln, Nebraska
Transcribed as Edward, image 22 of 73
Edward J. Huntington, Aug 1827, age 72, m 30 yrs, bp NY, f's bp CT, m's bp Denmark, Cabient Maker
Lucy Huntington, Apr 1837, age 63, 9 children 8 living, bp ENG, p's bp ENG
No others listed in household.
4 households from son Adelbert Huntington.

1910 Census: Washington Pct, Hall Co, Nebraska
Edwin J. Huntington, member, age 82, m2 42 yrs, bp NY, f's bp CT, m's bp NY
Long list of "members" both male and female, the youngest 58 yrs.

Edwin served in the Civil War, fought with General Sherman. 
Huntington, Edwin Jerrod (I3887)
13527 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Champion, Jefferson Co, New York
James S. Ware, age 43, bp MA, Farmer
Melissa Ware, age 42, bp NY
Cordelia, age 17, bp NY
Lovina Ware, age 15, bp NY
Helen E., age 7
George R., age 6

1860 Census: PO Great Bend, Champion, Jefferson Co, New York
James S Ware, age 53, bp MA, Farmer
Melissa Ware, age 52, bp NY
Cordelia Ware, age 27, bp NY
Helen E Ware, age 17, bp NY
Geo R. Ware, age 16, bp NY

1870 Census: PO Carthage, Champion, Jefferson Co, New York
James S Ware, age 63, bp MA, Farmer
Melissa Ware, age 62, bp NY
Cordelia Ware, age 37, bp NY
Helen E Ware, age 27, bp NY
George R. Ware, age 25, bp NY

In 1880 James & Melissa are not in Jefferson Co; George and Helen living together. 
Ware, James S. (I21987)
13528 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Denmark Lewis Co, New York
image 63 and 64 of 68
Obed Shepard, age 64, Farmer, bp NY
Mary Shepard, age 63, bp CT
*Martin Shepard, age 27, Farmer, bp NY [b: abt 1823]
*Polly Shepard, age 19, bp NY [b: abt 1831]
Mile Shepard, age 24, bp NY
Harriett Shepard, age 19, bp NY
George Shepard age 22, bp NY
Eliza Shepard, age 19, bp NY
Sarah Shepard, age 1, bp NY
Note Obed and Mary Shepard did not have daughters named Polly, Harriett or Eliza.

1860 Census: Copenhagen, Lewis Co, New York
Martin Shepard, age 36, Farmer, bp NY [b: abt 1824]
Polly Shepard, age 28, bp NY [b: abt 1832]
Rosetta Shepard, age 9, bp NY
George Shepard, age 4, bp NY
Note on same page as John Shepard and wife Mary.

1870 Census: Redfield, Oswego Co, New York
Martin Shepard, age 48, Farmer, bp NY, b abt 1822
Polly Shepard, age 38, bp NY, b abt 1832
Rosetta Shepard, age 19, bp NY
George Shepard, age 14, bp NY
"Eimiley" Emily O. Shepard, age 2, bp NY
Transcribed as Emiley.

Living in the household of son George.
1880 Census: Sandy Creek, Oswego Co, New York
George Shepard, age 24, bp NY, p's bp NY, Works in Tannery/ ? Farming
Flora Sheppard, wife, age 22, bp NY, p's bp NY
Eddie Shepard, son, age 2, bp NY, p's bp NY
Martin Shepard, father, age 55, bp NY, p's bp NY
*Polly Shepard, mother, age 49, bp NY, p's bp NY
Note Emily, age 12, is not listed.
Flora's maiden name was Cummings.

Worth was formed May 2, 1848 from the town Lorraine, #2 of the Boylston Tract. 
Horr, Polly (I13666)
13529 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: District 21, Vermilion Co, Illinois
(Same page as sister Nancy and a Robert Spoone age 21)
Transcribed as Spoore
Raymond Spoone, age 57, Farmer, born in OH
Lovina Spoone, age 45, born in OH
William Spoone, age 11, born IA 
Horr, Lavina (I11924)
13530 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Ellisburg, Jefferson Co, NY
George M. Brown, 48, bp NY, Farmer
Catherine Brown, 36, bp NY
Georgina Brown, age 9, bp NY
Electa O., 7, bp NY
George B., 5, bp NY

1860 Census: Ellisburg, Jefferson Co, NY
Gorge Brown, 50
Ctatharta Brown, 46
Georgman, age 18, female, bp NY
Electa, 17, female
Gorge, 13, male 
Brown, George M. (I16481)
13531 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Grass Lake, Jackson Co, Michigan
Lorenzo D Hale, age 43, bp MA, merchant
Lydia Hale, age 44, bp NY
*Mary Hale, age 5, bp MI
Others listed

1860 Census: Grass Lake, Jackson, MI
Lorenzo D. Hale, age 53, bp MA, Banker
Lydia S. Hale, age 49, bp NY
Kate M. Hale, age 23, bp MI
Minnie L. Hale, age 17, bp MI
*Mary E. Hale, age 15, bp MI
Mary Carver, age 22, bp OH
Jacob Jengingburg, age 22, bp ?? 
Hale, Mary (I16779)
13532 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Greenfield, Franklin Co, Massachusetts
Living in the household of her aunt Louisa Barton RICH
Salem Rich, age 37, Bp: MA, Watchman
Louisa Rich, age 40, Bp: MA
*Ellen Barton, age 21, Bp: MA
Thomas Hall, age 26, Bp: MA, Clerk
Note no children were listed.

Transcribed as Alonzo N. Megrett.
1860 census: Greenfield, Franklin Co, Massachusetts
Alonzo W. Mcqrath, age 32, born in Massachusetts, Harness Maker
Lorinda E. Mcqrath, age 31, born in Massachusetts
Polly Jones, age 78, born in Massachusetts
Mary A. Mcqrath, age 56, born in Massachusetts
Christopher Mcqrath, age 21, born in Massachusetts
Harriet Mcqrath, age 16, born in Massachusetts
Elisabeth Newcome, age 65, born in Massachusetts

1870 Census: Greenfield, Franklin Co, Massachusetts
Alonzo Mcgrath, age 42, born in MA, Harness Maker
Ellen L. Mcgrath, age 42, born in MA
Note no children listed in household.

1880 Census Place: Greenfield, Franklin Co, Massachusetts
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Alonzo W. MCGRATH Self M Male W 52 MA Works In Harness Shop MA MA
Ellen B. MCGRATH Wife M Female W 51 MA Keeping House MA MA
Hattie MCGRATH Dau S Female W 13 MA At School MA MA

1900 Census: Greenfield, Franklin Co, Massachusetts
Alonzo Mcgrath, Apr 1828, age 72, m 40 yrs, bp MA, p's bp MA, Harness Maker
Ellen L. Mcgrath, Oct 1827, age 72, 0 births, bp MA, p's bp MA

1910 Census: Greenfield, Franklin Co, Massachusetts
Ellen L Mcgrath, age 81, born in MA
No others listed in household.

In her Uncle Marcus Horr's will she is named Lovinda. 
Barton, Ellen (I6203)
13533 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Hampshire, Kane Co, Illinois
Phillip Doty, age 27, bp NY, Farmer
Julia Doty, age 27, bp NY
*Ann Doty, age 6, bp PA
Emma Doty, age 4, bp OH
Next household to Henry Doty 57 NY and Perses Doty 36 VT
with 4 children 13- 3

1860 Census: Hampshire, Kane Co, Illinois
Phillip Doty, age 47, bp NY
Julia Doty, age 36, bp NY
*Ann Doty, age 16, bp OH
Emna Doty, age 14, bp OH
Adell Doty, age 8, bp IL
Ellen Doty, age 6, bp IL
Adda Doty, age 2, bp IL
Sylvester Doty, age 23, bp OH 
Doty, Anna C. (I23062)
13534 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Mechanicsburg, Champaign Co, Ohio
Price W. Morris, age 29, bp KY, Drover
Elizabeth Morris, age 22, bp OH
Vesalius W. Morris, age 2, bp OH
Sarah A. Morris, age 26, bp OH
Calvery Morris, age 13, bp OH

1860 Census: Sidney, Shelby Co, Ohio
Price W. Morris, age 38, Bp Ohio
Elizabeth Morris, age 32, Ohio
Versulous, age 13, Ohio
Kate Morris, age 8, Ohio
Reizin Morris, age 5, Ohio
Charles Morris, age 1, Ohio
Ann Agin, age 17, Ohio
Rachel Morris , age 64, Ohio
Martha Morris, age 26, Ohio

1870 census: Campbell, Greene Co, Missouri
Price Morris, age 48, Bp Kentucky
Elizabeth Morris, 43, Ohio
Reaser Morris, 14, Ohio
Catherine Morris, age 18, Ohio
Carle Morris, 11, Ohio
Rachel Morris, 7, Illinois
Hor Morris, 5, Illinois
Monta Morris, 1, Illinois

1880 Census Place: Middle Creek, Miami Co, Kansas
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
P. W. MORRIS Self M Male W 59 OH Farmer OH OH
Elizabeth MORRIS Wife M Female W 53 OH House Keeping OH OH
Rachie MORRIS Dau S Female W 16 IL At Home OH OH
Horn MORRIS Son S Male W 12 IL At Home OH OH
Montie MORRIS Son S Male W 9 IL In School OH OH

Also have: of Paolo, Miami Co Kansas.
Also have: of Greene Co Illinois, before Kansas.
Moved to Page Co Iowa in 1902.

They may have had older children. Elizabeth was abt 37 at "Rachie's" birth, and abt 41 yrs at Monte's birth. Said to have had seven children.
Elizabeth had 8 children in abt 21 years.

Lived in Ohio, Kansas, Illinois, and Iowa.
See bio for Price Morris> 
Horr, Elizabeth (I13861)
13535 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Missouri > Warren > District 99
Asa Muse, age 34, bp NC, Shoemaker
Jane Muse, age 21, bp IN
John P. Muse, age 3, bp MO

1860 Census: Louisiana PO, Buffalo Twp, Pike Co, MO
Jane Muse, 30, bp NC
John P Muse, age 12, bp MO
Margaret Muse, age 8, bp MO
Mary E Muse, age 6, bp MO
Wm A Muse, age 2, bp MO

1870 Census: Bowling Green PO, Cuivre Twp, Pike Co, MO
mother remarried, William Winn, 2 children, 3 of the older children living with her. Did not find John. 
Muse, Asa (I21722)
13536 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Monson, Hampden Co, Massachusetts
Living in the household of her uncle Nehemiah Pierce Barton
N. S. Barton, age 54, Bp: Massachusetts, Tinner
Betsey B., age 46, Bp: Massachusetts
Henry P., age 19, Bp: Massachusetts
Lucy F. Mason, age 14, Bp: Massachusetts
*Hannah M., age 18, Bp: Massachusetts
Charlotte Gilmore, age 35, Bp: Massachusetts
Ester Gilmore, age 5, Bp: Massachusetts
Plus 9 males between 17 and 21, each with a different surname, listed as students.

1860 Census: Shalersville, Portage Co, Ohio
Marcus Streator, age 31, Bp: Ohio, Merchant
Anna M. Streator, age 27, Bp: Massachusetts
Ernest B. Streator, age 5, Bp: Ohio
Lesllie Streator, age 3, Bp: Ohio
Frank W. Streator, age 1, Bp: Ohio
Ellen Donahue, age 20, Bp: Ireland
Isaac R. Barton, age 18, Bp: Massachusetts, Clerk

1870 Census: Freedom, Portage Co, Ohio
Marquis Streator, age 41, bp OH, dry goods Merchant
Annah M. Streator, age 38, bp MA
Ernest B. Streator, age 15, bp OH
Leslie M. Streator, age 13, bp OH
Frank W. Streator, age 11, bp OH
Burt G. Streator, age 2, bp OH
Ellen Hughs, age 17, bp OH, Domestic

Could not find in 1880 census.
Lived Shalersville and Freedom, Ohio, then Denver, Colorado

1900 Census: Denver, Arapahoe Co, Colorado
image 28 0f 32
Transcribed as Margare H. Streater.
Looks like this:
Marquis H. Streator, Feb 1829, age 71, m 46 yrs, birth bp OH, p's bp VT
Annah M. Streator, Dec 1830, age 69, 4 births 4 living, bp MA, f's bp NY, m's bp MA
Burt H. Streator, Apr 1869, age 32, bp OH, Laborer

Living with son Frank and his family in 1910.
1910 Census: 12-WD Denver, Denver Co, Colorado
Annah M. Streator, mother, age 78, widow, 4 births 3 living, bp MA, p's bp MA
Note Annah stated she had lost a child before 1910. 
Barton, Anna (I16073)
13537 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 census: New Salem, Franklin Co, Massachusetts
Living in the Household of his uncle Warren Horr
Warren Horr Jr, age 47, Farmer. Bp: MA
Sarah P. Horr, age 50, Bp:
*Isaac R. Barton, age 9, Bp: MA
Next household is Warren Horr age 82, and Polly Horr age 79.

In 1860 lived in Shalersville, Portage Co, Ohio with his sister Anna and her husband Marcus Streator.
Isaac R. Barton, age 18, Clerk, bp MA

Could not find in 1870, 1880 census.
Note Could not find brother David Waren in same yrs.

1900 Census: Batavia, Genesee Co, New York
Isaac R. Barton, Aug 1845, age 54, m 17 yrs, bp MA, p's bp MA, Professional Trades
Elizabeth A. Barton, wife, June 1859, age 40, 1 birth 1 living, bp NY, f's bp ME, m's bp NY
Olive P. Barton, dau, July 1884, age 15, bp NY

1910 Census: Batavia, Genesee Co, New York
Isaac Barton, age 66, m 27 yrs, bp MA, p's bp MA, Agent- real estate
Elizabeth Barton, wife, age 48, 1 birth 1 living, bp NY, f's bp ME, m's bp NY
Frances L. Loomis, servant, age 60, widow, bp MI, p's bp NY

1920 Census: Batavia, Genesee Co, New York
Isaac R. Barton, age 77, Head, bp MA, f's bp MA
Elizabeth Barton, age 59, wife, bp NY, f's bp Maine
Louisa Frances, age 70, boarder, widow, bp MI, p's bp New York

1930 Census: Batavia, Genesee Co, New York
Written as Isac R. & Elizabeth K.
Isac R. Barton, age 88, bp MA
Elizabeth K. Barton, age 69, bp NY
Sarah Aeisntz [?], age 62, servant, widow, bp CAN 
Barton, Isaac Rich (I6207)
13538 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Orleans, Jefferson County, New York
Evans, Thomas 64 m Farmer 700 Vermont
Evans, Murcy P. [Mercy?] 60 f Massachusetts
Evans, Lyman 23 m none Newyork in school
Evans, Betsey 18 f Newyork in school
Evans, Charles F. 16 m Farmer Newyork in school
Carter, Hiram 27 m Carpenter Newyork
Carter, Philinda 25 f Newyork
Note Belinda (Philinda) and her husband are living with her parents.
Note Mercy's name is transcribed as Murcy.
Next househoild is son Abner's.

1860 Census: Lorraine, Jefferson Co, New York
Written as EVINS.
Thomas Evins, age 73, bp VT, Farmer
Mary Evins, age 70, bp MA
Lyman Evins, age 33, bp Ny
Charles Evins, age 26, bp NY, Farmer
Mary Evins, age 27, bp NY
Adra Evins, age 3, female, bp NY
Allice Evins, age 3, female, bp NY
Alvirce, age 2, female, bp NY 
Horr, Mercy (I10473)
13539 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Oswegatchie, Saint Lawrence Co, New York
Ozias Huntington, age 38, born in NY
Delia Huntington, age 37, born in Vermont
Charle H. Huntington, age 12, born in New York
Freeman Huntington, age 11, born in New York
Sarah A. Huntington, age 8, born in New York
Merian E. Huntington, age 6, born in New York Female
Byron O. Huntington, age 3, born in New York

1860 Census: Ogdensburg, Saint Lawrence Co, New York
Orias Huntington, age 48, bp NY, Constable & Collector
Amirilla Huntington, age 48, bp VT
Charles W. Huntington, age 21, bp NY, Clerk
Freeman F. Huntington, age 20, bp NY, Express Man
Sarah Huntington, age 18, bp NY, Teacher
Manery Huntington, age 15, bp NY, Domestic
Byran Huntington, age 11, bp NY
Alpha Huntington, age 6, bp NY

1870 Federal Census Saint Lawrence Co, NY Ogdensburg PO
Huntington Ozias 58 M W Constable 2,000 800 New York
Huntington Amarilla 58 F W Keeping House Vermont
Huntington Byron 21 M W Clerk in Store New York
Huntington Alfred 16 M W At Home New York

Census Place: Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence, New York 1880
Household: Page Number 522D
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Asi... HUNTTINGTON Self M Male W 68 NY Constable CT NY
Amerilla HUNTTINGTON Wife M Female W 68 VT Keeping House CT CT
Huntington, Ozias (I7970)
13540 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Oxford, Worcester Co, Massachusetts
Ebenezer Stevens, age 54, bp MA, Farmer
Huldah Stevens, age 56, bp MA
Farlia [?] Tarlia [?] Ann Stevens, age 15, bp MA
*Huldah Horr, age 5, bp MA
No others listed. 
Stevens, Ebenezer (I21648)
13541 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Platte City, Platte Co, Missouri (image 5)
Isaac Hor, age 48, born in New York, Laborer
Elizh Hor, age 36, female, born in New York
Julia Hor, age 6, born in Missouri
Ellene Hor, age 8/12 mos, born in Missouri [I see it as Ellen]
Same page as Castella C. Remington, 18, female, bp MO,
head of own household, no others listed.

Could not find in 1860. 
Horr, Isaac (I11970)
13542 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Porter, Niagara Co, New York
David Graves age 41, Shoemaker, born in VT
Julia F. Graves age 37, born in NY [Orilla Judith??]
Byron Graves age 13, born in NY
Emily Graves age 5, born in NY
Marselius Graves age 3, born in NY
Casguns S. Graves age 1, born in NY
Note gap in yrs between Byron and Emily.

Written as Grave.
1860 census: Arbela, Tuscola Co, Michigan
David Grave, age 51, bp VT, Farmer
Orrilla Grave, age 47, bp NY
Byron D. Grave, age 23, bp NY, Appr. Farmer
Emily O. Grave, age 16, bp NY
Marcellus Grave, age 13, bp NY
Cashus S. Grave, age 11, bp NY

1870 census Tuscola, Tuscola Co, Michigan [post office Vassar]
David Graves Age 61 Manufacturer Bp: Vermont
Aurilla J. age 57 Bp: New York
Marcellus C. age 24, School teacher Bp: New York
Cassuis age 22, Jeweler Bp: New York

Orilla was living with sons Marcellus C. and Casius S. in 1880.
1880 Census Place: Arbela, Tuscola Co, Michigan
Orrilla J. GRAVES, Mother, widow, age 67, bp NY, p's bp MA 
Horr, Orrilla (I12739)
13543 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Page: 253 image 8 of 33
Same page as his uncle Isaac Hamilton,
following household was brother Warren's.
Charles Hamilton, age 28, bp New York
Elizabeth Hamilton, age 24, bp New York
"Almira" Hamilton, age 3, bp New York
John Thomson, age 19, bp New York
Harriet Thomson, age 22, bp New York
Note Thomson was Elizabeth's maiden name.

1860 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Name, age, est birth yr, born in
Charles Hamilton 33 1826 Massachusetts, Farmer
Caroline Hamilton 32 1827 New York
Elmira Hamilton 12 1847 Michigan
Elizabeth Hamilton 8 1851 Michigan
Frances Hamilton 6 1853 Michigan
William E Hamilton 5 1854 Michigan
Charles E Hamilton 3 1856 Michigan

1870 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan Page: 301, Post Office: Ypsilanti
Hamilton, Chas. age 47 born in MA, Farmer
Caroline, age 43 born in NY
"Elmira", age 22 born in MI, teaching school
Eliza, age 18 born in MI
Frances, age 16 born in MI
Irivng, age 15 born in MI
Edwin, age 13 born in MI
Carrie, age 4 born in MI
Note in 1870 William is now Irving and Charles is now Edwin.

1880 Census Place: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Charles HAMILTON Self M Male W 57 MA Farmer MA MA
Caroline A. HAMILTON Wife M Female W 52 NY Keeping House NY NY
Carrie HAMILTON Dau S Female W 14 MI House Work MA NY

1900 Census: District 101, Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Charles Hamilton, July 1821, age 78, m 47 yrs, bp MA, p's bp MA, LandLord
Caroline Hamilton, July 1826, age 73, 4 births 3 living, bp NY, p's bp NY
No others listed.
Note they have lost one child.

Could not find in 1910. 
Hamilton, Charles W. (I4430)
13544 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Tom B. Mead, age 50, bp NY, Farmer
Arvilla Mead, age 48, bp NY
Caroline A Mead, age 23, bp NY
Franklin, Diana, Lucy J., Clinton, Purlyett [?], Bily, Emily 
Mead, Caroline A. (I16880)
13545 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 census: Salem, Washtenaw Co, Michigan
Two households from parents. image 8 of 33
Enoch C. Hamilton age 36, farmer, bp Massachusetts
Emma J. Hamilton, bp New york
Alvin C. Hamilton, bp Michigan
Alice Hamilton, bp Michigan
Julia S. Hamilton, bp Michigan
No ages listed for family, some other households have ages.

1860 Census: Winona, Winona Co, Minnesota
Same page as brother Otis.
name, age, est birth year, place of birth
Enoch Hamilton 47 1812 Massachusetts, Farmer
Hannah Hamilton 38 1821 New York
Alvin A Hamilton 20 1839 Michigan, Farm laborer
Alice C Hamilton 16 1843 Michigan
Julia L Hamilton 13 1846 Michigan
William W Hamilton 4 1855 Minnesota
Herbert W Hamilton 1 1858 Minnesota

1870 Census: Winona, Winona Co, Minnesota
Enoch C. Hamilton, age 55, bp MA, Farmer
Hannah Hamilton, age 45, bp NY
Willis Hamilton, age 15, bp MN
Herbert Hamilton, age 13, bp MN
Jerry Kennedy, age 25, bp IRE, Laborer
Next hosuehold to son Alvin.

Recorded twice, still next to son Alvin.
same info, Jerry now 35 w/ no occ
Cornelius Buck, age 42, bp NY

1880 Census Place: Rollingstone, Winona Co, Minnesota
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Enoch HAMILTON Self M Male W 66 MA Retired Farmer MA MA
Hannah HAMILTON Wife M Female W 59 NY Keeping House MA VT
Willis HAMILTON Son S Male W 24 MN Station Agt Rr MA VT 
Hamilton, Enoch Clinton (I4417)
13546 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Sandwich, Barnstable Co, Massachusetts
Simeon Clark, age 38, MA
Betsey Clark, age 35, MA
Thadeus S. Clark, age 8, MA
Esther Clark, age 3, MA

1860 Census: PO Hyannis, Barnstable, Barnstable Co, Massachusetts
name, age, est birth yr, place of birth
Simeon Clark 45 1814 Massachusetts, Machinist
Betsey Clark 45 1814 Massachusetts
Thaddeus S. Clark 17 1842 Massachusetts, Baker
Esther E. Clark 12 1847 Massachusetts
Mary F. Clark 15 1844 Massachusetts
Abby W. Clark 2 1857 Massachusetts

1870 Census: Holden, Worcester Co, Massachusetts
Betsey S. Clark, age 54, bp MA
Mary J. Clark, age 15, bp MA
Thaddeus S. Clark, 27, bp MA, In Cotton Mill
Susan Clark, age 26, bp MA
Lester F. Clark, age 2, bp MA
[Susan was wife of Thaddeus] 
Clark, Simeon Coombs (I16336)
13547 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Shullsburg, Lafayette Co, Wisconsin
Ellen Horr, age 23, bp IRE
*Emily L. Horr, age 2, bp WI
Catharine O' Leary, age 56, bp IRE
Both can read and write, neither have an occupation.
No others listed

Living in the household of Dennis Murphy, age 63, 11 residents, 7 Murphys.
1860 Census: Benton, Lafayette Co, Wisconsin
Ellenor Horr, age 33, dressmaker, bp Ireland
*Emily Horr, age 12, bp WI
William S. Horr, age 8, bp WI 
Horr, Emily (I6320)
13548 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Tecumseh, Lenawee Co, Michigan
Danforth Keys, age 34
May Ann Keys, age 31
Cynthia Keys, age 8
Charles Keys, age 6
Esther Keys, age 3

1860 Census: Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan
name, age, est birth year, place of birth
Danforth Keyes 44 1815 Connecticut, Miller
Mary Keyes 40 1819 Massachusetts
Charles Keyes 16 1843 Michigan
Esther Keyes 13 1846 Michigan
Mary Keyes 5 1854 Michigan
Edward Keyes 1 1858 Michigan
Olive Keyes 69 1790 Connecticut
Cyntha Benjamin 17 1842 Michigan
Note Cyntha was same age as daughter Cynthia.
Note Cynthia was niece, daughter of deceased sister Charlotte.
Note Arthur was not listed.

1870 Census: Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan
Danforth Keyes, age 53, bp CT, occ [??]
Mary A. Keyes, age 57, bp MA
Arthur Keyes, age 22, bp MI, Dry Goods Merchant
Mary Keyes, age 15, bp MI
John E. Keyes, age 11, bp MI
Laura Curry, age 18, bp IRE, dom servant

Census Place: Clinton, Lenawee Co, Michigan 1880
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace
Danforth KEYES Self M Male W 64 CT ... CT CT
May Ann KEYES Wife M Female W 61 MA Keeping House MA MA
May O. KEYES Dau S Female W 23 MI At Home CT MA
John E. KEYES Son S Male W 21 MI Day Laborer CT CT
Maggie NOON Other S Female W 25 MI Housekeeper IRE IRE

Could not find after 1880. 
Hamilton, Mary Ann (I4419)
13549 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Town of Antwerp Jefferson County New York
Bailey Isaiah 63 m Farmer Mass
Bailey Pamelia M 53 f NY
Note Isaiah must have remarried.
Living next door is his son Edwin & daughter Elizabeth.

Transcribed as Isab Baily
1860 Census: Antwerp, Jefferson Co, New York
Isah Baily, age 47 [? 74 ?], bp CT, Gentleman
C. Pamalia Baily, age ?2, bp MA, Wife
Next to son Luther's household.

Served in The War Of 1812. 
Bailey, Isaiah (I9272)
13550 If you have corrections and/or updated information on this person please contact Roz Edson at

[[The following census information was compiled and contributed by Joyce S.

1850 Census: Westmoreland, Oneida Co, New York
John Pexton, age 54 [?], bp ENG, no occ
Mary Pexton, age 53, bp ENG
Alfred Bailey, age 25, bp NY, Harness maker
Sarah K. Bailey, age 20, bp NY
William Pexton, age 18, bp NY, Harness maker
Champlin Nelson, age 16, bp CT, Laborer

1860 Census: Grinnell, Poweshiek Co, Iowa
Post Office: Grinnell
Sarah K Bailey, age 30, bp NY, Hotel Keeper
Elizabeth Pexton, age 28, bp NY
Mary Hiatt, age 22, bp IN, Serving
D L Cushing, age 23, bp VT, Merchant
William Pexton, age 28, bp NY, Hotel Clerk
John Connoly[?], age 18, bp ENG, Laborer
Joseph Dickey, age 14, bp ME
David Crilzer [?], age 34, bp PA, Jouryman Carpenter
Two cousins of James F. Bailey, brothers, lived in Grinnell a few years and died in this city. Edwin S. Bailey, who came to Grinnell from Antwerp, New York, in the fall of 1855, conducted a store and passed away on the 23rd of March, 1864. Alfred Bailey came from Antwerp, New York, to Grinnell in the fall of 1856. He conducted a hotel on the corner west of Main street and south of Fifth avenue, which was named the Bailey House. His demised occurred on the 26th of March, 1858. 
Bailey, Alfred J. (I5934)

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