
File Galleries

  T Name Size Last modified
Site Files
Misc files required to operate the site. Should remain anonymous as includes logos and similar globally used images
560.64 KB Sat 17 of Aug, 2019
Reference Books, etc (Wiki: Family Branches)
A repository of reference material and sources. Sometimes just a backup to a document available elsewhere. Others sourced here. Some a private, personal copy of a copyright-protected item.

Copyrighted material may be here but hidden to most. Not for general distribution and only available to researchers or editors in the particular area needing access for research purposes. It will not appear here unless you have permission to see it.
949.30 MB Sat 09 of Mar, 2024
Malcolm's Notes (Blog)
Folder for files in support of Malcolm's Blog
10.06 MB Mon 17 of Apr, 2017
Charts, Etc (Wiki: Site Help)
Support files for Site Help section (protected to user group level)
540.05 KB Sun 19 of Jan, 2020
Charts, etc (Wiki: Glossary & Genetic Genealogy; Articles)
Support files for Glossary Entries
20.73 MB Sat 08 of Jun, 2024
Charts, etc (Wiki: Family Branches)
For informational material in the Family Branches pages.
12.02 MB Sat 30 of Sep, 2023
Charts, etc (Wiki: DNA Grouping)
Various Haplogroup chart captures from FamilyTreeDNA.com, ISOGG.org, ytree.net (R1b-P312), and yfull.com that are used on DNA Grouping pages here.
9.90 MB Sun 26 of May, 2024