The H600 Project Genealogy DB



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Hoar, Mary Ann - child of Henry & Jane Hoar, Bowmanville, wife's parents Roger & Ann Cole, date of birth Apr. 6, 1848, baptized Apr. 15, 1848 by J.H. Eynon 
Hoar, Mary (I12014)
13252 Mote, William H. (I26038)

Name: Alice L
Birth date: 04 Oct 1899
Birthplace: Alexandria, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States
Father's name: Charles Keaton
Mother's name: Elizabeth Gordon
Recording place: Alexandria, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States
Film number: 1001009
Digital GS number: 4243842
Image number: 04899
Collection: New Hampshire Birth Records, Early to 1900

Keaton, Alice (I35387)

Hoar, Emerson (I7407)

2nd Marriage:

Name: Earl Everett Scott
Gender: Male
Burial Date:
Burial Place: Asheville, Nc
Death Date: 01 Jan 1992
Death Place: Asheville, Buncombe, North Carolina
Age: 71
Birth Date: 06 Aug 1920
Birthplace: Colebrook, Nh
Occupation: Chef
Race: White
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Elizabeth Hoar
Father's Name: Earl E. Scott
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Name: Mildred Bushaw
Mother's Birthplace:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B06498-2
System Origin: North Carolina-EASy
Source Film Number: 1991940
Reference Number: v 00A cn 288
Collection: North Carolina Deaths and Burials, 1898-1994 
Scott, Earl Everett Jr. (I21183)
Hoar, Mary (I32098)
Co.'G', 12th Texas Cav., CSA 
Watkins, Jesse Allen (I32330)
13258 Gibbs, James William Wells (I45048)
13259 (With photo) Sawyer, Electa (I45038)
1935 Scranton City Directory
Hoar, Anna T (wid Henry) h1121 Dartmouth
Hoar, Clare E nurse (reg) 1121 Dartmouth r do
Hoar, Floyd A br mgr Scr Times r1121 Dartmouth
Hoar, Harry B lab r1121 Dartmouth 
McDade, Anna (I9734)
1935 Scranton City Directory
Hoar, Jas J (Jane) carrier PO h Moscow Pa 
Hoar, James Sr. (I9746)
13262 Colson, George Emil (I19711)

Portsmouth Daily Times, The (Ohio) Saturday, October 23, 1909
She and her husband Thomas had had 8 children. 
Zorns, Lucinda (I65310)
13264 Horr, Thomas (I65309)
posted by Lynnea (Bullock) Dickinson on Thursday, November 15, 2001
Searching for any information regarding John D. Bullock, b. 30
Jan 1831 NY. He was a minister, serving at the Methodist-Episcopal Church in Tawas City in the early 1870's.
John married Julia Ann (Colby) Horr in Ingham Co., MI in 1869. They had one daughter, Louisa Ellen, b. 1871. Louisa Ellen married Norman C. Rowley in 1888 in Iosco Co., MI.
John D. Bullock's sister, Margaret Sprague (wife of Daniel), also resided in Iosco Co., MI from 1873 - 1883.
I am interested in contacting descendants of John D. Bullock. I have much to share, including family journals, bibles, letters, etc. 
Bullock, John D. (I6164)
Andrew P. McDonald, popularly known as "Park" McDonald who has a fine estate on section twenty, township twenty-eight, range two, east, Cedar county, is one of the leading citizens of the county and has since its early settlement been one of the leading factors in the upbuilding and advancement of the region. He was born in Pennsylvania in 1843, son of Joseph and Nancy McDonald, his grandfather being a native of Scotland. Mr. McDonald received a common school education and as a young man enlisted for service in the union army, serving from 1861 to 1865, under Captain Patterson. He participated in many important engagements and was with Sherman in the march to the sea.
In 1881 Mr. McDonald came to Dakota county, Nebraska, and the following year to Cedar county, where he secured the homestead which has since been his home. He erected a frame house twelve by sixteen feet, and also took up a tree claim, improving and developing his land until he has a well equipped farm and substantial buildings. He carries on general farming and stock raising and has met with gratifying success. In the early days he had to contend with the ususal hardships and discouragements of pioneers and often burned hay and weeds to keep warm, as coal was scarce and expensive.
In 1869 Mr. McDonald was united in marriage with Miss Mary Fultz, and they are parents of the following twelve children: Joseph, Thomas, John, James, William, Lizzie, now Mrs. Thomas Wilcox; Charles, Nannie, now Mrs. Clyde Hoar, of Ardmore, Dakota; Leona, Edward, Etta and George. 
McDonald, Andrew Parker (I33995)
Cortland Republican Newspaper - Published Sep 6, 1820
Died - In Homer, on the 4th inst. a son of Deacon Jacob HOAR, aged about 10 years. 
Hoar, (Male) (I31130)
Cortland Observer
1825 - 1829
Commencing with Vol.1 #1, published by M.A. KINNEY, printed in Homer
22 Aug 1828
In Sempronius, on the 14th inst., Mrs. Bathsheba HOTCHKISS, wife of Mr. Abner HOTCHKISS, of the state of Ohio, while on their way to visit connexions in this place, where they formerly resided, aged 51 years. Her remains were brought to this village, and the funeral solemnities attended on the [18th?]. 
Hoar, Bathsheba (I51938)
HOARD - At Naples, Sept 17, 1914, Mrs. Emeline Blodgett HOARD, aged 87 years. (Ontario Co. Journal, Fri, Sept 18, 1914)
Naplea. Sept. 15. , -Mrs. Emeline B. Hoard died Saturday morning after a long illness of heart trouble, sged 87 years. Mrs. Hoard was born In Gorham. She lived on the same farm when she was born for 68 years, until Mr. Hoard's health failed. They then moved to Rushville and from there to Naples, 17 years ago. Mr. Hoard, who wasa veteran of the Civil War, died 10 years ago.
Besides her adopted daughter, Mrs. Hoard Is survived by ons stater, Mrs. Lydla E. Pitcher, who lives with Mrs. Charlton. The funeral will be held from the Charlton home Tuesday, Dr. J. H. France officiating, and the burial will be in the Rushville Cemetery. 
Blodgett, Emeline (I40533)
HOARD Catharine Mrs. 1821 - May 18, 1892; aged 70y 
(Unknown), Catharine (I54239)
Gideon married Elizabeth STRICKLAND in Cherry Valley. Their children were Rensselaer, Lorenzo D., Harriet and Alonzo. He married a second wife, widow MATHER, and they had two children, Mahlon and Gideon, who moved west.
Index to the 1820 Census for Ontario County, NY
Last Name-First Name-Town-Page

Middlesex, Ontario Co and Yates Co, NY
Middlesex was formed in 1796 while still part of Ontario County, New York. Middlesex was known as "Augusta" until 1808, when the name was changed to "Middlesex" to avoid confusion with another location named Augusta. When Yates County was formed in 1823, Middlesex became part of the new county.
The Town of Potter was formed from part of Middlesex in 1832, and more of Middlesex was added to Potter in 1856. 
Hoard, Gideon (I39006)
Isaac HOARD Jr., married a Miss CAMPBELL in Cherry Valley. They emigrated west and their children were James, Lester and Sally.
Rachel Campbell was born 10 May 1780 at Cherry Valley, Otsego County, New York, the daughter of James and Mary (McCollum) Campbell.]
She married Isaac Hoard. He was born 7 October 1777.
They moved to Michigan where Isaac passed away 26 February 1845, and was laid to rest at Bridgewater, Michigan. Rachel passed away 20 May 1853, and was laid to rest at Somerset, Michigan. They had the following family:
104. James C. Hoard born 21 Feb 1805
105. Lester Hoard 8 Jan 1808
106. William Hoard 14 Feb 1810
107. Sally Hoard 22 Apr 1812 md. Marshall Morris
108. Mary Hoard 10 Jan 1814 7 Jun 1910
109. Nancy Hoard 28 Dec 1816
110. Lucinda Hoard 27 Dec 1818 1894
111. Loann P. Hoard 17 Feb 1822 7 Sep 1889 md. Henry Brown
112. Luther Hoard 24 Sep 1824
This family record was compiled by Mary Hoard Kennedy.
Index to the 1820 Census for Ontario County, NY
Last Name-First Name-Town-Page

Middlesex, Ontario Co and Yates Co, NY
Middlesex was formed in 1796 while still part of Ontario County, New York. Middlesex was known as "Augusta" until 1808, when the name was changed to "Middlesex" to avoid confusion with another location named Augusta. When Yates County was formed in 1823, Middlesex became part of the new county.
The Town of Potter was formed from part of Middlesex in 1832, and more of Middlesex was added to Potter in 1856. 
Hoard, Isaac Jr. (I39004)
Isaac HOARD, a native of Rhode Island, was a Revolutionary soldier. He died in 1830. After having lived at Stephentown and Cherry Valley, he moved into Potter in 1810. His wife was Sally SHAW of Stephentown. Their children were: Peleg, Isaac, Edward, Gideon, Nancy and Polly. Peleg married first, Phebe STRICKLAND of Cherry Valley and for his second wife, widow KEELER of Potter. He settled with his father on the west 100 acres of lot 11, range three, and died there.

Last Will and Testament of Isaac Hoard May 31, 1841.

In the name of God, Amen

I Isaac Hoard of Potter Yates County New York being weak of body but of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament. First I give my soul to God who gave it and my body to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like manner. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah the interest annually of twelve hundred dollars (which is now due me from Renssalaer Hoard) during her natural life. I also give her all the house hold furniture now owned by me to dispose of as she may think best when she shall have done with the same. I give and bequeath to my son Peleg Hoard two hundred and fifteen dollars. To my son Gideon Hoard one hundred dollars. To my grandson Lorenzo Hoard one hundred dollars. To my daughter Polly Thomas one hundred dollars. To my daughter Nancy Stoddard one hundred dollars (to be paid personally to them by my executor when due by theirs among after the same)(meaning Polly and Nancy) To my grand daughter Harriet Proples? fifty dollars. To my grand son Stickland Hoard fifty dollars. To my grand son Alonzo Hoard fifteen dollars. To my grand daughter Phebe Hoard fifteen dollars. To my grandson Malon Hoard five dollars. The nine last mentioned legacies amounting to seven hundred and fifty dollars shall be paid proportionally in four equal annual installments after the death of my wife without interest from and after her death. The widow of my property both personal and real I give and bequeath to my grandson Renssalaer Hoard two hundred and fifty dollars of which at his death I give to his two oldest children Jason and Menzo Hoard. I hearby appoint my son Peleg Hoard executor to this my last will and testament declaring it to be such hereby revoking all former wills in writing when of I have here unto set my hand and seal this 31st day of May 1841.
The legacy to ? Hoard of fifty dollars interlined between the eighteenth and nineteenth lines before signing.
Signed and sealed by the said Isaac Hoard as his last will and testament in the presence of us who are subscribing ?
ASThomas Potter Yates this
GPChapman County Isaac X Hoard
New York mark

State of New York

Yates County, NY
Surrogates Warrant

In the matter of proving and recording and admitting to probate the last will of real and personal estate of Isaac Hoard deceased. Renssalaer Hoard of ?, Ontario County a legate named in the last will and testament of Isaac Hoard deceased being first duly sworn doth dispose and say, that Isaac Hoard will in this town of Potter in said county of Yates on or about the 20th day of June last past. 1841. That he was a resident of said county of Yates at the time of his death. That he left Sarah Hoard, his widow, who resides in Potter Yates County; Peleg Hoard who resides in Potter in said county of Yates; Gideon Hoard of Benton in said county of Yates all in the State of New York; Sarah Hall wife of David Hall who resided when last heard from in the state of Indiana town and county not known; Polly Thomas wife of Benjamin Thomas supposed to reside in Huron County, State of Ohio town not known; Eunice Wright wife of James Wright residing in Cabridge? Ohio; Nancy Stoddard wife of Philo Stoddard who resided when last heard from about 140 miles from New Orleans in the state of Louisiana but the town and county not know; Isaac Hoard who resides in Jackson county town not know in the state of Michigan and Sarah Hoard, Levi Hoard, Olive Butler wife of Justin Butler. Isaac Hoard. Edward Hoard, Obadiah Hoard, Washington Hoard, Juliet Hoard, Eunice Hoard and Sylvia Hoard both of whom are believed to have intermarried, but the names of whose husbands are unknown and two other children supposed to be minors whose names are unknown all the last mentioned being the widow and children of Edward Hoard, deceased and all supposed to reside in the town of Shelby, Macomb county, State of Michigan. The heirs as law and next of kin of the said Isaac Hoard heir surviving and further this deponent says not.

Rensselaer Hoard 
Hoard, Isaac (I39001)
Nancy HOARD married Philo STODDARD in 1815 and settled on a farm at the foot of "Stoddard Hill", on lot 1, sixth range, with his father, after whose death, about 1828, they moved west.

[[found birthdate as 3 oct. 1791 
Hoard, Nancy (I39007)
Polly married Benjamin THOMAS and settled on a part of the old Carey CLARK farm. They had several children and moved to Baker's Bridge, Allegany Co., about 1828. 
Hoard, Polly (I39008)

Samuel, youngest son of Captain Daniel (3) and Rebecca (Brooks) Hoar, was born August 24, 1765. He married, 1786, Deborah, daughter of Jobes and Deborah (Knowlton) Bigelow.
1. Daniel, born March 19, 1787; married Verona Regula Tritt, born in Bremen, Germany, 1804; two sons.
2. Silvius, see forward.
3. Rebecca, December 12, 1791.
4. George Augustus, April 20, 1794.
5. Deborah, died in infancy.
6. Samuel, May 20, 1800, died in Chicago, November 25, 1889.
7. Francis, November, 1802; died at new Orleans, 1849.
8. Charles Brooks, born Springfield, Massachusetts, June 28, 1805, died November 20, 1886. 
Hoar, Samuel (I36444)
Charles de Villers, son of Louis de Villers Hoard, was born May 11, 1857, in Ogdensburg, and went to Chicago with his parents when a boy. He attended school there until he removed to New Haven, where he went to the Russell Military School, and later to Yale College, from which he graduated in 1879. After his graduation he went into the firm of Handy & Co., conveyancers, in Chicago, where her remained until 1901, when the business was sold out. He then came to Ogdensburg, where he has lived since, retired from business. In politics he is a Democrat, and in religion an Episcopalian. He is a member of Oriental Lodge, No 33, Free and Accepted Masons, Chicago; Lafayette Chapter No. 2, Royal Arch Masons, Chicago; Chevalier Bayard Commandery, No. 69, Knights Templar, Chicago; Media Temple, Oriental Consistory, Chicago, and is a thirty-second degree Mason. He is also a member of the Century Club of Ogdensburg. He married, June 11, 1882, Bessie, daughter of Charles and Mary (Peck) Brown, of Chicago. They have no children.


Newspaper Watertown NY Daily Times 1914 C - 0980.PDF 
Hoard, Charles (I5630)
Silvus Hoard, eldest son of Samuel and Deborah (Bigelow) Hoard, was born September 23, 1789, in Massachusetts, died September 23, 1828, at Niagara Falls, New York. He and his brothers caused the name to be changed to Hoard by act of legislature from state of New York. He lived in Ogdensburg, New York, where he was an agent for George Parish. Among other contracts he had that of building the Welland Canal, and was engaged in like work to the time of his death. He married, February 24, 1814, Nancy Mary, daughter of Louis de Villers. She was born in 1798, in Wilna, New York, died December 2, 1873. Her father was born in 1757, in France, died in this country in 1840. Children: 1. Charles Alexander, November 18, 1814, died San Juan, February 19, 1883. 2. George Seymour, August 25, 1816, died at Ogdensburg, November, 1856. 3. William Henry, November 17, 1818, died New York City, May 21, 1858. 4. Sophia, November 20, 1821. 5. Louis de Villers, mentioned below. 6. Nancy de Villers, October 20, 1826. 7. Harriet, January 29, 1829, died in childhood.

Name Change - Hoar to Hoard
Auburn NY Western Federalist 1811-1813 - 0215.pdf 
Hoar, Silvius (I36553)
Absolom Brewster, born in Massachusetts, removed to Cincinnati, O. about 1820, and died there. His son Thomas A., born in Massachusetts, at the age of 15 years came to Jefferson County and located in Henderson, where after 15 years he removed to Potsdam, N.Y. where he died in 1865 aged about 65 years. He married Cordelia, daughter of William and Ruth (Fobes) Horr, of Henderson by whom he had four children, viz.: Almira, Hiram, Amanda and Thomas M. The latter was born in Henderson, and in 1852 came to Cape Vincent, where he now resides. He married Ellen M., daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Morgan) Lacy by whom he has had children as follows: Mary E., Wayne B., Alonzo and Alphonso, twins (deceased), Winfield H., Olive A., Viola N., and Myra A. Thomas M. Brewster is a carpenter and ship builder. Mary Brewster married Jerry W. Cough of Cape Vincent, and their children are Jennie B., Guy H., Roy M., Floyd, Wayne B. and Eleanor M. They reside in Appleton, Wis. Olive A. Brewster married Charles H. Foster of Cape Vincent, and they have one daughter, Nina who resides in this town. Wayne B. Brewster married Etta R. Stephens and Winfield H. married Genetta A. Smith. The latter have two children. Isaac Lacy, father of Mrs. Thomas M. Brewster, served in the War of 1812 and was wounded in the battle of Sackets Harbor. He was born in Pennsylvania and died in Rochester, N.Y., at the age of 40 years. His wife died in Henderson at the age of 55 years. 
Brewster, Thomas A. (I21153)
WILLIAM R. HOAR This enterprising and capable gentleman is possessed of more than the ordinary pluck and determination since he has, in spite of the severest obstacles, wrought his way to success and showed his ability to overcome.
William R. Hoar was born in Pointe De Bute, Westmoreland County, New Brunswick, Canada, on April 4, 1848, being the son of Archibald and Miranda (Wells) Hoar, natives of the same place. The mother died many years since, but the father lived until 1888. He was a harness maker and owned a shop of his own. William received a common schooling, spent one year in Amherst College and then learned the harness maker's trade from his father, which he followed for three years. Subsequent to that, he went to sea for six years and then learned the tanner's art, operating a plant of his own for three years and in 1879 came to British Columbia and opened a tannery on the Fraser River. In 1884 he sold out and came to Auburn, King County, Washington, where he opened a store, also was postmaster and had a telephone office. This occupied him until 1890, when he sold out and came to Ellensburg, Washington, from which point he prospected and worked on the railroad until 1896. During this time, he had the great misfortune to lose one of his arms, which laid him up for one year. Arising from this bed of suffering and hardship, Mr. Hoar again confronted the battles of life and although thus hampered, he bravely set his face for success. In 1898 he came to his present place, in Valley, where he bought land and went to farming and raising stock. He has made an excellent showing here and is on the road to a fitting success.
On January 24, 1876, Mr. Hoar married Miss Mary J., daughter of Burton and Caroline (King) Chappell, natives of Nova Scotia, where they remained until the time of their death. Three children have been born to this union: Herbert C., living in Spokane; William G., also in Spokane; Virgil, attending school in Spokane. Mr. Hoar is a stanch Republican and takes an active part. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., Lodge No. 60, at Auburn. Mrs. Hoar is a member of the F. U. of America.

Groom's Name: William R. Hoar
Groom's Birth Date: 1849
Groom's Birthplace: Point De Berte
Groom's Age: 28
Bride's Name: Mary Jane Chappell
Bride's Birth Date: 1857
Bride's Birthplace:
Bride's Age: 20
Marriage Date: 24 Jan 1877
Marriage Place: Tidnish, Nova Scotia
Groom's Father's Name: Archibald
Groom's Mother's Name: Marinda
Bride's Father's Name: N. B.
Bride's Mother's Name: Caroline
Groom's Race:
Groom's Marital Status: Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race:
Bride's Marital Status: Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M72409-2
System Origin: Canada-EASy
Source Film Number: 1298866
Reference Number: P142 CN40
Collection: Canada Marriages, 1661-1949 
Hoar, William (I275)

Name: John Patrick Hoar
Titles & Terms:
Death Date: 03 Sep 1920
Death Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Gender: Male
Race (Original): White
Race (Standardized): White
Death Age: 31y 5m 24d
Estimated Birth Year:
Birth Date: 10 Mar 1889
Birthplace: LaSalle, IL
Marital Status:
Spouse's Titles & Terms:
Father: John J Hoar
Father's Titles & Terms:
Father's Birthplace: LaSalle, IL
Mother: Catherine Leen
Mother's Titles & Terms:
Mother's Birthplace: LaSalle, IL
Occupation: Clerk
Street Address: 2940 Prarie Ave
Residence: Chicago, Cook, IL
Burial Place: LaSalle, IL
Burial Date: 05 Sep 1920
Funeral Home:
Additional Relatives:
Film Number: 1309242
Digital Folder Number: 4005208
Image Number: 260
Reference Number: cn 25383
Collection: Illinois, Cook County Deaths, 1878-1922

Name: John Patrick Hoar
Titles and Terms (original):
Death Date: 03 Sep 1920
Death Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Gender: Male
Marital Status:
Race or Color:
Age: 31
Estimated Birth Year: 1889
Birth Date: 10 Mar 1889
Birthplace: LaSalle, Illinois
Father: John J. Hoar
Father's Titles and Terms (original):
Father's Birth Place: LaSalle, Illinois
Mother: Catherine Preen
Mother's Titles and Terms (original):
Mother's Birth Place: LaSalle, Illinois
Occupation: Clerk
Street Address:
Spouse's Titles and Terms (original):
Spouse's Birthplace:
Burial Date: 05 Sep 1920
Burial Place: LaSalle, Illinois
Additional Relatives:
Digital Folder Number: 4031885
Image Number: 390
Film Number: 1852878
Volume/Page/Certificate Number: RN25383
Collection: Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947

Death Notice:
Date: 1920-09-04
Paper: Sun (Baltimore, Maryland)
[Special Dispatch to The Sun]
Chicago, Sept. 3 - Sergt. John F. Hoar, a cripple, wearing two artifical legs, committed suicide today by inhaling gas in his small apartment at 2040 Prairie avenue. Hoar received wounds in the World War which rendered him incapable of earning a living for himself and wife. He served in the Canadian Army, a member of Princess Pat's regiment.. On the floor beside Hoar's body was a letter from the Canadian Government informing him that it would be necessary to reduce his pension. There was no food in the cupboard. Mrs. Hoar had less than $1.
"He tried so hard," sobbed Mrs. Hoar "He thought he was a burden to me because when he came back a cripple I kept the promise I had made him and married him. We were married March 6. We rented a room and I got a job. He tried so hard to get one, too, but everybody turned him down. Finally he found one, but after six weeks his old wounds became infected and his boss told him he would have to get a job where he could sit down. He brooded because he was unable to find work that he could do."
Hoar was wounded at Vimy Ridge when a shell burst a hole where he and six buddies were hiding. Hoar was the only one of the party to escape alive, but both his legs were gone. 
Hoar, John (I10084)
"Mrs. Arthur Lightle, nee Lillian Hoar, is another cousin of Earl Gerrie, her mother being a Stitzer." 
Hoar, Lillian (I45890)
Article from Kingston Daily Freeman, August 27, 1949 (accompanied by photo of Mrs. Hoar) Mrs. Hoar Observes 94th Birthday

Genealogical and Family History NY (3104).pdf

Harp, Josephine (I38158)
13284 Ewart, Lucile (I3733)

Farquhar, Rachel (I71999)

Whipple, Nathan Melvin Sr. (I19652)
Whipple, Charles Wesley (I72006)
Whipple, Robert Farquar (I72002)
"Fred E. Whipple was born at Chateaugay, N.Y., Dec.22, 1861. He married Elsie J. Humes ... of Harrisville, N.Y. May 19, 1883. They had two children, Lucia and Harlan F. Whipple. Fred and Elsie Whipple began housekeeping at Black River, N.Y. soon after they were married. In 1886 he built a house on Maple Street in that village where they lived until 1906.On March 12, 1883 he bought a small store ... which proved to be a poor venture and he sold out and engaged as clerk with Poor & Son. This store retained him as manager when he entered a co-partnership with A.W. Hadsell and ran the store under the name Whipple & Hadsell until it burned Feb.19, 1890 in the disastrous fire which wiped out the entire business section of the village. On Oct. 1st 1890 he engaged as office manager with Dexter's Sons, chair manufacturers at Black River. In 1907 he was assistant manager (of F.W. Woolworth Co.) at Lorain, Ohio and that fall was transferred to Cleveland, Ohio, in that same capacity, where he remained until 1908 when he was made manager of the store at Oil City, Pa., where he remained until resigned from the syndicate on Jan.1, 1915. On Feb. 25, 1915 he ... opened a novelty store which he ran as F.E. Whipple & Company. On May 1st 1918, he accepted the position of cashier of the First National Bank of Harrisville, N.Y. Fred E. Whipple was always active in civic affairs. He was a zealous worker for the incorporation of the village of Black River in 1890, and the incorporation of the fire department in which he served 12 years, in the establishing of the Black River High school and the cemetery association. He was village clerk for several years and village president for two years (1903-05)."[
Whipple, Fred E. (I72008)
The controversy over the birth of his (or his wife's) first son sheds an added degree of clarity as to the effects of John III's behavior on others. Though it is speculative, he could have lived a significant part of his adult life in another colony until at least the mid 1690s. As seen, he was not listed in Providence military records of 1687, and in December of 1688 his wife gave birth to a child in Taunton, Massachusetts. This child was born approximately one month after his marriage to Lydia Hoare, 9 November 1688. "In volume 44 of the American Genealogist appears an article entitled, Job Whipple of Providence, RI, by H. Minot Pitman, FASG of Bronksville, NY. The gist of the story is that Job Whipple was born prior to the marriage of his purported father, John Whipple and his mother, Lydia Hoar. Mr. Pittman says Job was born in Taunton, probably 25 December 1688 ... oddly there is no record in Taunton for the birth of a Job Hoar or Whipple. The vital records of Providence, giving the dates of birth and marriage for Job Whipple were not entered in the book (Vol.1 p.11) until the month of November 1719. The entry was probably made from information given by Job himself to the clerk and reads: 'Job Whipple, the son of John Whipple of Providence' ... The facts are further supported by an indenture of apprenticeship to be found in the rebound volume now known as, 'Third Town Book B,' made between Job Liddeason (Lydia's son) John Whipple, Jr. and Lydia his wife, all of Providence on the one party and John Sayles of Providence ... This shows that at the time Job had not taken the Whipple name. As apprenticeships usually began at about the age of 7 years and lasted until the age of 21 years, Job was probably born 25 December 1688. 
Liddeason, Job (I5761)
13291 Whipple, Dr. Robert Joseph (I72012)
13292 Humes, Elsie J. (I72009)
13293 Stevens, Lucy C. (I72003)
13294 Whipple, John (I16978)
13295 Miller, Phebe (I31049)

Groom's Name: George Chapin
Groom's Birth Date: 1855
Groom's Birthplace: Ill
Groom's Age: 39
Bride's Name: Virginia A. Horr
Bride's Birth Date: 1862
Bride's Birthplace: Iowa
Bride's Age: 32
Marriage Date: 01 Jun 1894
Marriage Place: Indianola, Warren, Iowa
Groom's Father's Name: Joseph Chapin
Groom's Mother's Name: Maria Blakesley
Bride's Father's Name: William Horr
Bride's Mother's Name: Lucinda Sypole
Groom's Race: White
Groom's Marital Status: Single
Groom's Previous Wife's Name:
Bride's Race: White
Bride's Marital Status: Single
Bride's Previous Husband's Name:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M02554-7
System Origin: Iowa-EASy
Source Film Number: 1011009
Reference Number: p 171
Collection: Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992
Name : Virginia Chapin
Death date : 15 Aug 1937
Death place : Chehalis, Lewis, Washington
Gender : Female
Race or color :
Age at death : 78 years 1 month 11 days
Estimated birth year : 1859
Birth date :
Birth place :
Marital status : Married
Spouse name : George Chapin
Father name : George Horr
Father birth place :
Mother name :
Mother birth place :
Occupation :
Street address :
Residence :
Cemetery name :
Burial place :
Burial date :
Additional relatives :
Film number : 2023441
Digital GS number : 4222407
Image number : 2345
Reference number : 290
Collection : Washington Death Certificates, 1907-1960

Park Sherman Bowlin Chapin 1896-1918
Author: Joseph Hull
Date: 14 Jun 2001 12:00 PM GMT
Surnames: Bowlin, Chapin, Horr, Harlan
Classification: Query
Searching for the birth parents of Park Sherman Bowlin (born 1 April 1896, Prole, Warren County, Iowa; died 4 October 1918, Argonne, France), son of Ida Bowlin (b. WV, d. ?) and unknown father (b. IL, d. ?). On 26 April 1898, Park was adopted (in Warren County) by George Chapin (1856-1909) and Virginia A. "Jennie" Horr (1859-1937). Park's father had abandoned the family, according to pension records. I do not know whether Bowlin is Ida's married name or maiden name. Always willing to share information. 
Horr, Virginia (I9993)
13297 Bradway, John Hoar (I56105)
13298 Bradway, Charles Dwight (I56106)
13299 Bradway, Truman Clarke (I56107)
13300 Bradway, Phebe Grout (I56108)

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